Author Topic: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!  (Read 5153 times)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:18:36 AM »
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 03:48:49 AM by kickingthehabit »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 03:31:14 AM »

You are an example of a strong woman... no, human being, who has overcome the unthinkable.  Thank you for sharing your story with us.  The hate being spewed on this forum is ridiculous.  If you are not here to be supportive and loving, please leave. Stop spreading hate, as we are all in vulnerable situations.  We would not be calling psychics if we weren't.  Even those of us who call about a certain man or woman and their possible return, do have other issues that are not shared.  People should not act as if they know everything about the people here.  We are, after all, strangers.  Even as strangers, though, I feel your pain, KTH, and I admire your strength.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 03:31:38 AM »
I am so sorry about all of this, KTH. You are truly a beautiful and kind soul and have done nothing but try and help every single person on this board.

I applaude your courage, intelligence, tact and kind heart. I hope you continue to stick around, but if you don't I understand. I hope to keep in touch with you.

And to echo what Gratitude said...I stand by you a 110% as well.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:59:12 AM by SomethingBetter »

Offline Miracle

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 03:40:52 AM »
KTH - You are indeed one of my most cherished and beloved friends on this forum and though I have never met you, I will take the liberty to say outside of this forum as well.  I don't even know where to begin... Your story is one of courage, inspiration, strength and optimism.  Through you I learned so much that I can only be thankful that I was directed to this website so that I could meet you and a few others. 

You inspired me to take control of my life, you helped me see the bigger picture and even become a better person.  Though you have never met me, you have stood by me like none other.  You have saved the day for me, one too many times, I have much to thank you for.  I know you only meant well and truly cared for everyone on this forum.  I knew you were here to protect, as a result, I am deeply saddened and hurt by the malicious attack by a delusional member on this forum.  I stand testimony to the way you were viciously slandered by that person because it happened when I was present on chat.  It is indeed disheartening to see some malicious people join this forum with only materialistic intentions in mind without realizing the harm they can cause to innocent lives. 

KTH, it is only because of meeting people like you that my faith in the goodness of humanity sustains.  We need more people like you and you will always be appreciated in the hearts of many souls, those whom you have truly put your life at stake for.  I feel grateful and honored to have gotten to know you.  My respect for you has only increased, and thank you for making me feel like one of your own.  I pray you get justice and I know you will, because only good things happen to good people and you are the epitome of courage, goodness and strength.  I look up to you and I hope one day I am able to do at least a fraction of the goodwill that you have done in your life, that to me will be a true manifestation of my life.

My heart and soul will always pray for you and I stand by you 100% no matter what... YOU GOT THIS and I feel honored to have your back, now and always!
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:51:31 AM by Gratitude »

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 02:57:52 PM »

As I stated in my post earlier last week, I haven't been around much because I have felt some very seriously negative new energy on this board- I'm sorry to see it has only gotten worse.

I don't know the exact nature of what is going on, but I can only say I am so very sorry.  This place was just supposed to be for people to share information about psychic readings and all things spiritual- and yet somehow, someway, certain individuals came on here and began trying to start some sort of drama movement and siphoning users off into particular 'camps'.

The reason for this, I will say simply as a reader: there are a few individuals on here with some serious personality disorders.  These disorders have ultimately cost them the love of the people they are consistently calling psyhics about, and is now causing them to exhibit the same behaviors with people here on the forum.

Also, I don't know what exactly is going on with people claiming 'information is being mailed around' or something, but I know for A FACT there are a few other readers here on this board: some posting, some just lurking.  They know who they are.  Myself and a few others know who they are.  I will not call any of them out publically, but if they are going to provide a service at the same time as interacting/lurking here, then they have a responsibility not to use the information they learn here for certain purposes.

I hate to think it should come to this because this forum could be such an invaluable resource to so many, but I feel it has become time for this forum to be moderated, and new registrations be completely closed for a period of time.

This...all of this... just makes me sick to my heart. 

