The Psychic Reviews
Relationship Psychology Discussions => The Vent => Topic started by: SomethingBetter on June 03, 2019, 02:25:01 AM
I hate this feeling. Or jumble of feelings I should say.
It’s the reason I went cold turkey on readings years ago.
I have some optimism because I have connected with amazing readers and have had success with them.
Then another part of me is mad at myself for wanting this fool in the first place.
Then I feel scared that I’m placing my faith in others instead of my gut or my belief in a higher power.
Maybe this borders on hubris, but I get like this adrenaline rush and this deeply satisfying feeling when something a reader predicts comes true. It’s like a high. I feel like I have a leg up due to their guidance.
I do truly appreciate those whom I consider “my” readers: Anne, Yona, Kira, Cookie and Kisha. I just feel lost and heartbroken right now. Rudderless...
I know no matter what I’ll be ok. I don’t need this person in my life and amazing things will happen with or without him. But I’m just sad...
I need to humble myself and make a conscious effort to take reality in first and see these readings as entertainment only.
But I’ll still have my fingers crossed...
These past few weeks have been a bundle of gut wrenching reality checks for me. It wasn’t about the predictions for me but the feelings I thought the other person shared. It turned out to be wrong and that left me more hurt than predictions not coming true.
Oh...I know the feeling. I've been there a few times. I'm in a much better place now. Not a perfect place, but much better. Here's what has helped me. Maybe it can help someone else.
1) You can't stop readings without replacing it with something else. It's an addiction. If you get bored or anxious, this "addiction" creeps in EVERY time. So I found replacements. I've started projects around my home. Big projects. And I've challenged myself to do the project myself. Lord knows that I can't afford professional contractors. I've learned in the last 6 months basic electrical and plumbing. You can learn almost anything on YouTube. LOL
2) I am in such financial debt due to my "habit". I haven't had the nerve to add it up, but it's BAD. Only I can turn it around. Besides, it's my responsibility to do so. So...I figured out a budget, downloaded Credit Karma, Ibotta, etc. Everything is budgeted now. If I can't afford it, it doesn't happen. I'm slowly paying off my addiction. It will take years. BUT instead of checking the psychic sites, I check my credit score. It's starting to go up. My credit card balances are starting to go down. My goal is to live without credit cards.
3) My health. I went through months of not sleeping through the night. I'd wake up worried about finances and of course, my POI. I've learned to meditate. There's a great "Tibetan Meditation Music" video that I use every night. I do some LOA, deep breathing, relaxation techniques to the music EVERY night before bed. I can now sleep through the night.
4) I don't check his social media anymore. I challenged myself not to block him, but to learn self control to not check. When I get the urge, I play Cookie Jam (LMAO) and honestly, it only takes a few minutes to lose the urge. Remember, you don't quit and addiction, you replace it.
5) I haven't cut out readings, but they are limited and I have self imposed boundaries. I pay cash so if I don't have money, I don't do it. I get general readings only. They have always been better for me and they remind me that there are other aspects of my life that are important. And I wait for the timelines to pass or for progress before I get another one. I've been really good about this. I don't have an urge anymore for daily/weekly readings and honestly, more predictions happen. They are not about my POI, but they are happening. I've also started to read tarot. I'm still early in the process, but I've found that my own readings are more accurate. I've seen the Devil card a lot, but it's in the past. The current shows I'm still insecure about my future, but my future cards are showing forward movement. And it's true. It's all true.
Hang in there. You'll find what works for you. POI held sooo much power over me. Psychics, intentionally or unintentionally did the same. I am working day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute to take control back from both. Hugs to all of us who are struggling.
Fidget, that was fantastic!! My addition was equally as bad as yours, so believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND.
October of last year (after a decade of readings) I finally had the nerve to see how much my addition was costing me......$1800 monthly!!! yes, you read that correctly. I earn a good income, almost six figures, but I was spending everything on this addiction. I finally went to a hypnotist and, for now, I am staying on the straight and narrow.
