The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: Nottakingthebait on July 04, 2012, 12:17:34 AM

Title: Venus
Post by: Nottakingthebait on July 04, 2012, 12:17:34 AM
Hey Y'all !

I just read with Venus, and I must say I am impressed, time will tell regarding outcome and timeframes but she got A LOT with NO information from me.

Anyone else like her? What about predictions from her?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: haileyn on July 04, 2012, 12:28:57 AM
Hey Y'all !

I just read with Venus, and I must say I am impressed, time will tell regarding outcome and timeframes but she got A LOT with NO information from me.

Anyone else like her? What about predictions from her?

She gave me June as the month for contact back in December, it hasn't come to fruition.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: guesswho on July 04, 2012, 11:55:10 AM
Her timing has been TERRIBLE for me, but she's been accurate with outcomes.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Nottakingthebait on July 04, 2012, 01:07:48 PM
Thanks Guess!

Title: Re: Venus
Post by: thisiscracra on August 10, 2017, 06:10:01 PM
last time i read with her was 2016 September and she was wrong
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Apalm831 on August 25, 2017, 03:46:54 AM
Updates on this reader?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Sparkle002 on August 25, 2017, 04:42:13 AM
She's been correct on outcomes for me - but timing is not her forte.

She channels the present very well.

She even predicted a few new guys that would come forward back in 2015, and saw 2-3 men in my circle at that time - and they did...but she was honest and said she didnt see any of them sticking around lol...which was true

When I asked about my ex back then (2015), she said "Noooo, I dont see anything with that" LOL.
Needless to say that I ended everything with him July 2016! Honestly Indio and Venus were the only 2 that correctly predicted the demise of my last relationship...

I like that she doesnt sugar coat - I know alot of folks have a problem with her talking slow - but I dont really care because her outcomes have been correct more than most ;D

With my current POI she has been spot on as well...
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: nancy on August 25, 2017, 04:43:07 AM
She was right about contact. I has a reading with her around the end of just she said my Ex will contact me in 3 week, he did contact me in August 12. She said all the guy I went on the dates with it won't go anywhere because I don't feel connection with any of them. I went on dates with 3 diff guy but I don't feel the chemistry.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: LameSuperHero on September 02, 2017, 01:41:32 PM
I spoke with her one time years ago. She blamed me for her inability to connect; she was really rude about it though. She was one of the worst for me. I had another reader who started singing.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: candiednut on April 24, 2018, 08:41:58 PM
I asked her about a guy (work related not romance) and she tried to read it like I was into him romantically, lmao, he is like almost 40 years older than me!! Gave me the general "oh he is busy" " he's worried about something" "his thoughts of you are pleasant" crap, didn't pick up at all the nature of our relationship and why I was asking. She assumed I was one of the 99% of women who are calling about an emotionally unavailable guy.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Newlife on April 24, 2018, 09:57:25 PM
Hahaha !!! lol, I think most readers assume we all call about a relationship so they don't put in much effort, this go to show that most of them read cold.

I asked her about a guy (work related not romance) and she tried to read it like I was into him romantically, lmao, he is like almost 40 years older than me!! Gave me the general "oh he is busy" " he's worried about something" "his thoughts of you are pleasant" crap, didn't pick up at all the nature of our relationship and why I was asking. She assumed I was one of the 99% of women who are calling about an emotionally unavailable guy.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Bubbi94 on May 18, 2018, 07:27:40 AM
Honestly i love venus. She has been very accurate for me in outcomes even though her timing has been off by a month in my experience. I recently just had a huge prediction from her (also jeremiah) come through those 2 are my favourites. I know she talks slow but she was right on the money about everything she has told me in regards to past, present and future.

I will say this i was getting reading from her a lot and then decided to space them out every 4-5 weeks. I learnt not to get caught up in timeframes also and to just live my life as if the prediction had never been given it wasnt until i learnt to do that, that HUGE things starting happening i am continuing now not to hold on the the final prediction as i need to let it happen in its on divine timing
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Sparkle002 on December 03, 2018, 04:29:21 PM
Any updates on this reader?

I read with her from time to time and she always gets somethings right for me....lately she had some very very specific predictions (that she came up with on her own) that are supposed to happen very soon....

Anyone ever get really really specific predictions from her that came to pass?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Gemini38 on May 01, 2019, 03:59:51 PM
Any updates?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Sparkle002 on May 31, 2019, 04:55:23 PM
I'm surprised that this reader isnt reviewed much on this forum (or at least under this thread).
I've been using her since 2015.

So I asked what was coming up with me and my POI (#4) and my jaw dropped!

She said that we had 2 trips coming up and it seems to be connected to the POI's work, 1 was a short one and one was longer and there was a place where we would be next to water - she just saw water "on one side". Yes one of the places has a "river walk" that we talked about going to.

Crazy thing is, next week we are going on a quick road trip and the week after we are going on a 3-4 day trip both connected to his work!

