Author Topic: Scripted or accurate?  (Read 6434 times)

Offline glinda

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Scripted or accurate?
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:34:16 PM »
Hi guys!

So I consider myself pretty much an expert in psychic readings given the fact I've been getting them for 20 years.   :)  But as I've fallen for script readers at least once before I do know that it's possible.   We're all more alike then we are different. 

So I recently had a mini binge on Bitwine and I dismissed the readings as fake.  However a few days later I reread the transcript (best part about Bitwine) and realized that it all made perfect sense to my situation.  I tried rereading it and seeing how it could apply to someone else and I got confused because it did seem as though it could apply to many people.

So I'm going to share with you my transcript and I'd love your input as to whether or not this was  "one size fits all" reading...   

One of the reasons I dismissed her initially as "fake" was her slightly broken english.  The fact that she just spewed stuff out in long paragraphs and didn't let me ask any questions.  (not that I needed to as she seemed to pretty much cover all bases)  She also offers spells which is another reason I thought she was probably a fake... 

So here it is:

PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    hi    05:27PM
Glinda    hi there    05:27PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    how are you doing today ?    05:27PM
Glinda   i'm doing ok    05:27PM
Glinda   you?    05:27PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    very well thanks for asking . how may i help you my friend ?    05:27PM
Glinda   i'd like to do your $10 reading and look into my relaitonship with my ex    05:27PM

PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    sure my friend . please tell me his name with dob , yours as well ?    05:28PM
Glinda   XXX   XXXX   XXXX XXXX    05:28PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    thanks for that . please be on hold while i connect my friend ok ?    05:29PM
Glinda   ok    05:29PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    thanks    05:29PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    thanks for your patience my friend . i am going to tell you what he feels , thinks about you , about whats going on with him , about what lies ahead in detail ok . so shall we begin now my friend ?    05:31PM
Glinda   ok    05:31PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    thanks    05:32PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    well when i started connecting with X's stars and spirits , yours as well as i have recieved some negative and some positive signs , energies which shows me here that he is still holding some true feelings for yourself but on the other side he is not much stronger to come forward and be in a relationship sooner because he knows that before he had some rocky situations which is still making him scared by thinking that it would repeat again , he doesnt want a mess again    05:34PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    i does feel that he is also realizing that he was wrong at many points of life where he did mistakes , hurted you as well , disagrements . issues , he took unstable decisions which is not benefiting him , i does feel that he is slowly gaining wisdom of clairty with his feelings for you and with this up coming relationship with you and the distance between both of you is helping him to learn the true values of your feelings for him    05:36PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    as i can sense that things are slowly taking place for him , he still cares for you but however he is also afraid to approach you in a open positive ways as he isnt certain what your thought sometimes , he use to build the walls to avoid emotions , this is going to change with in him , i does feel that he is trying to be positive sometimes and the connection you both are sharing will be strong , i does feel that he is nervous , feels insecure to rushes himself towards you and he have been not doing well with his issues , problems but its going to solved    05:39PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    do you understood everything my friend ?    05:40PM
Glinda   yes    05:40PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    as i can sense that he hasnt left the past totally go yet and by holding on to the old he cant move forward , this shows to change with in him and he will start open up to you again , he does think of you often , he has shown again to reconcile things and he will be bit slow but he will make his mind towards you . i does feel that he needs to regain some inner peace of mind and heart which will help him to focus whats ahead with yourself in near future . i does feel that you both wil be together as he will come forward in OCTOBER 1ST WEEK . i does feel that he wil express his desires , feelings towards you but he will also seek your support , care , love , he expects you to provide him comforting approaches , words like you will not hurt him and that you will stand in his highs , lows which will help him to build a strong relationship dear ok ?    05:44PM
Glinda   ok    05:45PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    so my friend you have future with him but to be clear this relationship will take efforts , work from both sides dear . so keep some more patience by being positive , hopeful with faith in god . i will also keep you both in my spiritual prayers dear    05:45PM
Glinda   ok    05:46PM
PSYCHIC ADVISOR "X"    ok thanks a lot . god bless you with love and light . please do rating will appreciate it very much . thanks . bye for now dear .    05:46PM
Glinda    thank you

