The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => Bitwine => Topic started by: whatdoyoumean09 on July 31, 2019, 10:52:41 AM

Title: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: whatdoyoumean09 on July 31, 2019, 10:52:41 AM
I could not find a thread on Leeloo - I did search and I could not find one so I am starting one here.

Many of her predictions for me have panned out but a couple have not come to pass - although, generally, what she has said would happen, has happened as she predicts. It is usually her contact predictions that are more off, but when it comes to how things will progress and what will happen next (besides contact), she is generally right.

In early March, she told me I would go on a date on March 28th with a guy who was really only a thought for me at the time. On March 28th, we made plans as a larger group to go see a movie -- and everyone stood us up on purpose -- and guess what, we did go on that date. Since then, things have happened more or less as she predicted -- again, contact seems to be her weakness but timeframes in general are a major strength.

Any other experiences?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mayflower on August 03, 2019, 08:23:15 AM
If my guy can get a job within this month, all i could say is she is brilliant because it is not easy to predict that. End of this month i would know but previous prediction panned out as she told me.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: whatdoyoumean09 on August 03, 2019, 12:20:17 PM
If my guy can get a job within this month, all i could say is she is brilliant because it is not easy to predict that. End of this month i would know but previous prediction panned out as she told me.

Almost all of her predictions have panned out for me - even if the timing has been slightly wrong on a few occasions (not too many), things happen exactly as she says. One thing I remember, is she told me once, "You won't see each other tomorrow. It'll be Wednesday." I told her something like, "It can't be Wednesday because I have something else going on." Well, my other plans got canceled - and it was Wednesday.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mayflower on August 03, 2019, 08:58:55 PM
If my guy can get a job within this month, all i could say is she is brilliant because it is not easy to predict that. End of this month i would know but previous prediction panned out as she told me.

Almost all of her predictions have panned out for me - even if the timing has been slightly wrong on a few occasions (not too many), things happen exactly as she says. One thing I remember, is she told me once, "You won't see each other tomorrow. It'll be Wednesday." I told her something like, "It can't be Wednesday because I have something else going on." Well, my other plans got canceled - and it was Wednesday.
Wow! I wish this time she will be correct again as my guy he is suffering his life now. :) If pass this situation, i will contact her again.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Love2lovenj on September 25, 2019, 02:15:19 PM
Never understood the fuss people made over LeeLoo, she's an odd one. My first time reading with her was somewhere around September 2018. Predictions were such a mixed bag: communication may come, but it may not be what I'm hoping for in the end, but also said that the POI had feelings for me that are locked away in a dresser drawer. The only thing was strange and a bit vague. She didn't explain whether she was pulling cards or ascending in the spaceship for the "astral reading," but whatever, the timeline for the prediction wasn't until the new year anyway, so I had time. I decided to come back a few months later just to ask her to take a fresh look at things, and she agreed. Once the paid chat started, she immediately scolded me for not waiting until the first timeline prediction had passed, then pretty much regurgitated the same thing she had told me months prior (I think she pulled up the transcript). The timeline eventually passed, and she had said that I could use the Bitwine message system to update her without coming back for another paid reading, but she was so dismissive and condescending, and when I questioned what I felt was unlikely to happen, she just got rude and reverted to this "blame the client" stance. I didn't feel like I got a legitimate reading either time, so I put a service dispute through on PayPal to work this out with her. She got even more hostile, demanding that I cancel the dispute and claiming that she was a rare mystic, that I was trying to harm this rare mystic, and how dangerous this would be for me. I think she's a french fry short of a Happy Meal, to be honest. But her predictions definitely did not come to pass in the end. Never again.

Omg this was your best review yet! 😂😂

You had me laughing so hard.  Thanks for chiming in on the the readers you tried.  I personally never tried her and now i won't for sure.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Sheri817 on December 28, 2019, 07:10:14 AM
She was quite confident in her prediction of contact dec24-27. This was back in October that she told me this. She was wrong! False hope. He's nevercoming back
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mignnone on December 29, 2019, 05:54:28 AM
I have not had success with her regarding timeframes and I’m not so sure what she has told me explanation wise has been right. I have a work prediction for next month but I don’t think I will read with her again.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on February 29, 2020, 02:38:53 AM
so far i had 2 readings from her, in 4 years.
i am confident to say that; she is not my reader lol
first time was very generic, i couldnt say she was right or wrong
second time, no; the person she described was not the person i asked, no; so i dont care about her prediction.
so no more!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bee.23 on March 26, 2020, 08:14:44 AM
I have not had success with her regarding timeframes and I’m not so sure what she has told me explanation wise has been right. I have a work prediction for next month but I don’t think I will read with her again.

Did this work prediction ever come true?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bee.23 on March 27, 2020, 10:48:17 AM
Yea.. idk... she gave me some predictions that I feel did not make sense. She said my ex and I would not reconcile and always be ex energy, but that his mom and I would have communication again and reconcile, but not till next year (summer/fall 2021)...I know for a fact... if my ex and I never reconcile there is absolutely no way his mother would ever speak to me again (we ended on not positive terms) lol... so.. ?

Even stranger many psychics predicted an attempt at reconciliation this year between POI and me, as well as communication w mother this year. Lately I’ve went about living my life, so haven’t put much thought in it or care as much at this point, as a lot of time has passed since the relationship w my POI.. but I read with her spontaneously yesterday (as I hadn’t had a reading with anyone in like 2 months) saw her online, and was interested to try

She also said I would get pregnant in 2021... I’m currently single and no love interest so I just feel like things aren’t adding up. I wouldn’t let that happen unless it was with my ex

I suppose time will tell, but if anyone else has had predictions she stated not add up or come true/not come true, let me know

Overall, she was super nice and seemed like a very ethical and good energy reader
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Kkbich2014 on March 27, 2020, 11:10:06 PM
I read with her twice totally wrong on everything sadly with her 2yrs ago
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: soonyoung on April 01, 2020, 03:04:39 PM
Personally, I think she's better on fiverr than on bitwine. IDK a lot of the things she says, in the moment I'll be like "that can't be right" and then it'll happen. Situations she says are currently happening may not be happening and next thing I know, they are. It's better when she reads with lenormand than tarot, in my opinion. Every time she's read for me she's been right, the only thing that can be off is her timing, otherwise she's crazy accurate for me. Depends on the person, though, I suppose.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Wishful Thinker on April 08, 2020, 07:02:44 PM
I have to say that I’ve read with her three times and each time what she said would happen, actually happened.  They were mostly contact in which I didn’t ask about but she told me.  As the events happened, I was in shock because I had completely forgotten about it and put it out of my head. 
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Carmicsa on April 10, 2020, 01:51:25 AM
I read with her at the beginning of March (my first time ever). Just asked what the intention of my POI was, she said he would make long term plans for our relationship, but we will experience a interruption, breakup, or distancing first. (We are currently going through that now) she said there would be a chance for some small communication (there was, he reached out to check on me since covid started and I’m a nurse), she said he would become more active in the last week of March/ first week of April. Not so much. then she said his long term intentions are better than his short term intentions. I never put too much stock into timelines so we’ll see what the end game is.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Fairydust123 on April 18, 2020, 03:35:36 PM
How do yall get a hold of her? Times? I emailed and she emailed back at 330 am
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Oisin16 on April 18, 2020, 09:11:06 PM
I read with her a year ago, totally wrong with timeframe, present situation at the moment, fairytales
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bee.23 on April 27, 2020, 11:21:00 AM
Talked to her for my 3rd time, just to get a contact prediction, since she was right on the contact before. Convo turned into a 20 minute read and WELP. IF SHE IS CORRECT ABOUT HER FUTURE PREDICTIONS, I might as well resign from this forum and move to North Korea - cause my situation is hopeless lol. Nice lady tho... going to go hibernate in my bed for a month now *cringes away the binge impulses* 😩😩😩🥺

Let me tell you guys hope is a dangerous thing, and a slippery slope.
Pretty drained from this whole predictions>hope>hold on>wait for change>disappointment>predictions>hope>wait for change cycle

Had I let go 1 year and 4 months ago when my relationship ended, maybe I wouldn’t be like the many on this site who are holding on to someone who anyone else would say was healthy to let go of. Sometimes I hate having so big of a heart, and other times I know one day someone will value it enough so I don’t ever have to hate that about myself again

Will keep y’all updated - currently in my feelings  :(
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on April 27, 2020, 04:39:47 PM
Shes always been correct for me but didnt get the contact prediction right recently *shrug*

I still trust her and would go back to her because shes been right in the past, the outcome is more important than the contact prediction and weve build a rapport.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Fairydust123 on April 27, 2020, 04:39:52 PM
So sorry bee :( let me know if you need anything!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: spiritualbinger on April 28, 2020, 02:32:20 PM
Bee, what is meant for you will not pass you! Be open to receiving more. Bigger, better! Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on May 18, 2020, 09:14:36 AM
i dont mind things were delayed as long as it happens; i really dont see anyone really good at timeframe so i am not too obsessive about it.
however, Leeloo simply picked up the wrong person (it's not because i dont like the negative outcome i am not in love with that person but what she described was simply WRONG and i read her negative reviews seemed it happened quite a bit
and she obviously didnt take it very well lol
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bee.23 on May 29, 2020, 03:47:04 AM
Ok so she got a contact prediction bang on that first time (down to the day almost) when I was 3 months with no contact POI. But her predictions since have been wrong. She said POI and I would go two weeks without talking early May that did not happen - we talked. Then she said there would be more contact a few specific days in May, all 4 of the days she mentioned POI and I had no communication. She said end of May I would start online dating and talking to new dating potentials. Did not happen. She said I would meet someone new who is a Pisces in May that I would start to date. Didn’t happen. (I kind of knew all that wouldn’t happen as online dating and dating in general are not things I’m open to or have been open to for 1.5 years). I will keep you all updated on the rest of her predictions as time unfolds

Regardless she was a very kind reader and I do feel she is more accurate than a lot of these other readers (because of other validations she gave)

Just most likely will not be reading with her again
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on May 29, 2020, 07:58:31 AM
i didnt know that she is also on fivver and i ordered another reading from her for the same issue
this time she picked up better, accurately described the person in question and stated clearly the issues.
cannot tell if she is accurate or not but at least i know she was connecting the right person.

that's why we really cannot trust readings too much, one time she connected one time she didnt;
i really dont think she is fake, but connection issue seemed not under anyone's control.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lexy1 on May 30, 2020, 02:48:54 AM
She got my contact predictions right twice ... overall picture still pending. Will update if it comes to pass or not.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Thalou on June 12, 2020, 09:20:49 PM
I had a reading with Leeloo back in Feb, she saw my poi breaking up with his ex... but didnt see that they reconcile a few months later...
Actually she said, he will reject her... well.. no... they on a trip together now.
I believe she has a kind of gift, but I wouldnt read again with her.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on June 13, 2020, 02:26:59 PM
She 100% has a gift- shes been right 80% of my readings and I've read with her like 10 times. She will get little details correct which is what i want from a psychic now fluffy nonsense down to interpretation.