Thank you so much for writing that :)
Fidget, that was fantastic!! My addition was equally as bad as yours, so believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND.
October of last year (after a decade of readings) I finally had the nerve to see how much my addition was costing me......$1800 monthly!!! yes, you read that correctly. I earn a good income, almost six figures, but I was spending everything on this addiction. I finally went to a hypnotist and, for now, I am staying on the straight and narrow.
Thank you so much for writing that :)
God love you for having the fortitude to add it up. I can't do it yet. It's shameful. BUT one thing that gives me reinforcement is checking my Keen transcripts. They go away after a year. Last year there were pages and pages of them. Now I'm down to a few pages. I don't read on Keen anymore, so I'm waiting for the day when there are no transcripts to read. :)
I totally hear you guys. I'm also one who is guilty of wanting a fool of a POI and getting more readings due to it....since I have found a few select readers that I try to stick with now I don't spend as much as I used to when I first started out and would try just about any reader (and I started on Bitwine, ugh!!) Finding message boards like this helped me find quality readers which has made things better and I have been able to cut down....but I am still guilty of "mini-binges" where I branch out and try other recommended readers when things get tough with my POI. And of course I am guilty of completely obsessing over whether or not even my trusted readers' positive predictions will actually happen. It's a vicious cycle. I know I need to address my underlying anxiety, I just haven't yet...
I am very new to this board but it's nice to find other people to discuss things with who actually understand....a few people in my "real" life know I read with Yona every few months but they have no idea about the other readers and all the binging I have done, I would be too embarrassed to admit it to anyone.... :-X
Fidget, that was fantastic!! My addition was equally as bad as yours, so believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND.
October of last year (after a decade of readings) I finally had the nerve to see how much my addition was costing me......$1800 monthly!!! yes, you read that correctly. I earn a good income, almost six figures, but I was spending everything on this addiction. I finally went to a hypnotist and, for now, I am staying on the straight and narrow.
Thank you so much for writing that :)
God love you for having the fortitude to add it up. I can't do it yet. It's shameful. BUT one thing that gives me reinforcement is checking my Keen transcripts. They go away after a year. Last year there were pages and pages of them. Now I'm down to a few pages. I don't read on Keen anymore, so I'm waiting for the day when there are no transcripts to read. :)
I am just like you, fidget... I cant do it...Noone knew ..not my famiky, not even my best friend..that i have this addiction and this obsession on POI.. All stopped, when I cannot validate any of the readings...reality vs fantasy...i can't take back time wasted ..but I know I have to move forward
Fidget, that was fantastic!! My addition was equally as bad as yours, so believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND.
October of last year (after a decade of readings) I finally had the nerve to see how much my addition was costing me......$1800 monthly!!! yes, you read that correctly. I earn a good income, almost six figures, but I was spending everything on this addiction. I finally went to a hypnotist and, for now, I am staying on the straight and narrow.
Thank you so much for writing that :)
God love you for having the fortitude to add it up. I can't do it yet. It's shameful. BUT one thing that gives me reinforcement is checking my Keen transcripts. They go away after a year. Last year there were pages and pages of them. Now I'm down to a few pages. I don't read on Keen anymore, so I'm waiting for the day when there are no transcripts to read. :)
I am just like you, fidget... I cant do it...Noone knew ..not my famiky, not even my best friend..that i have this addiction and this obsession on POI.. All stopped, when I cannot validate any of the readings...reality vs fantasy...i can't take back time wasted ..but I know I have to move forward
The adding up the money looking at how many readings I’ve had over the last 19 months was extremely eye opening for me. What I could have done with all that money instead. SMH. I posted my stats in another thread. But I really think this is a good way to bring self awareness to the impulse. It will help me for sure, though maybe still not eliminate the curiousness completely.
Because in my situation I just in the last couple weeks even had two different psychics pick up on things that there is NO WAY no possible way they could know these facts about me without some genuine gift.
