The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => Bitwine => Topic started by: Truthfromrosie on May 06, 2020, 06:50:28 PM

Title: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on May 06, 2020, 06:50:28 PM
Just wanting opinions from anyone who has read with both. Both seem to mostly give negative outcomes but I’ve seen a number of people on here say they’ve been inaccurate when giving positive outcomes.

Has anyone had either be incorrect with a negative outcome?

Overall, whose insights do you trust more?

I had a much more negative outcome predicted by Ari than Stephanie, has anyone had it the other way around? And do you know who was right yet?
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Dnj1984 on May 06, 2020, 08:21:19 PM
Interesting... I’ve never got a negative outcome from Ari. Never read with Stephanie Theresa however.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Realrealwater on May 06, 2020, 08:38:22 PM
Stephanie told me he will be back & theres potential but it depends on him as he has tendencies to not be present due to his own insecurities/hangups about life. She nailed him better than most. Said he was happy with me so he will be back genuinely but its about him& his growth & my own needs& wants in terms of whether it will be long term or short lived

At first Ari said he will come back but not know what he wants - basically be inconsistent which are the part of the tendencies Stephanie touched on. The second reading she said he will be back. He will be random one of these days cos he misses me & want to try again but I will meet another man & realise my poi is not that great lol ( She gave a months time line& that is long gone.

Both of them told me a similar reason as to why he handled things the way he did.
In a way, I got the same outcome from both. Ari’s was more like you hear from him& he will regret it but reconciliation wont happen as I would like. Stephanie's was more like I haven’t heard the last of him&he will want to try being he has very strong feelings for me but he may not be stable enough to maintain - depends on his growth.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on May 06, 2020, 08:42:23 PM
Stephanie told me he will be back & theres potential but it depends on him as he has tendencies to not be present due to his own insecurities/hangups about life. She nailed him better than most. Said he was happy with me so he will be back genuinely but its about him& his growth & my own needs& wants in terms of whether it will be long term or short lived

At first Ari said he will come back but not know what he wants - basically be inconsistent which are the part of the tendencies Stephanie touched on. The second reading she said he will be back. He will be random one of these days cos he misses me & want to try again but I will meet another man & realise my poi is not that great lol ( She gave a months time line& that is long gone.

Both of them told me a similar reason as to why he handled things the way he did.
In a way, I got the same outcome from both. Ari’s was more like you hear from him& he will regret it but reconciliation wont happen as I would like. Stephanie's was more like I haven’t heard the last of him&he will want to try being he has very strong feelings for me but he may not be stable enough to maintain - depends on his growth.

Thank you for sharing. I got very different outcomes from both. Stephanie describes the situation more accurately in my opinion but I’m wary that nobody seems to say they’ve gotten a negative outcome of Ari which didn’t occur and many have said ST predicted a positive outcome and she was just plain wrong.

I hate that this even matters to me so much.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Realrealwater on May 06, 2020, 08:47:45 PM
Stephanie told me he will be back & theres potential but it depends on him as he has tendencies to not be present due to his own insecurities/hangups about life. She nailed him better than most. Said he was happy with me so he will be back genuinely but its about him& his growth & my own needs& wants in terms of whether it will be long term or short lived

At first Ari said he will come back but not know what he wants - basically be inconsistent which are the part of the tendencies Stephanie touched on. The second reading she said he will be back. He will be random one of these days cos he misses me & want to try again but I will meet another man & realise my poi is not that great lol ( She gave a months time line& that is long gone.

Both of them told me a similar reason as to why he handled things the way he did.
In a way, I got the same outcome from both. Ari’s was more like you hear from him& he will regret it but reconciliation wont happen as I would like. Stephanie's was more like I haven’t heard the last of him&he will want to try being he has very strong feelings for me but he may not be stable enough to maintain - depends on his growth.

Thank you for sharing. I got very different outcomes from both. Stephanie describes the situation more accurately in my opinion but I’m wary that nobody seems to say they’ve gotten a negative outcome of Ari which didn’t occur and many have said ST predicted a positive outcome and she was just plain wrong.

I hate that this even matters to me so much.