Recently she told me exactly how an event was going to go down.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Kaliangel27 on June 15, 2020, 06:58:10 PM
Can anyone share her fiverr link plz?  Tysm
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: JJC on June 15, 2020, 07:25:16 PM
Can anyone share her fiverr link plz?  Tysm
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Kaliangel27 on June 15, 2020, 08:11:48 PM
Can anyone share her fiverr link plz?  Tysm

Thank you so much! <3
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Realrealwater on June 26, 2020, 06:22:46 AM
Any updates on this reader? She gave me a very soon contact prediction& what she said lines up with my other trusted readers...
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: QueensLadyinNYC on June 26, 2020, 01:54:25 PM
I got a reading from LeeLoo the other day, she was able to see my current situation with my poi, she even picked up on how we communicate & see each other! (I booked her psychic astral travel reading). Because I only booked a simple reading so she was not that extensive but it's enough for me to find out about what I wanted to know between me & my poi. No exact prediction mentioned except one that should happen in the coming months, she also provided some advice based on the situation that she picked up. She seems to be kind & positive but no sugar-coating!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Aibaj678 on June 26, 2020, 02:21:00 PM
She seemed to be a cold reader. Wasn’t able to pick anything specific.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sexyp on July 01, 2020, 07:12:51 PM
any updates on this reader?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: JJC on July 17, 2020, 11:11:45 AM
I have had several readings with Leeloo since last November, I can say 90% of her insights are correct and all major predictions have happened.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: JJC on July 17, 2020, 11:22:41 AM
How is she with timing? She predicted something to happen in around 4 weeks but 4 weeks have passed and nothing yet. I know timing is tricky though.

Her timeframes worked for me very well.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Steven213 on July 17, 2020, 02:31:25 PM
I think she is good and she is very to the point that's what I like about her.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lalalola on July 23, 2020, 12:21:32 PM
How does her email reading work?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Tiredofbs on July 30, 2020, 09:36:35 AM
Hi everyone, which type of reading would you recommend if it is related to reconciliation questions etc?

 She has so many gigs it’s hard to understand. I thought astral travel but I read somewhere on the thread that someone recommends the Lenormand. I got refunded from Psychic Diva on Fiverr account so I wanted to go ahead and book with Leeloo there to use this amount.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Carmendiaz on July 30, 2020, 01:35:44 PM
I have read with her three times in the past 7 months. None of predictions have passed and they were so specific but nothing happened.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Rosieroo17 on July 30, 2020, 06:25:46 PM
I have read with leeloo a few times and i like her. She has read my situation and what is happening with my poi. I just read back to my last readings and her predictions were correct.
She said my poi would ask me to return at the end of June (I had moved out off our home ) around the 30th. Tbh id forgotten  my readings but just looking at her prediction he did ask me back home that date.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sexyp on July 30, 2020, 07:39:35 PM
I have read with leeloo a few times and i like her. She has read my situation and what is happening with my poi. I just read back to my last readings and her predictions were correct.
She said my poi would ask me to return at the end of June (I had moved out off our home ) around the 30th. Tbh id forgotten  my readings but just looking at her prediction he did ask me back home that date.

where did you read with her ?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Rosieroo17 on July 30, 2020, 09:13:56 PM
I have read with leeloo a few times and i like her. She has read my situation and what is happening with my poi. I just read back to my last readings and her predictions were correct.
She said my poi would ask me to return at the end of June (I had moved out off our home ) around the 30th. Tbh id forgotten  my readings but just looking at her prediction he did ask me back home that date.

where did you read with her ?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lys on August 04, 2020, 06:49:50 PM
So I just found I had a reading with her on Fivver in 2016... I ask if my ex will comeback... And no, its the complete opposite, he have a girfriend and a baby now lol. Im not interested anyway and we never talk since 2014 or 2015 .. lol
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Dreamescape23 - P on August 04, 2020, 09:36:26 PM
I’ve read with her 4 times.  She’s been very good for me but timing has been off.  I still love her though and she’s very good with predictions.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: LAW1974 on August 05, 2020, 06:34:17 PM
Im confused -- the fiverr link goes to luna_madalina and the readings are all like $5 - but it has the same picture as leeloo's etsy page? 
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Mirosee on August 05, 2020, 07:03:49 PM
Luna madalina and LeeLoo is same person
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: aquarian_81 on August 05, 2020, 07:05:44 PM
I’ve read with her 4 times.  She’s been very good for me but timing has been off.  I still love her though and she’s very good with predictions.

In your experience, how far can she see out?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: LAW1974 on August 05, 2020, 07:52:18 PM
Luna madalina and LeeLoo is same person

awesome -- so why such a huge price difference between her fiverr and etsy - anyone know?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Mirosee on August 05, 2020, 08:04:28 PM
Luna madalina and LeeLoo is same person

awesome -- so why such a huge price difference between her fiverr and etsy - anyone know?

I think because her fiverr gigs are cheaper on basic option. Probably because fiverr reader's price range starts around that amount. But if you check her premium gig the price is pretty high too. Her etsy gig seems to be in depth,  just like the gigs she offered on her own web (also same details as her premium offer on her fiverr I think) But she is definitely cheaper on etsy than her own site.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lalalola on August 05, 2020, 10:59:52 PM
Which reading would you go for on her fiver there’s so many 😂
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on August 07, 2020, 11:48:40 AM
I just do regular chat reading with her on bitwine and ask whatever i want
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: EatandRead on August 07, 2020, 11:51:34 AM
Regular chat is enough to ask what you want
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on August 07, 2020, 03:11:38 PM
Shes the only one I really go to. Period.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on August 07, 2020, 04:22:14 PM
Shes the only one I really go to. Period.

Can you share your thoughts and experience with her?

Her outcomes are 100% right- her contact predictions are 80% right but if odd only off by maximum a week if that.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on August 09, 2020, 08:38:19 AM
As we know some psychics work for some and not for others- it doesnt mean she will work for you. She works for me and some others on the forum though.

I've said in the past her contact predictions are 80% right for me but the main thing is her outcome is always right for me and thats the most important really.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Yaris123 on August 09, 2020, 02:19:09 PM
I tried her this morning through bitwine. I didn't find her detailed and I got the impression that she’s more of a cold reader. She made a prediction for Sept/Oct so I’ll see if it happens but I doubt it.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Love2lovenj on August 12, 2020, 10:47:05 AM
I recently read with her and honestly did not resonate with the reading.  She was definitely someone i would go to or recommend.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Love2lovenj on August 12, 2020, 01:15:53 PM
No she was very detailed but it honestly did not fit my situation now or even in the future.  Honestly her predictions seemed that it was based on me taking action which i have no intention of doing.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Love2lovenj on August 12, 2020, 03:16:52 PM
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Phantomenal on August 12, 2020, 03:56:04 PM
I read with her for the first time a few weeks ago. Seemed like she accurately described my POI. I think she may have been describing something with my career that’s already happened though as if it’s still to come down the road. Not sure about that aspect. But overall, has she predicted something really particular that’s planned out for any of you? As far as predicting two people will/won’t end up together, that’s 50/50 so pretty good odds of coming to fruition.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lalalola on August 15, 2020, 11:20:25 PM
Had a read with her- lovely lady but I feel she just read the past. Which I obviously already know, but I’m here for the future! 😂
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on August 16, 2020, 10:23:27 AM
One of my favorite..Was right for me 2yrs ago .At least 80% right..She has been right about other things..I realised I have never tried her for contact date.Well i did and she was dead wrong..I was disappointed,  I guess timing is not her strongest..I know how right she has been in the past and currently..Just sad to see how wrong she was with her timing...
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Qcnm on August 26, 2020, 09:34:46 PM
I got a contact prediction come true from her. It happened a few days ago.This is after being out of contact for about 2 months.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Steven213 on August 28, 2020, 03:40:47 PM
I got a contact prediction come true from her. It happened a few days ago.This is after being out of contact for about 2 months.

was it exact date?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Oisin16 on August 28, 2020, 06:36:13 PM
I got a contact prediction come true from her. It happened a few days ago.This is after being out of contact for about 2 months.

was it exact date?

My experience with her, I read with her early July. She gave me July 27 for contact which did not happen and she said by beginning of august the communication would he constant which also did not happen but will see maybe timeframes are not her strong abilities
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Qcnm on August 28, 2020, 08:37:47 PM
I got a contact prediction come true from her. It happened a few days ago.This is after being out of contact for about 2 months.

was it exact date?

The prediction was 40-50 days from the reading and it happened on the 48th day
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: aries1995 on August 28, 2020, 10:24:42 PM
She is SOOOOO lovely and never fed me a fairytale she was always very honest but none of her actual predictions came through for me
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lo12345 on August 28, 2020, 11:06:44 PM
One of my favorite..Was right for me 2yrs ago .At least 80% right..She has been right about other things..I realised I have never tried her for contact date.Well i did and she was dead wrong..I was disappointed,  I guess timing is not her strongest..I know how right she has been in the past and currently..Just sad to see how wrong she was with her timing...

What do you ask? And how do you if it’s not contact and such? I have a reading with her tomorrow, and I wanna ask the best way to get the most accuracy about her!m? I’ll pm you as well.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on August 30, 2020, 12:24:07 AM
I went through this thread to get a sense of how good LeeLoo is and interestingly found the comments 0 and 1; either people loved her or believed she does not work at all. I had not seen any other reader to get such polarized feedbacks!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on August 30, 2020, 04:27:13 AM
had my reading with Leeloo . what she read didnt make sense at all . she was making stuff up . very disappointed . how can they compare her to yona .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lo12345 on August 30, 2020, 04:30:12 AM
And I had a different read with her, picked up the causal girl, his commitment issues, and depressive act right now. Just maybe how she connects. Do I think she is 100% legit. I don’t know. But the person that recommends me to her, I trust if she has a gift. But I think she at least has somewhat of gift. Tbh how well it works out for me with her
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on August 30, 2020, 04:40:26 AM
had my reading with Leeloo . what she read didnt make sense at all . she was making stuff up . very disappointed . how can they compare her to yona .

