The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: tellmewhy on November 25, 2018, 12:29:46 AM

Post by: tellmewhy on November 25, 2018, 12:29:46 AM
So I tried a lot of readers on CP

Drusilla _ This woman got to the heart of the matter, you know how you call a reader and you keep wanting to call because you are not content with information? well I really love this woman, I thought i will cut her off but rather I stayed longer that I expected
Uli _ I really like but it was a one time experience, I can get the same info from Yona
Petnuia _ I didn't stay long enough but this reader is good
Blessid _ really liked
Elijah_ Really likes

Some I don't remember so this is the short list! most of them suck
Post by: tellmewhy on November 25, 2018, 01:06:35 AM
So what will be the next rate up for CP psychics? $20 a min? I still can't make sense 0f how much this company is asking people to pay for psychic reading, something that's not guaranteed, Jesus Christ this is insane 
Post by: star1 on November 25, 2018, 01:13:11 AM
So what will be the next rate up for CP psychics? $20 a min? I still can't make sense 0f how much this company is asking people to pay for psychic reading, something that's not guaranteed, Jesus Christ this is insane

Could you imagine if every customer could get their money back by a reader being wrong? Lol.
Post by: candiednut on November 25, 2018, 01:19:45 AM
So what will be the next rate up for CP psychics? $20 a min? I still can't make sense 0f how much this company is asking people to pay for psychic reading, something that's not guaranteed, Jesus Christ this is insane

Could you imagine if every customer could get their money back by a reader being wrong? Lol.

cp would make no money  ;D ;D
Post by: LAW1974 on November 25, 2018, 01:20:04 AM
Have you never read with Mattie?  What did you think of Effie and Tara?
Post by: star1 on November 25, 2018, 01:20:42 AM
So what will be the next rate up for CP psychics? $20 a min? I still can't make sense 0f how much this company is asking people to pay for psychic reading, something that's not guaranteed, Jesus Christ this is insane

Could you imagine if every customer could get their money back by a reader being wrong? Lol.

cp would make no money  ;D ;D

Lol  ;) ;D
Post by: tellmewhy on November 25, 2018, 01:38:32 AM
No Mattie

Effie & Tara sucked !!!, if there were no comment then they sucked lol

Have you never read with Mattie?  What did you think of Effie and Tara?
Post by: star1 on November 25, 2018, 01:40:49 AM
A friend of mine on another board had a reading with Tara recently and said that she was quite good for them.. Their situation is certainly unique, and she picked up most of it. I was quite surprised to hear that after the recent reviews of her..
Post by: tellmewhy on November 25, 2018, 01:43:53 AM
Tara gave me the marriage prediction  hahaha so was Tyler
I think one of the worst readers is Pollyanne and Dominique
Post by: star1 on November 25, 2018, 01:45:18 AM
Tara gave me the marriage prediction  hahaha so was Tyler
I think one of the worst readers is Pollyanne and Dominique

I only have tried Eamon on there so far.. He gave me a similar reading to 2 others.  ???
Post by: poorprincess on November 25, 2018, 03:44:58 AM
@tellmewhy Yaaaaas on Drusilla. Similar to you, I called her thinking I would hang up in no more than 10 minutes. She was good. Holding onto another week or two to see predictions unravel but wow what she saw, uncanny. I was very impressed and was trying to find out how others felt about her. I only got this thread though with mixed feelings...,2999.0.html

Post by: embibems on November 29, 2018, 01:16:38 AM
Hey guys, I'm looking to get in Drusilla's line since a lot of you seem to like her. I'm frustrated with Effie whose major prediction for me did not pan out this month. The advice she's given me doesn't really seem like it's good for me to follow lol, just based off my POI's situation.

What time does Drusilla usually log on EST? I know she's English so five hours ahead of the east coast. Just wondering so I know when to expect her call :) Thanks!
Post by: tellmewhy on November 29, 2018, 02:28:31 AM
she pops on anytime, sh can call you as late as 8pm and up cst

Hey guys, I'm looking to get in Drusilla's line since a lot of you seem to like her. I'm frustrated with Effie whose major prediction for me did not pan out this month. The advice she's given me doesn't really seem like it's good for me to follow lol, just based off my POI's situation.

What time does Drusilla usually log on EST? I know she's English so five hours ahead of the east coast. Just wondering so I know when to expect her call :) Thanks!
Post by: poorprincess on November 29, 2018, 02:29:28 AM
Hey guys, I'm looking to get in Drusilla's line since a lot of you seem to like her. I'm frustrated with Effie whose major prediction for me did not pan out this month. The advice she's given me doesn't really seem like it's good for me to follow lol, just based off my POI's situation.

What time does Drusilla usually log on EST? I know she's English so five hours ahead of the east coast. Just wondering so I know when to expect her call :) Thanks!

@embibems, I hope you like her! I actually have caught her between 8-9pm EST both times :)
Post by: embibems on November 29, 2018, 04:15:48 AM
Hey guys, I'm looking to get in Drusilla's line since a lot of you seem to like her. I'm frustrated with Effie whose major prediction for me did not pan out this month. The advice she's given me doesn't really seem like it's good for me to follow lol, just based off my POI's situation.

What time does Drusilla usually log on EST? I know she's English so five hours ahead of the east coast. Just wondering so I know when to expect her call :) Thanks!

@embibems, I hope you like her! I actually have caught her between 8-9pm EST both times :)

Thanks to both of you! I think I'm gonna jump in her queue and see if she gives any specific dates. Looking through the reviews on CP, it seems like a reader was having stellar date and timeframe results from her this time last year. I never put much stock in timeframes anymore unless it's something symbolic or visual like what Mattie has given me, but we'll see. Thanks! :)
Post by: josh34 on November 29, 2018, 04:54:53 AM
A friend of mine on another board had a reading with Tara recently and said that she was quite good for them.. Their situation is certainly unique, and she picked up most of it. I was quite surprised to hear that after the recent reviews of her..

Tara can be good, but I think she's also not the best. Like I feel she's a hit or miss. Earlier on she said some things which was exactly what my go-to psychic said. But later she kind of took some of it back, and said some other things were kind of not accurate. She had given me quite  a few timeframes which didn't pan out, whereas my Go-To gets it right almost consistently. I think she's a great psychic, but I think she often uses her bias and judgement, and "logical" side of thinking, as opposed to her actual gift.I think it's a case of, when she's hot, she's HOT. But when she's off, or using her judgement (either  of the two) she's just... not good at all. Just my two cents
Post by: star1 on November 29, 2018, 09:41:55 AM
A friend of mine on another board had a reading with Tara recently and said that she was quite good for them.. Their situation is certainly unique, and she picked up most of it. I was quite surprised to hear that after the recent reviews of her..

