The Psychic Reviews
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: Jbossy25 on December 27, 2018, 08:52:52 PM
She was scaryyyyyyy good! I seem to really like tarot card readers well some of them anyways. She knew everything including how i felt, what is going with with my poi, gave predictions that are suppose to happen within three days. If they happen I’ll come back to let you all know but just know she’s scary good.
Well she got the contact prediction correct and i swear i really thought that it couldn’t happen at all I’m really in shock
That’s awesome. Congrats!!
I just tried her and am impressed as well. She says I’ll have communication with my poi in 2 days and more within the next few weeks. And described the situation I feel. My poi and I should be able to clear the air and move forward in February.
All I did was ask a question.
I just tried her and am impressed as well. She says I’ll have communication with my poi in 2 days and more within the next few weeks. And described the situation I feel. My poi and I should be able to clear the air and move forward in February.
All I did was ask a question.
What is impressive about telling you that your POI will contact in 2 days? Like did she get any details right that impressed you or...?
I just tried her and am impressed as well. She says I’ll have communication with my poi in 2 days and more within the next few weeks. And described the situation I feel. My poi and I should be able to clear the air and move forward in February.
All I did was ask a question.
What is impressive about telling you that your POI will contact in 2 days? Like did she get any details right that impressed you or...?
She just said she was impressed with the overflow of information when all she asked was one question. Don’t come in here being rude and judging somebody because of what they found impressive.
I just tried her and am impressed as well. She says I’ll have communication with my poi in 2 days and more within the next few weeks. And described the situation I feel. My poi and I should be able to clear the air and move forward in February.
All I did was ask a question.
What is impressive about telling you that your POI will contact in 2 days? Like did she get any details right that impressed you or...?
She just said she was impressed with the overflow of information when all she asked was one question. Don’t come in here being rude and judging somebody because of what they found impressive.
I wasn't being rude, I was genuinely curious. Stop projecting.
Other readers have been on the same page regarding predictions, it falls in line with hers. Maybe she said contact in 2 days because she sees him saying Happy New Year? idk. But the way she described him and the issues surrounding the situation was impressive, that she picked that up with just my name and a question "Hoping you can give me some insight on M", asking me to tell her when to stop shuffling and what pile.
The way she described the situation between him and I was pretty spot on in my opinion. I didn't tell her we broke up, when, what our communication was or wasn't. I only had 10min with her but feel I got a lot form the reading.
I just tried her and am impressed as well. She says I’ll have communication with my poi in 2 days and more within the next few weeks. And described the situation I feel. My poi and I should be able to clear the air and move forward in February.
All I did was ask a question.
Anywayyyyssssss please do update us if her contact prediction pans out ;)
I’d like to update! I had a second call with jaiden and her contact prediction happened again. She said she kept getting 6 and on the 6th today he contacted me and we spent time together. She told me that this contact was going to be positive and that i would feel like we’re moving forward finally and she was right! It was such a good time together seeing as lately he’s been depressed and would bring all that negativity around me. This get together was soooo pleasant. She hasn’t been wrong yet so i will continue to use her as my go to
last month she told me in two different readings "He's going to call in the next 24 hours". He never called.
12 posts ever, half of them here. Now I know why you guys think everyone is a shill.
I could careless if i only posted 12 times lol I’m a college student and barely have time to post. I’m on Christmas break from college which is why I’ve been posting. Like i already said, she’s accurate for me if you don’t like it oh well. I spend most of my time reading others posts anyways
Other readers have been on the same page regarding predictions, it falls in line with hers. Maybe she said contact in 2 days because she sees him saying Happy New Year? idk. But the way she described him and the issues surrounding the situation was impressive, that she picked that up with just my name and a question "Hoping you can give me some insight on M", asking me to tell her when to stop shuffling and what pile.
The way she described the situation between him and I was pretty spot on in my opinion. I didn't tell her we broke up, when, what our communication was or wasn't. I only had 10min with her but feel I got a lot form the reading.
Hi @sapphirewaters, did your contact prediction with Jaiden pan out? I just read with her for the first time today and found her to be really great at nailing my current situation. I gave her zero info besides my POI's name and my name.
I'm going to wait until the end of this month before having another reading, but wanted to see what anyone's thoughts were on Jaiden. Thanks! :)
I didn’t get any contact yet 😒. Waiting until the end of January, she stated 3 weeks in the reading as well. That would put it mid January. I am trying so hard not to reach out to him. I think, why should I check on him if he isn’t checking on me? But he is stubborn. I don’t need a psychic to tell me that, lol. My intuition tells me he is sticking to his choice even though he is struggling with it. I feel it is his pride and ego and not listening to his heart.
A part of me says don’t listen to all theses advisors, call him and see how he is doing. Idk. It would be nice if he did tho.
Tried her due to this post and it was a waste.
She was average and predicted a “contact within 5 days” and it never happened. That came and went. It’s beem past 5 weeks as well.
Tried her due to this post and it was a waste.