She saw many more things related to him....I'll update if it happens
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: lp1111 on May 31, 2019, 07:12:40 PM
I need to look back at my notes because I can’t remember what all she said. I want to say it was very positive, and I enjoyed my reading with her. But of course nothing has come to pass yet. This kind of makes me want to check back in with her though!
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: RPLguy on November 18, 2019, 07:26:14 PM
Venus kind of blew me away. I only gave her the two names like she asked and then my question and off she went. She very accurately described my interest and seemed to know the length of time I have been invested in this. Knew how the past has unfolded and gave a non-fairytale outlook. Her level of detail was very impressive describing both me and my interest. I gave her no info until she had described everything.

I confirmed some of what she had relayed and that sent her into another channeling of more information. Again, from my perspective, spot on.

As others have stated, she does speak slowly and deliberately.  This only seemed to be when she was indeed reading/channeling. Later on in the call, we had more of a conversation style going and she spoke less deliberately, more normal. She is a sweet woman with great humor and compassion.

I really enjoyed my reading with her and again, the details she relayed were amazingly accurate in love and work.

I would definitely read with her again if I needed to.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: SarahM on March 10, 2020, 09:22:45 PM
Wow I read with Venus today and for the first time she was actually quite rude to me. Seemed like she couldn’t be bothered with my questions. Anybody else caught her on a bad day?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: spiritualbinger on April 09, 2020, 09:58:14 PM
I'm surprised that this reader isnt reviewed much on this forum (or at least under this thread).
I've been using her since 2015.

So I asked what was coming up with me and my POI (#4) and my jaw dropped!

She said that we had 2 trips coming up and it seems to be connected to the POI's work, 1 was a short one and one was longer and there was a place where we would be next to water - she just saw water "on one side". Yes one of the places has a "river walk" that we talked about going to.

Crazy thing is, next week we are going on a quick road trip and the week after we are going on a 3-4 day trip both connected to his work!

She saw many more things related to him....I'll update if it happens

Sparkle, have you read with her more recently? Is she still a trusted advisor for you?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Bg2020 on April 17, 2020, 04:26:50 PM

Should I have a specific question for VENUS or just ask for a general reading? How long should the reading be for best connection?  10...15....20 minutes?
Any advice would be great.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Wishful Thinker on April 17, 2020, 11:39:27 PM
Hi for Venus it’s best to get 10 minutes and have questions on hand but she will tell you mostly what she sees before you say anything.  If it’s pertaining to a person, she’ll ask you to say their name and your name once and then she channels.  I don’t remember what she does for career questions.  But I’m pretty sure it’s something similar.  She’s really nice.  I’ve read with her back some years ago.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: TeaAndCookies on April 18, 2020, 12:06:14 AM
Wow I read with Venus today and for the first time she was actually quite rude to me. Seemed like she couldn’t be bothered with my questions. Anybody else caught her on a bad day?

She was very rude to me, too. I never called her back after that. I don’t mind if they’re rude but right. This woman was rude, and just plain wrong.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Bg2020 on April 18, 2020, 02:17:22 AM
Thank you Wishful Thinker! :)
Did any outcomes from your reading come through?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Wishful Thinker on April 21, 2020, 04:50:54 PM
You are very welcome.  Not recently because it was readings about feelings and emotions.  However, I read with her some years ago and although I don’t remember most of what she said (I destroyed my notes) I do remember her mentioning something concerning my daughter which came to pass but I didn’t realize it until it was happening.  I can say that she was accurate in the describing the person and emotions which was good.  I know a lot of people don’t like her, but she’s cool to me.  She reminds me a lot of my aunts; straightforward and to the point.  As long as you allow her to channel and give you the info without interrupting her, she’s all good.  :)
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Carmendiaz on April 21, 2020, 11:33:43 PM
Here is my experience with her. I felt it was fairytale regrading POI feelings toward me.
- contact prediction did not happen.
- she said we will have two different convos or communication in April( not sure if is is happening or not) we ll see
- she also did not say much about predictions other than May will be ok( whatever that means) June better and July he ll pull back.

I am not sure if these are considered predictions since they are so general. I am still on the fence about her.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Sparkle002 on May 14, 2020, 02:53:50 AM
I'm surprised that this reader isnt reviewed much on this forum (or at least under this thread).
I've been using her since 2015.

So I asked what was coming up with me and my POI (#4) and my jaw dropped!

She said that we had 2 trips coming up and it seems to be connected to the POI's work, 1 was a short one and one was longer and there was a place where we would be next to water - she just saw water "on one side". Yes one of the places has a "river walk" that we talked about going to.

Crazy thing is, next week we are going on a quick road trip and the week after we are going on a 3-4 day trip both connected to his work!

She saw many more things related to him....I'll update if it happens

Sparkle, have you read with her more recently? Is she still a trusted advisor for you?

Hey Im just now seeing this! lol

Yes she is definitely a go to...she reminds me of Cookie a little bit because she can see whole entire scenarios in detail out of the blue on her own that actually happen. She is expensive as hell though!

