The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: poorprincess on October 15, 2018, 05:25:59 PM

Title: Vincent
Post by: poorprincess on October 15, 2018, 05:25:59 PM
Anyone have any strong opinions on him? Accuracy? Is he a fairytale Psychic? I read with him Friday and will again tonight. He seemed no nonsense and honest. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on October 16, 2018, 11:09:49 AM
i spoke to him 10 months ago (i gave him lots of info during my reading) when my ex dumped he was the only person that told my ex wont be coming back...while everyine els told me stupid fairytales... he was right, never saw my ex again... till a month ago my ex is back in my life as good friends.

his reading felt more advise than an accrual psychic reading and was actually vague...
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: whskers on October 16, 2018, 11:52:41 AM
Same experience. He seems to sound like he’s giving more of an advice rather than a psychic reading. I don’t think sensitive people should read with him. He’s very blunt. I was reading about my ex poi and he said forget about this guy, there is a new guy coming in. His name is ___. Yup, my new poi is ____.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: poorprincess on October 16, 2018, 01:42:45 PM
Same experience. He seems to sound like he’s giving more of an advice rather than a psychic reading. I don’t think sensitive people should read with him. He’s very blunt. I was reading about my ex poi and he said forget about this guy, there is a new guy coming in. His name is ___. Yup, my new poi is ____.

Thanks, @Whskers. It's interesting, to me he said I don't sugarcoat, sweetheart and I thought to myself, "praise the heavens." He thinks my ex is coming back. We shall see.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: poorprincess on October 16, 2018, 01:43:54 PM
i spoke to him 10 months ago (i gave him lots of info during my reading) when my ex dumped he was the only person that told my ex wont be coming back...while everyine els told me stupid fairytales... he was right, never saw my ex again... till a month ago my ex is back in my life as good friends.

his reading felt more advise than an accrual psychic reading and was actually vague...

Thanks, @Simsim. I do believe there was an advice element to it. It didn't click for me till you and @Whskers mentioned it.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: whskers on October 18, 2018, 01:34:14 AM
Also.. when I read with him the second time, he said something about... “I am not sure!!! He’s still deciding.. but don’t give up on him yet”. But again it sounded like an advice. But I can confirm and understand why Vincent said “I don’t know, he’s still deciding”. I don’t want to go into details but that’s accurate.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: poorprincess on October 18, 2018, 07:19:32 PM
Thanks all! So, my second reading with Vincent he basically scolded me. Not in a bad way, but a hey I told you to be patient and you're being crazy. I guess I need to wait until the new year for my predictions to pass  :-[ I suck at patience that's for darn sure. Will update if he is right.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on December 22, 2018, 11:59:03 AM
Thanks all! So, my second reading with Vincent he basically scolded me. Not in a bad way, but a hey I told you to be patient and you're being crazy. I guess I need to wait until the new year for my predictions to pass  :-[ I suck at patience that's for darn sure. Will update if he is right.

i just spoke to him again, he was fast on the phone and didnt waste time the first couple of things he picked up just by a name seemed very accurate.

it was a positive reading for the first time with ADVISE, but good one honestly

in the past his negative reading came to pass while everyone els failed me, so im hopeful.

Note: i asked if there was a second person. he said No, I asked again in a diff way and he yelled at me saying to get it out of my head and he would of told me if there was...his very direct which i love. because at this point and after talking to so many people im tired of false hope and fairy tale readers...
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on December 26, 2018, 05:26:38 AM
Same experience. He seems to sound like he’s giving more of an advice rather than a psychic reading. I don’t think sensitive people should read with him. He’s very blunt. I was reading about my ex poi and he said forget about this guy, there is a new guy coming in. His name is ___. Yup, my new poi is ____.

wait!! does this mean his prediction came to pass?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: whskers on December 27, 2018, 06:59:23 AM
Yup. New poi name is exactly name Vincent said. I laughed a little because it’s the same name as my ex boyfriend. So I thought Vincent was seeing ex boyfriend.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on December 28, 2018, 01:38:49 AM
Yup. New poi name is exactly name Vincent said. I laughed a little because it’s the same name as my ex boyfriend. So I thought Vincent was seeing ex boyfriend.

