Author Topic: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics  (Read 7541 times)

Offline Synergy

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Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« on: April 18, 2012, 03:00:24 PM »
I have shared a lot of myself with this forum for awhile.  While I originally joined the forum to discuss psychics, I have found that I have been helped personally by many of you, and I'd like to think that my stories have also helped everyone in some way.  At this point in time, I feel that it is important for me to also share some advice provided to me by one of my favorite readers. 

I apologize in advance... this will be long, but I hope you all read it...

Some of you already know that I have started life coaching sessions with Kisha (Aries Intuition).  This is her actual job, and she had suggested that I get some life coaching sessions because of certain things I have gone through in the past 8 years of my life. We've had a couple of sessions, and yesterday we finally tackled my most important relationship and also most damaging relationship (with the father of my children).  We then discussed how this impacts how I deal with my issues with C, which led to a discussion of my psychic addiction. 

What I want to share with all of you are some things that Kisha told me about calling psychics.  Kisha told me that anyone who calls a psychic should be doing so for insight.  She said that we should not be asking for timeframes because that’s really not even what a psychic should provide. A reading should prepare you for what’s to come, but you cannot stop living your life simply based upon what a psychic tells you is going to happen.  Kisha said that the best way to handle a reading is to take notes and basically forget about what was said.  You should use the reading to determine what course of action you will take when the predicted outcome comes to pass.  She was concerned for me because she said that I have been consumed by this thing with C, and that I have basically put all my energy into waiting for him.  Am I living my life?  Sure, I go to work and go home to my children… nothing has changed in that respect.  However, she was correct in that I don’t even look at life the same way anymore.   She said that I am closed off to any new opportunities, and I can’t even see certain things that are right in front of me.

Kisha advised me to live life as if I never had a reading.  She advises that anyone who reads with a psychic do this.  She said that we must make our own decisions based on current REALITY, and not based upon what a psychic sees coming for us.  The outcome WILL still happen the way it’s supposed to.  You are not changing the outcome by focusing on what’s happening here and now.   Kisha asked me to imagine that I had never had a reading.  C ended things in January.  He has now been gone for almost 3 months, and he has not initiated contact within that time.  She asked me what I would be doing right now if I had never had a reading… if I took everything that C told me when he ended things at face value.  I told her that I would have no choice but to move on.  Exactly, she said.  And if he were intent on coming back, he still would, and it would be my choice to accept him or not.  Kisha has told me to admit that just as it’s possible for him to come back, it’s possible that he won’t.  I need to be ok with either possibility.  She does not change her prediction at all.  She still sees him coming back, but she has told me that the only healthy way to approach this is to absolutely accept that there is someone better for me out there, that way I’ll be in control when he does return.  I’ll be emotionally stable and prepared enough to turn my back if I have to. 

The best thing I could do is share this advice with you all.  Kisha asked me if I could commit to end my readings.  She stressed that it’s absolutely my choice to do so, and I was not obligated to say I could do it if I am unable to.  I told her that I would do that.  She said that if I want a reading, I can only get one once he has contacted me, but at this point I am not to call anymore psychics.  I’m done focusing on timeframes and revisiting my readings on a daily basis to feel some sort of reassurance.  I cannot live this way.  This morning I woke up and got ready for work as I usually do, but I had to change something.  The endless thoughts that run through my head had to change. Instead of hoping and praying that today is the day that Chance comes forward, I accepted that I have control.  I allowed myself to accept the fact that I will be just fine if he does not return.  Do I still want him to come back?  HECK YEAH!  Am I going to put all my money, energy, emotions, and time into this effort?  Absolutely not.  Kisha made a point that really resonated with me.  She told me that relationships have to balance out.  Yes, this is obvious and common sense.  But she pointed out that I am basically still in a relationship with someone who’s not here.  She said that I am giving 100% of myself to this man even though he’s not even talking to me.  I’m giving so much, and he’s giving nothing.  This basically sets the tone for the relationship if he were to return.  I am staying emotionally and physically committed to a man who walked away.  She asked me, “S, if the tables were turned, if you had hurt him in some way, would he be doing the same for you?  Would he wait for you no matter what?  Would he accept your silence?”  I, of course, responded that I didn’t think so.  She said this should be the stuff I focus on.  Not the readings, not the future, not his return… but my role in all of this.  Focusing on reality doesn’t serve to build resentment because I shouldn’t start hating him or anything like that, but it will allow me to stop being so consumed by a fantasy.   