Ive been reading with her for 5 years...Id say she has more hits with a specific POI - like different ones Ive called about she has been more accurate with certain guys than others for some reason - maybe she can connect with certain ppl we ask about better than others
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: nileshbh on January 28, 2021, 12:12:20 AM
She is awfully wrong with me. She picked up nothing with my current situation. Call lasted only 3 min and I have to ask for refund.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: lala on September 21, 2021, 09:56:08 PM
updates on Venus...
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: sleepyeyes on January 20, 2024, 10:51:14 PM
Just wanted to pop in to drop my two cents on Venus.

I spoke to Venus in July of 2023 about a person I was seeing. She had nothing but good stuff to say! She said she felt our relationship progress significantly by the end of the year. She did warn that times could move a little slow until then. I would say she was right. This person and I were kinda ebbing and flowing and I will say that by the end of December 2023 we ended up being in a much better place within our relationship. He’s especially trying to get back into a romantic kind of connection with me even as I type of this. But what she didn’t catch on is that I am now seeing him as more of a dear friend that I am grateful to have. Yeah, I’m still attracted to him. But I am now unsure of having a romantic connection with him.

I also spoke to her about someone else and she stated that although he does like me, he is very much distracted with other priorities. He doesn’t feel he has time to worry about this right now and that she didn’t see seriousness between us soon. This person returned 4 months later to try to establish a serious committed relationship with me  but at this point I had already mentally checked out. So although she was correct on the outcome, she never mentioned he would return to try! That was a surprise.

That’s what I got hahah
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: stayrosy96 on November 01, 2024, 11:20:23 PM
It’s been a while since someone spoke about Venus. I just had my first reading with her today. Does anyone have any recent experiences with her and have had predictions happen?
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: flora0250 on November 01, 2024, 11:30:08 PM
It’s been a while since someone spoke about Venus. I just had my first reading with her today. Does anyone have any recent experiences with her and have had predictions happen?

I have had a few recent readings with her. I asked her about 3 different POIs. The first is either flat out wrong or he’s taking a really long time to come forward. That was over the summer like July. The third is pretty recent and I’m waiting to see if predictions happen. The second though she did get a number of things right. She accurately predicted contact from him and that there was a third party. She said the reconnection would be short lived (certainly possible he’d ghosted me again but not sure yet). She also said the 3rd party was someone from his past but I have no way of confirming that at this time.

Will report back on the other two POIs eventually! Her timing definitely is off but the predictions came true for POI 2. Actually no POI 2 she did say it wouldn’t be any time soon which was right at the time - I think she said at least a few weeks or month away and she was right. But that wasn’t really a specific time frame prediction.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: nursemarie9551 on November 12, 2024, 02:36:39 AM
Venus had a hit. She predicted it wasn't over between me & a poi & I heard from him all few hours later. She predicted I'd hear from a different poi in 2 weeks. We shall see. Haven't heard from him since June. I didn't tell her that of course. I'll be back in 2 weeks to update.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: stayrosy96 on November 12, 2024, 07:18:28 AM
Venus had a hit. She predicted it wasn't over between me & a poi & I heard from him all few hours later. She predicted I'd hear from a different poi in 2 weeks. We shall see. Haven't heard from him since June. I didn't tell her that of course. I'll be back in 2 weeks to update.

Glad you got a hit! Definitely keep us posted. Her predictions seemed almost too good to be true regarding my POI and his feelings. I’ll report back if anything happens “end of November or early December”
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Aaron0326 on November 12, 2024, 05:37:28 PM
Have read with Venus about a few different romantic interests since 2020.
First POI she was sort of ambiguous about outcome but she warned me about a text convo that I didn’t understand.  A few weeks later i accidentally sent a text to my ex that was about her but intended for someone else lol.

Second poi she immediately said nope, not gunna work, forget her.  She was very correct.

Third and fourth POIs she was wrong. 
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Dawnlegacy on November 15, 2024, 05:55:26 PM
Is she known to be a fairytale reader by any chance?
She told me POI will message me in a few weeks and I don’t wanna get my hopes up if she’s known to give positive readings.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: flora0250 on November 15, 2024, 05:58:09 PM
Is she known to be a fairytale reader by any chance?
She told me POI will message me in a few weeks and I don’t wanna get my hopes up if she’s known to give positive readings.

I’m not sure. I read with her on 3 POIs. She was right about the one she gave me a negative reading. I’m almost positive she was wrong on the 1st POI which was definitely very positive. I’m not sure yet on POI 3 which was also very positive reading. So I don’t think she’s entirely fairytale but the only prediction that’s come through so far was a negative one.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: Ccc25 on January 03, 2025, 06:22:36 PM
Any updates on Venus? She was very correct on an outcome for me a couple of years ago. When it played out the way that she said it would, I was shocked. But timing for smaller predictions don't seem to happen.
Title: Re: Venus
Post by: nursemarie9551 on February 05, 2025, 04:45:48 AM
Just now remembered to update on Venus. Prediction was not correct. She predicted in November I'd hear from poi i hadn't heard from since June. It's now February & I still haven't heard from him.