Author Topic: Seriously depressed after no psychic readings  (Read 1732 times)


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Seriously depressed after no psychic readings
« on: March 03, 2019, 06:31:11 PM »
I keep crying and I feel hopeless.  :-[ :-[ :-[I am so close to going back to psychic readings but I know I feel horrible after. When the prediction does not come to pass, the psychic gets so angry if I tell them politely that it didnt manifest or they hang up on me and  then block me.  I hate them so much and I dont know who to trust.  The ones who make negative predictions that come to pass, their positive predictions do not happen.  How is that even possible? 

And to make things worse, the one person in my town who i told about my dating situation, I found out she was jealous because the guy i was with was really cute and she kept telling me negative things like he is using me or that it would be weird for someone to want to date me.  Rude right? She started saying these things when guys were paying me attention and ignoring her so she would always try to down talk me in front of guys.  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

When she said that along with telling others about my reliance on psychics (even when she would come to me for a free tarot reading)  I cut her off.  But all of this along with the guy ghosting me and the negative people in my life plus the psychics who are not accurate for positive things , only the bad stuff , is making me depressed, ashamed, and hopeless.  I keep trying to not cry at work.  I know all of this sounds so negative but without paying for readings , the horrible loneliness is setting in.  The lack of hope is looming .... I am able to manifest so many things for myself except for love ....

But most of all, I feel angry at a few psychics on keen.  I hate them so much.  Mar#$%^%, Nicol#$4$##, and a few others.  M would change predictions all the time and the worst prediction always manifested yet the positive ones NEVER DID.  Plus she never responded to my emails and lied about sending me a followup.  The only time she ever responded to my emails was when i promised to send a bonus for a sad prediction that did come to pass and she didnt even have information in the email, just some stupid smiley face after I had paid to open it.  And Nicole is among the most negative.  Jess or however you spell her name, she says the same thing for all relationships that he is not ready for a commitment and while her negative things manifest, the positive things NEVER DO.  I want to sleep and not wake up for a week.  I know these are withdrawal symptoms from psychic readings but it hurts so much and  i feel so lost now. 

And btw , the psychic Iy#($*$ her readings changed also.  Said i would be with a guy and it didnt happen and then she said we will go separate ways in October which did manifest.  How TF do only bad things happen????!  I stopped calling about him and lo and behold, I found out on my own this week that his wife and children moved to town and he had no intentions of living separated from her like all the other psychics had said.  I didnt even know he was married until I did some snooping around saw a picture of him and his family.  My heart dropped and so many psychics including the NEGATIVE Nicole4 didn't see that and just said he was not ready for commitment and he was waiting on another woman who looked nothing like the way she had described and she made it sound like he was a bachelor. I am over him now but just sad about my situation and I am having problems with a new POI I started to call about in February of this year.   Reality is so different from the Bull that these psychics feed us.  I love myself but I feel like dying inside. I have so much bad luck with men and calling psychics has one living in denial and not using your common sense.:'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Seriously depressed after no psychic readings
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2019, 07:11:49 PM »
WinterElf, sending you a huge hug.  Please please please try to enjoy dating and not putting expectations on the new guys that come in your life.  Perhaps the positive outcomes don't pan out because in your mind you are expecting the worse?  Sometimes you need to have faith that the universe has your back and only wants what is best for you.  I understand that you would read on an ex that just was not who you thought but don't get yourself into the habit of jeopardizing your potential relationships by getting readings on new one.  These advisors are not gods and no way of knowing 100% as to what will take place. 

Please just believe that the right person is out there for you and just enjoy your life.  I applaud you for cutting out those toxic ppl you bring you down.  With so called friends like that who needs enemies.  Hang in there.  We are all here for you.  Feel free to pm if you need to vent some more.


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Re: Seriously depressed after no psychic readings
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2019, 09:23:36 PM »
thank you... I didnt know quitting psychic readings would be this uncomfortable.  Yah, I would always get a reading even before the first date and they always said bad things would come and they did in some way.  i hope to message you soon.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Seriously depressed after no psychic readings
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2019, 10:51:05 AM »
I am so sorry you are going through this.  But cutting out the toxicity is one of the best steps forward.

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Re: Seriously depressed after no psychic readings
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2019, 12:13:51 AM »
These psychics are a bunch of scammers this is one of the many reasons I become a non believer in psychics too many story like this. This psychics should take responsibility on what they said but instead if nothing come to pass they will just blocked peoples or blamed it on you.

