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61 / Re: Navada
« Last post by SGVues on February 14, 2025, 02:09:30 PM »
Reviving this thread again.

I got a reading from her recently and don’t know we what to think. She picked up a few things about my situation correctly and has provided me a with a timeline in keeping with many other psychics incuding Jaiden, Petunia and Rusty.

However her long term reading  of my situation is different to the other psychics. Also, I could hear a lot of clinking sound of metal objects and get audio was not the best. I remember reading in one of the earlier posts that it felt like she was doing the dishes and her voice is low so a little hard to hear. However to me it seemed like she was using some of her tools for the prediction hence the noise. So every time I asked her a question she requested me to wait which was followed by that sound. At one time I requested her to speak up a bit as well which she did.
She brought up a third party unlike Petunia. Jaiden brought it up too but was far more detailed and thorough than Nevada. Will see how things go.
62 / Re: Petunia
« Last post by SGVues on February 14, 2025, 01:57:54 PM »
Sorry to learn about your reading!
I read with her a few days back and it went really well.
She picked up my current situation with my POI right away, shd provided me with a very clear prediction and timeline which is in keeping with Jaiden, Nevada, Rusty, Psychic Bright Bkessings, The Real Flame Advisor, Lorrie C and Moonstar mother. It is spring so any time in March or April. I felt she got the overall energy of my situation. It was a chat and she was great. She did provide some advice on the power of manifestation on her own.
63 / Re: Jaiden
« Last post by SGVues on February 14, 2025, 01:51:45 PM »
Any updates on her at all?

I just read with her and boy was it amazing! I was stunned by the intricacies of her reading! She picked up so much about my POI and our current equation, it was incredible. All I had to give her was his name and the information kept flowing. What she has told me is in line with Sincerity.
Her timeline of spring - March-April is in keeping with many other psychics like Petunia, Nevada,Rusty, Psychic Bright Blessing,The Real Twin Flame Advisor, Moonstar Mother & Lorrie C. Sincerity did not give me a timeline. So will see how things go.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by T422 on February 14, 2025, 01:50:58 PM »
Yeah I’d assume that’s what it means. You should already know them.
65 / Re: Rusty is amazing
« Last post by SGVues on February 14, 2025, 01:43:03 PM »
Thanks for sharing gemmaasks! Sorry to hear that the prediction did not work out.

I got a reading from her last week. She spoke of my POI’s depression too!
Then she mentioned something very specific, like the way my POI looks at me! I was stunned and have no idea how she could see that. I am impressed with her current reading of the situation. Buy going by your story, I am not pinning too much hope on the prediction. However the timeline is on keeping with a host of other psychics including Jaiden, Petunia, Nevada, Psychic Bright Blessings, Lorrie C, The Real Twin Flame advisor, Moonstar Mother who have all mentioned spring- so March-April when there will be a visible change in the situation. So shall see how it goes. She was lovely to speak to though and came across as an amazing person.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by T422 on February 14, 2025, 10:06:02 AM »
I have read with Yona a few times now. The first reading back in early 22 hasn’t played out yet but the 2nd (my first top up) that I had in October 24 has started to. As there had been some progress and there were some confusing parts to my 2nd reading, I decided to book another top up - this was a couple of weeks ago. Several of the predictions aligned with the 2nd reading but with more info, which was exactly what I was after.

Anyway, I find the whole thing really fascinating and am looking forward to seeing how the future unfolds!

I’m starting to have doubts about the readings as I know my POI is definitely dating someone else (since end Dec when we last got together). She said as part of my challenge for 6-8 weeks I’d have to put up with selfishness and then it would all start to fall into place with a 10 of cups. However, it’s getting closer to that time frame - another 1-3 weeks and I just can’t see it happening.

I have little doubt the first top up in October was about him as things started to unfold pretty quickly. Then in the next top up, it was pretty much reiterating the 2nd part of that top up. Her description of him has been so accurate with random things like him stressing over financial issues (he’s been telling me about this). Although I initially got these readings for entertainment, I actually think it’s causing me more stress as now I’m not seeing how this is going to work out but still have hope…

She did say id have moments of panic about my personal life as the first prediction and that a celebration and spring would bring changes. Who knows… I think I’m just having one of those days!

