Hey all.
I just wanted to get on an encourage some of ya'll to remember that you have your OWN power and happiness. I have been trying to figure out answers for 3 years now. All of the psychics told me the same ending results. They have all said the same predictions and outcomes. For 3 years I have been so caught up in the heartbreak, pain, and saddness; that I invested so much time into worrying about the outcome. Now realizing that POI is not going to try, I look back and see how many hours, days, months, years I have lost trying to make it better. Trying to figure out the answers. Trying to call/ chat psychics. They were all wrong. Now I am sad that I have wasted so much time being depressed that I haven't gotten to spend what time I should have with my family. I will no longer be searching for answers from psychics because they ultimately were all wrong. All of them. From now on I will just have faith that God is working all things together for good. Romand 8:28
If you are in a depression relying on these psychics, please wake up. Wake up to spending time with family, doing things you enjoy, hanging out with your animals, nature. Because we aren't guarenteed tomorrow with those who ARE STILL AROUND US. we hate when poi's ghost us or toss us to the side, so why do that to the ones who are still in our lives (family & friends).
You will be okay. God knows what he is doing. Even when we can't see him working or understand the pain. Trust him, and everything will work out how its meant too.
I am done with "psychics". I wish you all the best of luck, love, and light.
To all of those I've made friends with on here, I am so grateful for you all!
Especially, pinka, rayban,theawakened, purplerain,artslove, oisin, listenlisten, spiritualbinger, smiley, sparkle, mirosee,love2love,tzwilson,sexyp, librasun, maggs, bee.23, honeybee, carmen, mrrrh, fidget, bostongirl..
And even professor (because no thread was ever not entertaining when you commented)
I send you all the best vibes ever because you all were there for me, supporting me, listening♡♡