The Psychic Reviews
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: simsim on January 19, 2019, 07:54:24 PM
From talking to over 20 people this person was the only psychic to tell me the truth! no false hopes, fairy tales or bullsh!T....whatever he told me a year ago came to pass! it was a negative reading and not what i wanted to hear but it was the truth and for that i respect this person. (yet i doubted him at that time which is why took me a while to contact him again)
in fact his the only person that gives me hope for the future because his recent reading for me was positive with a good advise how to handle the situation down the road.
that being said, im starting this topic Not because i think vincent isnt gifted but for the fact there are lots of people on PS that tell you what you want to hear so they can get amazing reviews.
the first time i spoke to him i gave him lots of information then asked him if the relationship is over for good, bla bla and he told me its over and he wont be coming he was the only one that was right about that.
second reading was exactly a year later.... i gave him zero info and i was asking about a new POI.... i asked if he will be back... he said yes followed by more positive stuff. which makes me hopeful!
Anyways can you please tell me what is your experience with Vincent? Has he had predictions happen for you? what are they?
he always told me my POI has a commitment issue.
Again i'll say, this is only becase at this moment in time i believe vincent is the only honest psychic on PS that doesnt bullshit you and had something in the past come to pass.... even though it may seem common sense.
im intrested to hear your story
That’s a small win, tbh. But yes Vincent was cool, got all the names right, etc. he didn’t have anything but advice for me, no real prediction other than he will be back etc. well, I know that already. He said I could date all these guys or so,etching in the meantime and I’m like what? I’m not a dating person, I don’t care about men.... idk he was vague. But the names were accurate.
That’s a small win, tbh. But yes Vincent was cool, got all the names right, etc. he didn’t have anything but advice for me, no real prediction other than he will be back etc. well, I know that already. He said I could date all these guys or so,etching in the meantime and I’m like what? I’m not a dating person, I don’t care about men.... idk he was vague. But the names were accurate.
interesting,,,names of people you would meet? or already around you? were they common names or really random ones?
did you give him these names before?
picking up on names is kinda a big deal, he told me regardless of my current situation and the fact my POI will be back and it will lead to a long term relationship im still going to meet a new person and gave me an initial only.
im not the dating type, but i do out and meet people out of the blue, i attract lots, but keeping my options open atm.... loving life like POI aint coming back lol
He picks up names of interested parties. Mine are Latin and very uniquely named. I was shocked when he did. But remember names are his gift and it means nothing really if none of them are serious which none of them are. I loved his reading though and will return again. But for me there was no info given other than names, no predictions except I might go through them one by one and have two more kids, which is probably good evidence of a gift, but it’s not something that mattered much to me at all, none of the guys he named matter, they just have crushes on me, I’m easy going non judge mental cool girl so that’s normal. If pursued I’d just run through them like water, I’d never want to burn those bridges so I never would.
But hey my poi will be back lol
That one I gave him the name.
He picks up names of interested parties. Mine are Latin and very uniquely named. I was shocked when he did. But remember names are his gift and it means nothing really if none of them are serious which none of them are. I loved his reading though and will return again. But for me there was no info given other than names, no predictions except I might go through them one by one and have two more kids, which is probably good evidence of a gift, but it’s not something that mattered much to me at all, none of the guys he named matter, they just have crushes on me, I’m easy going non judge mental cool girl so that’s normal. If pursued I’d just run through them like water, I’d never want to burn those bridges so I never would.
But hey my poi will be back lol
That one I gave him the name.
that is scary good! it validates his actually gifted and can pick up on stuff.
i think he mentioned them to show you that you have options? or it what he was getting?
i only spent 5 min with Vincent on the phone due to funds and only asked if my POI will be back, when he said yes i then asked if it will lead to a long term thing he said yes again with tips on what to do when does come back.
i also asked if there was a second person and he said no, when i asked again he yelled at me and said NO and if there was he would of told me.
buy picking up the names for your guy gives me hopes that he was right about my situation and in fact my POI just has a commitment issue and it truly has nothing to do with me as he mentioned.
thanks for sharing this btw
Oh yeah. And to put in perspective this is a middle or late aged white male rattling off Latin names 🤣😂 super impressed. I once read with a chick from Scotland who would give names but they were whiteified such as Michel vs Miguel lol I always take names lightly but no question he saw something. She wasn’t good though and not on this board.
Oh yeah. And to put in perspective this is a middle or late aged white male rattling off Latin names 🤣😂 super impressed. I once read with a chick from Scotland who would give names but they were whiteified such as Michel vs Miguel lol I always take names lightly but no question he saw something. She wasn’t good though and not on this board.