She was average and predicted a “contact within 5 days” and it never happened. That came and went. It’s beem past 5 weeks as well.
Psst it’s a shill
One of my pals tried her a few days to a week back and said she was horrible and seemed to guess. But I don't know I haven't read with her. I just wanted to put in my two cents.
The reviewers are quite obviously shill accounts.
Speak on what u know to be facts! You are super pressed
Jaiden told me POI would unblock me this week. He just did it, today! She's been right 2 times, that's a much better track record then most I've read with. She told me contact in one day, but it turned out to be one month to the day. So, I'm thinking I would try her again.
Jaiden told me POI would unblock me this week. He just did it, today! She's been right 2 times, that's a much better track record then most I've read with. She told me contact in one day, but it turned out to be one month to the day. So, I'm thinking I would try her again.
Yay, congrats @alphabetsoup!! I read earlier on this thread that your contact prediction didn't pan out at first but I'm happy that it happened today--she must've seen the number 16, then! I've been discouraged since the reviews on here of her are super mixed. I have a contact prediction pending for soon that I am not banking on. We'll see! Will update :)
I really think that her correct predictions were things she came up with on her own. It's when I ask "when will POI contact me" it's like it pushed her past the flow of info they are getting and the answer isn't dependable. Anyway she gave me a contact prediction of two weeks today, but I asked. I will probably pay more attention to the things she told me on her own. I'll update.
I talked to her last week and she told me that the following week me and my guy would have some serious talks about us and i promise i didn’t think it would happen cuz he’s a Gemini and really never expresses his feelings like that but Wednesday night, he came to me and said “let’s talk”. I was shocked! I know some of y’all havent connected with her but i can tell u she’s been consistent with me
I gotta give it to Jaiden. When I read with her earlier this month I thought maybe she was just giving me a really great cold reading. She actually turned out to be correct with her predictions and picked up a third party that nobody else did--not even Mattie. She asked me who this other woman was around him, influencing him. A "gold digger" type. I blew it off.
Earlier this week, my POI came back to me after 2.5 months of ghosting. He apologized for disappearing. I was so happy that maybe Jaiden was wrong.. Too bad she was right! He dumped me suddenly after a year because he said he had started a new relationship with this other woman over the past month. Jaiden didn't tell me what I wanted to hear--she was the only one who was truly honest. I'm not giving up on the other predictions given to me from Mattie because those could still play out (timeframe not here yet). But now that he's gone ahead and left me, it's going to be a lot more difficult than I thought. Anyways. That's my two cents.
Okay I caved and decided to try her. She gave me a similar prediction in many ways to Mattie, Rachel Marie, Christina, and Psychic Shelly. She gave a me a contact prediction as well. Will update if anything comes to pass but felt like she was good at picking up many details about the situation without my saying much. We’ll see what happens.... or doesn’t!
I read with Jaiden close to a month ago and after listening to the reading over and over I wasn't sure if she was picking up the correct POI. (They both have the same name and one popped into my life again mid December. It has been confusing if the correct one has been picked up or not or if the reading is on both of them.) So I called again today, I wasn't looking forward to spending the money but I needed to know for myself. Most of what she said was the same and I upfront disclosed that I had called a month ago and wasn't sure if she picked up the right ______. Was there any information that she needed to pick up the _____ I was asking about. She asked what his star sign was. I told her and then she did her thing. She basically told me similar things as our last reading but with additional information regarding more specific timeframes. Her prediction falls in line with others. So now I must continue to wait.
I haven't been reading as much or at all. I am at the point where it is what it is. My intuition tells me. Yet my logic tells me as well. I occasionally may do a update reading is all like today.
embibems I thought the same. I thought she was just cold reading and these things weren't going to happen. She doesn't even sound sure of herself when she talks. I think she's about to become more expensive. She's amazed me.
embibems I thought the same. I thought she was just cold reading and these things weren't going to happen. She doesn't even sound sure of herself when she talks. I think she's about to become more expensive. She's amazed me.
I got the same vibe. I've only read with her twice but the first time earlier this month she immediately picked up on the other woman--described her to a t, talking about hair and eye/skin color too. At the time I was like wtf is she talking about--now I know exactly what she was. No one except Jeremiah and Mattie (who both said he was "putting something to rest" or in contact with another woman) picked up on this other lady. I'll definitely read with Jaiden again!
I read with Jaiden for 20min today based on this thread. (I;ve got this addiction going these past couple of weeks, this is an expensive habit :( )
She picked up current situation very well. Her first words before I said anything: You've been very patient with poi (true), theres really no communication at all (true, we are in no contact for 5+ months now).
She did give a positive outcome similar to other readers.
But she also said I'll get initial "minimal" contact tomorrow! I don't know what minimal contact means but this is totally bonkers!! Both Yona and Tara predicted contact by July-Aug. (Tara did say maybe by first week of Apr)
I just dont believe it will be tomorrow, but we'll see :)
I read with Jaiden for 20min today based on this thread. (I;ve got this addiction going these past couple of weeks, this is an expensive habit :( )
She picked up current situation very well. Her first words before I said anything: You've been very patient with poi (true), theres really no communication at all (true, we are in no contact for 5+ months now).