wow thats intresting!! vincent told me that my POI would be back but not till end of feb early march (later time frame than anyone els)

told me there isnt a second person and that it will lead to a long term relationship when his back.

but he also said i'll hear from him on my bday and thats todat and nothing :(

he was right in the past about a diff POI never coming back and he was the only person who was right from a list of 20 people.

i have 2 readings with this guy. last year and this year. every other time i called him he said he couldnt connect with me and isnt getting anything and ended the convo lol...
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: jhuskindle on December 28, 2018, 03:16:43 AM
He got all the names of the thirsty men around me accurate. He is good. Let’s see if the Alex person comes up. And a b name, set for next year. He knew really weird names. He’s good.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: poorprincess on December 29, 2018, 06:58:09 PM
I actually was not going to post about this but after re-reading what I have written about Vincent I changed my mind. Yesterday was my birthday and I was excited to read with Vincent to see what the future holds. I viewed him as my big picture perspective psychic. He, as usual recognized me, but this time was different since he mentioned he knew I participated in this forum and was not pleased with that.

First of all, Vincent, when you read this, I wholeheartedly apologize for offending you. It wasn't my intent and as you can tell by the things I have actually said about you I really liked you. I don't like to be hurtful or denigrate anyone's craft and I feel badly about this so I hope that you do accept my apology and know that I have learned from this. I respect your professional right to not read for me any longer, that is clearly your prerogative.

Secondly, the lesson/reminder I learned in this and wanted to share is that even when you think no one is watching, someone is. The internet is also a bookmark of things. Sometimes we say things in our sensitive moments that we might not continue to feel when we are out of that moment. The things I have said were back in October and I said them without looking back till they were brought to my attention last night. I will certainly moving forward be more mindful of what I say or post.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: jhuskindle on December 29, 2018, 09:03:16 PM
I actually was not going to post about this but after re-reading what I have written about Vincent I changed my mind. Yesterday was my birthday and I was excited to read with Vincent to see what the future holds. I viewed him as my big picture perspective psychic. He, as usual recognized me, but this time was different since he mentioned he knew I participated in this forum and was not pleased with that.

First of all, Vincent, when you read this, I wholeheartedly apologize for offending you. It wasn't my intent and as you can tell by the things I have actually said about you I really liked you. I don't like to be hurtful or denigrate anyone's craft and I feel badly about this so I hope that you do accept my apology and know that I have learned from this. I respect your professional right to not read for me any longer, that is clearly your prerogative.

Secondly, the lesson/reminder I learned in this and wanted to share is that even when you think no one is watching, someone is. The internet is also a bookmark of things. Sometimes we say things in our sensitive moments that we might not continue to feel when we are out of that moment. The things I have said were back in October and I said them without looking back till they were brought to my attention last night. I will certainly moving forward be more mindful of what I say or post.

It was your reviews of his straightforward honesty even that he told you not to get more readings so shortly instead of taking your money that made me want to read with him!
Vincent forgive us! Hahahah. He was great with names too I can’t wait to see how things pan out...
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on January 02, 2019, 06:11:21 AM
Yup. New poi name is exactly name Vincent said. I laughed a little because it’s the same name as my ex boyfriend. So I thought Vincent was seeing ex boyfriend.

wow thats intresting!! vincent told me that my POI would be back but not till end of feb early march (later time frame than anyone els)

told me there isnt a second person and that it will lead to a long term relationship when his back.

but he also said i'll hear from him on my bday and thats todat and nothing :(

Hi simsim, can you give us the list of 20 who got it wrong? Thank you.

he was right in the past about a diff POI never coming back and he was the only person who was right from a list of 20 people.