The predictions are either still pending or time lines have passed, but again people also say not to focus on timing as much as outcome and some apparently have had things happen a year later or more. So I don’t know what to make of that.
The fact that a reader (although very very few) can pick up that stuff makes it so easy to believe they can accurately predict the future but that may not be a valid or related correlation / conclusion at al.
I agree with so many of the posts on here. If I total up what I've spent over the years, I probably would puke. It's disgusting, and it was unnecessary. I'm not saying having readings is all bad, but to do it to the excess that I did it was super unhealthy and didn't really do much for me, in the long run.
It really is fascinating when a reader can pick up so much about the past and present, eerie too. I think a big part of the process I had to learn is not to hold on too tightly on outcomes, or just having to know the future. I think maybe we aren't supposed to know..
Omg I am ashamed to admit it but I could easily buy a new car with all this wasted money on psychics which piled up to approx. 7K (over the past 8 years I've been consulting psychics). But money wasted is not the main problem-it's wasted hopes that matter the most and waiting for something "positive" to happen but it never does. After years of failed predictions, especially in the love department, I have limited myself to getting only one reading per month and consulting my own cards every 1-2 months as well. It's easy to fall back to your old ways and get tempted to try a new reader if you are going through a challenging face in your life, but if you take a few moments and count how much money and hope you've wasted in the past, it really helps curb this temptation.
I could have bought a house with the money i spent on psychics over the past 20 years. LOL I HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT ... BUT ... the past is the past....
I'm extremely grateful I didn't get myself into cc debt over this addiction, but I'm upset that I didn't just save that money, or buy myself something nice with it.
All very natural. Hope is a dangerous thing In my book. So something good came out of my readings, readers kept giving me dates for contact/reconciliation which Ofcourse never happened so I kept wondering how almost everyone got it wrong. Were they picking up our social media connection as contact? So to test it out, I deleted him from!! I would never have had the balls to
Do this in the past but I am glad that i did. Not only am I less worked up, but I am slowly but surely moving away from him. I guess something good came out of wanting a reader to be right 😁 now if they pickup any contact, it better happen😉
hate this feeling. Or jumble of feelings I should say.
It’s the reason I went cold turkey on readings years ago.
I have some optimism because I have connected with amazing readers and have had success with them.
Then another part of me is mad at myself for wanting this fool in the first place.
Then I feel scared that I’m placing my faith in others instead of my gut or my belief in a higher power.
Maybe this borders on hubris, but I get like this adrenaline rush and this deeply satisfying feeling when something a reader predicts comes true. It’s like a high. I feel like I have a leg up due to their guidance.
I do truly appreciate those whom I consider “my” readers: Anne, Yona, Kira, Cookie and Kisha. I just feel lost and heartbroken right now. Rudderless...
I know no matter what I’ll be ok. I don’t need this person in my life and amazing things will happen with or without him. But I’m just sad...
I need to humble myself and make a conscious effort to take reality in first and see these readings as entertainment only.
But I’ll still have my fingers crossed...
Fidget, that was fantastic!! My addition was equally as bad as yours, so believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND.
October of last year (after a decade of readings) I finally had the nerve to see how much my addition was costing me......$1800 monthly!!! yes, you read that correctly. I earn a good income, almost six figures, but I was spending everything on this addiction. I finally went to a hypnotist and, for now, I am staying on the straight and narrow.
Thank you so much for writing that :)
I echo the sentiment shared in this post. Fidget, just know that you aren't the only one in this position and I admire your bravery in terms of sharing so much. Over the last few years, I've seen myself in ridiculous debt involving reconnecting with my ex. I look back now and think, all the money that I could have saved... I would probably have a house deposit now. I thank God that there are other angels and spirits looking after me because I've really been saved from some difficult situations, but I must say that I've learnt so much and I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel in the long run. I'm also very close to reaching a milestone age and whilst I'm happy with how my career has progressed, my love life is a little shocking and I'm realising that I need to move on with my life - without or without my ex. What makes me laugh is that it was my Venus return the other day, and that's supposed to give you an idea of what's to come in that department over the next year. Let me just say that I was very lucky that day... Random good luck ... Surprise, surprise, a few days later I had someone literally try to get my attention as he drove by in his car and then pull into a petrol station to turn around and come back towards me.
