Author Topic: My Tally of readers  (Read 36852 times)

Offline Miracle

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2012, 11:17:20 PM »
All, firstly I can't even fathom Synergy's hurt because of what has transpired.  I am truly and deeply sorry she had to go through this.  This forum helps so many of us so it indeed is a very sad situation for many.  However, maybe we need to change the way we look at this situation. There's been a lot of hurt, mistrust and negativity so let's try to infuse as much positivity now so that Synergy and the rest of us can move on in the best possible way?  Also, this could be our opportunity to bless SE and wish her all the possible love and happiness so that she peacefully lets go of all those things that have caused this turmoil within her.  It's very unfortunate what has happened but if we all rather than being so negative about this issue try to send positivity and goodwill, I am sure we will all feel better and find some inner peace.  I am sorry yet again for all that has happened but good always wins over bad and positive over negative, so let's try to bring back our enthusiasm and good wishes for this forum so that just the way it has helped us, the forum can continue to help several others as well... just my 2 cents.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 11:38:57 PM by Gratitude »

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2012, 11:25:34 PM »
Synergy -Im just sick over this. You were her #1 fan. Hopefully isabelle tells her to come back and really read this forum because she will see that I am the one who reported on her crazy facebook rants. I do think she is a very talented psychic and this is all a shame.


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2012, 04:42:32 AM »
SE is crazy. She posts every 3 seconds on fb and it is scary. I can't take her seriously. I am glad that Synergy suggested Kisha to me. Best choice I've made in a while. I think Kisha is my new go-to. SE is whacked out right now and Storm C is another crazy one who now allegedly plays with magic. These psychics. SMH. LOL. Also, my introduction post on here a few weeks ago is my tally, if anyone cares to read it. Thanks for all the help everyone. <3

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2012, 06:05:45 AM »
Synergy, I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds like you have some history and better days with this woman, and it's not easy watching anyone's mind go, even if it's someone you just know from talking on the phone. From what I'm seeing, though, she's not in a position to advise you or anyone else.

Here's one of her facebook "predictions":

"I'm surprized people haven't figured out that Kane the wrestler is a serial killer plus cannibal. Hoping my prediction for 2013-2014 happens. All my predictions happen but yeah, Randy Orton is also a thief. The Wrestling Federation will change forever and soon. You will see. Its over."

And her latest one seems to be religious, but it's incoherent:
"tonight I lay Jesus's Tomb to & has hHe has hHis hHand hHe wakes mMe to assure uUs that hHe IS hHere Sign & Wondering nothing bc WI.dering no Wondering IS for those not in love with hHis lLove"

At this point in time, she doesn't need to be working, period. She needs to get help, and apply for disability if she's not getting it already.

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2012, 02:35:14 PM »
SE has always posted incoherent things this isn't something new, but maybe she does it after she's channeling? i dont know, but i do think that we should not judge her for it. if u think she's weird and it scares u dont get a reading from her plain and simple. if she verbally attacks u, let it be on her conscience... my 2 cents

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2012, 04:16:48 PM »
Ok.  A lot of you have been asking for me to post SE's message. 

Here it is:

Finally, taking control now over your life has nothing to do with me or the many readings you get from this person and that person. You have to kneel to God to get the foundation you need. I know I have helped you a lot. You'd take crap from a man but get offended when I critic that I see you are not reading scripture? How dare you? Then even look at my listing. You think I don't get things? You think I am okay with your ignorance? I had no reason to pass judgment on you. I had every intention of helping you for real. I know I have and it stops now in this way. No more calling me on Keen. Say what you want now, bc I felt the dagger. I had quite a few dreams about you and a few others that have chosen to call me and then defile me. I had dreams about a blog and you and few others speaking about me. I finally had enough of Isabel telling me to check it and I did. You are blocked, no idea why you call any psychic. No idea that you'd dare to even come close to stabbing me forward now too. If you had any idea how this all works then you'd be in my shoes. Everyone pays for what they really feel inside there soul. Please tell them all to never call me again, I have no issue with that, I am not hear to be ridiculed or to ridicule.
None of you get Life at all. Kisses to you and your children. I have helped many single women, but you are definitely not welcome to call me and do what you've all been doing. How dare I now? No, who dared you.

@Synergy - holy bananas! SE is out of her head! No God fearing person would EVER send a message like that to their most hated person. See, this is where stuff just goes WAY too far. We as the readees get sucked in 'cause the readers tell us a few things that acutally shock and awe us. But the bottom line is that we are paying THEM to help US on our path, and there is nothing wrong with being honest on a forum about your experiences. I still can't believe that SE would be like that with you, blows me away. It just shows what type of character she has. Her soft soothing voice and her compassion etc.? Not that nice of a person at all! It is not abnormal to be critiqued by other people, ESPECIALLY in their line of work. If they are wrong then why can't we talk about it? What is sooooo wrong about talking about it? We are women, we TALK about it! Jeesh! If she can't handle a little critism every once in a while, she shouldn't be doing what she's doing.