He will come back, but my life cannot be on hold until he does.  It can’t.  Neither can yours.  We can sit here and lie to ourselves and say that we are living, and that we’re ok, but, honestly, getting constant readings is not living. We can be hung up on our guys, we can cry, get angry, scream, but we cannot live based upon a future that someone else sees for us.  Let’s create a future with paths and choices we get to make for ourselves.  If C comes back, I’ll get to decide if he’s the type of person I want to let back into my life.  If he doesn’t come back, I can decide to allow new men into my life who are truly worthy and who can give me exactly what I give them.  Relationships are full of ups and downs, that’s normal, but relationships don’t work like this.  We cannot be on hold for men who give us nothing.   The right person WILL reciprocate.  Maybe these men aren’t ready now, maybe they’ll be ready tomorrow or 2 years from now, but who cares?  They’re not doing anything at the moment, and we need to accept what is being shown. 

I truly hope I have not offended anyone by sharing this.  I just can’t sit back and see so many amazing people in so much pain.  Some of us have been through these bouts of desperation where the only thing that can fill the void of missing the person we love is getting a reading.  That is torture.  I have to start living in the present, and my present shows that C has walked away.  I need to let go… not of my hope, but of my insistence.  If it’s meant to happen it will. 

I will remain active in the forum because I have grown to care about so many people here and because I have read with so many psychics in the past year.  I won’t litter my posts with negativity or preachy advice, I promise. 

Offline lightme

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2012, 03:34:16 PM »
synergy, your post touches me, it is an amazing post , thanks for sharing. I think kisha is really a nice person, not a bs psychic. her advices made sense to me.

hugs to you synergy, I know what you are going thru. remember this, you will only get better and better even though it may be painful now.


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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 04:45:40 PM »
That is an excellent post Synergy. It is very true. We have to live in the present..not in the future or in the past. We are not supposed to live our lives according to what a psychic says, however tempting it may be.


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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2012, 05:00:31 PM »
Hi Synergy

Thank you for sharing your story as  I can identify with some of what you wrote. My addiction with calling psychics stemmed from a nasty break-up with my son father 3yrs ago and things became down hill from there. I am still not 100%on track  but I am getting there.

Offline lotusflower

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 05:05:45 PM »
What synergy said is great advice. You have to live in the present and what's going on right now. Don't think too much about your past, it is in the past and you have to move forward. Don't think too for into the future, you're living now in the present. Things happen the way it should and when it's ready. It's like planting a seed, it takes time to grow and blossom. I believe reading are more of a guidance. Listen, file it away, don't put too much energy into it and before you know it, good things happen when it's good and ready. I think that there are events and people that are important that will come so you can relax and live your life. If there's a certain outcome you want to happen and you just focus on that it can and will be delayed because you're not ready. The saying goes, good things happen when you least expect it.  Live, be happy!!! The love that you are waiting for is to enhance your life and not be you life. Sorry about he typos, I'm at work and on my phone.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 06:01:05 PM »
synergy this is the most bful post i have ever read on the forum :)

Offline Serendipity

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2012, 06:10:52 PM »
More power to you Synergy :) Wonderful message, lifted my spirits today. Thanks


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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2012, 07:12:30 PM »
Sadly, many of us, me included have waited for predictions. Called and called one after the other seeking validation and confirmation. It took me 18months to figure things out with my guy. As many of you know on here, I'm not waiting for him to come back. I deserve better and I know it. He will continue to come in and out of my life if I allow. Synergy post is true and I know that sometimes it takes years and money down the drain in order to get to that place in your life. If you're tired of waiting and focusing on predictions and to start living then do it now. I threw away all my notes last week and for me I feel free! But thanks again for this Synergy. I love to see you and others growing.

Offline guesswho

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 07:37:56 PM »
Great post Synergy!  Calling psychics seemed to have done more harm than good in my past since it made me bitter against the person.  If I had just let life go on, I wouldn't have built up so much resentment that by the time ther person came back I was angry and they didn't know why!  lol 

We should definitely live in the present.  We're not going to get this time back.  No matter what happens though, I've enjoyed reading the posts over this time.  There is a great group of people here.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 10:13:15 PM »
Synergy - that was beautiful and thanks for sharing.

I moved on from waiting for my SM. I started living in the present around December. It's amazing how much good can come of it. I don't live by predictions but try and use them as a guide then make up my own decision. I can tell you, using psychics while going through the dating process has been far more accurate then using them while waiting for a SM to return.