Well Ari said I should move on& should not wait. I guess that is negative lol
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: pfizer on May 07, 2020, 04:45:53 AM
very interesting topic

i went to both of them a lot, for me stephanie is more trustful than ari.

like about one specific POI, i always went to ST then i will went to ARI.
both of them described how POI thinks about me & what is in his head accurately, that part i think they were very similar the talent i meant. But ari didnt say much negative while ST is more realistic like that person's bug you better be alert

for immediate future, ari is more accurate like she can tell when the poi will contact or what is he going to do next, timeline may be wrong but end up they did happen. ST is not good at very close upcoming events.

for future prediction like will i end up with him? definitely ST is better. she told me what are the limitations and if i wanted i will get it but then what i have to give up and that i will be very reserved and options will come. Ari was very very very optimistic and even told me when he will propose and when i will move....never happened and i dont see it happens as well.

so i end up go to ST a lot more now.

dont get me wrong i still believe ari is a real deal but you really needed to add a lot of salt in her readings especially the positive outcomes. while she is negative, most likely she is right.

and both ST & ARI has no problem to deliver negative messages to me.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: pfizer on May 07, 2020, 04:55:18 AM
oh to answer your question
when both or either was negative about something, 100% it's negative
they never steer me wrong this way
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: spiritualbinger on May 07, 2020, 06:52:13 AM
I agree. Both are accurate and if they give you a negative prediction, it’s more than likely correct.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on May 07, 2020, 08:44:09 AM
very interesting topic

for future prediction like will i end up with him? definitely ST is better. she told me what are the limitations and if i wanted i will get it but then what i have to give up and that i will be very reserved and options will come. Ari was very very very optimistic and even told me when he will propose and when i will move....never happened and i dont see it happens as well.

so i end up go to ST a lot more now.

and both ST & ARI has no problem to deliver negative messages to me.

oh to answer your question
when both or either was negative about something, 100% it's negative
they never steer me wrong this way

These kind of fly in the face of each other in this situation! ST is more accurate you say but Ari has given the far more negative outcome. So you say if it came to it, you’d trust her?

Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: pfizer on May 07, 2020, 09:43:45 AM
ok i will do it this way

if ari gave negative prediction, i will just trust her it's going to be negative, most of the time she is correct when it's negative.

if ari gave positive prediction, then i will double check with ST. if ST also said it's positive then most likely it's positive. if ST went opposite then i will trust ST likely it's not going to be as positive as Ari said.

the above method, works really well for me lol

and if i am still doubtful; i will check with a tarot reader haha. tarot's outcome always goes to ST. (my experience)
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on May 07, 2020, 10:03:19 AM
ok i will do it this way

if ari gave negative prediction, i will just trust her it's going to be negative, most of the time she is correct when it's negative.

if ari gave positive prediction, then i will double check with ST. if ST also said it's positive then most likely it's positive. if ST went opposite then i will trust ST likely it's not going to be as positive as Ari said.

the above method, works really well for me lol

and if i am still doubtful; i will check with a tarot reader haha. tarot's outcome always goes to ST. (my experience)

My only issue with this is that ST clearly connected better to the situation than Ari, she really saw it all. But as Ari gave a brutally bad outcome then indeed, I am not sure what to think.  :'( I guess I won’t know until I know.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: pfizer on May 07, 2020, 10:46:12 AM
to be honest with you if ari saw its very negative then i wont put much hope on it

ok i will do it this way

if ari gave negative prediction, i will just trust her it's going to be negative, most of the time she is correct when it's negative.

if ari gave positive prediction, then i will double check with ST. if ST also said it's positive then most likely it's positive. if ST went opposite then i will trust ST likely it's not going to be as positive as Ari said.

the above method, works really well for me lol

and if i am still doubtful; i will check with a tarot reader haha. tarot's outcome always goes to ST. (my experience)

My only issue with this is that ST clearly connected better to the situation than Ari, she really saw it all. But as Ari gave a brutally bad outcome then indeed, I am not sure what to think.  :'( I guess I won’t know until I know.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Dreamescape23 - P on May 16, 2020, 03:42:22 AM
ST by far.  I forgot about her she’s very genuine and accurate
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: moonstar on June 03, 2020, 05:47:12 PM
i think Ari is more long term while ST i think she cant predict long term, so if you ask what will happen today, it will be today's energy. And if next two weeks change, it will change of course. But ST not really giving prediction, sometimes ST only said "But freewill plays". Energy can change. Things like this. So that means ST read more "At The Moment" than Ari.

This is interesting, because Ari has told me I need to give it time and be patient, and it will be slow... ST says its unlikely to happen, but I wonder if she sees this based on the current events, and that Ari can see better long term. Unless this is just wishful thinking on my part
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: pfizer on June 04, 2020, 03:39:19 AM
ST can see long term. When she told me it's unlikely to happen then for me its not going to happen. and she has been accurate for me.
ARI has been wrong for me lately, short term predictions; so i will stop getting readings from her for a while.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on June 04, 2020, 09:12:02 PM
I've had 2 readings with Ari. Both were wrong unfortunately and these were in Jan and March last year. Her predictions ranged from weeks to a year out which have all now passed and nothing has come true regarding the specific types of contact she saw. She seemed to get the emotional side right but that could have been written about anyone. I have no inside info to verify what she said. So I never read with her again. I'm a big ST fan. Her love predictions can take time but they do happen, have happened and are happening. Not always spot on but fairly close. Business predictions almost spot on every time. I always check in with ST regarding potential business partnerships, staff (and what they might be like to employ) and she's always been spot on. Even when I didn't really believe what she was seeing she was right. So for me definitely Stephanie.