Anyone who believes in Spirit and energy- then you know THERE IS KARMIC RETRIBUTION.  The unjustified harm you do to others and the   negative energy  you introduce all comes back to you.  Whatever is yours, comes back to you, even in this sense.

I'm very disappointed. 


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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 03:26:46 PM »

I was wanting to post a similar response but I think you summed it up best.

I too am disappointed in the negative energy flowing on this forum recently. I have not been on here much lately either, but the past several days I have been signing on and have detected bits and pieces of drama and really don't understand some peoples' motives for wanting to hurt others. 

If I knew who these people were who were using information from others on this forum just so they could set out to hurt them emotionally, I definitely would call them out publicly, right here, and simply ask: 'why????'
Sometimes certain behavior warrants this type of action. But that's just me. But then again, I would not expect any kind of dignified response from such people.

Thank you Amaranth for again being a voice of reason.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 03:39:34 PM »
Clearly, cliques formed here in the forum.  It is unfortunate, but I am not surprised that this has taken place and has come to a head in this manner.  The moment we began using the chat function, things began to get gradually worse.  As soon as we begin allowing strangers from an online forum into our lives, a wall comes down and you become vulnerable to others. 

I lurked for a long time before joining this forum last year.  I have shared so much of myself and of my story primarily because I don't want to see anyone else squander their earnings, their energy, and their sanity on calling psychics. The moment I had that experience in which I felt personally attacked  by a reader who I had once trusted, I came to the realization that all is not well in the forum either as something didn't add up.  "Psychics" not only come here to read our posts, but they have also infiltrated the forum.  I will not start listing names of those who I believe either work for readers or are readers themselves because I don't have to... you know who you are. 

I know that I have issues and instability of my own, but no matter what, since I joined in September, I have been nothing but honest with everyone here regarding my personal life, my experience with readers, and everything I have shared.  While I was not in the chat when this "attack" happened, I feel that in some way or another, we have all be attacked.  The moment  we were overrun by psychics coming on here and befriending us for information, each and every one of us came under attack.  I have learned many valuable lessons as a result of this ridiculous addiction.  One thing I have learned about myself is that I need to stop being so trusting.  The world is full of terrrible people who lie and hurt others for their own enjoyment.  This is my life.  I will not let anyone here or anyone on any psychic line destroy who I am at my core or control my life.  Don't let these people win. 

Also, I know we all have our favorite readers, but there is one reader who has been named here a lot recently, who I read with last night for the 3rd time.  I think this person had way too much information about me and the past 3 relationships I have been in.  Familiarize yourself with the gifts these psychics claim to have... Know what it means to be a clairvoyant, an empath, an energy reader, etc. This person I read with is an empath, yet the things she was telling me is beyond empathic ability.  I cannot outright accuse this person, but after I got off of the call, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.  She knew so many details... things I have shared and posted here.  If this person is reading this right now, I want you to know that you are feeding off of people's pain and bamboozling them for your own gain.  It doesn't make you smarter than everyone else.  It makes you a leech.  Someone who takes advantage of people who are seeking real guidance.   If I am wrong about this reader, then I truly apologize that this place has made me so damn paranoid.

If anything has ever made me want to stop calling psychics, it's all this nonsense.  Unbelievable.   

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2012, 04:19:27 PM »
This is really sad.  This forum used to be a place of support, a place where we could identify with each other (since I'm sure many in our real lives would not agree with us calling even one psychic).  I used to love the chat room because so many on this board are hilarious.  I used to die laughing at the jokes and commentary. 

This has become such a negative and bitter place now.  Why?  We all already have enough drama going on in our own lives.  That's the LAST thing we need here.  We should support one another and be respectful.  When you hurt other people, you're only hurting yourself.  I hope things change around here...


