Author Topic: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish  (Read 18995 times)

Offline sq5

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2018, 07:26:40 PM »
She posted because Angelic Visions did not treat her well when she was upset to quote her original post. To go looking for hate is only more hate.
this person made this account for the sole purpose to defend Trish and has sent me private messages that drop hints she may be Trish herself. Of all the people we discuss on this forum, why are you going so hard for her? You say you’ve been a client for 15 years and you two are “friends” but I’ve never had to pay any of my friends to speak to me. Can’t think of anyone who solely provides me a service that I’d take all that time out of my day to defend.

Nictri also sent me messages about her. Tells me to give her a try! I tried but b*tch is UNSTABLE. Nictri, you're an obnoxious ****


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2018, 07:33:08 PM »
She posted because Angelic Visions did not treat her well when she was upset to quote her original post. To go looking for hate is only more hate.
this person made this account for the sole purpose to defend Trish and has sent me private messages that drop hints she may be Trish herself. Of all the people we discuss on this forum, why are you going so hard for her? You say you’ve been a client for 15 years and you two are “friends” but I’ve never had to pay any of my friends to speak to me. Can’t think of anyone who solely provides me a service that I’d take all that time out of my day to defend.

Nictri also sent me messages about her. Tells me to give her a try! I tried but b*tch is UNSTABLE. Nictri, you're an obnoxious ****
Not surprised at all lol. I added Nictri to my ignore list.

Offline njlady

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2018, 09:31:15 PM »
You’re on my ignore list, so don’t bother responding.

Bless your heart.  Do you often attempt to issue commands to adults only to have them start laughing at you?

You said that to me like, uh, a month ago but yet you keep quoting me and posting. 

Are you sure you know what ignore means?


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2018, 06:08:58 PM »
Wow. I can't believe I totally missed this thread when it was first posted. Yeah, it would bother me knowing an adviser was an alt-right supporter. There's no way I could take any advice they give seriously when they have extremist views like that.

But do you quiz all your readers on their politics first?

Hers are just out in the open.

She's not the first right wing nut job I've avoided as a reader. There's a few other tinfoil hat wearers that I've written off as well.

Care to share?

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2018, 10:41:49 PM »
I didn't keep track of where they ended up, but there used to be a lot of nutters on blogtalk.


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Re: Something To Know About ANgelic Visions/Trish
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2018, 02:25:28 PM »
First off you can't find her that easily...Her twitter account only has Trish on it. So there is something wrong with you, a lot of hate or bitterness to go looking that hard for her. I know her, she raised her kid on her own, rescues animals, had a near death experience and a lot of gay friends. She is also older, so it is not surprising she is conservative.  Nothing spiritual about hunting her down either. Psychics are human, not God. She is a good one. She is blunt and direct, but kind like many older folks. She is exactly who she says she is, ask her. She hides nothing. Keen readers are anonymous in most cases.
I’m a regular lurker on another forum called Lipstick alley, it was posted there so I shared here because it was relevant. I don’t have hate or bitterness in my heart and it’s not malicious to share especially when she posts all of these things under her business accounts, so she’s not worried about anyone knowing. It’s sweet she has gay friends and maybe friends who are minorities but FYI you can associate with someone and not value someone or care for their plight. You also don’t have to be a bigot to say things that are bigoted, I don’t know her personally but based on the things she has said online, she has said things that are bigoted. There are plenty of people who hold conservative views who are not hateful. Maybe instead of arguing with lil ole me from a forum about being hateful,  you could take these concerns up with your friend who took the time to defend Neo nazis online. I’d think someone who aligns themselves with that type of ideology would be quite hateful.
You put it on Lipstick Alley, went Keen's bashers list and then here. Enough of the lies and hate. God Bless and I am sorry that happened to you, but you are right, psychics are not your friends. They can be advisors..Therapy is better.

As I said previously, I read lipstick alley often but am a lurker. I did not post it there. They have a thread on keen psychics and I happened to read it and then post it here. This is a psychic review forum and she is someone who has been discussed here so I felt it was relevant.  I don't have anything to do with the bashers list. You can go ahead and think whatever you want but if anyone here is suspicious it would be you, the one who made an account for the sole purpose of defending only one reader. This will be the very last time I respond to this thread. I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone and I'm done with all of this.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 02:30:14 PM by ScorpioRising221 »