She has a lot of good reviews but then her other accounts do have some interesting warning reviews... also for $3.50
...don’t feel bad she does have some good reviews and a very appealing “hook”... if it makes you feel better I just spent $50 on scam relationship program called “make him sure infatuation scripts” ...but so far what I’m hearing is understanding some common sense things that psychics have said... sooo?
FYI I left her a good review after she predicted something that did sort of happen, so at the time, it made her other information seem accurate..
It concerned someone leaving the country.
I was told by a friend that he was leaving the country.
Anaisa told me he would not because he was still undecided whether to leave or not and would not go and had no intention of going "yet".
She also told me when he would go, he would not stay where he was going long...
Anyway - he didn't end up leaving when he said he would - so I jumped on that and thought she was correct..
But the reason he did not leave was not because he didn't want to, but because he was sick.
When he was better he did go.. her prediction that he would not stay long was incorrect also... and there were many other things that were not correct that she told me.....