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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2012, 04:45:21 PM »
Hi.  I don't interact much on here, except a few messages and some posts, but I'm very sorry this happened to you @KTH.  I have no idea what happened, but it sounds like you were badly hurt by this person.  It is strange that a member of this forum would attack someone else like that, since most people here are dealing with sensitive issues and rely on a degree of trust in order to share and gain insight to our issues.  It is a low blow to violate that trust and take out their frustration on you.  I know dealing with emotional stress can develop to the point of being disturbed, so maybe that's what happened to that person.  Hard to say.  Anyway, I guess they've accomplished what they set out to do when they logged on - to make someone else as miserable as them.  Hang in there and be glad you are not that kind of person and have nothing to be ashamed about and everything to be proud of.

Regarding readers knowing a little too much to be a mere psychic occurrence - yes, I know this feeling also.  As I mentioned to someone else before, I had a reading last month with a psychic whose payment method required me to reveal my first and last names.  Although I really like this psychic and do recommend them (if you can find a way to speak to them w/o them knowing your first and last name beforehand), I couldn't help but feel so let down upon hanging up from my reading, because some information I felt this psychic googled in advance, in addition to the information that was given based on their abilities.  For example, this person hit my age and line of work right on the nail (information available on google), but missed my ex's age by more than 10 years!  Also, it was delivered in a way that sounded like the psychic was just ready to get off the phone already (I had paid for a certain block of time that still had not run out).  And even though I like this psychic, I still feel let down by this uncomfortable feeling that I was googled as a cheat sheet to add to my reading.  God forgive me if I'm wrong, but that was just my experience and how I came away from the reading feeling.

As far as readers being on this board - I have had my suspicions, which is why I tend to edit my posts after a while and even have completely removed some of them, and prefer to just share that information via PM's, because I feel strongly that this board is frequented by readers and/or moles associated with readers.  There was an instance recently, while, although I never chimed in on the goings-on, I'd had my suspicions from the very beginning that a reader/mole had come on here and was interacting/attacking people on this board.

Anyway, I hope everyone can get pass this and not let one toxic person successfully shut down what was good about this board.  Thanks.

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2012, 05:01:11 PM »
I haven't been on here for a couple of days. WTH?? I am so sorry that this negativity is taking over this site.  We can't let a handful of people come on here and take over. 
I know I said this before, but anyone can type in a psychic's name and this review board shows up in the search.  The readers can come directly in here and read everything posted about themselves.  They can pretend to be one of us (as has happened several times).  I am feeling very vulnerable right now.
I am going to become more careful of jumping on the bandwagon (so to speak) when someone new comes on here making claims about a particular reader.
I wish our posts weren't public.  I would feel more protected if only members could read what is written here.
I have appreciated everyone's support and camaraderie on this site.  :D
KTH & Gratitude please don't leave!!


Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2012, 05:34:48 PM »
Perhaps there is a way to make the posts on this board private? And not show up in search engines?

Anybody know for sure?

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2012, 09:16:51 PM »
Perhaps there is a way to make the posts on this board private? And not show up in search engines?

Anybody know for sure?

Probably...many message boards can be locked for members only with the option of having to undergo an approval process to be granted membership.

Also, @kth - I may lurk a lot and generally only post my findings, preferring to stay out of a lot of direct interaction (mostly because I'm shy), but I have to say I'm really, really sorry this happened to you.  I read everyone's posts on here and I see everyone experiencing a lot of what I do, and I know that everyone here is in some way really, really emotionally vulnerable (otherwise they wouldn't be seeking outside guidance, now would they?), so knowing that someone would prey on that and turn that against you makes me sick to my stomach.  I'm so sorry you had to go through that.  I hope that whatever person did this to you understands that they're truly despicable and that realization makes them sick to their stomach, enough for them to seek help.

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Re: Clearing the air, I am now manifesting!
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2012, 12:49:21 PM »
I've been on this board since its inception and one thing I've noticed is if you lay low and pay no attention to the troublemakers they tend to go away. Some people just are "off" and seeking attention. They will go elsewhere for it if we don't give it to them.