Yona is amazing in interpreting the cards. She's done this for so many years and she is really good at that. There is a difference between just knowing just the meaning of the cards and making a link between different cards to deliver the right message. I did not find LeeLoo very good at later. Still I have no idea how the predictions go. Will update later.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on August 30, 2020, 05:51:17 AM
had my reading with Leeloo . what she read didnt make sense at all . she was making stuff up . very disappointed . how can they compare her to yona .

Yona is amazing in interpreting the cards. She's done this for so many years and she is really good at that. There is a difference between just knowing just the meaning of the cards and making a link between different cards to deliver the right message. I did not find LeeLoo very good at later. Still I have no idea how the predictions go. Will update later.

15 minutes worth of 2 sentences of info and very irrelevant . I cant confidently say what she said did not resonate with me , my current job and education .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 01, 2020, 12:00:08 AM
So i got a one question with her to test her out and it was regarding contact.

I gave her a name etc and she came back and said september and was specifically being shown a 1 and a 4 she said it could be those dates or it could be 1 - 4 weeks.

Now I have had a few readings regarding contact of one particular person, name him etc.   Every time someone says he is contacting on a specific date it is another person who I have no interest in whatsoever and is constantly pursuing me.   

He messages me on the 1st of September :-( I am giving up now as it appears readers cannot differentiate between energies
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Oisin16 on September 01, 2020, 01:00:28 AM
So i got a one question with her to test her out and it was regarding contact.

I gave her a name etc and she came back and said september and was specifically being shown a 1 and a 4 she said it could be those dates or it could be 1 - 4 weeks.

Now I have had a few readings regarding contact of one particular person, name him etc.   Every time someone says he is contacting on a specific date it is another person who I have no interest in whatsoever and is constantly pursuing me.   

He messages me on the 1st of September :-( I am giving up now as it appears readers cannot differentiate between energies

Hey same happened to me I got contact at the end of august from some guy that I don’t have interest and that I unfollowed everywhere, why is that? Ugh
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 01, 2020, 02:25:51 AM

Omg. So frustrating.   

So i got a one question with her to test her out and it was regarding contact.

I gave her a name etc and she came back and said september and was specifically being shown a 1 and a 4 she said it could be those dates or it could be 1 - 4 weeks.

Now I have had a few readings regarding contact of one particular person, name him etc.   Every time someone says he is contacting on a specific date it is another person who I have no interest in whatsoever and is constantly pursuing me.   

He messages me on the 1st of September :-( I am giving up now as it appears readers cannot differentiate between energies

Hey same happened to me I got contact at the end of august from some guy that I don’t have interest and that I unfollowed everywhere, why is that? Ugh
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 01, 2020, 09:38:41 AM
Oh she followed up
With a message today.  I said I heard from non poi
And she said she’s pretty sure my poi will contact on 1
Or 4 or 14 of September.  I’ll let you know.  She said she’s never heard that she mixes up
Energy and hopes I’m not the first.    She is so sweet
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on September 01, 2020, 09:59:21 AM
i think her reading was more reliable on fivver than bitwine
dont ask me why i dont know why either
i tried both; bitwine was very wrong, even description was wrong
fivver end up was accurate
i think she is genuine, describing current very accurate; one business prediction was correct; for relationship i only know it by january
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on September 01, 2020, 12:24:58 PM
She has never mixed up energies before...She has also been very accurate for me on bitwine in the past..As accurate has she is for me, she was wrong about 3 meeting date with poi recently. However, on those dates poi and I spoke and had very very strong intentions of seeing that day...So sometimes I feel she might mix intention with action..
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 02, 2020, 12:18:24 AM
She has never mixed up energies before...She has also been very accurate for me on bitwine in the past..As accurate has she is for me, she was wrong about 3 meeting date with poi recently. However, on those dates poi and I spoke and had very very strong intentions of seeing that day...So sometimes I feel she might mix intention with action..

I read with Leeloo for years and overall what I'm trying to conclude is that

She doesnt mixed up energies
She is not good with timeframe
She is not good for small event and career questions
(when will date, what will be outcome of date, will I get the interview, these type of questions)
She is good on overall outcome of a relationship
She is good in reading people's intention and motives/feelings.
I know she got my situation wrong. I asked her about an ex poi she saw me moving into a house with him in a cul-de-sac that summer & us being very happy. She "did not" pick up on the fact that he has severe mental health issues, is an alcoholic, addict & is extremely immature. He's not in a place in his life to buy anything or even rent something like that. He has a criminal record due to past drug/drunk driving charges & problems with the irs. Everything in his life is under someone else's name because his credit is so bad. He's 42 & I don't see any effort on his part to fix any of this or move up in life. He's pretty stuck in a vortex in life. I also have 3 kids & I could tell he wasn't up for that either. Just not mature enough. She was very positive on this & adamant we would have this new house together. Right now I can't even think of anything serious like that with him as he's just got too many problems. It isn't realistic. So either she was completely wrong altogether or she did mix up energies. Honestly she missed alot & I wasn't all that impressed.

I am sorry to hear your story. Reading should be more for fun and entertainment. Please focus on your life and make decisions that are the best for you and your kids. If this person cannot change your life for better and make you happy, don't think about him, regardless of what the readers say. Hope things go well for you.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on September 02, 2020, 12:28:08 AM
She has never mixed up energies before...She has also been very accurate for me on bitwine in the past..As accurate has she is for me, she was wrong about 3 meeting date with poi recently. However, on those dates poi and I spoke and had very very strong intentions of seeing that day...So sometimes I feel she might mix intention with action..

I read with Leeloo for years and overall what I'm trying to conclude is that

She doesnt mixed up energies
She is not good with timeframe
She is not good for small event and career questions
(when will date, what will be outcome of date, will I get the interview, these type of questions)
She is good on overall outcome of a relationship
She is good in reading people's intention and motives/feelings.
I know she got my situation wrong. I asked her about an ex poi she saw me moving into a house with him in a cul-de-sac that summer & us being very happy. She "did not" pick up on the fact that he has severe mental health issues, is an alcoholic, addict & is extremely immature. He's not in a place in his life to buy anything or even rent something like that. He has a criminal record due to past drug/drunk driving charges & problems with the irs. Everything in his life is under someone else's name because his credit is so bad. He's 42 & I don't see any effort on his part to fix any of this or move up in life. He's pretty stuck in a vortex in life. I also have 3 kids & I could tell he wasn't up for that either. Just not mature enough. She was very positive on this & adamant we would have this new house together. Right now I can't even think of anything serious like that with him as he's just got too many problems. It isn't realistic. So either she was completely wrong altogether or she did mix up energies. Honestly she missed alot & I wasn't all that impressed.

Oh no!! I'm sorry to hear this..For me she picked up things no single reader did so I guess she did not connect with you.

It's strange how things like this happen..I had the same experience with Kisha .Everyone loves her but she was very very wrong for me even within 24 hours.
I honestly have no idea how some readers can be so good with one person even without information and so bad with another
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Steven213 on September 02, 2020, 02:56:00 AM
She has never mixed up energies before...She has also been very accurate for me on bitwine in the past..As accurate has she is for me, she was wrong about 3 meeting date with poi recently. However, on those dates poi and I spoke and had very very strong intentions of seeing that day...So sometimes I feel she might mix intention with action..

I read with Leeloo for years and overall what I'm trying to conclude is that

She doesnt mixed up energies
She is not good with timeframe
She is not good for small event and career questions
(when will date, what will be outcome of date, will I get the interview, these type of questions)
She is good on overall outcome of a relationship
She is good in reading people's intention and motives/feelings.
I know she got my situation wrong. I asked her about an ex poi she saw me moving into a house with him in a cul-de-sac that summer & us being very happy. She "did not" pick up on the fact that he has severe mental health issues, is an alcoholic, addict & is extremely immature. He's not in a place in his life to buy anything or even rent something like that. He has a criminal record due to past drug/drunk driving charges & problems with the irs. Everything in his life is under someone else's name because his credit is so bad. He's 42 & I don't see any effort on his part to fix any of this or move up in life. He's pretty stuck in a vortex in life. I also have 3 kids & I could tell he wasn't up for that either. Just not mature enough. She was very positive on this & adamant we would have this new house together. Right now I can't even think of anything serious like that with him as he's just got too many problems. It isn't realistic. So either she was completely wrong altogether or she did mix up energies. Honestly she missed alot & I wasn't all that impressed.

Oh no!! I'm sorry to hear this..For me she picked up things no single reader did so I guess she did not connect with you.

It's strange how things like this happen..I had the same experience with Kisha .Everyone loves her but she was very very wrong for me even within 24 hours.
I honestly have no idea how some readers can be so good with one person even without information and so bad with another

You are correct, Kisha doesnt work for me too. And even Yona rambling a lot of unnecessary things.
Lovelactitto, I think we connect to same reader
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 05, 2020, 05:00:35 AM
What time LeeLoo is usually on-line on Bitwin? Her timezone is not really US-friendly :(
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on September 06, 2020, 07:34:29 AM
What time LeeLoo is usually on-line on Bitwin? Her timezone is not really US-friendly :(

She is online atm
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 06, 2020, 07:40:33 AM
What time LeeLoo is usually on-line on Bitwin? Her timezone is not really US-friendly :(

She is online atm

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 06, 2020, 11:16:25 AM
How good is this woman with timeframes! 

Has anyone had them happen?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on September 06, 2020, 06:30:59 PM
I, personally, would recommend reading thru her personal site. That's where I read with her and she was very good. Her rates are also very reasonable, as well.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: serenejoy on September 06, 2020, 07:47:15 PM
that makes me happy.
what happened with your story? if you don't mind sharing.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 06, 2020, 08:39:27 PM
I, personally, would recommend reading thru her personal site. That's where I read with her and she was very good. Her rates are also very reasonable, as well.

