Author Topic: I wonder if psychics guess some things like contact predictions....  (Read 1791 times)

Offline honeydip

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When psychics say POI will contact you in days or weeks then they contact you the same day or next day. Makes me wonder if a lot times their just guessing about things. Any thoughts??? This has happened a few times. They told me no contact for days or weeks but I hear from POI in 24 hours or they say don’t reach out and when I do it’s not so bad like I thought it would be. I actually have a good conversation with poi...

Offline Travelgirl

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Re: I wonder if psychics guess some things like contact predictions....
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2020, 12:38:02 AM »
I think if someone is in an on and off relationship they are likely to have contact.

I also think that if someone is upset enough about their POI to get a reading that they might just decide to contact that person!  Then there would be contact. 

I think the law of averages suggests that most people will contact their ex at some point.  Therefore, I would find it unusual for a psychic to say “you’ll never hear from this person again”.

Offline honeydip

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Re: I wonder if psychics guess some things like contact predictions....
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2020, 03:34:22 AM »
Yes makes since. I’ve asked specifically “ when will he reach out” instead of saying when do you see contact. They might say a week but he contacts me the sane night. I guess they don’t have to be completely accurate with that part. Why do we call psychics anyways if we know we’re going to talk to POI soon?? I think it’s the impulse of being hooked to doing something literally an addiction. I get so anxious and panicky for nothing.

