Author Topic: To hang on or to let go?  (Read 8623 times)

Offline optx888

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To hang on or to let go?
« on: May 13, 2011, 11:07:15 PM »
My regular readers are Nina, Kinsey, London, Anasela, Kelli, and recently I have read with Seha and Jacqualine.

Nina and Kinsey are the most direct and have been pretty correct with time frames.

But all others are all saying the same thing in their own way.  They all see me and my ex together. 

The big time frames are about now.

I spoke with Kinsey the end of April…and she told me to just be patient.  She gave me the same big picture time frame and she gave me some information that made sense and made me feel better and hopeful.  But she told me I would hear from him the next week…and I did…but she told me that he wouldn’t respond to anything I send him…even if I were to send him an email that someone in my family died…but that he will slowly come around.  She said it is nothing personal and to not take it personally.  But she did see him reaching out for my Birthday when I spoke to her about it on March 22nd.

I spoke to Nina on Wednesday because I was just having a lot of anxiety and a really bad week…I asked Nina for an update.  The time frames basically stayed the same…But I just had to ask her if I would hear from him for my birthday (even though it was just eh next day) and she said yes…but it would be very simple and basic.  Just a “Happy Birthday” and for me to understand that it may feel like almost nothing on my end…but its huge on his end.

In March…he emailed me to ask me when my birthday was.  I told him and asked why…he said because he is terrible with dates and I remembered his birthday and he didn’t want to forget mine.

My Birthday came and went and I did not hear from him.

I sent a stupid email today about a hockey announcement (to see if he would respond…even if it’s a “yeah I know thanks”) and I haven’t heard anything back.

But not sending me a “Happy Birthday” is just not good a good sign and I now just can’t see any hope.

I’m hurt and I’m mad and I ‘m disappointed.

Do I still hang onto hope…or is this a sign for me to let go…that this is the end ???


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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 12:30:41 AM »
Maybe he was thinking about it and then just didnt do it. Thats the thing you got to remember about love and relationship predictions, the psychic goes by what the person is currently feeling. He may have been thinking about your birthday and wanting to give you a call or send an email but if just didnt happen. I am sorry hope things work out better for you, maybe you should try not to think of him for a bit, I know its hard, but just try to focus on you, then you might hear something from him. Dont let your whole life and world revolve around him, focus on you. And happy belated birthday!! :)

Offline Kareena

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 12:49:07 AM »
greengrix he is terrible with dates like you said. He probably forgot, remembered until it was too late and is/was embarassed. If he did not want to wish you he would not have made the effort to contact you in the first place.  If you really want a response, send a humorous text about his forgetful habit. You will be able to gauge from his response how he feels about this whole thing.


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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2011, 12:54:44 AM »
green - My SM didn't acknowledge my b-day either but happen to contact me a few days after (we talk via video chat a lot) and I said to him - do I look older - and he acted like he didn't know it was my b-day. Guys are so weird with this stuff. I don't have advise but wanted to sympathize. I know how much it hurts. Seriously, WTF????

happy birthday! mine was in March also. Pisces rule  :)

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2011, 02:57:28 AM »
not to sound like a b*tch but Im sorry a Birthday is a BiG DEAL! I would be hurt too. Im sorry you have to go through this. And I would not advise you to call him. No matter what anyone says you will still feel like your not a priority bc he did ask about our birthday and still forgot! wth!

I was crying on my bday. And even though I got to go out with my ex we were still ex's and I still felt like crap. I felt like I was pretending to be happy with him for one night when I really wasn't bc of the whole ordeal. Its just disheartening.

Just keep focusing on your life..and try not to let him hurt you (even though its hard) :'( :'(

Im sorry I know how you feel. It feels like you're trying so hard while they are the ones who doesnt try @ all. When you feel like  that no psychic can make it right..just pull back and find other things to focus on. When he comes back just be cold...forgetting your bday is not ok and he needs to make up for it...dont let him get away with not making you feel special bc you are!

Offline bjr181

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2011, 04:17:13 PM »
Okay- honest truth.  Because sometimes I need to hear it. 

Forgetting your birthday is not okay.  If he cared about you, he wouldn't forget about it.  And even if he did that day, he'd at least write back to your text about hockey and maybe mentioned a belated wish.  I'm not saying he isn't your soulmate and doesn't love you, but this should be a sign to you (as you are aware), that maybe it is time to let go.  You deserve someone who will remember your birthday and share that with you. 

I understand you are hurt, disappointed and angry.  I would be too!  And my birthday is right around the corner, so I may not hear from my ex.  However, keep in mind, you can be mad, but not necessarily at him.  Unfortunately, he isn't with you so doesn't owe it to you to say Happy Birthday.  Please understand, I'm not being harsh, but it's something to think about (my friend pointed this out to me a few weeks ago about something I really wanted to hear from my ex and didn't).  Obviously, if/when he reaches out to you, you can be cold, but you can be cold because you are angry he forgot, or you can be cold because you are letting go and it really doesn't matter.  Or you can be nonchalent and not let this be the center of your life because you do deserve to be happy, you do deserve to be wished a happy birthday, and you do deserve better than what this is.  We all do as a matter of a fact.  I think we should be given an award for loving someone so much after all the shit they have put us through.