I've had this discussion with a few readers IE: Kisha regarding timing. She wasn't amazing with me, and I actually left her some honest feedback about her timeframes that didn't come to fruition. She emailed me, gave me minutes and told me she appreciated that I left feedback and that I was honest about it. She's not perfect and she knows it. We took another look at the guy and the following contact, although took a few months, did come to fruition and so I went back and left that feedback. Readers such as Kisha have integrity, she even told me that if her readings were incorrect with her, then she didn't want me to spend money calling her anymore, but that it was MY choice. Kisha is just an all round amazing person, she's good at what she does and she has integrity! THAT is what a reader should be like in my opinion!

I've read with SE before, dead wrong about everything - told me I was going to hook up with some guy for a long-term relationship last September, went into incredible amounts of details. Ummm, it's now April? Where's my guy SE? Are you a year off? C'mon!

I'm very results driven over here and they are in the business of giving us the heads up of the future. SE is a *I see the future and make predictions* type, and she's unbelievably specific about details. Which in my case were are compltely DEAD WRONG or are so far out there I have to wait a long time before I can comment. I would never read with her again considering your experience. Leaves a TERRIBLE taste in my mouth and I've read with her at least 5 times. She was correct about a few small details which kept me coming back in the first place, but none of her predictions ever panned out. She may be good with others, just didn't really work for me and then her customer service is disgusting and shameful to their industry. I certainly hope she reads this feedback and is ashamed of herself. You are going to be critiqued lady, you aren't going to be right for everyone so get over yourself! Jeesh!!!


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2012, 06:22:12 PM »
@Synergy - SE posted on FB about you today.

Here it is... This woman is whacked out---

You know? I have a very difficult time dealing with people that believe I'd never figure out their worst thoughts of me. The reason I say me, is bc this right now is about me. I just told off and then blocked a new and now gone client bc after my first predictions started to happen and mind you, I said things she did not want to hear (and apparent, bc she startled my peace and I will explain how now). After the last reading, I had numerous dreams then Isabel kept telling me so and so negative words reviews you badly and will call again block block block and would kiss me and hug me and I tried ignoring until she would not let it go. Truthfully, bam! Isabel was right. I waited and then I emailed when I saw that the person had the audacity then want to speak with me again. Her feedback still showed 5 stars and went on to stating I judged her ways of being in relationships and never apologized? No, no, no I am not unblocking, Isabel was right. Sorry? No, dagger is away, yes.

Offline Synergy

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2012, 06:44:15 PM »
Hahahahaha she never told me things I didn't want to hear! According to her I guess I would be a polygamist because she saw me marrying both J and C. Wow. She's a feel good fairy tale reader. Never once did she say anything regarding a negative outcome. And she wrongly told me off because I she was wrong and I never posted crap about her here expect for the psalms nonsense.


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2012, 06:47:32 PM »
First who is Isabel? seriously....  Is this her guide. Something is off with SE and I am disappointed I even spent my money on her for a reading. She is supposed to Christ-Like but yet her action is showing something different. 

@Synergy - SE posted on FB about you today.

Here it is... This woman is whacked out---

You know? I have a very difficult time dealing with people that believe I'd never figure out their worst thoughts of me. The reason I say me, is bc this right now is about me. I just told off and then blocked a new and now gone client bc after my first predictions started to happen and mind you, I said things she did not want to hear (and apparent, bc she startled my peace and I will explain how now). After the last reading, I had numerous dreams then Isabel kept telling me so and so negative words reviews you badly and will call again block block block and would kiss me and hug me and I tried ignoring until she would not let it go. Truthfully, bam! Isabel was right. I waited and then I emailed when I saw that the person had the audacity then want to speak with me again. Her feedback still showed 5 stars and went on to stating I judged her ways of being in relationships and never apologized? No, no, no I am not unblocking, Isabel was right. Sorry? No, dagger is away, yes.

Offline toknow

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2012, 07:03:10 PM » this really is kinda sad and scary. Let's all say a prayer or send a plea to the universe or whatever it is we believe in...ask for se to get help.  So many people with these types of issues have no one to help them get the help they need..they're alone and on their own in their disturbed minds and worlds. I've spoke to several readers on keen who I felt weren't wrapped too tight..probably can't hold down jobs and that's why they're out here on keen. Sad and scary.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 07:05:21 PM by toknow »

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2012, 07:41:37 PM »

I totally agree with you toknow. She is having some issues going on with her mental stability. I would pray for her. I hope that once she gets her sanity back, she would feel sorry for her actions. I hope she has family and friends to support her. She is a troubled soul. a spiritual person cant behave in this way in which SE is behaving.. when I look at the old posts, people were going crazy after her. Sad times indeed.


Dont feel bad for her actions. People with issues are supposed to behave in this manner. I hope you are not hurted a lot

Offline Synergy

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2012, 08:48:02 PM »
Thank you to everyone on this forum for your words. I'm dropping this issue, and I will definitely pray for Sandy Esther. I'm still a little  angry and hurt because I am all about fairness and honesty, but dwelling on this doesn't solve anything.


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2012, 11:05:56 PM »
Thank you to everyone on this forum for your words. I'm dropping this issue, and I will definitely pray for Sandy Esther. I'm still a little  angry and hurt because I am all about fairness and honesty, but dwelling on this doesn't solve anything.

I agree let's not talk about her AT ALL!! good, bad, neutral...let's not feed any energy her way or anyone to her facebook page or keen page. Some people will call her..just to see if its true or not..adding more money to her pocket.