Tara can be good, but I think she's also not the best. Like I feel she's a hit or miss. Earlier on she said some things which was exactly what my go-to psychic said. But later she kind of took some of it back, and said some other things were kind of not accurate. She had given me quite  a few timeframes which didn't pan out, whereas my Go-To gets it right almost consistently. I think she's a great psychic, but I think she often uses her bias and judgement, and "logical" side of thinking, as opposed to her actual gift.I think it's a case of, when she's hot, she's HOT. But when she's off, or using her judgement (either  of the two) she's just... not good at all. Just my two cents

Yeah after what you guys have told me? I'm not going to try her.
Post by: LAW1974 on November 29, 2018, 11:36:20 AM
I was just going to ask about predictions?  Maybe too soon for this?
Post by: poorprincess on November 29, 2018, 12:30:54 PM
I was just going to ask about predictions?  Maybe too soon for this?

I'll have an update late next week/early the following :)
Post by: dascallie on November 29, 2018, 01:27:57 PM
Sorry to say Drusilla was just just 'meh' for me...
Post by: tellmewhy on November 29, 2018, 01:41:43 PM
Did you ask a specific question or general what's coming up ? I went for general

Sorry to say Drusilla was just just 'meh' for me...
Post by: dascallie on November 29, 2018, 02:10:42 PM
specific...POI question---what is his thinking about me, etc
Post by: embibems on November 29, 2018, 07:39:08 PM
I just got in her queue to see what she's like. I'll let you guys know what I think. I'm curious if she'll give me any dates, but not holding her to it if she doesn't. Timeframes are always off for me anyways lol.
Post by: LucyDiamond on November 30, 2018, 08:08:51 AM
That's interesting about Tara.
Post by: poorprincess on November 30, 2018, 12:13:53 PM
She has been truly awesome for me. She has nailed stuff right down to dates and places. Not only that, I feel so positive since reading with her. I swear she relaxes me just by speaking. It's hard to explain. I just feel more courageous and more 'me'! It took me a while to find someone who just connected to me. I am so glad I tried her!

@LucyDiamond - This is super encouraging! I agree, she has the calming aura about her and her message was essentially don't worry, get your own life right. He is coming.

@embibems - Good luck and do keep us posted! I think you might like her as we seem to kind of resonate with similar readers!!!
Post by: embibems on November 30, 2018, 05:20:21 PM
She has been truly awesome for me. She has nailed stuff right down to dates and places. Not only that, I feel so positive since reading with her. I swear she relaxes me just by speaking. It's hard to explain. I just feel more courageous and more 'me'! It took me a while to find someone who just connected to me. I am so glad I tried her!

@LucyDiamond - This is super encouraging! I agree, she has the calming aura about her and her message was essentially don't worry, get your own life right. He is coming.

@embibems - Good luck and do keep us posted! I think you might like her as we seem to kind of resonate with similar readers!!!

Thanks @journalmuse!! And everyone on this forum for sharing. She called me last night around the time you all said (7-8 PM EST) and I have to say. Her voice was very calming. I'm trying not to be cynical because maybe she was a bit "too much" introducing herself but it was our first time reading together so I get it. She gave me specific dates--very specific ones. Without me asking for them. So, I've marked those down in my calendar and told her I would give her a call back to update if things pan out :) She's very positive and I liked her energy. Her voice is lovely as well. I hope her predictions come to fruition now, too!
Post by: LAW1974 on December 01, 2018, 01:12:56 PM
Wow - is the first thing I will say!  Thank you for telling me about her!  I tt her last night!  Here's what I said (after my name - no BD).  I need a general love read...thats it!  I wanted to give her NO information about my POI, current situation, to see what she first picked up! 

She immedately said you are still thinking about and in a deep connection with a past love?  You are trying to decide whether to have closure or if the book is closed.  And then she said well, you dont need closure because this book isnt finished!  (This is almost EXACTLY what happened with Mattie - btw)....  Picked up 3rd party right away (and her personality... whe actually dug into her a lot, i didnt ask but she was amazed with her b/c shes so manipulative and awful.  Every reader has told me how dark and manipulative her energy is... I can validate it - shes a very angry, negative person).  Anyway, her timelines seemed more realistic to me than others.  She said December is going to be slow because he is still hurt by our break up, shes still in the picture (although hes miserable bc its so volatile) and hes unsure whether Id ever take him back.  That we will communicate but for the next few weeks it will be very casual and not often.  December 20-23 is significant (she described it as "a light" ). I dont record calls.  ANd then she said she felt Feb 19th was a very significant day for us.  We should be back on track by then.  I guess Mattie, Yona and Aries didnt give exact dates so theres could fit in her timeline too!  SHe went into a lot of detail, shes chatty but I LOVED HER!  If you like Mattie you may want to try her at half the price, I think she's equally as gifted! 
Post by: poorprincess on December 01, 2018, 02:31:15 PM
Wow - is the first thing I will say!  Thank you for telling me about her!  I tt her last night!  Here's what I said (after my name - no BD).  I need a general love read...thats it!  I wanted to give her NO information about my POI, current situation, to see what she first picked up! 

She immedately said you are still thinking about and in a deep connection with a past love?  You are trying to decide whether to have closure or if the book is closed.  And then she said well, you dont need closure because this book isnt finished!  (This is almost EXACTLY what happened with Mattie - btw)....  Picked up 3rd party right away (and her personality... whe actually dug into her a lot, i didnt ask but she was amazed with her b/c shes so manipulative and awful.  Every reader has told me how dark and manipulative her energy is... I can validate it - shes a very angry, negative person).  Anyway, her timelines seemed more realistic to me than others.  She said December is going to be slow because he is still hurt by our break up, shes still in the picture (although hes miserable bc its so volatile) and hes unsure whether Id ever take him back.  That we will communicate but for the next few weeks it will be very casual and not often.  December 20-23 is significant (she described it as "a light" ). I dont record calls.  ANd then she said she felt Feb 19th was a very significant day for us.  We should be back on track by then.  I guess Mattie, Yona and Aries didnt give exact dates so theres could fit in her timeline too!  SHe went into a lot of detail, shes chatty but I LOVED HER!  If you like Mattie you may want to try her at half the price, I think she's equally as gifted!

YAYYYY @Law1974. So gladdd you liked her. She is fast becoming one of my favorites. Dec 5th is my first prediction. <3 Good luck to all !!
Post by: tellmewhy on December 01, 2018, 03:01:49 PM
I find reading with open-mindedness yields high results. I feel if someone is relevant to you, they will show up in general reading regardless. Except the reader is not real or can't connect to you.
Wow - is the first thing I will say!  Thank you for telling me about her!  I tt her last night!  Here's what I said (after my name - no BD).  I need a general love read...thats it!  I wanted to give her NO information about my POI, current situation, to see what she first picked up! 