I'm not someone who is very good at the LoA, but I definitely believe that improvements start to happen when you increase your energetic vibration or divert attention to something else. Honestly, as previously said, you can't get over an addiction without a distraction. Find something to throw yourself into.
I've been working, mentoring, helping out my parents with various things and then sleeping. There's not much time to worry about life when you're tired (LMAO!) and then when you've realised how far you've come... You just want to keep going.
Thanks for being so brave and starting this post; it's the first step and sincere thanks to those who have been fearless and shared their journey ❤️
I TOTALLY agree with this. Hope can be viewed as positive or negative. When it comes to readings, or a hopeless romantic situation, hope can be detrimental.
All very natural. Hope is a dangerous thing In my book. So something good came out of my readings, readers kept giving me dates for contact/reconciliation which Ofcourse never happened so I kept wondering how almost everyone got it wrong. Were they picking up our social media connection as contact? So to test it out, I deleted him from!! I would never have had the balls to
Do this in the past but I am glad that i did. Not only am I less worked up, but I am slowly but surely moving away from him. I guess something good came out of wanting a reader to be right 😁 now if they pickup any contact, it better happen😉
hate this feeling. Or jumble of feelings I should say.
It’s the reason I went cold turkey on readings years ago.
I have some optimism because I have connected with amazing readers and have had success with them.
Then another part of me is mad at myself for wanting this fool in the first place.
Then I feel scared that I’m placing my faith in others instead of my gut or my belief in a higher power.
Maybe this borders on hubris, but I get like this adrenaline rush and this deeply satisfying feeling when something a reader predicts comes true. It’s like a high. I feel like I have a leg up due to their guidance.
I do truly appreciate those whom I consider “my” readers: Anne, Yona, Kira, Cookie and Kisha. I just feel lost and heartbroken right now. Rudderless...
I know no matter what I’ll be ok. I don’t need this person in my life and amazing things will happen with or without him. But I’m just sad...
I need to humble myself and make a conscious effort to take reality in first and see these readings as entertainment only.
But I’ll still have my fingers crossed...
Although hope is dangerous in some cases, what’s life without hope that things will get better in whatever way that might be. I think hope is what gets us through some of the darkest times in our lives. It has for me at least. Although you may not always get what you hope for, that desire keeps you going. What’s the point of living if you don’t have that little light saying just maybe. Miracles happen everyday and I rather focus on the good that will come rather than dwell on the negativity.
Although hope is dangerous in some cases, what’s life without hope that things will get better in whatever way that might be. I think hope is what gets us through some of the darkest times in our lives. It has for me at least. Although you may not always get what you hope for, that desire keeps you going. What’s the point of living if you don’t have that little light saying just maybe. Miracles happen everyday and I rather focus on the good that will come rather than dwell on the negativity.
I get it
I’m specifically referring to hope as in “hoping and hanging on to predictions” or hoping for “the ex to come back” or “hoping that he will be in a relationship with me or leave his wife/girlfriend”
Most of the hope on this board is directed that way ...that’s why I mentioned there are good sides of hope there are also severely bad sides. It causes us to stop moving on, hold our breath and not live our live if we hope in a negative way.
Hope in a positive way is adjusting thinking and hope that one day you meet the right person vs a certain person
For some ppl it’s hard to see that light. Honestly I’d bundle hope in the same basket as worry - both are emotions that can make you anxious. I’d just say Think and Stay positive. It’s much more concrete than “hope” if ya know what I mean.
By thinking and staying positive there is no “hope” or “one day” or the anticipation of is what is is it is BELIEVING Rather than hoping. Belief is stronger than hope to me
Like I believe that I will “xx” one day rather than I “hope”