Green, I write this because it's almost therapeutic for me.  I know all of this stuff deep down about MY ex and I think it's sometimes important to hear (or for me to write out).  I want to believe that all things happen for a reason but I also want to believe that my ex and I are meant to be together because why else would I be so anchored to him and our love.  Choose the path for you.


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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2011, 05:06:24 PM »
I agree with everyone. A birthday is a big thing to not acknowledge and a sign that CAN'T be ignored.


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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2011, 12:05:18 AM »
I always think of that saying "actions speak louder than words".  I wish I could be more positive about this - but you totally deserve to be acknowleged on your birthday. 

I have a good idea everyone:  We should make vision boards and create a board of what we really want in life and of our sm's.  Look at it every day and say a positive thought about yourself.  You will see that board everyday, so make it encouraging and loving and nurturing. Put in supportive, empowering words.  Be kind to youself and you will draw the same type of person back to you.


Offline optx888

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2011, 04:31:56 PM »
I agree...Birthdays are huge!

Why ask when is my birthday and basically tell me that you don't want to forget my birthday and then not wish me a happy birthday???

I guess I want to know if he remembered and intentionally didn't contact me...or if he truly did forget.

I am doing me.  This is getting a little easier and easier each time unfortunately...but I just don't understand any of it.

I wish I could say in his case "actions speak louder than words"  but with him that statement just doesn't is way more confusing.

I put a call into Anasela Friday night...I wanted to know if he forgot or just didn't want to and also to get an update...and she just went into the same reading...same time frames...same outcome.  She said the time frame for everything was Spring and it is just right there...and I will hear from him at any time now and all will be explained...she said he has been struggling and making his way through things.  She told me not to contact him and when he does contact me not to jump and respond quickly...but not to wait 2 or 3 days either.  She told me the fool card comes up again with him and the 8 of cups.

I called Nina Sunday afternoon to let her know that I never heard from him on my birthday...she told me to still hang in there...she knows what she sees and that this man is meant to be in my life and not as a friend...she sees marriage and forever...she told me that she knows it is hard for me to stay positive and hopeful...and that it is ok because it will all still come together...she just can't explain what she sees but that this month something special is suppose to happen...she can't explain what it is...but it will happen...she also said not to contact him and she too said do not jump to respond to him but do not wait either...she said not to punish him for not remembering my will not be relevant once it all comes together...she sticks to the other same time frames and she is sticking to her big picture.

Funny all just sounds like Charlie Brown talk...Blah! Blah! Blah! 

Our hockey team is out and if he were to contact me...what would he talk about?  He just kept it hockey for the last couple of months.  The only non hockey that I got from him was "Hi  Sorry for the delay.  Been up and down with life's little challenges"  Um hello!!!!  I am a cannot drop a statement and then not address it when I ask if everything is ok...ARGH!

Am I not hearing from him because there is no safe small talk anymore?  Is he waiting to contact me when he is ready to say something?  Or is it all just over?

The one thing that scares me but not, is that each time it is getting easier and easier.

And on top of everything...I had the worse reading ever with Kelli...which I was so thrown off by and left so unbalanced and with a bad taste in my mouth.  I am usually pretty good with her and sticking to the subject...but she was off and weird...she remembered it was my birthday and she asked if I wanted to talk about "M"...she still saw us being together...but all I wanted was an update and to know if he intentionally didn't contact me for my Bday or truly forgot...and she said a little of both and then went on about "everyone this and everyone that" and "people this and people that" but never answered my questions and I don't care about everyone and people...I am calling and paying about me and about my ex...she said something about seeing us together anywhere in 2011 - what? and I couldn't get her back to that and then she said was just a hott mess of a reading that left my mind and thoughts in an indescribable way.  But I am trying to forget it and I got my money back for it....but I just really hate being in this state of "unknown".

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2011, 07:53:37 PM »
Kelli is just a hot mess in general lol...maybe she gets psychic "sometimes" lol....but it does get easier and it shouldnt scare you because why would you want it to stay hard???  :o do what hes doing and try not  to think about him if hes not thinking about you enough to contact you.

Be glad its getting easier.  8)

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2011, 08:05:42 PM »
"wish I could say in his case "actions speak louder than words"  but with him that statement just doesn't is way more confusing."---> this can go either way....inaction says alot as well.

"..I had the worse reading ever with Kelli...which I was so thrown off by and left so unbalanced and with a bad taste in my mouth. "---> Kelli was right about a few little things but her prediction of when i would be together with my sm was wrong and she even told me i broke a male "code" (seriously, i didnt ask that?)....and then she went on for 30 minutes wasting my time about how i was prosecuted in a past life (i also did not ask anything about that either).
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 08:07:39 PM by CSK »

Offline bjr181

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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2011, 05:11:14 PM »
Green-  What are Nina's timeframes for you?


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Re: To hang on or to let go?
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2011, 05:34:11 AM »
Dear if you feel like you need to hang on hang on but if you want to move on do it, because you need to do what makes you happy