She immedately said you are still thinking about and in a deep connection with a past love?  You are trying to decide whether to have closure or if the book is closed.  And then she said well, you dont need closure because this book isnt finished!  (This is almost EXACTLY what happened with Mattie - btw)....  Picked up 3rd party right away (and her personality... whe actually dug into her a lot, i didnt ask but she was amazed with her b/c shes so manipulative and awful.  Every reader has told me how dark and manipulative her energy is... I can validate it - shes a very angry, negative person).  Anyway, her timelines seemed more realistic to me than others.  She said December is going to be slow because he is still hurt by our break up, shes still in the picture (although hes miserable bc its so volatile) and hes unsure whether Id ever take him back.  That we will communicate but for the next few weeks it will be very casual and not often.  December 20-23 is significant (she described it as "a light" ). I dont record calls.  ANd then she said she felt Feb 19th was a very significant day for us.  We should be back on track by then.  I guess Mattie, Yona and Aries didnt give exact dates so theres could fit in her timeline too!  SHe went into a lot of detail, shes chatty but I LOVED HER!  If you like Mattie you may want to try her at half the price, I think she's equally as gifted!

YAYYYY @Law1974. So gladdd you liked her. She is fast becoming one of my favorites. Dec 5th is my first prediction. <3 Good luck to all !!
Post by: embibems on December 01, 2018, 04:34:35 PM
Okay, I have to give Drusilla some more credit here than when I first posted. I went back and listened to our call and she WAS more specific than I remember. She gave a certain kind of sign or insignia she saw on my POI's soldier. The insignia she saw actually exists in his country for a job he could possibly venture for. Pretty cool... She gave me some specific dates coming up soon, so I'm going to wait until those pass before I read with her again and post my results if I have any. But yes. She's very kind and I liked her style. I'll probably be calling again once I see how things manifest this month :) Happy December everyone!
Post by: poorprincess on December 01, 2018, 04:54:07 PM
Okay, I have to give Drusilla some more credit here than when I first posted. I went back and listened to our call and she WAS more specific than I remember. She gave a certain kind of sign or insignia she saw on my POI's soldier. The insignia she saw actually exists in his country for a job he could possibly venture for. Pretty cool... She gave me some specific dates coming up soon, so I'm going to wait until those pass before I read with her again and post my results if I have any. But yes. She's very kind and I liked her style. I'll probably be calling again once I see how things manifest this month :) Happy December everyone!

el yayyyy!!!! Happy December and almost end of Mercury Retrograde!!! I really hope she works out for all of us. I love her energy and she was even so funny as to say when I move to England (my boy is there and she sees me migrating from the US) she wants to be friends!!
Post by: embibems on December 02, 2018, 05:00:32 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo
Post by: LAW1974 on December 02, 2018, 05:09:40 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

Mine arent for another 3 weeks... so Ill lyk:)
Post by: embibems on December 02, 2018, 05:11:40 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

Mine arent for another 3 weeks... so Ill lyk:)

Cool, thanks @LAW1974 :) Mine are coming up and then I have one for next year. I usually don't put much stock in timeframes but when a reader gives a specific date they're seeing, I get intrigued lol :) Keep us posted!
Post by: poorprincess on December 02, 2018, 10:43:58 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!
Post by: embibems on December 03, 2018, 04:20:26 AM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Thanks, @poorprincess! My first date of contact has come and pass. I have one for later this week though, so benefit of the doubt? :)
Post by: tellmewhy on December 03, 2018, 04:25:56 AM
 "A watched pot never boils."

Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Thanks, @poorprincess! My first date of contact has come and pass. I have one for later this week though, so benefit of the doubt? :)
Post by: bstalling on December 03, 2018, 05:22:26 AM
Going to get in line for her this week since I have more free time. Will call her and get updates with Petunia. I may try a few other CP readers that were decent from 6 months ago. I just wish she had a schedule...
Post by: embibems on December 03, 2018, 05:37:16 AM
Going to get in line for her this week since I have more free time. Will call her and get updates with Petunia. I may try a few other CP readers that were decent from 6 months ago. I just wish she had a schedule...

I hear ya! She usually calls in the evenings EST. She was pretty good :)
Post by: Wanderlust619 on December 09, 2018, 09:14:01 AM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Did yours come through? Mine isn't for a while and she's not been online 😞
Post by: poorprincess on December 09, 2018, 04:33:23 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Did yours come through? Mine isn't for a while and she's not been online 😞
@hopelesslyhis - I am so sorry :(. I know how gut wrenching it feels to have the hope and then nothing. Stay positive and sending you good wishes. Re. My situation: So it is interesting -- my prediction for the 5th did but didn't come through. My POI and I work together, so on the 5th I had called him about something. He emailed me back immediately stating he was in a meeting testing something with a client. Drusilla had said this would be the day he starts to melt towards me and he would reach out in a romantic way. I would qualify this as a professional message but, nevertheless, contact?
Post by: embibems on December 09, 2018, 04:51:55 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Did yours come through? Mine isn't for a while and she's not been online 😞
@hopelesslyhis - I am so sorry :(. I know how gut wrenching it feels to have the hope and then nothing. Stay positive and sending you good wishes. Re. My situation: So it is interesting -- my prediction for the 5th did but didn't come through. My POI and I work together, so on the 5th I had called him about something. He emailed me back immediately stating he was in a meeting testing something with a client. Drusilla had said this would be the day he starts to melt towards me and he would reach out in a romantic way. I would qualify this as a professional message but, nevertheless, contact?

None of my contact predictions came through for me either lol. I don't think I connected well with her anyways, which sucks cos she seems to work for a lot of you. I've spoken a couple times with Jeremiah and found him to be really keen and accurate although his timing too, I've heard, can be off. It's so hard, I know.. Sending everyone good vibes that the seasonal warmth helps to melt those icy hearts we're dealing with >.< xo
Post by: poorprincess on December 09, 2018, 07:10:41 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Did yours come through? Mine isn't for a while and she's not been online 😞
@hopelesslyhis - I am so sorry :(. I know how gut wrenching it feels to have the hope and then nothing. Stay positive and sending you good wishes. Re. My situation: So it is interesting -- my prediction for the 5th did but didn't come through. My POI and I work together, so on the 5th I had called him about something. He emailed me back immediately stating he was in a meeting testing something with a client. Drusilla had said this would be the day he starts to melt towards me and he would reach out in a romantic way. I would qualify this as a professional message but, nevertheless, contact?

None of my contact predictions came through for me either lol. I don't think I connected well with her anyways, which sucks cos she seems to work for a lot of you. I've spoken a couple times with Jeremiah and found him to be really keen and accurate although his timing too, I've heard, can be off. It's so hard, I know.. Sending everyone good vibes that the seasonal warmth helps to melt those icy hearts we're dealing with >.< xo

le sigh, I am sorry @embibems!