So there it is.  What do you guys think?  Could it apply to you?   I'm really confused about it.  It all fits but is it general enough that it would apply to others?  I will post the psychic's name if you're interested I just didn't want it to show up in google searches.  :)

Glinda  (not my real name of course but trying to maintain some privacy)

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2012, 08:02:17 PM »
That's a tough one because I could see this applying to someone else. I mean, if I had gotten a reading on my ex when we first started dating this reading could have applied to him. It currently would not be applicable, tho. What does your gut say? As you said, we are all more alike than we are different which is why so many scammers get away with scripted reads, but if this genuinely applies to your situation then I'd say you might of gotten a decent reading here. From reading the transcript you didn't tell her much. But, I do have to ask: have you had many Bitwine readings? I personally suspect some readers share transcripts. Me and a few friends that used to read on there started noticing a pattern with some readers and the fact that they would use names or facts to pad their readings. I'm not saying that's what happened here but be careful. I personally won't use that site ever again.

Offline glinda

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2012, 08:19:50 PM »
I know it's hard to tell right?   I totally dismissed it at first.  But when I reread it it made perfect sense...  I have used Bitwine a lot.  I think there are some great psychics on there.   I'm sure there are also some scammers who share info.  I think that happens on every site.   

It's hard to trust my gut because I so want to believe he'll come back.   I actually haven't had one person tell me that he wouldn't.  This is also our second breakup so they were right that he came back the last time.   However, I have had more than one person say that when he comes back I will be with someone else and it'll be "my" choice...   

I don't know.  I wish I just didn't care.  lol   I wish I could just let go.  I'm trying but everytime I feel as though I'm getting over him I regress and start missing him again.  It's very annoying!  And using psychics for relief isn't the cheapest...


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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2012, 09:43:33 PM »
I think it is a script. She didn't provide any true validations..something very specific to you and your situation. Like decibel said, we are more alike than different, and this is how people get away with giving scripted readings..because it could genuinely fit your situation...or a million other clients. If I ever get a reading where I think it is scirpted, I'm positive it is. 

Offline mac83

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2012, 07:17:17 AM »
I have to say that if I would've read with this person. I too would've thought they had nailed my situation. It's very open to ones own interpretation.

Offline melancholia

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2012, 11:14:02 AM »
I've had readings pretty much exactly like that...about different people, no less.  I'm pretty sure that one's a script.  Sorry. :(

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 07:38:23 PM »
ugh it looks like a script for sure to me or at least something so general it can go to any situation.  I can totally apply this to mine.

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 09:32:24 PM »
sounds scripted to me. most of us (if not all) have been in situations where we've gotten burned in the past and it makes us nervous to get into another relationship. that can apply to anyone. there has to be something more substantial to prove they are seeing your unique situation. maybe like, the timeframe you were together, how it ended, when you spoke last, what kinds of things you liked to do together, a special trip you took, if there were family or friends involved in your lives... at LEAST something like that. this is the nonsense stuff i don't like to hear from readers. it's so general and is accurate to an extent, but accurate on a global level, not individual.

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Scripted or accurate?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 09:51:16 PM »
Sorry Glinda... It's garbage :( reason being, it's the typical Ina few months (normally its three months they give you to keep you coming back) he's coming back openly, Sharing his desires and seeking out your care in the first week of October? Not to bash your dreams here, but logically and experience wise, what guy has EVER come back like that? Never in my experience, I tell you that much and very rarely do men come back in the first place except to possibly get laid. Just sayin'.

Don't hate me for being so straight up bit in my 14 almost years of readings, the generalities can apply to anyone in a situation where you guys break up. Only time will tell if he comes back, and it's at that point in time IF that happens, you'll have to use your sixth sense to figure out what he's looking for from you as what I've seen from life is yes there's probably a connection btw but with dudes, once they make up their minds to emotionally shut her down, their
Follow thru kicks a woman's ass any day.