That’s interesting lol. What time frame did he give about your POI coming back?
Oh yeah. And to put in perspective this is a middle or late aged white male rattling off Latin names 🤣😂 super impressed. I once read with a chick from Scotland who would give names but they were whiteified such as Michel vs Miguel lol I always take names lightly but no question he saw something. She wasn’t good though and not on this board.
That’s interesting lol. What time frame did he give about your POI coming back?
Same as everyone else and my own intuition, September. I have him blocked so it will take either me cooling down and unblocking or him putting in a great deal of effort.
Love Vincent!
I have called him from a different account and he still told me the exact same things.
His prediction happened! He told me he will contact me and that he loves me. He contacted me yesterday and opened up about his feelings.
Love Vincent!
I have called him from a different account and he still told me the exact same things.
His prediction happened! He told me he will contact me and that he loves me. He contacted me yesterday and opened up about his feelings.
thanks for sharing your experience!
was it within the time frame given?
He didn't give a timeframe of the contact but of the end result.
He didn't give a timeframe of the contact but of the end result.
you must be a lucky one. i called him many times and nothing came to pass... i mean zero!!!!!!
he asked me for lots of info and reading changed with more info given.
he also keeps notes on people.. i called him asking about my girlfriend and started talking about amanda (my ex) and how was the proposal and her age and shit...
when i told him picking up on the wrong woman there was an akward silient peroid and he told me his checking his guides.... aka notes
then told me the same out come regardless of the women he was picking up..... it was extremly sketchy and shady honestly.
also he picked up on a FALSE detail another adivor told me the peroid reading.... i swear to god these people share notes to the point it became obvious and customer service lies about them having the option to keep notes on people.
He didn't give a timeframe of the contact but of the end result.
you must be a lucky one. i called him many times and nothing came to pass... i mean zero!!!!!!
he asked me for lots of info and reading changed with more info given.
he also keeps notes on people.. i called him asking about my girlfriend and started talking about amanda (my ex) and how was the proposal and her age and shit...
when i told him picking up on the wrong woman there was an akward silient peroid and he told me his checking his guides.... aka notes
then told me the same out come regardless of the women he was picking up..... it was extremly sketchy and shady honestly.
also he picked up on a FALSE detail another adivor told me the peroid reading.... i swear to god these people share notes to the point it became obvious and customer service lies about them having the option to keep notes on people.
Maybe it might happen? I called him from another account and he told me the exact same things as before.. so no notes in my case. He knew many stuff. He recognized the person in question very well.. but he couldn't tell me names as it is the case with many other callers. I hope his other predictions happen too. Is it possible that it might still happen for you? Try not to dwell on it. Wish it and leave it at that...
He didn't give a timeframe of the contact but of the end result.
you must be a lucky one. i called him many times and nothing came to pass... i mean zero!!!!!!
he asked me for lots of info and reading changed with more info given.
he also keeps notes on people.. i called him asking about my girlfriend and started talking about amanda (my ex) and how was the proposal and her age and shit...
when i told him picking up on the wrong woman there was an akward silient peroid and he told me his checking his guides.... aka notes
then told me the same out come regardless of the women he was picking up..... it was extremly sketchy and shady honestly.
also he picked up on a FALSE detail another adivor told me the peroid reading.... i swear to god these people share notes to the point it became obvious and customer service lies about them having the option to keep notes on people.
Maybe it might happen? I called him from another account and he told me the exact same things as before.. so no notes in my case. He knew many stuff. He recognized the person in question very well.. but he couldn't tell me names as it is the case with many other callers. I hope his other predictions happen too. Is it possible that it might still happen for you? Try not to dwell on it. Wish it and leave it at that...
i truly hope so! so far my experince with PS was only false hope which caused me more heart ache than anything, yet when i read Vincent reviews its all about how blunt and honest he is and tells it as it is. many reviews were him telling people negative stuff and not giving false hopes and turned out to be accurate so when given a postive outcome you can the amount of joy it gives a person.
i will findout with time if his predictions will come to pass but the minor one he gave me didnt.
He didn't give a timeframe of the contact but of the end result.
you must be a lucky one. i called him many times and nothing came to pass... i mean zero!!!!!!
he asked me for lots of info and reading changed with more info given.
he also keeps notes on people.. i called him asking about my girlfriend and started talking about amanda (my ex) and how was the proposal and her age and shit...
when i told him picking up on the wrong woman there was an akward silient peroid and he told me his checking his guides.... aka notes
then told me the same out come regardless of the women he was picking up..... it was extremly sketchy and shady honestly.
also he picked up on a FALSE detail another adivor told me the peroid reading.... i swear to god these people share notes to the point it became obvious and customer service lies about them having the option to keep notes on people.
