« Last post by SGVues on February 14, 2025, 02:20:47 PM »
Lorrie C’s contact prediction was delayed by 28 days but it did happen. Also her overall reading of my situation seems to be correct. Things seem to be going in the way she said they would so I am hopeful. It’s in keeping with the readings of a host of other readers like Sincerity, Moonstar mother, The Real Twin Flame Advisor, Psychic Bright Blessings, Moonlight Bay,Yana & Eliza (Psychic Source),
Jaiden, Petunia, Rusty from California Psychics. It’s a slow progress and everyone has cautioned me of this and all of them have given me a timeline of spring: March-April. Sincerity is the only one to not provide a timeline. So will see how things go.