Also, just checked my email - he actually reached out on the 6th not the 5th which was what Drusilla predicted.
Post by: LAW1974 on December 09, 2018, 07:22:35 PM
@poorprincess - id say 5th and 6th are still pretty close.....and i know you said it was work related and she said romantic biut contact is contact!  could it have been avoided?  im only asking b/c remember it's not easy to just reach out to someone and sau hey i messed up, im dying here please come back to me (well at least i dont think they will...) - they dont know were calling psychics and talking about them them on here.  At least mine has no idea (I mean I know for a fact, he really doesnt have any idea if I would even take him back or not) so I think we have to be realistic with our expectations of contact....  and assume it's positive until we know otherwise.  Yona described to me that he will "test the waters" so to speak "dip a toe in" here and there is what she said...  So see where it goes???  Maybe the first few emails are work and then bam, how have you been?  ya know? 
Post by: poorprincess on December 09, 2018, 10:48:03 PM
@poorprincess - id say 5th and 6th are still pretty close.....and i know you said it was work related and she said romantic biut contact is contact!  could it have been avoided?  im only asking b/c remember it's not easy to just reach out to someone and sau hey i messed up, im dying here please come back to me (well at least i dont think they will...) - they dont know were calling psychics and talking about them them on here.  At least mine has no idea (I mean I know for a fact, he really doesnt have any idea if I would even take him back or not) so I think we have to be realistic with our expectations of contact....  and assume it's positive until we know otherwise.  Yona described to me that he will "test the waters" so to speak "dip a toe in" here and there is what she said...  So see where it goes???  Maybe the first few emails are work and then bam, how have you been?  ya know?

@law1974, yes you are totally right on. He could have completely ignored me and did not. So there is hope and "melting" in that. Haha if my guy knew I was calling psychics he'd prolly call me batshit lollll. But alas, calling them and this forum make it all a bit less insufferable. Thank you for your vote of confidence and positive thoughts. It means a lot. <3 Hang in there everyone! Here's hoping!!
Post by: poorprincess on December 15, 2018, 01:54:11 PM
Update!! 4 more Drusilla predictions making sense:

1.) She predicted something about Sussex, England. At the time I was like that is off because my guy is in London. Lo and behold, Thursday a client is outright rude to me on a call to the point I am in tears. I googled him, located in Sussex, England.

2.) Contact. She predicted the 11th and 12th I would received increased contact from my guy. On the 13th, contact increased. Close enough in my mind.

3.) Paris. She said she saw my guy in Paris when he was thinking more of me. I thought at the time, no way, he's not traveling. He texted me from the airport yesterday, saying he was on his way to Paris to spend the weekend with his cousin.

4.) My birthday. It is December 28th and I wondered if he would remember. She said he would because he would mention it a few times in passing before it. He mentioned it in text yesterday. While it was mostly teasing me because I am a bit older than him, it was an acknowledgment it is coming nonetheless.

Still waiting on lilac ribbons and white teddy bears. But that is where I am at the moment.
Post by: embibems on December 15, 2018, 04:30:38 PM
Update!! 4 more Drusilla predictions making sense:

1.) She predicted something about Sussex, England. At the time I was like that is off because my guy is in London. Lo and behold, Thursday a client is outright rude to me on a call to the point I am in tears. I googled him, located in Sussex, England.

2.) Contact. She predicted the 11th and 12th I would received increased contact from my guy. On the 13th, contact increased. Close enough in my mind.

3.) Paris. She said she saw my guy in Paris when he was thinking more of me. I thought at the time, no way, he's not traveling. He texted me from the airport yesterday, saying he was on his way to Paris to spend the weekend with his cousin.

4.) My birthday. It is December 28th and I wondered if he would remember. She said he would because he would mention it a few times in passing before it. He mentioned it in text yesterday. While it was mostly teasing me because I am a bit older than him, it was an acknowledgment it is coming nonetheless.

Still waiting on lilac ribbons and white teddy bears. But that is where I am at the moment.

Wow! That is amazing @poorprincess. Talk about crazy details. I'm happy you connected with her because I was beginning to think she was a fake lmao. Unfortunately, nothing she said for me happened. I'm still trying to hold out and have faith but it's very unlikely that I'll hear from my POI before the year is out.. Wishing others good luck and please keep us posted with Drusilla updates :)
Post by: poorprincess on December 15, 2018, 04:52:47 PM
Update!! 4 more Drusilla predictions making sense:

1.) She predicted something about Sussex, England. At the time I was like that is off because my guy is in London. Lo and behold, Thursday a client is outright rude to me on a call to the point I am in tears. I googled him, located in Sussex, England.

2.) Contact. She predicted the 11th and 12th I would received increased contact from my guy. On the 13th, contact increased. Close enough in my mind.

3.) Paris. She said she saw my guy in Paris when he was thinking more of me. I thought at the time, no way, he's not traveling. He texted me from the airport yesterday, saying he was on his way to Paris to spend the weekend with his cousin.

4.) My birthday. It is December 28th and I wondered if he would remember. She said he would because he would mention it a few times in passing before it. He mentioned it in text yesterday. While it was mostly teasing me because I am a bit older than him, it was an acknowledgment it is coming nonetheless.

Still waiting on lilac ribbons and white teddy bears. But that is where I am at the moment.

Wow! That is amazing @poorprincess. Talk about crazy details. I'm happy you connected with her because I was beginning to think she was a fake lmao. Unfortunately, nothing she said for me happened. I'm still trying to hold out and have faith but it's very unlikely that I'll hear from my POI before the year is out.. Wishing others good luck and please keep us posted with Drusilla updates :)

@embibems hugs. I know how you feel. I was actually worried she was full of it, and perhaps I am reaching some here to ease my mind. I hope her timeline is just off of for you. Not to get too personal or anything, but is it maybe worth sending your guy a "hi, thinking of you" text or just a picture of something you both like? Maybe that will get him to open up? Honestly, the third thing my guy said to me when he opened up was, "do you have a new boyfriend?" In my mind, this was a stupid question. But in his, he was worried. So maybe your guy is worried that you moved on and he will mess that up like he messed things up with you? Totally a random food for thought idea that occurred to me as I am reviewing my conversation with him and with Drusilla. Sending you lots of love and my good vibes. Hang in there girl, we are in this together!!  :)
Post by: embibems on December 15, 2018, 05:30:33 PM
Update!! 4 more Drusilla predictions making sense:

1.) She predicted something about Sussex, England. At the time I was like that is off because my guy is in London. Lo and behold, Thursday a client is outright rude to me on a call to the point I am in tears. I googled him, located in Sussex, England.

2.) Contact. She predicted the 11th and 12th I would received increased contact from my guy. On the 13th, contact increased. Close enough in my mind.

3.) Paris. She said she saw my guy in Paris when he was thinking more of me. I thought at the time, no way, he's not traveling. He texted me from the airport yesterday, saying he was on his way to Paris to spend the weekend with his cousin.

4.) My birthday. It is December 28th and I wondered if he would remember. She said he would because he would mention it a few times in passing before it. He mentioned it in text yesterday. While it was mostly teasing me because I am a bit older than him, it was an acknowledgment it is coming nonetheless.

Still waiting on lilac ribbons and white teddy bears. But that is where I am at the moment.