It does not seem that we can pay via PayPal on her personal site. It asked for credit card information and it means all personal info (real name, address, etc). I did not continue the purchase as I was not feeling comfortable with that.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lo12345 on September 06, 2020, 08:48:39 PM
Did mine thru etsy
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on September 06, 2020, 10:49:16 PM
It does not seem that we can pay via PayPal on her personal site. It asked for credit card information and it means all personal info (real name, address, etc). I did not continue the purchase as I was not feeling comfortable with that.

I paid thru PayPal when I scheduled my reading back in July on her personal site. When I clicked the link to schedule an appointment,  it required only my name, address, phone, and email; it didn't ask for a credit card number. But, you can also go thru Etsy or other platforms, as well. I just figured it would be easier to reach her thru her personal site.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 07, 2020, 06:36:09 AM
It does not seem that we can pay via PayPal on her personal site. It asked for credit card information and it means all personal info (real name, address, etc). I did not continue the purchase as I was not feeling comfortable with that.

I paid thru PayPal when I scheduled my reading back in July on her personal site. When I clicked the link to schedule an appointment,  it required only my name, address, phone, and email; it didn't ask for a credit card number. But, you can also go thru Etsy or other platforms, as well. I just figured it would be easier to reach her thru her personal site.

Thanks! I tried a couple of times and the only option was credit card. I got via Etsy. Thanks for info though.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on September 07, 2020, 05:21:37 PM
Thanks! I tried a couple of times and the only option was credit card. I got via Etsy. Thanks for info though.

You're welcome! I hope you do come back to give feedback on the reading!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 08, 2020, 12:04:48 AM
I felt the same . mine didnt make sense . like if some one tell you you meet a guy at such such situation and place or through such person . I  do not have such person around and even the place she nentioned doesnt make sense with my way of living . i will see . her prediction is for next year. I doubt any of it come to pass .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on September 08, 2020, 10:42:35 AM
I felt the same . mine didnt make sense . like if some one tell you you meet a guy at such such situation and place or through such person . I  do not have such person around and even the place she nentioned doesnt make sense with my way of living . i will see . her prediction is for next year. I doubt any of it come to pass .

This is not to be taken negatively, but I see you haven't really had much success with anyone. I'm interested in knowing if there is anyone you would recommend or if they all failed for you?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Yaris123 on September 08, 2020, 11:49:46 AM
I felt the same . mine didnt make sense . like if some one tell you you meet a guy at such such situation and place or through such person . I  do not have such person around and even the place she nentioned doesnt make sense with my way of living . i will see . her prediction is for next year. I doubt any of it come to pass .
She didn’t make sense to me either. She predicted contact with poi this month  and she said it was going to be pleasant and funny. I hate poi and if I ever hear from that person our conversation will definitely not be pleasant.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 08, 2020, 05:26:32 PM
I felt the same . mine didnt make sense . like if some one tell you you meet a guy at such such situation and place or through such person . I  do not have such person around and even the place she nentioned doesnt make sense with my way of living . i will see . her prediction is for next year. I doubt any of it come to pass .

This is not to be taken negatively, but I see you haven't really had much success with anyone. I'm interested in knowing if there is anyone you would recommend or if they all failed for you?

the only one I would recomment is yona . only her reading made sense but still she is not good with timeframe at all so I dont think it is very helpful either cause you dont know if some thing happen in days months or years . it took me awhile to figure out what she read but her description made sense and details she provided .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 09, 2020, 08:11:20 AM
I felt the same . mine didnt make sense . like if some one tell you you meet a guy at such such situation and place or through such person . I  do not have such person around and even the place she nentioned doesnt make sense with my way of living . i will see . her prediction is for next year. I doubt any of it come to pass .

This is not to be taken negatively, but I see you haven't really had much success with anyone. I'm interested in knowing if there is anyone you would recommend or if they all failed for you?

the only one I would recomment is yona . only her reading made sense but still she is not good with timeframe at all so I dont think it is very helpful either cause you dont know if some thing happen in days months or years . it took me awhile to figure out what she read but her description made sense and details she provided .

Oh OK, yeah I can understand that. Yona reminds of Leanne Halyburton a bit with the way she reads. In my case, I had a specific person I wanted to inquire about, so I gave her his name and physical description and he popped up immediately. So, that was confirmation that he was not completely gone from my life. I also appreciate that she tells you about other areas of your life that she sees coming up for you. So, it may not always resonate at the time of the reading and can, as you mentioned, take weeks, months, or even years to unfold. But, I have to say I also really liked Leeloo, too.

did leeloo predict a new love coming for you or some one you already dating ? I didnt ask leeloo about a specific petson but she told me about a new person coming but the way she described it is very unlikely to happen like that specially next year . Im sure about this . or maybe dhe read the person right but not the way i meet them or the timing . not sure but it didnt make sense . but how wasypur experience asming about an specific person . did you prediction with leeloo come to pass ?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on September 09, 2020, 04:42:18 PM
Yeah, I had questions about a specific person coming back and she never made any mention of someone new.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 09, 2020, 05:43:48 PM
Yeah, I had questions about a specific person coming back and she never made any mention of someone new.
did you prediction come true ? she said the person come back ?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 13, 2020, 03:53:15 AM
I had two different readings with LeeLoo, in two different platforms and got totally different timeframes for both predictions. Too far apart. Bummer!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on September 20, 2020, 12:05:59 AM
did you prediction come true ? she said the person come back ?

So, my predictions are for the end of the year- beginning of next year. I'll be sure to update at that time 😊
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 23, 2020, 06:36:18 PM
her prediction did not make sense at all . also she is very in to money . she hardly refunded me when I changed my mind in getting another reading .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: CancerBumble on September 23, 2020, 07:11:47 PM
I've had two hits from Leeloo.

First was something making me constantly think about marriage and that I do not have it yet. This consumed my thoughts during the same time frame (one friend getting married, another getting engaged). The second hit was heartbreak. A quick heartbreak with the guy who can't step up. She thought it was an ex but it's a current guy - not POI.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 23, 2020, 09:41:43 PM
What’s her timing like if she gives you numbers or a date?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: CancerBumble on September 24, 2020, 02:32:47 AM
What’s her timing like if she gives you numbers or a date?
Let’s just say she said around sept 5 for the first. The wedding was sept 6 😉
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 24, 2020, 03:21:27 AM
she is poster in this forum . I just found out and she check this forum all the time . I cant trust this forum anymore cause readwrs can come and fake like clients .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 24, 2020, 05:23:52 AM
she is poster in this forum . I just found out and she check this forum all the time . I cant trust this forum anymore cause readwrs can come and fake like clients .

There are many of them here and we know that. She is not the only one (if she is) and it's not surprising but it does not mean that you stop reading the forum or posting to that. Just take the feedbacks with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Anon on September 24, 2020, 05:50:10 PM
did any other psychic bring it up shabang?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 24, 2020, 09:30:55 PM
yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PurpleRain on September 24, 2020, 09:35:44 PM
yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .

Her contacting you about comments you made on this forum is unethical,  but it doesn't mean she's on here placing fake reviews either.

You stated that she is "a poster on this forum" and that "readers are here faking as clients" what is your proof of this?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on September 24, 2020, 09:43:53 PM
yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .

you can believe what you like but Im very sure she does that .
Her contacting you about comments you made on this forum is unethical,  but it doesn't mean she's on here placing fake reviews either.

You stated that she is "a poster on this forum" and that "readers are here faking as clients" what is your proof of this?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on September 24, 2020, 09:46:00 PM
yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .

You still didn't answer the question or say how you know this hun.

Anyways, Leeloo is NOT a scammer.

1. Something crazy happened to poi weeks ago( something huge and life changing), and she was the ONLY one who picked it.She picked it TWICE. I didnt believe her back then because I did not know but she turned out right.I read with multiple big hitters during that period and none of them picked it.Just her !!

2.While some of her contact dates don't happen, whenever it does happen, she is usually right up to the EXACT date.Its crazy but when she is right, she is right on the money to the actual date!!

3.She was right about something 2 years ago.Reading my note from 2 years ago, she was 80% right on things.

All the above are things I didn't even know at the time of my reading but she saw it !! Again, u have the right to think she is a scammer but this is my honest 2 cent.

If she has been guessing, well her guess has been pretty good for me.At least 75% right on the money!


Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PurpleRain on September 24, 2020, 09:48:00 PM
yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .

you can believe what you like but Im very sure she does that .
Her contacting you about comments you made on this forum is unethical,  but it doesn't mean she's on here placing fake reviews either.

You stated that she is "a poster on this forum" and that "readers are here faking as clients" what is your proof of this?

I know I am allowed to believe what I want and I wasn't asking you to validate that.

 I asked what proof do you have to back up your claims? Why are you saying she's here faking as a client?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Fidget1028 on September 24, 2020, 10:24:30 PM
It's a public forum. You don't have to register as a member to read comments, only to post. I'm pretty sure most readers read the doesn't necessarily make them frauds. Hell, it has to be tempting.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on September 25, 2020, 06:17:39 AM
can you tell us more about how you found out leeloo read message here
and how she contacted you?
can you send cap screen?
this is a pretty serious issue and i think we needed more proof.

yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .

you can believe what you like but Im very sure she does that .
Her contacting you about comments you made on this forum is unethical,  but it doesn't mean she's on here placing fake reviews either.

You stated that she is "a poster on this forum" and that "readers are here faking as clients" what is your proof of this?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on September 25, 2020, 07:54:39 AM
We all know some psychics work for some and not others guys.

I've been on this forum for roughly a year and if you look at my posts I've been through it all with so many psychics till i found Leeloo- shes been right for me and I trust her.

Maybe I'm completely wrong but I'm not sure how she could be a scam and SO RIGHT so many times about her predictions for me.

Anyway, if you feel a connection with her, use her and if you dont then go elsewhere but for me personally she is not a scam at all.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 25, 2020, 09:04:29 AM
She seems ultra sweet and I really like her.   I don’t think she’s unethical at all.

I’ve seen it all over the place on here.  People trying to discredit a reader because they’re angry with them or believe one person.   It’s like Chinese whispers.