i have 2 readings with this guy. last year and this year. every other time i called him he said he couldnt connect with me and isnt getting anything and ended the convo lol...
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on January 06, 2019, 12:15:19 PM
I have talked to Vincent. He was careful, recognized certain aspects of my POI, gave me solid advice and what he thinks the future is going to be. He seemed very honest and trustworthy.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Bostongirl on January 06, 2019, 01:34:36 PM
You could have called me for that.... Don't confuse a psychic reading with advice.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on January 06, 2019, 02:13:18 PM
What he said was correct. I was already doing what he said because I know my poi, so he was correct with that advice. As I said he recognized him and gave a future prediction. Every reader I spoke to gave advice their own way. Cookie in example was wrong with her advice. I don't want to go into detail but it was not possible to do what Cookie said, otherwise I would have done it 5 years ago. So Vincent was correct and I was pleased with the whole package. The future... I will have to wait and see.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: whskers on January 06, 2019, 02:15:09 PM
I think Vincent is empath for sure. Prediction wise, I’ve called him once 2 years ago and his big outcome happened.  Yes he gives readings like advises which I don’t prefer.  Being empath is a psychic ability that he uses to give advises. But you are right, anyone can give an advice. But I think empaths are better to advise because they can see the real intention or character of the person in question.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on January 06, 2019, 02:32:23 PM
Everybody is raving about Cookie and her predictions... Vincent has also good prediction reviews... they both saw different outcomes... so time will tell who is right.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on January 06, 2019, 02:49:51 PM
i would like to add again here that Vincent was one of the only people who had a big prediction that actually happened for me in the past. its not what i was hoping for but it did happen exactly how he saw it. so im hopeful his next big prediction will also come to pass

Vincent does have an advise aspect during this readings, at first i wasn't a fan of it but with time it was proven to be the best advise that is also very effective.

the advise he came me was based on what he saw and explained to me why he is giving me this advise... which is honestly accurate.

overall to me at least vincent is LEGIT and is truly in it to help people which is why he gives advises also, so we can learn and understand,,,

i highly recommend this psychic. i had mixed feelings about him in the past but within time he turned out to be extremely accurate.... like they say time proves everything!! no one is 100% but the big picture came to pass.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on January 06, 2019, 03:24:45 PM
Yes, he explained also to me why he is giving me this advice, he told me how my poi is and what to do or how to handle him, so it can all work out at the end.
Does Vincent tell you when he sees a third person?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on January 06, 2019, 03:59:34 PM
Yes, he explained also to me why he is giving me this advice, he told me how my poi is and what to do or how to handle him, so it can all work out at the end.
Does Vincent tell you when he sees a third person?

i asked him and he said no,,,i asked him again and he yelled at me and told me NO!! and if there was he would of told me. ( this was over the phone)

spoke to him again on chat from a diff account and rather using real names i used nick names for me and POI and said reading pretty much,,, picked up on everything right (no date of births given)

when i spoke to my main adviser she said the same, that there isnt.... i trust her back once time i called her about a POI and she told me right away that there is a second person (i didnt believe her or had a reaosn to suspect) she was correct.... same goes to my sister,,, told my sister right off the bat by just giving her a name that there is a second person.... which is why i trust her.

and her and vincent said the same stuff...... however someone on PS vincent reviews said he was the only person that picked up on a second person.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: simsim on January 06, 2019, 04:01:31 PM
Yes, he explained also to me why he is giving me this advice, he told me how my poi is and what to do or how to handle him, so it can all work out at the end.
Does Vincent tell you when he sees a third person?

i asked him and he said no,,,i asked him again and he yelled at me and told me NO!! and if there was he would of told me. ( this was over the phone)

spoke to him again on chat from a diff account and rather using real names i used nick names for me and POI and said reading pretty much,,, picked up on everything right (no date of births given)

when i spoke to my main adviser she said the same, that there isnt.... i trust her back once time i called her about a POI and she told me right away that there is a second person (i didnt believe her or had a reaosn to suspect) she was correct.... same goes to my sister,,, told my sister right off the bat by just giving her a name that there is a second person.... which is why i trust her.

and she was correct everytime while everyone els said soul mates and he loves you bla bla bla

and her and vincent said the same stuff...... however someone on PS vincent reviews said he was the only person that picked up on a second person.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on January 06, 2019, 05:07:11 PM
Thank you Simsim.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Cranberry88 on January 06, 2019, 08:43:02 PM
Does he have a personal site? For some reason i cant access my account on psychic source.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: jhuskindle on June 16, 2020, 10:52:23 PM
Anyone know where he is now?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on June 17, 2020, 12:54:33 AM
Anyone know where he is now?