Wow! That is amazing @poorprincess. Talk about crazy details. I'm happy you connected with her because I was beginning to think she was a fake lmao. Unfortunately, nothing she said for me happened. I'm still trying to hold out and have faith but it's very unlikely that I'll hear from my POI before the year is out.. Wishing others good luck and please keep us posted with Drusilla updates :)

@embibems hugs. I know how you feel. I was actually worried she was full of it, and perhaps I am reaching some here to ease my mind. I hope her timeline is just off of for you. Not to get too personal or anything, but is it maybe worth sending your guy a "hi, thinking of you" text or just a picture of something you both like? Maybe that will get him to open up? Honestly, the third thing my guy said to me when he opened up was, "do you have a new boyfriend?" In my mind, this was a stupid question. But in his, he was worried. So maybe your guy is worried that you moved on and he will mess that up like he messed things up with you? Totally a random food for thought idea that occurred to me as I am reviewing my conversation with him and with Drusilla. Sending you lots of love and my good vibes. Hang in there girl, we are in this together!!  :)

I wish, I already sent one of those exactly three weeks ago. I know this has nothing to do w me, he's just really f*cked up from a major job failure. I'll PM you! I'm going to try her again maybe at the beginning of next year and see how it goes since you and I click on the same readers :)
Post by: Penelope on December 16, 2018, 07:18:52 AM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Did yours come through? Mine isn't for a while and she's not been online 😞
@hopelesslyhis - I am so sorry :(. I know how gut wrenching it feels to have the hope and then nothing. Stay positive and sending you good wishes. Re. My situation: So it is interesting -- my prediction for the 5th did but didn't come through. My POI and I work together, so on the 5th I had called him about something. He emailed me back immediately stating he was in a meeting testing something with a client. Drusilla had said this would be the day he starts to melt towards me and he would reach out in a romantic way. I would qualify this as a professional message but, nevertheless, contact?

None of my contact predictions came through for me either lol. I don't think I connected well with her anyways, which sucks cos she seems to work for a lot of you. I've spoken a couple times with Jeremiah and found him to be really keen and accurate although his timing too, I've heard, can be off. It's so hard, I know.. Sending everyone good vibes that the seasonal warmth helps to melt those icy hearts we're dealing with >.< xo

le sigh, I am sorry @embibems!

Also, just checked my email - he actually reached out on the 6th not the 5th which was what Drusilla predicted.

I was wondering the same thing about work contact.  I also work with my POI so while we are not talking to each other on a personal level, we have to communicate at a professional level.  Does that count as contact?  I assumed that the contact predictions were for personal stuff not work related.  I may need to formulate more specific questions next time.  Do you see contact of personal nature between POI and I?
Post by: poorprincess on December 16, 2018, 04:02:29 PM
Amazing @poorprincess haha I would definitely be her friend just based on her nice personality!

For those of you who Drusilla gave dates to without you asking for them... did they happen for you on or around that time plus or minus 3 days? I'm curious as my dates get closer how people's success rate has been with her. Thanks much! xo

5th is my first - then 11th-13th, will update soon!

Did yours come through? Mine isn't for a while and she's not been online 😞
@hopelesslyhis - I am so sorry :(. I know how gut wrenching it feels to have the hope and then nothing. Stay positive and sending you good wishes. Re. My situation: So it is interesting -- my prediction for the 5th did but didn't come through. My POI and I work together, so on the 5th I had called him about something. He emailed me back immediately stating he was in a meeting testing something with a client. Drusilla had said this would be the day he starts to melt towards me and he would reach out in a romantic way. I would qualify this as a professional message but, nevertheless, contact?

None of my contact predictions came through for me either lol. I don't think I connected well with her anyways, which sucks cos she seems to work for a lot of you. I've spoken a couple times with Jeremiah and found him to be really keen and accurate although his timing too, I've heard, can be off. It's so hard, I know.. Sending everyone good vibes that the seasonal warmth helps to melt those icy hearts we're dealing with >.< xo

le sigh, I am sorry @embibems!

Also, just checked my email - he actually reached out on the 6th not the 5th which was what Drusilla predicted.

I was wondering the same thing about work contact.  I also work with my POI so while we are not talking to each other on a personal level, we have to communicate at a professional level.  Does that count as contact?  I assumed that the contact predictions were for personal stuff not work related.  I may need to formulate more specific questions next time.  Do you see contact of personal nature between POI and I?

@penelope - that is a really good idea. I am going to specify my questions, too. It will just help us with that additional layer of clarity.
Post by: poorprincess on December 16, 2018, 04:04:41 PM
@embibems - sorry for the delay in getting back to your PM. Sent it late last night. I think it might be worth another shot with Drusilla, you never know? Plus we definitely seem to click with the same readers since our situations are also similar!! loads of love!! :)
Post by: embibems on December 16, 2018, 05:02:41 PM
@embibems - sorry for the delay in getting back to your PM. Sent it late last night. I think it might be worth another shot with Drusilla, you never know? Plus we definitely seem to click with the same readers since our situations are also similar!! loads of love!! :)

No worries at all! I received your message and have left you something, too :) I think last time I called her I was calling from a desperate state and didn't let her roll w it. Once her queue opens up, you're right.. I'll give her another shot. Especially since you and I click with the same readers and have very similar situations. Thanks, lady!! xo And thank you to everyone else leaving information for us :)
Post by: poorprincess on December 30, 2018, 05:32:12 AM
No Drusilla update from me. Here's hoping come January though!! Anything for anyone else including yourself @lucydiamond come to fruition?
Post by: embibems on December 30, 2018, 05:42:02 AM
Here contact predictions for the first week of this month did not come to fruition.. no one's has for me lately actually. Here's to hoping 2019 will bring great things for all!
Post by: poorprincess on December 30, 2018, 06:10:42 AM
I’m sorry @embibems!  Fingers and toes crossed for all of us! I’d cross my eyes but then my boy would for sure never return  ;D. Xoxo Drusilla did say I will hear from the boy around my bday which was yesterday. Nothing so far, will update if he does.
Post by: embibems on December 30, 2018, 04:59:40 PM
I’m sorry @embibems!  Fingers and toes crossed for all of us! I’d cross my eyes but then my boy would for sure never return  ;D. Xoxo Drusilla did say I will hear from the boy around my bday which was yesterday. Nothing so far, will update if he does.

Thanks @poorprincess! And a happy birthday to you :) I hope you enjoyed it, despite him not reaching out! xo
Post by: poorprincess on December 31, 2018, 01:52:02 PM
@lucydiamond and @embibems - thank you so kindly for the birthday wishes!! I really appreciate it!!

@lucydiamond - I agree aboutt Drusilla. She is superb with her specificity. I am really hoping her predictions work out for us!

Loads of love and Happy 2019! May it be the year we all get the happiness we deserve!!
Post by: poorprincess on January 14, 2019, 03:07:44 PM
Drusilla nailed it again for me! I had been waiting for a couple of very specific things in the first two weeks of January. I am very happy to say that yesterday and today things transpired as she saw  :)

YAYYYYYYYYYYY!! So happy for you!

Sadly, no updates for me as of late. Also, havent been able to get into Drusilla's queue :(
Post by: Cranberry88 on January 14, 2019, 06:36:31 PM
im in here queue since 3 weeks now (on & off), but shes rarely online :(
any idea when shes on ?
Post by: bstalling on January 17, 2019, 12:00:05 AM
I've been waiting too. About to give up waiting on her
Post by: Snow-white8 on January 17, 2019, 10:53:36 PM
Hey guys, I'm looking to get in Drusilla's line since a lot of you seem to like her. I'm frustrated with Effie whose major prediction for me did not pan out this month. The advice she's given me doesn't really seem like it's good for me to follow lol, just based off my POI's situation.