Only unhappy people try to make others unhappy too. 

yeah this is pretty serious! how do you happen to know?
I am 100 % sure and she is an scammer . nothing she said was ever true . she contacted me  about the comments on this forum and said why I did not tell the truth while I did tell the truth . she is a big scam and very unethical . no wonder where all these positive reviews come from . she is fakes being clients in this forum . this is so crazy how this gorum is being compromised as well .

you can believe what you like but Im very sure she does that .
Her contacting you about comments you made on this forum is unethical,  but it doesn't mean she's on here placing fake reviews either.

You stated that she is "a poster on this forum" and that "readers are here faking as clients" what is your proof of this?

So basically you're trying to discredit the reader and you don't even provide proof! and the expression you used is so.... Laura ??? well time will tell...
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Dreamescape23 - P on September 28, 2020, 04:45:50 PM
Want to report I had a LeeLoo prediction happen on the given time frame.  She nailed this persons intitals too who would be involved.  Very good with outcome.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on September 28, 2020, 08:14:45 PM
Want to report I had a LeeLoo prediction happen on the given time frame.  She nailed this persons intitals too who would be involved.  Very good with outcome.

Was it psychic reading (on Bitwine) or Tarot?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Phantomenal on September 29, 2020, 12:25:46 AM
I recently started reading with Leeloo and so far I’m very impressed. One of her predictions has unfolded almost exactly as she said, just off by a day. I’m hopeful that everything else she sees plays out accordingly. In a nutshell my POI and I have had a no-strings-attached hookup dynamic for over a year. I now want more but nothing seems to be progressing. She gave me positive predictions. I know a lot of discussions on here are about relationship reconciliation predictions but has she accurately predicted a casual connection turning into a serious relationship with any of you before?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on September 30, 2020, 10:06:10 PM
I really like her. But her dates didn’t happen.  Do they happen after?   I’m thinking maybe not ☹️
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on September 30, 2020, 10:33:48 PM
I really like her. But her dates didn’t happen.  Do they happen after?   I’m thinking maybe not ☹️

I like Leeloo.She is around 75% right for me and one of my favorites.She is also the ONLY person that always get contact right for me bang on to the exact date multiple times.She is a huge hit or miss for contact though. It either happens on the extact day or it doesn't happen at all.I really don't know why.

Can't remember how many times I have read with her and told her last contact didn't happen; she gives me another date which i think won't happen but it does on the EXACT day!

There was a time she gave me two possible contact dates.The first one didn't happen. Coincidentally, I read with her on the evening of the second contact date.When I told her date one didn't happen, she reminded me that today was date two.Told her I didn't believe it would happen since it was already evening.Well, she told me she strongly believes it would happen today or early the next day.I went to bed but at 10pm, a call from poi woke me from my sleep!

Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bonba on October 01, 2020, 02:47:06 AM
unfortunately I deleted her message and blocked her after she messaged me on skype . she is very unethical . just because I cant provide the screen shot doesnt mean  Im not telling the truth . she was nasty and untrustable . thats my experience with her . she messaged me withing seconds of me posting the comment  so it tells me she must be a member . I believe that and do not change my words about her . not only this but nothing she saud in reading coukd be validated or anything that worth of any useful information . this is my experience . again I share my experience regardless what anyone else says . this forum is open for honest comment . this was what I saw from her .
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on October 01, 2020, 03:05:46 AM
unfortunately I deleted her message and blocked her after she messaged me on skype . she is very unethical . just because I cant provide the screen shot doesnt mean  Im not telling the truth . she was nasty and untrustable . thats my experience with her . she messaged me withing seconds of me posting the comment  so it tells me she must be a member . I believe that and do not change my words about her . not only this but nothing she saud in reading coukd be validated or anything that worth of any useful information . this is my experience . again I share my experience regardless what anyone else says . this forum is open for honest comment . this was what I saw from her .

Your experience is understandable and you don't have to bring screenshot to prove anything to anybody. Just stop reading with her and also any sort of communication with her.

Something similar happened to me a couple of years ago with one of the Keen's reader. She sent me a message and said she blocked me because she's seen my review on this forum. Then she contacted customer service and wanted them to block all my accounts because of harassment, and they did. I could not believe it. I was struggling with deep depression those days and what she did added a lot to my complex situation. I cried several days but then never got back to her (and I could not).

Just forget LeeLoo and move on. Even in real word, a person can be a good friend with one and not with the another one.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lovelacetito on October 01, 2020, 05:55:31 AM
unfortunately I deleted her message and blocked her after she messaged me on skype . she is very unethical . just because I cant provide the screen shot doesnt mean  Im not telling the truth . she was nasty and untrustable . thats my experience with her . she messaged me withing seconds of me posting the comment  so it tells me she must be a member . I believe that and do not change my words about her . not only this but nothing she saud in reading coukd be validated or anything that worth of any useful information . this is my experience . again I share my experience regardless what anyone else says . this forum is open for honest comment . this was what I saw from her .

You know that doesn't mean she is a member of this forum right ? I'm sure you know none members can read posts too
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: ferney456 on October 04, 2020, 07:16:24 AM
From experience I've realised I will only ever go to Angel Readings and Leeloo from now on- I've wasted enough money on others already!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on October 07, 2020, 01:15:35 AM
She moved the dates when prediction didn’t happen.  Was very disappointed.  Not by days. By 6 months.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on October 07, 2020, 02:36:48 AM
She moved the dates when prediction didn’t happen.  Was very disappointed.  Not by days. By 6 months.

For me, she moved it for 5 years and remained me speechless.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on October 07, 2020, 03:40:17 AM
wow... so Leeloo didnt predict it correctly?

I am not sure if you're asking me. If so, I don't know. I just said she changed the timeframe and two readings were just a few weeks a part. 5 years later I can tell you which one will be correct ;)
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on October 07, 2020, 04:36:28 AM
wow... so Leeloo didnt predict it correctly?

I am not sure if you're asking me. If so, I don't know. I just said she changed the timeframe and two readings were just a few weeks a part. 5 years later I can tell you which one was correct ;)

Which one was correct?

How far did she move it?

Disappointing but if I’ve learnt nothing else timing is crap
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on October 07, 2020, 04:50:08 AM
wow... so Leeloo didnt predict it correctly?

I am not sure if you're asking me. If so, I don't know. I just said she changed the timeframe and two readings were just a few weeks a part. 5 years later I can tell you which one was correct ;)

Which one was correct?

How far did she move it?

Disappointing but if I’ve learnt nothing else timing is crap

I don't know, time will tell me (sorry, I used was instead of will in my comment lol - just edited).

She moved it for 5 years. In one reading she told me it will happen very soon and in the other she said it will happen 5 years later. I don't know how she could see this far out. Maybe she used card, although I had asked her to not do that. Anyways, does not really matter.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Smiley1 on October 07, 2020, 04:54:13 AM
wow... so Leeloo didnt predict it correctly?

I am not sure if you're asking me. If so, I don't know. I just said she changed the timeframe and two readings were just a few weeks a part. 5 years later I can tell you which one was correct ;)

No.  To me it no longer does.  Thank you

Which one was correct?

How far did she move it?

Disappointing but if I’ve learnt nothing else timing is crap

I don't know, time will tell me (sorry, I used was instead of will in my comment lol - just edited).

She moved it for 5 years. In one reading she told me it will happen very soon and in the other she said it will happen 5 years later. I don't know how she could see this far out. Maybe she used card, although I had asked her to not do that. Anyways, does not really matter.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on October 08, 2020, 04:46:24 AM
She moved the dates when prediction didn’t happen.  Was very disappointed.  Not by days. By 6 months.

For me, she moved it for 5 years and remained me speechless.

Months or years is unacceptable. Maybe a few days or weeks, provided the circumstances. But that's disappointing. Did you ladies ask WHY the timeframe change? Did she offer satisfactory explanation?

No I did not. It sounded too unreasonable to me, so I did not feel I need to follow up.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on October 08, 2020, 04:54:49 AM
Sorry for that Jilli. It's disappointing of course
I also disappointed in many readings already

Thanks! and that's Okay. I got readings non-stop for 2 years and am totally used to these things. Recently, I have stopped trying new readers as I become mostly disappointed, and just stick to the few ones with good records from the past. Anyways, overall, I did not dislike LeeLoo but I don't think I get back to her, unless at least some of her predictions come to pass (whose timeframes are close).
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: myelsey on October 13, 2020, 02:36:52 AM
Has anyone tried her 9 upcoming events from Etsy? I ordered one in Lenormand. I really love how much detail she put into it and how she explained the cards as well. However she gave me some really optimistic love predictions to the point that I'm not sure if they're actually accurate LOL. I mean anything's possible but still. I would love to know if anyone's had success with these! She was super kind and even looked into an additional question for me which I really appreciated!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mayflower on October 18, 2020, 05:02:44 PM
At first she gave me wrong timeline but i don’t give up to try once more time with her. And this time she was correct about situation and the date is pretty close to what she’ve told me. She told me 17 and it happened on the date 16 this month.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mayflower on October 19, 2020, 01:54:45 AM
At first she gave me wrong timeline but i don’t give up to try once more time with her. And this time she was correct about situation and the date is pretty close to what she’ve told me. She told me 17 and it happened on the date 16 this month.

Do you mean that she gave you the wrong timeline for the same prediction? And the second time you tried her she gave you a different timing for the same prediction and it happened? Never read with her but a friend of mine did and he got 3 different timings for the very exact prediction. The first two times have passed and nothing happened so he is not too hopeful that the 3rd timing will be right.
Yes, it did happen for the second timeline.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Hannahc88 on October 19, 2020, 03:10:35 PM
Hey I’m new here not sure how this works but I read with lee loo beginning of October she told me my bf would contact me after an argument and over a week of no contact with the number 8. Either hour or day. I woke up on the 8th with a message from him!!! She really got that contact prediction correct :) 
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Love2lovenj on December 08, 2020, 12:35:01 AM
Her predictions never happened for me.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Sincity2 on December 08, 2020, 01:41:36 PM
Her predictions never happened for me.

 Me neither
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on December 09, 2020, 05:47:14 AM
leeloo nailed the present really really well; immediate future also.
i did have some small short terms predictions happened as she said.

long term i dont know it yet and her time lines are like 80% delayed
i have one mid jan to end feb so i will update

but leeloo is not a passionate person herself, so she described the present with not much feelings, very rational very 'cold' u may feel. but it doesnt bother me at all. but some people may have some concerns.

Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mayflower on December 09, 2020, 08:13:31 AM
leeloo nailed the present really really well; immediate future also.
i did have some small short terms predictions happened as she said.

long term i dont know it yet and her time lines are like 80% delayed
i have one mid jan to end feb so i will update

but leeloo is not a passionate person herself, so she described the present with not much feelings, very rational very 'cold' u may feel. but it doesnt bother me at all. but some people may have some concerns.
Her short prediction is scarily accurate. She told me before i would work from home on date 10 Dec and yes i will work from home tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on December 14, 2020, 06:28:11 PM
Anymore updates on Leeloo's predictions?

I'm also interested in hearing if anything came to pass for anyone because nothing for me yet, but she predicted end of year into next for me. She seems to be the queen of timing, so I'm hopeful! lol
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lala36 on December 14, 2020, 07:28:19 PM
Hang on, I'm sorry now but calling someone pathetic and asking are they retarded is totally uncalled for!!!! Yes u are free 2 post but I think u need 2 get back into your box there, I'm sorry she didn't work 4 u but name calling is just not on
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: court1130 on December 14, 2020, 07:35:33 PM
Waterfall, idk what the hell your problem is, but I've seen you in MUTIPLE threads spreading negativity and starting drama with someone. So a reader didn't work for you. It happens to all of us! Can you just chill tf out and stop being an ass? Write your review and move on; you're ruining the forum.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: paperlantern2 on December 14, 2020, 07:41:50 PM
she was right a new guy i met wouldn’t pan out. but she said i meet 2 more guys then “the one” slash my next boyfriend in november. met several already (socially distanced online dating and facetime) and nope.

will update this thread if it happens.

edit: based on this crazy saga i read on here in another thread, i think they can maybe see when you meet someone but even then that person can be a total flop. i’ve said this elsewhere but my experience to date shows me that psychic info is very very very very very spotty
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lala36 on December 14, 2020, 08:39:28 PM
Well that is true it just boiled my blood in this world of be kind and all!!!  :)  :)

It's okay, I understand that you can't rationalize with someone who argues with strangers online all day lol. I think whoever that person is needs a psychological evaluation...and needs to get one quickly. Health is wealth 😂

Hang on, I'm sorry now but calling someone pathetic and asking are they retarded is totally uncalled for!!!! Yes u are free 2 post but I think u need 2 get back into your box there, I'm sorry she didn't work 4 u but name calling is just not on
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Carmendiaz on December 14, 2020, 10:35:55 PM
For those that are arguing, can you please take it to your private messages? I come to this board, like most of us, to find out if the reader is good or not.

Thank you, on behalf of all those that do not care about why you are arguing.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: cake101 on December 14, 2020, 10:48:19 PM
She was wrong for me. Gave me a contact prediction for the end of November and beginning of December and non of them happened. Mind you she sees us making up over the holidays and by the new year but I'll be shocked if it happens at this point. Her interpretation on the third party might be right but I have no way of confirming.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Truthfromrosie on December 14, 2020, 11:19:12 PM
She told me something today that I know not to be correct, but when I told her she repeated and expanded on what she said... I checked afterwards and validated she wasn’t correct. I was given a prediction that’s to happen very soon so I’ll be able to update either way.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on December 15, 2020, 03:44:17 AM
i have mixed feelings of leeloo
i really think she nailed the current and immediate future very very well.
like she saw something very specific at work that did happened within the timeframe she gave

but her reading always lost focus; like i asked her A she gave me details of overall. if i asked about do u see me getting promoted (just an example i didnt ask this question) she sent me full details of how she felt about my workplace, what is good what is bad...

i always asked very very specific questions but end up i didnt get the specific answers.

but then if i message her, she will answer yes or no.

i dont usually go to her, only i got mixed answers from my own trustful ones then i will go to her.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Fidget1028 on December 15, 2020, 02:40:48 PM
i have mixed feelings of leeloo
i really think she nailed the current and immediate future very very well.
like she saw something very specific at work that did happened within the timeframe she gave

but her reading always lost focus; like i asked her A she gave me details of overall. if i asked about do u see me getting promoted (just an example i didnt ask this question) she sent me full details of how she felt about my workplace, what is good what is bad...

i always asked very very specific questions but end up i didnt get the specific answers.

but then if i message her, she will answer yes or no.

i dont usually go to her, only i got mixed answers from my own trustful ones then i will go to her.

Hey pfizer, what do you consider immediate future? A few days? A few months?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on December 16, 2020, 03:38:02 AM
within a month
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: CancerBumble on December 16, 2020, 03:19:07 PM
The world really benefits from multiple perspectives. Let’s try to all be a little more tolerant. It’s the holiday season - maybe be a little more joyful.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: SarahM on December 24, 2020, 03:01:35 PM
I got a really negative reading from her. Not sure if we connected though cause info was very generic.. has she ever been completely wrong for anybody?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: cake101 on December 24, 2020, 04:24:55 PM
So far for me it's looking like she's completely wrong however she gave me a positive outlook.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sugarsky on December 24, 2020, 06:16:20 PM
ohhh leeloo. She is about 50/50 for me
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Truthfromrosie on December 24, 2020, 11:30:20 PM
Positive but wrong for me too so far. Wouldn’t read again unless anything she said happened.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on December 25, 2020, 01:48:22 AM
I had two predictions that were supposed to happen between Nov-Dec but didn't and it's very unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: serenejoy on January 10, 2021, 03:02:36 PM
So far she has been the most accurate for me. Timeframes and actual predictions.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sugarsky on January 10, 2021, 03:47:37 PM
So far she has been the most accurate for me. Timeframes and actual predictions.

I’m not sure if she worked for me :( I keep trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. She just sounded so confident that something was supposed to happen before the end of last year. She changed her timeframes 2/3 times already, she’s still not budging about the predictions. But honestly speaking, it just doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. I rooted for her predictions a lot. :(

My experience with her has been the same. Not good with time frames, haven’t seen any outcomes come to pass either. But she did get some characteristic specifics on my POI when I read with her on WhatsApp. I’ve tried her through Bitwine, through Fiverr, and on her site. This has been over a few years and two different POIs.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: serenejoy on January 10, 2021, 03:55:33 PM
Also which reading of hers would you say is most accurate? I’ve only read with her on Bitwine.

I did the nine predictions. She’s accurately predicted very detail things that have come to pass already down to the exact date. With a love love prediction she was like one day off.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: OlliesMom on January 14, 2021, 03:31:21 PM
I read with LeeLoo a few months ago and she predicted contact from my POI on January 13th. It did not happen. Anything can happen down the line - I'm not ruling out her predictions - it's just that her date was so specific so thought it was worth it to share.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: jz507 on January 22, 2021, 06:22:38 AM
Anyone had love predictions came to pass from Leeloo?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Xrossbow on January 22, 2021, 07:35:18 AM
I read with LeeLoo a few months ago and she predicted contact from my POI on January 13th. It did not happen. Anything can happen down the line - I'm not ruling out her predictions - it's just that her date was so specific so thought it was worth it to share.

Don't fall for the scam. She is another scammer, big time! Her predictions, as reported by many, don't come to pass AND she keeps pushing the dates. LOL!!!!! I haven't had readings in months but I can tell you that this scammer together with Cleopatra Divine, Miss Anne and the list goes on told me that one of my events for December was spending time with family for Xmas!!!!! Should I add that she charges around 60 Euros for this???? Please, please, stop the readings. They are ALL scammers.

I even had another scammer who told me that on the 10th of a particular month I would send 3 job applications!!!! It is so hilarious. Of course, it did not happen but for someone to say that on a particular day of a particular month you will send 3 applications, I mean, you have to be retarded to not even bother making it a bit less obvious.

When one looks at this from the distance such as me now because I stopped readings all together months back you can really laugh at the stupidity. These scammers stealing money and stealing people's lives. It is up to you to stop them.

I think you missed the part where I said that my money is my money, if I want to spend $2,000 on candles from Yankee that is MY business, you can tell me day and night that Yankee candles suck but that is MY CHOICE.   If someone wants to spend money on a psychic, that is their choice, some of us know that certain readers are fake and for some it's strictly for entertainment, heck I have this one gal that I call who always tells me fairy tales but she is cheap and sometimes I just want to hear a fairy tale, why is that wrong?

and why is that your business?     hmm?   oh that's right, I am blocked, you cannot reply to me.   waits for reply.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Sincity2 on January 22, 2021, 12:22:09 PM
She saw contact late last year for me and us seeing each other in early January. Still haven’t heard from him.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Truthfromrosie on January 22, 2021, 10:26:22 PM
What I don’t like very much about Leeloo is that she is deluded about how wrong she is and how often
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: nileshbh on January 25, 2021, 07:52:14 AM
She picked up my current situation correctly. Waiting on her prediction which is 2-4 months out. I found her genuine.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Jili1945 on January 26, 2021, 06:00:17 AM
She picked up my current situation correctly. Waiting on her prediction which is 2-4 months out. I found her genuine.

I think for readers who use cards it's more of being skilled in interpretation of the cards than being genuine. LeeLoo is not good at that. She is pretty nice but I don't believe she can correctly interpret cards and make a connection between them. That's why her predictions flip over time, or never happens.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Gigi777 on May 24, 2021, 01:38:08 PM
She predicted I’d be blindsided by something in may out of the blue and yep that just happened
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lnoelle128 on June 01, 2021, 03:21:33 AM
I just got a $15 fiverr reading from her. I was gonna do the Etsy one but it's way more expensive and she seemed very 50/50 based on this forum. Still wanted to give her a try though.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: souls3@ on June 01, 2021, 08:47:34 AM
What is her user name in fiverr? I can’t find the psychic name with leeloo.

What is the best option to read with her?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lnoelle128 on June 01, 2021, 09:22:18 PM I did the $15 option just to try her out for the first time. She has a $5 one for a very brief reading as well as I think like a $60 one which is more similar to her in depth readings on Etsy I think.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Carmendiaz on June 22, 2021, 02:25:04 AM
I think she is great at present but terrible at predictions!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PJpilar on June 22, 2021, 09:01:48 PM
I tried her on fiverr once but she didnt deliver in time so I cancelled.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sugarsky on June 23, 2021, 04:40:37 PM
I think I need to officially rule LeeLoo out as a good reader for me
She hasn't been right for me in the past, but I wanted to give her one last try today on my POI.