Maybe it might happen? I called him from another account and he told me the exact same things as before.. so no notes in my case. He knew many stuff. He recognized the person in question very well.. but he couldn't tell me names as it is the case with many other callers. I hope his other predictions happen too. Is it possible that it might still happen for you? Try not to dwell on it. Wish it and leave it at that...
I forgot to add that o spoke to him from two diff accounts also.
First time was vague but seems accurate, was giving a minor prediction of contact that didn’t happen and a fully reconnection in March
The questions I asked were answered yes or no with an advise elements
The second time I spoke to him was form a diff account on chat,,, I didn’t tell him my name is Mario yet my name is MIO and I asked about my POI Alexandra but I said ALEX.
Again same stuff, but it was vague (yes or no answers) same timeframe when she will “resurface” and and that she does in fact loves me and will be coming back.
So I’ll find out very soon because the timeline is approaching soon
However during the second time he asked me if we were ever talking about moving in together because that may freaked her out (which we didn’t)
Beside that he actually didn’t pick up anything for me, no names like for some people or anything to wow me. Just yes or no answers with advise.
Consistent from both account, I give him that... but that can mean one this now.
It’s either Vincent is actually gifted OR he tells everyone the same shit
He certainly doesn't tell everybody the same thing. He sees by some people a third person, he didn't see it in my case. He saw that he is very scared of relationship and that is so true and he also knew why. So when he tells you that she might freak out then I would say that it is true. He is good in that kind of stuff. I would listen to him. Good luck to you I hope it happens as he sees it. Please let us know.
Please remember wish your dream and than let it go. Know it is on its way. Don't dwell on it. Do some other stuff. Free the energy. That way your dream can come true. Have faith. Thats the key.
He certainly doesn't tell everybody the same thing. He sees by some people a third person, he didn't see it in my case. He saw that he is very scared of relationship and that is so true and he also knew why. So when he tells you that she might freak out then I would say that it is true. He is good in that kind of stuff. I would listen to him. Good luck to you I hope it happens as he sees it. Please let us know.
Please remember wish your dream and than let it go. Know it is on its way. Don't dwell on it. Do some other stuff. Free the energy. That way your dream can come true. Have faith. Thats the key.
thanks for the positive vibes, im keeping my options open and i have a date tonight actually with someone new. i love my POI i really do but looking at reality thats not how you treat someone that you love.
Vincent also told me she is scared of the relationship "commitment issues" that was the only thing he picked up for me and that there isnt a second person.
i hope he is right and all comes to pass for us,, for sake of our sanity and the money we spent
He certainly doesn't tell everybody the same thing. He sees by some people a third person, he didn't see it in my case. He saw that he is very scared of relationship and that is so true and he also knew why. So when he tells you that she might freak out then I would say that it is true. He is good in that kind of stuff. I would listen to him. Good luck to you I hope it happens as he sees it. Please let us know.
Please remember wish your dream and than let it go. Know it is on its way. Don't dwell on it. Do some other stuff. Free the energy. That way your dream can come true. Have faith. Thats the key.
thanks for the positive vibes, im keeping my options open and i have a date tonight actually with someone new. i love my POI i really do but looking at reality thats not how you treat someone that you love.
Vincent also told me she is scared of the relationship "commitment issues" that was the only thing he picked up for me and that there isnt a second person.
i hope he is right and all comes to pass for us,, for sake of our sanity and the money we spent
Hahaha I didn't think you will go out so soon! This is very good! Go out and do what makes you happy. Self love is the key. At the same time you concentrate on someone else and not dwell on your POI.
Has anyone used this guy for a while? I keep thinking back to his reading for me and how impressed I was by his name use, which were very unique names, and I mean, my life went in a bit of the general direction he mentioned, I guess. Any one else ever get a reading from him?
Has anyone used this guy for a while? I keep thinking back to his reading for me and how impressed I was by his name use, which were very unique names, and I mean, my life went in a bit of the general direction he mentioned, I guess. Any one else ever get a reading from him?
He still on PS.
I talked to him several times, int he beginning I thought he was amazingly gifted. But then I realized he was taking notes, and just giving more advice than predictions. He missed a big and important one. I lost faith and dint call him again.
I talked to him several times, int he beginning I thought he was amazingly gifted. But then I realized he was taking notes, and just giving more advice than predictions. He missed a big and important one. I lost faith and dint call him again.
