The Psychic Reviews
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: Lo12345 on September 06, 2019, 03:24:33 PM
I didn’t see a thread before... but has anyone read with her? Thoughts? Accurate?
Yes, she has been accurate for me.
spoke to her for the very first time yesterday
she tells me many times " I only give the information I am concern as to what you may or may not wish to know.."
so she is a honest reader because she told me stuff straight up positivist and negative which i love!!
she told me my POI wont change and that his dating someone for superficial reasons..mostly money(my ex is dating a med student lol)
and that he will cheat on his current lover
she told me my POI will be back but doesnt know when,,,, when his done cheating and being stupid basically she said
i then asked her about someone els and she gave me accurate details just by a first name and didnt give me false hopes.
overall; i really liked her.... very honest and direct... no false hope and bullshit.
I have had readings with her and she is a good sort of reader. I like her kindnesses but her predictions have not come to pass..still waiting. I believe she definitely work a try. Medium priced and try her out on a special..ok.
Wasn't good for me. I got a maybe I'll be with my love interest that changed into a Yes. I am not with him, even after nine months.
Second reading! It was not like the first time...nice lady but...
My thing is she doesn’t beleive in timing. So like what is my purpose of the reading I’ve been guilty to go back for super quick reading from time to time. But what is the point of getting a reading if I don’t have a time frame to go off of
I agree.
That was my first reading and she was really good.
Hey I like her reading kind woman...but there are others that can blow your mind. Really dude?
Angelica was my goto on PS. I want to say she is Faith Grace on Hollywood (PS's sister site) and she has been spot on for a lot things with me.
Hollywood? Huh..
- times I am so not with reality..I check Hollywood and maybe you are on it...who true?
Keep it on...thx. Very interesting?! 🤗🤗🤓😎😜😝🤑🤑🤑🤑
Thx for the sharing!
Very informational.....
Angelica was right on Jan 2020 when my POI split up from me... I called her again because of my POI and she knew straight away that my POI has another woman on his side. She told me everything. Ive got very sad but that is the truth and is correct. She said he will marry her and so on...
He got engaged to her on 18th. She also described some other guy correctly that he is single but searching...
She also has a profile on PathForward and I didn't know it was the same person. Anyway, I read on both sites the same week and on PS she told me one thing and on the other site another, and she was rude.
How was she rude and are you sure she is the same person? I couldn't find Angelica on PathForward. Does she has a different name?
Hello she is on Pathforward and her hair is brown and much younger. Pathforward has new people that work both lines. She is there for sure.
How was she rude and are you sure she is the same person? I couldn't find Angelica on PathForward. Does she has a different name?
Thank you. Just cannot find her.
I did the free DM with her on Source today. She was probably the best out of all the advisors I tried the DM special with, and she was the least expensive per minute rate, too. She gave a timeline, which most of the other DM'ers did not. Only Roxanne did.
I like Angelica. I think she is realistic and doesnt give fairytale readings. She told me some things about an individual and based on what actually happened, I'd say she was pretty accurate. She was direct and blunt but not rude in my experience.
She literally says the same thing every time mixed feelings they’ll be back around she got rude and hung up on me twice so far after I’ve asked her to elaborate her answer so I replied to hundreds of messages she sends in the inbox for no reason begging for u to have a reading and told her she was a miserable old witch !
Bridgette Amy and kaillie my fav Marlo is also worth the read
She literally says the same thing every time mixed feelings they’ll be back around she got rude and hung up on me twice so far after I’ve asked her to elaborate her answer so I replied to hundreds of messages she sends in the inbox for no reason begging for u to have a reading and told her she was a miserable old witch !
Bridgette Amy and kaillie my fav Marlo is also worth the read
Haha..I definitely have received those messages in my inbox from her. She didnt blow me away but I think she captured things accurately. Not sure I would call her back tho. It's funny but it just goes to show how different readers just connect to some and not to others...does not excuse the rudeness from her tho. I really do not care for Bridgette at all...I cant comprehend how she is so expensive. She's like a $1.99 reader in my experiences with her.. I like Amy, never read with Kallie and Marlo I had one reading with but she was wrong for me. Glad they worked for you tho.
She literally says the same thing every time mixed feelings they’ll be back around she got rude and hung up on me twice so far after I’ve asked her to elaborate her answer so I replied to hundreds of messages she sends in the inbox for no reason begging for u to have a reading and told her she was a miserable old witch !