She said she was getting visions of him sitting in the middle of a seesaw between a brunette woman and a reddish haired woman.
Hes currently dating a blonde woman actually and is not one to waffle between women at the same time.

Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on June 28, 2021, 05:13:07 AM
i so wanted to think leeloo is accurate
i just have a feeling she is genuine and she is real
but i tried quite many times, i think she did make few small things correct but other than that; nothing was accurate so sad
i meant nothing bigger is accurate and all her timeframes were wrong too (didnt happen, not delayed just no sign it's going to  happen)

Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lnoelle128 on July 19, 2021, 06:41:16 AM
I just got a reading from her from this listing . It looked like it could be a fun reading to get. Plus, it was only like $17 total.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: jz507 on August 04, 2021, 12:32:34 AM
What I don’t like very much about Leeloo is that she is deluded about how wrong she is and how often

I 100% agree. I've read with Leeloo for years and I would say 70% of her predictions did not come to pass. When I asked her, she tended to change her statement quite often regarding predictions loll....Prob will never ever read with her again.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: marciamia on August 04, 2021, 12:51:48 AM
She can be hit or miss for me. Like she gets the current and feelings correctly, immediate future as well. Predictions are hit and miss. She correctly predicted a few things for me, but then with someone who’s extremely unstable and depressed, it’s been nothing but a miss. I’d read with her again.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Truthfromrosie on August 04, 2021, 01:43:33 AM
What I don’t like very much about Leeloo is that she is deluded about how wrong she is and how often

I 100% agree. I've read with Leeloo for years and I would say 70% of her predictions did not come to pass. When I asked her, she tended to change her statement quite often regarding predictions loll....Prob will never ever read with her again.

I definitely won’t. She boldly told me that her prediction accuracy is 90%. How could she possibly know that?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: queenofwands on August 04, 2021, 02:01:59 AM
read with her last year, none of her predictions came to pass.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: jz507 on August 06, 2021, 03:01:12 AM
What I don’t like very much about Leeloo is that she is deluded about how wrong she is and how often

I 100% agree. I've read with Leeloo for years and I would say 70% of her predictions did not come to pass. When I asked her, she tended to change her statement quite often regarding predictions loll....Prob will never ever read with her again.

I definitely won’t. She boldly told me that her prediction accuracy is 90%. How could she possibly know that?

IKR!!! And a lot of the things she mentioned in our readings are just so wrong after I checked with my friends...
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lnoelle128 on August 10, 2021, 08:14:45 AM
Just an update. Ive had 2 readings with her and neither have manifested at all. Definitely would not recommend.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lala36 on August 10, 2021, 01:33:16 PM
Just an update. Ive had 2 readings with her and neither have manifested at all. Definitely would not recommend.

Same I have had 2 readings and nothing manifested either.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: myelsey on August 18, 2021, 12:46:07 AM
Literally everything she said for me regarding my career happened as well as some of her "general" events. Nothing from love so far but timing is hopefully just off. My friend ended up getting a reading from her and things are already happening that she predicted for her. She's worked great for me for the most part
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: SarahM on January 05, 2022, 10:29:59 PM
Nothing manifested for me either.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: lala36 on January 06, 2022, 12:55:17 PM
It's a year after she said what she predicted would happen and nope not a thing!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: YellowLove on January 20, 2022, 09:08:40 PM
I read with her twice about 4 - 5 years ago on someone different. Long story short, what she predicted never happened.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 31, 2022, 02:31:41 AM
Any update on Leeloo?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Oisin16 on March 26, 2023, 10:10:32 PM
Any update on Leeloo?

Her contact timeframe never came to pass for me
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Opaclife on March 27, 2023, 05:16:28 AM
Any update on Leeloo?

Her contact timeframe never came to pass for me

same. I take it as grain of salt but I believe she has a gift.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: mei22 on May 07, 2023, 01:52:08 AM
I honestly don’t even feel like re-reading my transcript with her but I ended the chat early because she was wildly inaccurate to the point I don’t even know what she was picking up.. nothing she said related to what even happened between me and my then boyfriend and I don’t mean it in a bad way I mean like it genuinely was not relevant right down to the “female” energies she sensed.. it was just confusing and I disregarded everything she said lol thank goodness
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Engagement2 on May 07, 2023, 05:32:38 AM
She is not completely accurate but somewhat accurate
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on May 09, 2023, 09:15:24 AM
she could pick up the current energy pretty well
but her predictions were not impressive
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on July 13, 2023, 04:20:18 PM
Is this person still on the site? I couldn't find a link to her at all.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on July 16, 2023, 04:45:51 AM
I saw her available last week.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on July 16, 2023, 08:20:51 PM
Thank you! For some reason I never saw this name and couldn’t find it in the search
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 03, 2023, 08:20:26 PM
How food is Leeloo with timing please?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 03, 2023, 08:32:17 PM
How food is Leeloo with timing please?

Leeloo read my situation 1000000% wrong and her initial timeframe was wrong for me but she gave me like 2mths for “positivity” And I guess that happened. Some people swear by her timing but there’s other readers who can pinpoint dates etc
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 06, 2023, 06:53:18 PM
Thanks PinkyD.
Who do you recommend for timing/contact readings?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 06, 2023, 11:41:10 PM
Thanks PinkyD.
Who do you recommend for timing/contact readings?

These days I’ve been using Annette Marie for dates. Can be hit/miss but oddly some of her dates hit. Go figure.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 17, 2023, 04:52:45 PM
Read with Annette Marie, she timeline prediction didn't happen...
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 18, 2023, 10:22:05 PM
Read with Annette Marie, she timeline prediction didn't happen...

I’m so sorry 😞 literally I just got another hit from her today. A friend too. So far like 70-75% of her contact dates have hit. I don’t really care for her much though. Her rate is too high and if she sees this she’ll hike it up further.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on August 19, 2023, 12:36:30 AM
Read with Annette Marie, she timeline prediction didn't happen...

I’m so sorry 😞 literally I just got another hit from her today. A friend too. So far like 70-75% of her contact dates have hit. I don’t really care for her much though. Her rate is too high and if she sees this she’ll hike it up further.

with things happening around me, leeloo is accurate
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 19, 2023, 07:41:51 AM
I'm happy for you both.
Annettemarie gage me 12th August give or take. Its been a week now. So she's out by a week.
Leeloo initially gave me 5th 6th Aug but no contact. She checked again and saw 20th August but saw 5 again which she couldn't figure out.

Do you usually get contact on the exact day?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 19, 2023, 11:14:18 AM
I'm happy for you both.
Annettemarie gage me 12th August give or take. Its been a week now. So she's out by a week.
Leeloo initially gave me 5th 6th Aug but no contact. She checked again and saw 20th August but saw 5 again which she couldn't figure out.

Do you usually get contact on the exact day?

Leeloo’s timeframe never really passed for me. @pfizer might be better to answer on her contact timeframes.

That Aug 12 Annette Marie prediction is wrong. Typically for me it’s on the day or a day or two off. Either behind or ahead.

Also, she can give you a date and say it’s good and it can be absolutely catastrophic. She can give you a set of dates and nothing happens. And then you go back later and freshly read, new dates occur. Go figure.

I noticed she uses the same phrases with everyone. Resolving things around then. Opening up. Will surprise you. Improvement etc. I think she just sees dates and letters and not much around it. I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 19, 2023, 09:13:03 PM
Yeh that's what I thought regarding AnnetteMarie.
But when I told her the date had passed and no contact happened she told me oh that's OK were still in the time frame for contact. So I asked would that be another week, she replied no could be longer than that... so I'm not sure where she hot the 12th from.

Leeloo predicted I'd be unblocked on whatsapp 2 days before the 20th Aug... its the 19th today and still blocked...doubt I'll get contact tomorrow, so she seems wrong for me aswell :(
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 19, 2023, 09:39:41 PM
Yeh that's what I thought regarding AnnetteMarie.
But when I told her the date had passed and no contact happened she told me oh that's OK were still in the time frame for contact. So I asked would that be another week, she replied no could be longer than that... so I'm not sure where she hot the 12th from.

Leeloo predicted I'd be unblocked on whatsapp 2 days before the 20th Aug... its the 19th today and still blocked...doubt I'll get contact tomorrow, so she seems wrong for me aswell :(

Leeloo predicted I’d get unblocked last year and it didn’t happen like that. It took Rachel to tell me to unblock the mofo for everything to unfold. And it def did.

I would say, if Annette hasn’t blocked you or anything because she does that when you confront her, give her one more shot? I don’t know anyone who else who gives accurate dates. Or retry Leeloo but I’ve personally seen results with Annette.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 19, 2023, 10:11:00 PM
Ah man! That sucks. I won't be having any more readings with Leeloo.
I'll stick with Rachel. But the thing is he's blocked me, I've not blocked him. She didn't give an exact date just said it will take atleast another month.

Annettemarie sent me a private message after I left her an unsatisfactory review. She said she won't read for me anymore... my review was honest tho.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 20, 2023, 01:49:04 AM
Ah man! That sucks. I won't be having any more readings with Leeloo.
I'll stick with Rachel. But the thing is he's blocked me, I've not blocked him. She didn't give an exact date just said it will take atleast another month.

Annettemarie sent me a private message after I left her an unsatisfactory review. She said she won't read for me anymore... my review was honest tho.

Yessss she does that crap. Go anonymously.

Rachel’s timing for me can be so off…one week can be three weeks and so forth. But it happens. Even if it’s months later lol

Unless she’s wrong. Then it won’t happen lol. Rachel said he will unblock you?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 20, 2023, 07:30:26 AM
Ahh ok I had no Idea I could call anonymously. I will do that if I need to read with her 😊

So I didn't ask that specific question to Rachel. Maybe I should have.
I did ask if she sees contact from him and if so when, that's when she said still another month.

I just hope someone's right 🤞
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 20, 2023, 12:11:12 PM
Ahh ok I had no Idea I could call anonymously. I will do that if I need to read with her 😊

So I didn't ask that specific question to Rachel. Maybe I should have.
I did ask if she sees contact from him and if so when, that's when she said still another month.

I just hope someone's right 🤞

I figure try her once more and if it doesn’t happen, then she really doesn’t work for you.