Need to let it go really but much easier said than done when I sit next to him everyday at work 😂

Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by mixielove on February 14, 2025, 07:41:29 AM »
Whew. going back and reading my old posts on Yona....coming to some conclusions.
I've been reading with her every 6-8 months for the last couple of years....
the only really good and in depth reading I had with her...was the very first one.
Since then they have gotten more and more confusing, difficult to follow, and leave me really confused.
So no more Yona readings. :(
The last two readings have been so vague and hyper focused on extremely particular events that aren't really important or helpful to have insight on. The perspective she gets is so confusing, even if she gives you advice to take, you don't even realize what she was talking about until after it's already happened and even then you're not entirely sure if that's what she was talking about.

Idk. Maybe it's just me. There's very little predictions or or long term insight on anything at all. When I do get predictions it'll be like..."there's a person you might bump heads with"  ???


Reading my post from right after I got my last reading over 2 years ago!  ;D ;D ;D I was so distraught! omg lol
Took 2 years, but everything she said played out! There's no way I could have known what she was talking about during the reading. Very specific events and some with new people.

I feel like you can't go into Yona readings with particular questions on your mind or hoping to hear about a particular subject at all.

I am indeed confused about your posts unless you elaborate further. Back in 2022 you said she was giving you predictions that were not even important or helpful. Then you also said that she gave you predicitons such as "there's a person you might bump heads with" and now you are saying that they were very specific events. Like you seem to contradict yourself in what you are stating.

I still agree that her readings are for entertainment and not necessarily helpfull because like I said before, you rarely know wtf she's talking about before hand, and even when you're in it, you still don't realize it's something she told you about until it's already passed.

I won't go back to listen again to figure out which cards she was pulling (they don't really matter with her because it's more about her intuitive read), but the "person I might bump heads with" was a new guy that I met over a year later, had a beautiful relationship with and when we "bumped heads", I immediately ended things with him, which she warned me against because I might have regrets...and she doubled down on understanding that it could still very well be that I reached a point where I believed the relationship wasn't right for me, but that the regrets would come from how quickly I make harsh decisions because he wouldn't allow me to pull him back in if I later questioned myself. She was right! It was just so long ago that I didn't think about her reading at all while I was experiencing it.

My posts sound contradicting because in the latter I was no longer hyperfocused on events out of my control and in unbearable costly anxiety.

Ask yourself -  what it would mean if it doesn't all turn out the way you would prefer, and if all the 'positive' predictions were wrong. How would you have wished you had spent this time if that were true? How would you have wished you had spent this time if that was false?

Get some sleep. Wishing you all the love!
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by mixielove on February 14, 2025, 07:16:09 AM »
Could really use some feedback about Yona being wrong.

Yona gave me a reading a week ago. She said my first challenge card covered the next 3 months and it was about my boyfriend and I learning to rebuild trust after infidelity, him learning to replace old patterns and what not.

The rest of my reading was all about the things we're going to do together, buying properties together, raising his son together, deeper commitment/more partnership (10 of cups).

However..we broke up yesterday. In a very calm and thought out break up about a completely different related issues. Not impulsive or anything.

Could my whole entire reading be wrong? Or did I just change things through free will?

Would you have any updates on this post and Yona's predictions?

Regarding that relationship....which is the one that led me into the pure anxiety-ridden obsession with psychic predictions and needing to know the future, mind you....after that post we continued in an intense on and off and confusing but increasingly intense relationship for another 10 months or so...after that we remained friends/significant presences in each others lives on and off for about a year and a half until we had a big falling out that was...liberating honestly.
In that time, we traveled a lot, we looked at properties, he eventually helped me move into my new home.
However, we haven't spoke to each other in two years.
Why she drew the 10 of cups? I have no idea.
However, while I feel free of that attachment and grateful to be on the other side of it...I see the entire relationship as the most significant learning experience and relationship of my life that has led me to a much healthier and grounded state, inviting in the type of love I actually deserve and being able to recognize it and not settle for less. Had we stayed together...the trajectory was still leading to an unstable unhealthy triggering a happy ending! But who knows. We haven't talked in nearly two years.
69 / Re: Lorrie C
« Last post by flora0250 on February 14, 2025, 03:32:04 AM »
My predictions did not pan out.
Ugh sorry to hear but thank you for sharing !
70 / Re: Kelly callaghan
« Last post by Novachild1018 on February 14, 2025, 01:45:20 AM »
Tried to read with her earlier because Keem gave me a $20 credit and she didn’t answer lol..idk what I did to her😭 haha these readers are something else.
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