Thank you for writing about your experience. I am really hoping she’s right. Everything crossed.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: beachgal214 on June 05, 2020, 08:03:04 PM
Is Stephanie on bitwise or live person? I saw a profile on bitwine but there is a thread on here under live person for Stephanie Teresa (no "h") are they the same?
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: jolimano on June 05, 2020, 09:22:42 PM
Is Stephanie on bitwise or live person? I saw a profile on bitwine but there is a thread on here under live person for Stephanie Teresa (no "h") are they the same?

Yes that is the same person, she is on Bitwine and Kasamba.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Thalou on June 13, 2020, 09:13:36 AM
I have read with both. Twice with Ari, and several times with ST. Both are really good. The main difference is that Ari gives timeliness when ST does not. To my experience what ST says happened more or less within 3 months from the reading. Ari nailed down the exact date of my poi leaving me, she said end of May he will start being dismissive and distant, you will question his behavior and that is why he will leave. ST saw him leaving, said this man comes and goes with his energy, and wont stop if you accept this behavior. They both were aligned in him going back to his ex, and that wont be lasting because of his issues. This one last piece I cant validate.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on June 13, 2020, 09:29:56 AM
I actually just read with ST again. I suppose overall outcomes are aligned but there are big differences in their predictions. Ari basically said I will hear from POI randomly again but nothing more than that. ST said that he *will* come back to try things over again. And she thinks there’s a chance but it’s unlikely that things will work out and more likely I’ll be disappointed (again).
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Natashanyc on June 13, 2020, 10:54:46 PM
I just read some old threads from 2018 . Ari was wrong for me . She told me my ex wasn’t cheating and he just has female friends he talks to for support. In hindsight looking at the date of my read with her I see that is the same month he got his side chick pregnant because I left him few months after. She said “ he doesn’t want to lose you and he won’t” definitely wrong because I left him and he sure did lose me lmao

I noticed ppl comparing her to ST that’s the only reason I posted here and I can’t judge ST but Ari was a definite no for me as it’s is 2 years later and that fairytale didn’t happen lol
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: marciamia on June 13, 2020, 10:59:34 PM
I read with Ari early last year and she was wrong for me too. Never understood the hype.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Natashanyc on June 13, 2020, 11:10:03 PM
I read with Ari early last year was wrong for me too. Never understood the hype.

I’m seriously sitting here like huh who the hell they talking about ????! 🤔🤣😂
That reading was the exact OPPOSITE of what happened... these kinda reads made me stay with a real dummy longer than I should have lol
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on June 13, 2020, 11:11:20 PM
I read with Ari early last year and she was wrong for me too. Never understood the hype.

With a positive or negative prediction? I’ve seen quite a few time’s shes been wrong when she’s positive but literally not seen one person say she gave them a negative prediction that turned out to be wrong.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: marciamia on June 13, 2020, 11:53:24 PM
I read with Ari early last year and she was wrong for me too. Never understood the hype.

With a positive or negative prediction? I’ve seen quite a few time’s shes been wrong when she’s positive but literally not seen one person say she gave them a negative prediction that turned out to be wrong.

It was positive.... unless her timing is wayyyyy off.... like off the rails off!
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on June 14, 2020, 12:06:33 AM
I read with Ari early last year and she was wrong for me too. Never understood the hype.

With a positive or negative prediction? I’ve seen quite a few time’s shes been wrong when she’s positive but literally not seen one person say she gave them a negative prediction that turned out to be wrong.

It was positive.... unless her timing is wayyyyy off.... like off the rails off!

Ahhhh, I thought so. When was this supposed to happen?

If anyone has been given a negative prediction that turned out to be incorrect, by Ari, please can you post.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Kittykat666 on June 15, 2020, 12:36:38 AM
Ari vs  Stephanie Theresa is this a serious question lol just kidding. I would have to say Stephanie. I don’t want to go in to hard on Ari but she was awful for me, but I think it’s because she didn’t connect with me but she has worked for others so she must be good in a way. Stephanie connected with my situation very well. She knows things she couldn’t have just guess. But my verdict is still out on Stephanie until my prediction comes to pass but so far she’s been very good.
Title: Re: Ari v Stephanie Theresa
Post by: Truthfromrosie on July 24, 2020, 03:49:10 AM
Any updates for either?