I think Rachel’s profile even states something along the lines of not being great with timeframes, moreso outcomes. There have been a few times she was okay with timeframes for me but I don’t think it’s her thing so I’d caution not to get too tied to Rachel’s timeframe but keep hoping for the best.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on August 20, 2023, 01:56:01 PM
leeloo has been very accurate for me especially recently.
even timeframes she hit really well

and with things happening im not too sure about rachel marie's predictions but im pretty confident about her description of the persons and issues.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 20, 2023, 02:40:06 PM
@pibkdyD thank you for the heads up regarding Rachel Marie. I'll keep that in mind and not hold on to her timeline.

@pfizer have Leeloos timeliness been dead on? Or a few days out. She's predicted contact for me for 20th August around 5ish.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on August 20, 2023, 03:07:36 PM
@pibkdyD thank you for the heads up regarding Rachel Marie. I'll keep that in mind and not hold on to her timeline.

@pfizer have Leeloos timeliness been dead on? Or a few days out. She's predicted contact for me for 20th August around 5ish.

two dead on, one was like 10 days delay, but we kept chatting during these 10 days. when its like 2 days passed i will tell her and ask if anything change? i dont mind to get another reading to see more, but she told me no change in energy so just a bit delay, then contact happened.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 20, 2023, 04:08:25 PM
That's amazing! I'm so happy for you.
Maybe I need to be bit more patient and not be disheartened if I don't get contact today.
Thanks Pfzier.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 20, 2023, 05:57:37 PM
That's amazing! I'm so happy for you.
Maybe I need to be bit more patient and not be disheartened if I don't get contact today.
Thanks Pfzier.

Keep us posted!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on August 21, 2023, 02:47:50 AM
AnnetteMarie was wrong for me for first contact prediction
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on August 21, 2023, 03:01:10 AM
That's amazing! I'm so happy for you.
Maybe I need to be bit more patient and not be disheartea tned if I don't get contact today.
Thanks Pfzier.

but i also think timeframes issues you really needed to give and take like a week to two weeks
at the same time, do tell the reader her timelines were off;see how she response
i think leeloo is very legit, but again she cannot connect with everyone
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on August 21, 2023, 03:06:03 AM
AnnetteMarie just told me I’d have contact yesterday and that definitely didn’t happen. I actually thought she’d be correct too. Bummer
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 21, 2023, 07:39:31 PM
AnnetteMarie just told me I’d have contact yesterday and that definitely didn’t happen. I actually thought she’d be correct too. Bummer

Damn I’m sorry. Her last dates passed for me but I have new dates so will update. Probably something bad since she can’t tell the difference between good or bad events
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 21, 2023, 09:33:05 PM
She should really remove " accurate time frames" from her bio lol
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on August 21, 2023, 09:38:19 PM
I’m not sure if you’re talking about Leeloo or Annette but if it’s Annette I think she should too. I’ll give her credit for being pretty bold and confident about them though. She gave a few other dates so I’m not completely brushing her off yet. I’ll include more if she hits on them or doesn’t.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on August 21, 2023, 09:52:16 PM
She gave me more so I’ll wait and update once those dates have passed. She could be right still for the next few. Hopefully she is right!
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 22, 2023, 05:33:00 PM
Unfortunately the contact prediction for 20th August did not pan out. I give up.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Chitowngirl on August 22, 2023, 07:35:42 PM
Is this Leeloo or someone else? I've never read with Leeloo
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 22, 2023, 07:42:38 PM
This was from Leeloo.
I've read with her twice now and no luck.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 22, 2023, 09:43:16 PM
This was from Leeloo.
I've read with her twice now and no luck.

I’m so sorry. She didn’t work for me either. I only had luck with AnnetteMarie but her first time giving a date for me last year was wrong as well, she was accurate when I went back months later.

For the most part no-one has been panning out for me, not even Rachel sigh
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Stone88 on August 25, 2023, 07:20:24 AM
No it's OK, Leeloo is still amazing though and ethical.
I like the way she reads and the rest of my reading was great.
I understand timing can be hard to do.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: pfizer on August 25, 2023, 09:12:02 AM
she said something i simply dont agree
i meant i was surprised but she said something very much stereoptype thing
but i know she was wrong
her prediction may still be valid; as it's consistent and align with someone i really really trust
(timing i do doubt, leeloo seemed too optimistic)
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: PinkyD on August 26, 2023, 07:22:57 PM
AnnetteMarie just told me I’d have contact yesterday and that definitely didn’t happen. I actually thought she’d be correct too. Bummer

Damn I’m sorry. Her last dates passed for me but I have new dates so will update. Probably something bad since she can’t tell the difference between good or bad events

Two of my new AnnetteMarie dates have passed so far with one contact date being a day off.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Frideswide on August 27, 2023, 06:02:40 PM
I had a reading with her. I was not impressed. I feel they are generic. She told me I would meet a guy through a co worker. Not possible as I work from home and all my colleagues are out of state, she also described a guy who is not my type. The tall dark handsome type.

Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Mina on August 28, 2023, 05:20:39 AM
I’ve been trying my best to not say anything about leeloo (because I do believe I need to be better about ALLOWING the manifestation unfold; so don’t speak ill or criticize because yes that is throwing more unnecessary doubt)-but no she had so many misses, none of the dates passed, nor made sense. She absolutely did NOT get anything right with the present; it was like literally the opposite was revealed. She has prediction coming at the end of this month; which I feel very confident won’t happen but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and see if can extend to sept. Which was “I’ll meet someone new”… sure I could meet someone new I’ll stay open to that idea (In fact maybe I have not been open at all to that. Why shut down that opportunity down)

And another prediction between Sept- Dec …which super frustrating; again no I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt (this one I’ll keep to myself)

But overall she is huge miss for me!

… which booo 👻 hissss 🐍 throws popcorn 🍿
Change the movie 🎥!!! 😝
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: shannynlin on May 29, 2024, 08:25:50 PM
Just came back to update on a couple readings I had with her in 2021-2022!

I bought two 12-month readings. They were general, looking all throughout love, career, and money.

She got a weird hit I thought wouldn't happen: three men wanted commitments simultaneously. She did specify that one was an ex, and the other was a new guy. She said I would have the option to take the ex back and felt I would end things with the new guys at some point. She was correct; we dated for around a year before I decided it wasn't working for me. The situation with my ex is... unconventional, but we're super close to this day and I'll be visiting his state soon.

She got something wrong that I was so sure would happen because of how specific she was. She volunteered contact predictions and timing related to career developments. Didn't pan out the way she said. Her "current situation" read was spot on though.

Overall she's a very kind and pleasant reader! I enjoyed my experiences with her.

Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: FreeBre on July 22, 2024, 04:38:47 PM
Gotta give credit where it’s due. LeeLoo got a contact date and a financial resolution date for me perfectly. She told me the exact date and it went exactly how she said.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: appleeyes75 on July 25, 2024, 03:22:20 PM
Just read with her she was okay..but what's so much hype? She is always busy..good reviews. She  gave me contact prediction for Nov vs others says by September and said I will meet someone new and my poi would be an option...almost made me sick and depressed to hear that. I m not interested in anyone and woyld not be for a long time. No specific details.. could it be no connection? Can
someone please tell me about your prediction/reading experience?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sugarsky on July 25, 2024, 08:27:45 PM
Just read with her she was okay..but what's so much hype? She is always busy..good reviews. She  gave me contact prediction for Nov vs others says by September and said I will meet someone new and my poi would be an option...almost made me sick and depressed to hear that. I m not interested in anyone and woyld not be for a long time. No specific details.. could it be no connection? Can
someone please tell me about your prediction/reading experience?

She is EXTREMELY hit or miss, I wouldn’t give her prediction too much thought either way.
Just let life unfold  🥰
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: bemily on July 29, 2024, 10:19:20 PM
Just read with her she was okay..but what's so much hype? She is always busy..good reviews. She  gave me contact prediction for Nov vs others says by September and said I will meet someone new and my poi would be an option...almost made me sick and depressed to hear that. I m not interested in anyone and woyld not be for a long time. No specific details.. could it be no connection? Can
someone please tell me about your prediction/reading experience?

I too bought in to the LeeLoo hype and got a reading from her a couple weeks back. I gave her more context than I should've, and it felt like she just described a textbook avoidant attachment style back at me - as in, it didn't feel personalized at all, and she could've just pulled it from a textbook and applied Scorpio attributes.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: appleeyes75 on July 30, 2024, 01:31:56 AM
Phew! Sometime the reviews can be deceiving.. wasn't too extraordinary anyways. No mention of any specific details.. so let's see
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Lys on July 30, 2024, 01:57:52 AM
I had a reading with her maybe 8 years ago. She said my ex will comeback.. no lol
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Dejatu on August 19, 2024, 02:20:46 PM
Sometime last summer, Leeloo told me that things would not work out with this person I was dating after he cut things off. (POI 1).  She had also mentioned I’d meet someone else and ofc
I didn’t ask questions cus it’s not what I wanted to hear.

 She was right about both things. Currently going thru a break-up with someone else (the person I met right after, POI 2) and she sees a reconcile and communication before the end of the week. Holding on to hope since she was right for me the first time with POI 1.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Novachild1018 on November 10, 2024, 03:42:01 PM
Any updates on this reader?
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: saxenaniks on February 14, 2025, 04:54:00 PM
Leeloo does have a gift when it comes to reading the present energy accurately, and I’ve noticed that she can pick up on emotions well. However, I’ve also observed that her predictions tend to change frequently, making them feel unreliable over time. In my past readings about a previous POI, none of her predictions played out, which made me question their accuracy. If you're looking for insight into the present moment, she may be helpful, but I wouldn’t rely too much on long-term predictions.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: sugarsky on February 14, 2025, 07:27:13 PM
I will agree with saxenaniks - she has given me many predictions over a few years that haven’t panned out and in one case - a lot of false hope —  I don’t know why I continued to try her for so long
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: gemmaasks on February 24, 2025, 08:11:09 AM
Found my notes from 2024. Told me I would meet a guy in May - June 2024. Came and went. I didnt meet this guy.

1) Co worker will invite me to an evening art event.
2) Dark hair and dark eyes
3) Not much older than me
4) Fire energy/ sign
5) C initial
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: saxenaniks on February 24, 2025, 02:35:27 PM
Leeloo has been pretty inaccurate for me.
Title: Re: Leeloo's Esotericorner
Post by: Florallover87 on February 24, 2025, 02:36:42 PM
Yep! For me too…

I only read once but nothing made sens