What time does Drusilla usually log on EST? I know she's English so five hours ahead of the east coast. Just wondering so I know when to expect her call :) Thanks!

@embibems, I hope you like her! I actually have caught her between 8-9pm EST both times :)

Thanks to both of you! I think I'm gonna jump in her queue and see if she gives any specific dates. Looking through the reviews on CP, it seems like a reader was having stellar date and timeframe results from her this time last year. I never put much stock in timeframes anymore unless it's something symbolic or visual like what Mattie has given me, but we'll see. Thanks! :)

Hey! :) how was she? Any updates on how she was with timing/predictions?
Post by: embibems on April 06, 2019, 12:39:01 AM
UPDATE: nothing that Drusilla said happened (just went back and listened), and none of the dates she gave me ever matched anything that transpired. I'm happy to say that my heavy hitters Effie and Mattie were correct, however. I so badly wanted to like Drusilla as I know she worked for some of you and she also is super sweet but nope. Literally nothing happened.
Post by: Wanderlust619 on May 18, 2019, 08:14:19 AM
UPDATE: nothing that Drusilla said happened (just went back and listened), and none of the dates she gave me ever matched anything that transpired. I'm happy to say that my heavy hitters Effie and Mattie were correct, however. I so badly wanted to like Drusilla as I know she worked for some of you and she also is super sweet but nope. Literally nothing happened.

Same here. I've been letting dates come and pass with no progress since December. She seemed so sweet and ethical but now I can't be sure because I've had some off readings. I need to be more skeptical when I get fairytales. I just want to believe! Hah!
Post by: diamondcanadian on June 08, 2019, 02:19:10 PM
Hey guys I have a question ..

I had a reading with drusilla a few weeks back and she said

I have the name Marlene here and it really stands out . Does that mean anything to you ?”

It didn’t , I don’t know any body by that name.

Today , I’ve been looking at something online and there it was , and I was like oh.

I was wondering if this is a marker , like psychic Shelly...

Does anyone know? Like the energy of things are about to happen kind of thing ?

I’m not too familiar with her reading style so thought would askX

Thanks !
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 19, 2019, 10:42:57 AM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.
Post by: embibems on July 19, 2019, 03:05:14 PM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.

Thanks for sharing this!! She was absolutely off her rocker with me and nothing she said transpired. Just shouted out random dates and asked me if they resonated. Nope. Your warning shall be heeded!
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 19, 2019, 03:54:05 PM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.

Thanks for sharing this!! She was absolutely off her rocker with me and nothing she said transpired. Just shouted out random dates and asked me if they resonated. Nope. Your warning shall be heeded!

Then I've done my service! Haha
Love this forum.  ;D
Post by: bstalling on July 19, 2019, 07:01:43 PM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.

What? She started describing pictures from your Facebook? SMH
Post by: embibems on July 19, 2019, 08:01:53 PM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.

What? She started describing pictures from your Facebook? SMH

I went back and re-read your post @hopelessly and holy crap idk this is just soooo creepy! I'm sorry that happened to you.. unnerving to say the least being lurked like that. Yikes!
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 19, 2019, 08:27:10 PM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.

What? She started describing pictures from your Facebook? SMH

YES. It was ridiculous. I've spoken to someone else on the forum who suspected the same thing.

D even advised me to do things like post pictures with a guy to get POI to reach out. She claimed he was closely watching my page. I guess hope makes us naive sometimes...
Post by: candiednut on July 19, 2019, 08:41:11 PM
Ok if that is true then she prob takes notes as well. I had 2 readings with her in total (3 years ago), and the second reading was exactly the same as the first (nothing came to pass btw).
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 19, 2019, 09:38:35 PM

Reader beware. This lady will lurk on your fb if you have a distinct name. Or give her enough to weed you out.
Probably not worth the trouble for occasional callers but if you're a regular, she'll string you along forever. Don't let the sweet voice fool you.

This was my experience anyway. She may work for some but if she starts describing pictures, I'd move on.

I've since reported her to customer service though I doubt anything will come of it.

NOT DEFAMATION. Just sharing and possibly still a little sore over it. I only wish someone had warned me.

What? She started describing pictures from your Facebook? SMH

I went back and re-read your post @hopelessly and holy crap idk this is just soooo creepy! I'm sorry that happened to you.. unnerving to say the least being lurked like that. Yikes!

Thanks! I appreciate that.  I really liked her and she said he'd reach out soon since my first reading in November. I even called her while I was out of the country on vacation for an update which was not cheap.
I felt totally violated and mad at myself for buying into it for months. I told her VERY personal things. Kinda thought of her as a friend.
I actually teared up talking to a supervisor at CP. He said they'd look into it.
Post by: calibabe on July 19, 2019, 10:43:56 PM
Wow this is so disturbing.  Thanks for the warning and its very good you told customer service, please let us know if anything comes out of that.  I'd hope CP takes into account the seriousness of this.  She made predictions for me and gave dates... Nothing ever happened.
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 19, 2019, 10:55:49 PM
Wow this is so disturbing.  Thanks for the warning and its very good you told customer service, please let us know if anything comes out of that.  I'd hope CP takes into account the seriousness of this.  She made predictions for me and gave dates... Nothing ever happened.

Will do! I had them remove my good reviews on her page so I wouldn't contribute to people's chances of reading with her. Though they won't post my negatives of course! Hahah

Thanks for the support.
Post by: embibems on July 19, 2019, 10:59:51 PM
Wow this is so disturbing.  Thanks for the warning and its very good you told customer service, please let us know if anything comes out of that.  I'd hope CP takes into account the seriousness of this.  She made predictions for me and gave dates... Nothing ever happened.

Will do! I had them remove my good reviews on her page so I wouldn't contribute to people's chances of reading with her. Though they won't post my negatives of course! Hahah

Thanks for the support.

Ethically done, @hopelessly, I'm glad you requested to have your reviews removed! Thanks for watching out for the rest of us :) I echo @calibabe here!
Post by: poorprincess on July 22, 2019, 07:18:50 PM
I will echo what @HopelesslyHis said. I do believe she found my Facebook and identified me here. I really liked her, too. Just be wary, friends.
Post by: calibabe on July 22, 2019, 07:22:20 PM
I will echo what @HopelesslyHis said. I do believe she found my Facebook and identified me here. I really liked her, too. Just be wary, friends.

WOW.  This is insane. 
Post by: bstalling on July 22, 2019, 10:07:52 PM
Just curious, are you guys giving your last name and location?
Post by: diamondcanadian on July 22, 2019, 10:16:03 PM
Just curious, are you guys giving your last name and location?

I’m also wondering how this has happened ! This is scary crazy and I’ve read with her too ? 😱
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 22, 2019, 10:19:50 PM
Just curious, are you guys giving your last name and location?