This is so true! While he does have a gift, if you call multiple times he will not look into your situation anymore he will just read previous notes and based everything off that!
he is expensive. how much time is enough with him and does he ask for background info or just names?
he is expensive. how much time is enough with him and does he ask for background info or just names?
He is quick! You shouldn’t need no more than 5 minutes but only call him once and wait till your prediction come to pass
I talked to him several times, int he beginning I thought he was amazingly gifted. But then I realized he was taking notes, and just giving more advice than predictions. He missed a big and important one. I lost faith and dint call him again.
Thanks for the update, he didnt make many predictions for me but hit the names of the guys on the head, very very unique names, especially for a guy in another country. All of them have come forward. I don't remember his other predictions, but he didnt really get deep into it with me, just stated names of guys who would try to date me. So I cant say his predictions came true, but obviously there is a gift. I checked his profile and he didnt appear to be available, so I bumped this thread.
I talked to him several times, int he beginning I thought he was amazingly gifted. But then I realized he was taking notes, and just giving more advice than predictions. He missed a big and important one. I lost faith and dint call him again.
Thanks for the update, he didnt make many predictions for me but hit the names of the guys on the head, very very unique names, especially for a guy in another country. All of them have come forward. I don't remember his other predictions, but he didnt really get deep into it with me, just stated names of guys who would try to date me. So I cant say his predictions came true, but obviously there is a gift. I checked his profile and he didnt appear to be available, so I bumped this thread.
how long was your reading? he is so expensive
I talked to him several times, int he beginning I thought he was amazingly gifted. But then I realized he was taking notes, and just giving more advice than predictions. He missed a big and important one. I lost faith and dint call him again.
Thanks for the update, he didnt make many predictions for me but hit the names of the guys on the head, very very unique names, especially for a guy in another country. All of them have come forward. I don't remember his other predictions, but he didnt really get deep into it with me, just stated names of guys who would try to date me. So I cant say his predictions came true, but obviously there is a gift. I checked his profile and he didnt appear to be available, so I bumped this thread.
how long was your reading? he is so expensive
Maybe 10 minutes? Maybe less. He is too expensive now. Too bad he doesnt have a cheaper storefront to go to, I did like him mentioning all those names, and they all came through lol I wouldnt pay his current rate even again.
he is expensive. how much time is enough with him and does he ask for background info or just names?
He is quick! You shouldn’t need no more than 5 minutes but only call him once and wait till your prediction come to pass
does he need names? or did you just say give me a general reading?
I talked to him several times, int he beginning I thought he was amazingly gifted. But then I realized he was taking notes, and just giving more advice than predictions. He missed a big and important one. I lost faith and dint call him again.
Thanks for the update, he didnt make many predictions for me but hit the names of the guys on the head, very very unique names, especially for a guy in another country. All of them have come forward. I don't remember his other predictions, but he didnt really get deep into it with me, just stated names of guys who would try to date me. So I cant say his predictions came true, but obviously there is a gift. I checked his profile and he didnt appear to be available, so I bumped this thread.
how long was your reading? he is so expensive
Maybe 10 minutes? Maybe less. He is too expensive now. Too bad he doesnt have a cheaper storefront to go to, I did like him mentioning all those names, and they all came through lol I wouldnt pay his current rate even again.
did you ask for a general?
He needs names and date of birth. I asked him a specific question. Although he is gifted. I wouldn’t call him if you want an in depth reading because he only gives the outcome and some details. Plus he is expensive so you don’t want to stay on the phone with him too long for those details.
Vincent was wrong. The person in question did not return but married someone else.
I called him a few times, and in the beginning, i thought he was super gifted but then when I saw that he was taking notes, giving me more advice than a prediction, I stopped calling him. I have a therapist to give me advice. And his predictions were wrong.
More updates on this reader. He was kinda wrong, although he did het some things right and deserves to get credit for it. Predicted I would get a specific job and that a man would call to offer it to me - this never happened and I let that thing go months ago ... He said I wouldn't hear from POI, which was true! But me and POI are cool now and in frequent contact, planning to meet again soon - as friends, and anything romantic is out of question at this point. This is something Vincent didn't pick up on at all..
He said I would meet someone significant whose name starts with J - I did in fact had a small fling with someone with that initial, however this is most definitely NOT going to develop into anything serious, nor significant. I do believe he has some gift, though probably would not call again given how much he charges and the fact that overall he was more wrong than right for me. I did mention more on another one of his threads.
Nothing Vincent said has ever came to pass. Fairytale reader for sure.