Bridgette Amy and kaillie my fav Marlo is also worth the read
Haha..I definitely have received those messages in my inbox from her. She didnt blow me away but I think she captured things accurately. Not sure I would call her back tho. It's funny but it just goes to show how different readers just connect to some and not to others...does not excuse the rudeness from her tho. I really do not care for Bridgette at all...I cant comprehend how she is so expensive. She's like a $1.99 reader in my experiences with her.. I like Amy, never read with Kallie and Marlo I had one reading with but she was wrong for me. Glad they worked for you tho.
Wow, I must be lucky not to have read with any readers on Source who keep sending their clients mail. That must be scammy!
I read with Angelica I think 5 times. Only our last reading was completely off with everything, including the future. I asked about a friend I argued with and she said it will continue as always but the truth is it was our last conversation and the ending of our friendship. That was 2 years ago.
I read with Angelica I think 5 times. Only our last reading was completely off with everything, including the future. I asked about a friend I argued with and she said it will continue as always but the truth is it was our last conversation and the ending of our friendship. That was 2 years ago.
Sigh. My free DM technically didn't come true....I had asked her if I'd be getting a job and when. She saw a 90-day window and then put "....." - I interpreted that to mean five months. Could be five seasons, I guess.
Still no job over here. And I keep on trying to cut and paste to get it to "fit" those dots.
I had a reading with Angelica, not just she gave me a negative prediction, she also inserted her personal opinion that hurt my feelings. I asked her about contact and told her that this is a long distance thing. She said she does not see much change in behavior until end of the year which is fine, but also said that "if he was ready, people move mountains to get someone they wanna be with". Well I know this, we all know this, but the thing is we don't call in for the ones cross mountains that's why you have a job.
Note: Customer service fully refunded the reading.
I just read with Angelica this morning for the first time. I asked about a guy I have a connection with. All I gave was his first name and she just went from there. I tend to trust these people MuCH more when they don’t ask me any questions and just start typing. That impressed me a lot about her because she nailed a lot of things straight away: we have a lot of attraction and chemistry. She did tell me he can be hot/cold and confusing which I see she’s said to others but it’s most definitely true in my case. She also said that his hot/cold behavior has a lot to do with him being hurt in the past. (Not knowing he was in a 9 year relationship prior to meeting me). She said I’m in for a roller coaster of ups and downs that will require a lot of patience from me, (several others have said the exact same). I felt she was non-judgmental and was both honest and also gave me hope and truth. I would talk to her again.
She is on my favs list..
I just had a great reading with Angelica she nailed my POI to a T and his behaviours. Not always what you want to hear but confirmed what I sort of thought myself. She give me a contact prediction for January, so guess anytime this month. Has anyone had an contact predictions from here come to pass?
Even though my last reading with Angelica was completely off, I wanted to give it another try. I called her again. I am in a very difficult situation and have to make very important decisions, so I called Angelica. She listened to me then hung up. :-\ I thought that must be a mistake Angelica has more class than that right?, so I called her back. She has acted as nothing has happened when I asked what happened she said it was not her, so I repeated my question and she said she can't answer my question and bum she hung up again. I am very disappointed really, I was kind as always even supportive enough not to give her a 1 star for the previous reading where she was completely off and wrong. I think as a paying client, I called her many times in the past, what she did was just wrong and rude and stupid.
I want to talk to Jae Rae so bad. I listened to her radio podcast, she is very bubbly, lovely, respectful, and gives people very important informations in a very short time, which helps people by their decisions. Her waiting list is 5 years though :'(
Just know that are good and wonderful readers on PS. But I understand the frustration…suckx
So I recently read with her (and some other advisors on PS as well)
She is the only one who predicted a very negative outcome
Also she is the only one who said my POI won’t come back at all
She was super blunt too in chat I don’t really like her style
And now I’m so confused on who to believe because she seems to be accurate for most people
Anyways, will see how the prediction pan out
She almost always says they’re not coming back lol. In my experience and multiple calls over the years she has always given a negative reading. Even if she says they’re coming back she says it will not work out. I think all readers have a 50/50 chance of getting it right? Psychics are probably better to understand the past and present and maybe near future. But I have yet to find a reader who has been 100% accurate. A lot of them can predict things in the immediate future coming up etc.
That’s right.
Still she said something that stands out
Also I read with her in chat so I don’t know if we connected that well
If her prediction is right I’ll update here!
Really like your directness but her reads are always the same.. for new timer she is good
I read with her for the first time yesterday she seemed on point I will see because she did give me a the door isn’t closed
I read with her for the first time yesterday she seemed on point I will see because she did give me a the door isn’t closed
I read with her three years ago. The timeline was off by a couple years but her outcome was correct.
I am learning that it may be best to.give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to timelines. Your predicted outcome may take years beyond what your psychic is saying, but if you can let go and live life in the meantime, that's the important thing!
Many blessings all!