Hi all!
Congrats for making this forum work!
I am among the oldies when it comes to being a customer on Keen and other sites.In fact we tried to start a forum like this 3 years ago,but it was quickly bashed by readers who entered the forum,and threatened us with law suits for keeping the site up,and giving reviews of them.They were furious,and the site administrators saw no other solution then to shut it down.
We also had a long tread in the Rip Off Report,and some of you i think is familiar with that long discussion.
I myself have called psychics for more than 5 years,we are talking about hundreds of calls.I dont have much happy news to share unfortuantely about predictions manifested and successful readings.The best you can hope for is good insight in the present,and good remote viewing,and guidance,in my opinion.
When it comes to future-predictions my experience is that it usually isnt possible to get accurate.The major lines maybe,but its nothing to count on.
I will however share my experience in here,good and bad.
Please excuse my limited english,i am not a native english speaking.