Nope. But my first name is very uncommon and spelled in a way that's different than most. I sent an offline message that showed her the spelling. That's when she started describing me and photos. I was out of the country and she said to look out for a giant stone horse. (I had a cover photo where I'm posing on one)
I'm embarrassed thinking of how naive I was then. ::)
Post by: poorprincess on July 22, 2019, 10:29:34 PM
I, too, have an uncommon name and sent an offline message. She literally described a profile picture of mine down to my jewelry...
Post by: diamondcanadian on July 22, 2019, 10:30:42 PM
Just curious, are you guys giving your last name and location?

Nope. But my first name is very uncommon and spelled in a way that's different than most. I sent an offline message that showed her the spelling. That's when she started describing me and photos. I was out of the country and she said to look out for a giant stone horse. (I had a cover photo where I'm posing on one)
I'm embarrassed thinking of how naive I was then. ::)

Oh gosh. That is awful . I wouldn’t doubt that she’s gifted , but it sounds like she used some information to help her sound “better”.

That sucks
Post by: LucyDiamond on July 22, 2019, 10:36:24 PM
Luckily I have a very common name! I was Drusilla's biggest fan and was impressed with her detail and had several predictions come true. I do think she has a real ability especially as an empath but this has me really shaken.

BTW I never gave her any detail regarding location or last name. She never even asked me my DOB.
Post by: candiednut on July 22, 2019, 10:38:23 PM
I was thinking of giving her another chance due to some positive testimonials I've seen but never got to it bc something just felt "off". Couldnt put my finger on it...thanks guys for the confirmation.
Post by: tellmewhy on July 22, 2019, 10:50:47 PM
That’s awful, I thought she was good when I read with her

I, too, have an uncommon name and sent an offline message. She literally described a profile picture of mine down to my jewelry...
Post by: poorprincess on July 22, 2019, 10:58:21 PM
I totally loved her. She even got things right for me. I think there is definitely ability there but i just felt betrayed. I was brushing it off till I spoke with @HopelesslyHis and she shared a similar story! I am actually really sad about this.
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 22, 2019, 11:14:35 PM
I totally loved her. She even got things right for me. I think there is definitely ability there but i just felt betrayed. I was brushing it off till I spoke with @HopelesslyHis and she shared a similar story! I am actually really sad about this.

I felt guilty for even suspecting it because I was fond of her but @poorprincess had similar concerns and it was confirmed.
She did mention one thing that she could never have gotten from my fb or anywhere online about a location. Not mine but POI. She has something but nothing worth 7.50 imho.

Like @poorprincess said, it was a betrayal.
Post by: embibems on July 23, 2019, 02:48:47 AM
This is suuuuper creepy you guys, thank you for sharing the info!! I'm sorry that happened to you, you must feel violated and betrayed as has been stated. Sending hugs..!! xo
Post by: poorprincess on July 23, 2019, 11:22:20 AM
Thanks @embibems and everyone! It is what it is and I think it is part of the reality of the addiction. The important piece is we learn from it and we help one another.

Love to all of you! Have a great Tuesday!
Post by: Wanderlust619 on July 23, 2019, 04:47:35 PM
Thanks @embibems and everyone! It is what it is and I think it is part of the reality of the addiction. The important piece is we learn from it and we help one another.

Love to all of you! Have a great Tuesday!

What she said 😩😩😩😩
Post by: Pink9619 on January 25, 2020, 12:46:35 AM
I read lot of negative feedback about Drusilla here.  I think all of us connect with psychics differently.  I wanted to leave a review here because Drusilla really worked in my case. Two significant cases -

1. We had a misunderstanding and POI stopped talking to me on DEC'18.  3 months of no contacts, I was ging crazy for him.  I called many many many (trust me) psychics as I was going crazy, missing him.  i wanted to get him back in my life.  in March, of 2019, I had first reading with Drusilla.  First thing she told me was she got a "tap" on her back the moment she heard my name... about "some break through event will happen" in the week of June 23rd, 2019.  At that point, I haven;t even told her anything about my POI or breakup.  Anyways, I had a pleasant reading with her.  I didn't think of it much. Even though she said, we will get in touch again and we will grow in to a relationship by summer 2019.  She also told me if I dont reach out, he will still contact me in April/May.  Well, I broke the ice, reached out to him to wish someone in his family a happy birthday.  We started talking.  Then, he decided to come visit me in June. (we were long distance) Guess what? He was here the week of June 22nd and we ended up spending a night together.  It was truly a break thru.  I didn't even realize Drusilla told me this untill in August when I was readign back my notes. 
Post by: Pink9619 on January 25, 2020, 12:54:50 AM
the second incident was his job - he applied for a job in my town as he wanted to move closer to me.  at that time, he was in east coast and me in the west.  The job that he applied for was not happening. Its like they liked him, but offered him a low salary.  When he asked for more money, they said they will need to get that approved by the CEO. Anyways, it was taking them forever (took them 1 month to get back to him)  he almost gave up.  I also too gave up! in the 4 weeks, I contacted Drusilla few times.  She never changed her prediction for me.  she always told me, she saw him moving with this job, she also told me the job title will change than what he interviewed for.  She also told me August 27/28 he will sign a contract and make a major decision about where he is gonna live next few years!   Yes, Yes, Yes she was spot on! He go the job offer on Aug 26, signed the contract on 27th (she already predicted that in).  they also told him they are gonna change his job title to accommodate the higher pay increase. What surprises me here is I almost gave up on this job as he was interviewing for another position in the east coast same time, and they offered him a position. he was almost going to start working for them. But Drusilla always told me nope, I see him moving here.  She didnt change her prediction even though I was giving up.  I am not tryign to make any money here.  I dont work for Drusilla. I just wanted to share my gratitude and tell everyone that I dont think she is fake.  This lady has helped me a lot when I was going thru a lot of stres in my life.  I love her and respect her.
Post by: Wanderlust619 on January 25, 2020, 01:21:09 AM
I'm glad something panned out for you but nothing she said to me even came close to happening. Between that and her lurking on fb profiles, I couldn't spend any more money on someone I don't trust. An ethics issue for me and a few others who tried her.
Post by: Pink9619 on January 25, 2020, 02:27:06 AM
I totally understand your position. I think not everyone connect the same way.. I spoke to many Premier psychics in CP and Keen and Kasamba.  These are the only few that worked for me (CP)and I would spend money on them:

_Drusilla (She nailed it a few times for me. So, I trust her. Her story doesnt change.  I been reading with her for an year now)
_Petunia (short term predictions happened multiple times. I find her honest. She doesnt change her story on Long term predictions)
_Ulli   (Predictions happened a few times. She is crazy accurate)
_Rika (She bs most of the time, but when she is right she hits the spot like crazy!)
_Venus (She can read the current situation so accurately, amazes me. Her future prediction timeline failed for me. But she still stands strong on the outcome. So, I believe her)

_Tara (she cud be judgmental. But she doesn't give me fairy tales. I like that. She nailed a few predictions for me)