She did give a positive outcome similar to other readers.
But she also said I'll get initial "minimal" contact tomorrow! I don't know what minimal contact means but this is totally bonkers!! Both Yona and Tara predicted contact by July-Aug. (Tara did say maybe by first week of Apr)
I just dont believe it will be tomorrow, but we'll see :)
Do let us know if the contact happens tomorrow. Good luck!
Do let us know if the contact happens tomorrow. Good luck!
I don't think it will happen today. But yes, will update!
Do let us know if the contact happens tomorrow. Good luck!
I don't think it will happen today. But yes, will update!
She's been off on contact for me so don't be discouraged!!! I feel she's better at stuff non-timing related, at least for me. She definitely gets the current situation easily and can tell you predictions that (at least for me) have happened. Just not within her given time frame. Close, though! Best of luck. Keep us posted. I do love Jaiden's voice and northern English accent :) Take care!
The day passed. No contact of any form. *shrug*
Any updates? :)
Any updates? :)
Nothing from me :( My contact prediction didn't pan out (posted above)
Any updates? :)
Nothing from me :( My contact prediction didn't pan out (posted above)
Any updates? :)
Nothing from me :( My contact prediction didn't pan out (posted above)
I wouldn't count on Jaiden for contact, she's never gotten it right for me lmao. She usually says something like "next three days" or "within the next week" and it never happens. She's good for seeing the current situation (picked up third party last month, only other ones to do that were Jeremiah and Mattie) but I wouldn't rely on her for timing to save my life lmao. Just my two cents! xo
Any updates? :)
Nothing from me :( My contact prediction didn't pan out (posted above)
I wouldn't count on Jaiden for contact, she's never gotten it right for me lmao. She usually says something like "next three days" or "within the next week" and it never happens. She's good for seeing the current situation (picked up third party last month, only other ones to do that were Jeremiah and Mattie) but I wouldn't rely on her for timing to save my life lmao. Just my two cents! xo
Yep thanks! When she told me "tomorrow" by herself, I thought I didnt hear her well and asked again. I knew it wouldn't happen because most of the heavy hitters gave june-aug timeframe, but I must admit, was a wee bit anxious. Oh well!
Overall, her predictions did line up with Yona/Tara/LP (got same from these 3) but was way too optimistic with timelines.
Any updates? :)
Nothing from me :( My contact prediction didn't pan out (posted above)
I wouldn't count on Jaiden for contact, she's never gotten it right for me lmao. She usually says something like "next three days" or "within the next week" and it never happens. She's good for seeing the current situation (picked up third party last month, only other ones to do that were Jeremiah and Mattie) but I wouldn't rely on her for timing to save my life lmao. Just my two cents! xo
Yep thanks! When she told me "tomorrow" by herself, I thought I didnt hear her well and asked again. I knew it wouldn't happen because most of the heavy hitters gave june-aug timeframe, but I must admit, was a wee bit anxious. Oh well!
Overall, her predictions did line up with Yona/Tara/LP (got same from these 3) but was way too optimistic with timelines.
Hahah I'm glad to hear her timing should be taken with a grain of salt. I really liked her and she nailed things my first reading with her but her timelines passed and they were very quick after my reading. She said a few days and "next week" too but I'm going to throw timing out the window and trust the other info since you guys can verify her accuracy on picking stuff up :) thanks guys!
Any updates
Any updates
Timeframe came and went
Jaiden correctly predicted when my friend would make contact and return missing money. There aren't many psychics working for me, but Jaiden is a keeper in my book.
My predicted contact time frame from her passed about a month ago.
Jaiden correctly predicted when my friend would make contact and return missing money. There aren't many psychics working for me, but Jaiden is a keeper in my book.
I feel the same way, alphabetsoup.
I just read with Jaiden. She gave the same predictions as others.
I like her a lot. She’s the only one that gets timing…but that works for me about 50% of the time. She’s very professional. I like that about her.
Fairytale and generic. Kept repeating the contact date, told me he has terrible ex (don't they all?!) and that's why he's hot and cold. Wasted $75 (10 mins).
I read with her a couple times. Crazy accurate with present. Time frames - very unsure. She said “by tomorrow night” on her own and I’m losing my shit.
Any updates on her at all?
I just read with her and boy was it amazing! I was stunned by the intricacies of her reading! She picked up so much about my POI and our current equation, it was incredible. All I had to give her was his name and the information kept flowing. What she has told me is in line with Sincerity.
Her timeline of spring - March-April is in keeping with many other psychics like Petunia, Nevada,Rusty, Psychic Bright Blessing,The Real Twin Flame Advisor, Moonstar Mother & Lorrie C. Sincerity did not give me a timeline. So will see how things go.