I do truly believe in psychics because I've had predictions manifest.  There is an excellent book that helped me A LOT. It's called The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

Wishing you blessings and peace

Offline Serendipity

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2012, 11:37:26 PM »
This is sort of off on a tangent, but it definitely is something that has helped me with focusing on ME. The following songs raise my energy and vibration. During the period where I looked inward and at myself, focusing on what I needed to do in my life, my guy was more drawn towards me. He said he thought I "changed" and saw "the fire in my eyes" Lol, whatever that means. It was probably my anger towards him which Ive turned into motivation to get my life back together. I felt on top of the world and brand new! I was focused on ME, my studies, my life.  I lost track of that this week, and thanks to Synergy's inspiring post...I'm going back to focusing on myself.

These songs are awesome..when you feel down, listen to 'em!

Katy Perry - Part of Me
Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What doesn't kill you), Mr. Know it All
Kesha - Tik Tok, Blow
One Direction - What makes you beautiful
Jessie J- Domino
Fort Minor - Remember the Name

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2012, 12:05:04 PM »
Hey Synergy, Wonderful post. I love it. We do have to live in the present and the advice given to you was absolutely correct. We have to see what is in front of us and continue our lives. I would have moved on so long ago if I had never listened to the psychics. They are great when you need someone to just listen to us, but we cannot, I repeat, CANNOT live our lives around those predictions. I wasted so much time waiting for predictions to happen and spent way too much money for confirmations. I have started living again. I am spending time with an older gentleman that truly loves me. I am not able to reciprocate the strong feelings at this time, but I do enjoy my time spent with him. And he treats me so well. Just last night he gave me the most wonderful foot massage. He does anything I want to do, such as gardening, fishing, doesnt matter if he really doesnt want to do these things, even shopping. Lol, he is right by my side and smiling the whole time. He even watches some of my tv shows that I know he doesnt really enjoy, lol. Do I think its a forever thing? Not really, but Im living in the present and loving it. And I think of the ex that has been gone so long very seldom now. Or at least he isnt bearing on my mind like he used to. So I am back to myself and enjoying life once again. And I am happy to announce that I havent called a psychic in three months. YAY!!!!!! I think Im cured, lol. Good luck to you all and  many blessings.

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2012, 12:41:50 PM »
Awesome Synergy! So happy for you.  :)

I also had a number of songs hit home for me as I took this journey.

I didn't start living in the present until I decided to take a chance with this guy I work with. We both seemed to be attracted to each other and that had gone on for 6 months. It was a huge step for me, a very scary one, but its been so wonderful. Like 4ever, he will do anything for me and just enjoys being with me. He asks for so little in return and when he does (funny too, HE wanted a foot massage the other night) I just love to give him those little things. The smile on his face and the look of love in his eyes makes my day. I appreciate every moment I have with him.

I think I needed to go through the pain I did to make myself a better person and realize all this. I do wish though I hadn't spent so much on those damn psychics!

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2012, 01:27:56 PM »

These songs are awesome..when you feel down, listen to 'em!

Katy Perry - Part of Me
Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What doesn't kill you), Mr. Know it All
Kesha - Tik Tok, Blow
One Direction - What makes you beautiful
Jessie J- Domino
Fort Minor - Remember the Name

Most of my favorite 'I need to change this mood' songs are by Within Temptation, especially 'Pale' and 'Stand my Ground'.

"The world seems not the same, tho I know nothing has changed
It's all my state of mind
I could leave it all behind
Have to stand up to be stronger
Have to try to break free from the thoughts in my mind
Use the time that I have
I can say goodbye
Have to make it right
Have to fight, coz I know in the end it's worthwhile
The pain that I feel slowly fades away
It will be alright....
I know- should realize
That time is precious; it is worthwhile
Despite how I feel inside
Have to trust it'll be alright
Have to stand up to be stronger....."

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Re: Life Coaching, Timeframes, and Calling Psychics
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2012, 02:04:00 AM »
Synergy, I wanted to let you know that any good friend would have given you the same advice Kisha gave you.

You have to live for the present moment, because you are attracting your future from the present. When a good reader picks up future events, they are only seeing what you attracting into your life.

That's why it's waste of time and energy to focus on other people and wait for their move. It's all about you and what energy you are expressing. The rest will take care of itself.  ;)