Post by: Wanderlust619 on January 25, 2020, 03:57:05 AM
Good for you. I know everyone connects differently but I know she keeps notes so don't be too wowed by her consistency. If her predictions pan out for you though, by all means call.
Post by: LucyDiamond on February 09, 2020, 05:06:29 AM
I totally understand your position. I think not everyone connect the same way.. I spoke to many Premier psychics in CP and Keen and Kasamba.  These are the only few that worked for me (CP)and I would spend money on them:

_Drusilla (She nailed it a few times for me. So, I trust her. Her story doesnt change.  I been reading with her for an year now)
_Petunia (short term predictions happened multiple times. I find her honest. She doesnt change her story on Long term predictions)
_Ulli   (Predictions happened a few times. She is crazy accurate)
_Rika (She bs most of the time, but when she is right she hits the spot like crazy!)
_Venus (She can read the current situation so accurately, amazes me. Her future prediction timeline failed for me. But she still stands strong on the outcome. So, I believe her)

_Tara (she cud be judgmental. But she doesn't give me fairy tales. I like that. She nailed a few predictions for me)

Pink9619 Drusilla has been totally great for me too. I have also read with Mattie (OK), Ben (one big hit), Cheyanne (excellent for remote viewing), Delphine (good at current situation). Those are my most memorable readers. I also read with a British man called Craig Hamilton Parker and was impressed. I am drawn to British psychics. Drusilla and Craig are my favs.
Post by: Smiley1 on February 10, 2020, 02:52:30 AM
Love love love this reader.

So good for me and I have always steered against CP and KEEn readers for years.

I have tried a number in recent months and found a few to be accurate but this one made predictions spot on that actually happened for me.

Just goes to show how good some are for some and not for others
Post by: Pink9619 on March 15, 2020, 07:40:51 PM
I am here to update a new prediction came thru with Drusilla.  I am in a very complicated relationship. Drusilla been telling me since last June that March 2020 will be a break thru in our relationship.  Actually on March 3rd, he did something soooo wrong and I broke up with him ( cudnt imagine I will ever leave him) I called Drusilla few times last week. She kept assuring me it’s not over, March is still not out yet! Things will change by end of the month! I even asked her how cud u be so confident after all these? She said she will stand on her prediction. Guess what? Things did reverse on my favor yesterday! I did find out that incident which made me break up was wrong. God helped me to discover the truth! I am not a person who gives reviews and I don’t work for Drusilla! But, I am very grateful to this lady, she has become like a sister to me now! I had to at-least share my positive experience. Also, Uli, Tara, Venus, Elliott, Mattie worked for me regarding same situation. They all said we will be back together! I couldn’t believe it ..
Post by: spiritualbinger on March 22, 2020, 01:59:48 PM
I just read with Drusilla last night and she really nailed the present. I really get a great vibe and energy from her. I enjoyed the reading thoroughly and talked longer than I expected.

Predictions are as early as 3 weeks to 6 months. I’ll be back with updates!
Post by: kandyna on August 20, 2020, 12:05:28 AM
any updates?
Post by: TeaAndCookies on August 20, 2020, 05:28:25 PM
I read with her a couple of years ago. I really liked her sunny energy. She was very good with present. That’s it.
Post by: kandyna on August 20, 2020, 11:54:54 PM
Yes and one her timeframe just passed for me...I was not expecting that
Post by: kandyna on November 24, 2020, 06:27:50 PM
Multiple thing with dates she said happened but now im waiting for the bigger picture
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on May 03, 2021, 11:00:58 PM
I read with her last night, she seem to hit on my POI explaining a lot that makes total sense... I like how she talks and just goes with what she is getting and says if I want to stop her and ask anything I can, I let her just talk as I think psychics get more from just going with what they see... She stated a few dates such as around 5/21 and then said 6/11 or maybe even 10th but that it would be a significant day in regards to how he truly feels and she said love - he is slow moving and tries to control the situation but this can only work for so long so I will keep an eye out and see what happens on those dates... I will update if things start to unfold, she also told me a few things career wise so I will update if anything passes on either subject!
Post by: Lala123 on May 23, 2021, 04:42:18 PM
I read with her last night, she seem to hit on my POI explaining a lot that makes total sense... I like how she talks and just goes with what she is getting and says if I want to stop her and ask anything I can, I let her just talk as I think psychics get more from just going with what they see... She stated a few dates such as around 5/21 and then said 6/11 or maybe even 10th but that it would be a significant day in regards to how he truly feels and she said love - he is slow moving and tries to control the situation but this can only work for so long so I will keep an eye out and see what happens on those dates... I will update if things start to unfold, she also told me a few things career wise so I will update if anything passes on either subject!

Was she right about the 21st?
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on May 23, 2021, 05:20:09 PM
Nothing has happened other than me being frustrated with him lol, still... however he did message me and was basically sending snaps back and forth Friday AM and like "sexting" sorry if that is TMI lol... we had very sporadic messaging other than that so maybe that was what she was picking up? when she stated the dates she said 6/11 or 10th first with the significance and then said I see 5/21 around there but it made it feel it wasn't going to be as important as the 10th or 11th so I am going to continue and see if the 20th or21st manifests... I will keep updating... anyone else have anything come to pass for them?

I read with her last night, she seem to hit on my POI explaining a lot that makes total sense... I like how she talks and just goes with what she is getting and says if I want to stop her and ask anything I can, I let her just talk as I think psychics get more from just going with what they see... She stated a few dates such as around 5/21 and then said 6/11 or maybe even 10th but that it would be a significant day in regards to how he truly feels and she said love - he is slow moving and tries to control the situation but this can only work for so long so I will keep an eye out and see what happens on those dates... I will update if things start to unfold, she also told me a few things career wise so I will update if anything passes on either subject!

Was she right about the 21st?
Post by: Lala123 on May 23, 2021, 09:11:53 PM
Nothing has happened other than me being frustrated with him lol, still... however he did message me and was basically sending snaps back and forth Friday AM and like "sexting" sorry if that is TMI lol... we had very sporadic messaging other than that so maybe that was what she was picking up? when she stated the dates she said 6/11 or 10th first with the significance and then said I see 5/21 around there but it made it feel it wasn't going to be as important as the 10th or 11th so I am going to continue and see if the 20th or21st manifests... I will keep updating... anyone else have anything come to pass for them?

I read with her last night, she seem to hit on my POI explaining a lot that makes total sense... I like how she talks and just goes with what she is getting and says if I want to stop her and ask anything I can, I let her just talk as I think psychics get more from just going with what they see... She stated a few dates such as around 5/21 and then said 6/11 or maybe even 10th but that it would be a significant day in regards to how he truly feels and she said love - he is slow moving and tries to control the situation but this can only work for so long so I will keep an eye out and see what happens on those dates... I will update if things start to unfold, she also told me a few things career wise so I will update if anything passes on either subject!

Was she right about the 21st?

I spoke with her a couple of days ago and she told me she strongly feels us communicating “Sunday”. Nothing has happened yet and I highly doubt it will, idk why I’m even still getting readings on this guy  Ghosted about 2 weeks ago.
Post by: Ivy on September 07, 2024, 09:13:25 AM
Any update here?