He is on PS. 11.99 hr. I think he is still on PS. Must look.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: jhuskindle on June 17, 2020, 05:16:09 PM
Anyone know where he is now?

He is on PS. 11.99 hr. I think he is still on PS. Must look.
11.99 per MINUTE?! OMG!
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: jz507 on June 17, 2020, 09:25:32 PM
If you are a new customer, just enter the promo code 20278 and you only have to pay 19.8 dollars for 30 minutes and Vincent is included in the ones you could speak too. Hope that helps:)
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: gwdwantstotalk on June 17, 2020, 09:47:56 PM
Said I would NOT be with my love interest at the time and he was RIGHT.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on June 17, 2020, 11:25:16 PM
Anyone know where he is now?

He is on PS. 11.99 hr. I think he is still on PS. Must look.
11.99 per MINUTE?! OMG!
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Nikkil11 on June 25, 2020, 04:10:07 AM
I just read with him tonight. Without a doubt, he is now my favorite reader. He basically called me out, said I was making things worse and I need to chill out. He is absolutely right. I was scared to hear what he had to say but he gave me a positive outcome with my poi.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on July 11, 2020, 08:51:48 PM
I just read with him tonight. Without a doubt, he is now my favorite reader. He basically called me out, said I was making things worse and I need to chill out. He is absolutely right. I was scared to hear what he had to say but he gave me a positive outcome with my poi.

This is so encouraging!
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Ash1234567 on July 11, 2020, 09:00:39 PM
He was the one of the only 2 psychics that said my POI will never contact me again /:
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on July 11, 2020, 09:10:12 PM
He was the one of the only 2 psychics that said my POI will never contact me again /:

Honest works.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: EatandRead on July 22, 2020, 03:40:43 PM
Fairytale reader!
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: xXNikkiXx on August 31, 2020, 10:13:08 AM
I love Vincent! He told me that I would get written up but not lose my job and he was right! :) He’s been more right than he has wrong!
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Intheotherside on August 31, 2020, 07:17:37 PM
He keeps notes. In the beginning I thought he was amazing, but then stop reading with him... got some things really wrong.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sharon on September 12, 2020, 03:20:31 PM
He was wrong. My Poi has married someone else.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on October 12, 2020, 01:17:19 AM
Yeah, I agree. Lol.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: CandyCane on October 13, 2020, 07:02:47 AM
I like to try most of them at least once if their reviews are decent.  The same psychics do not work for everyone.  My experiences with Vincent have been across the board.  Sometimes he is off.  Especially with time frames.  But he won me over when he told me my future husband was going to have two different color eyes.  And that was a few years ago.  I thought he was on crack.  But I am now married to a man who has one blue eye and one brown eye.   I take breaks and bounce back and forth between Bridgette and Vincent.  I also like Seraphina.  Sammie has hit on some good things for me as well.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: jhuskindle on June 14, 2021, 02:46:25 PM
Its been a while so I thought I'd update. He was pretty much right and told me names that were complex Latin names, I was so impressed to hear from a psychic. Since I don't think I'll read with him again and I doubt he views this forum I'll just outline what he hit.
- Name of a guy I was regularly seeing - Miguel
- Name of a guy around me - Xavier
- Either of these men would offer me to make a child (yes they did! I gave him NO information - I did verify the names were accurate)
- My ex returning and "freeloading" off me - yes, and we were together for a long time.

He said a man named Alex would come forward, this was the only one that did not pan out.

I was still impressed with him, but Inever did go back, there are other readers for less.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Intheotherside on August 01, 2021, 11:56:38 PM
Agreed! I thought he was amazing just to realize that he was the worst

Vincent is a fairytale reader. I will not be back to him. Disappointing
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Stone88 on May 15, 2024, 03:51:39 PM
Has there been any recent updates on Vincent?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: TulipsAndSunflowers on June 16, 2024, 07:19:50 PM
Any updates on this reader?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Stone88 on June 17, 2024, 06:07:27 PM
Last I spoke with him he said my poi will reach out by tye end of the week. That was back in may, and here we are now in June... save your money
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: kika on June 17, 2024, 08:16:26 PM
He told me I would meet a guy starting with the letter A LOL NOT
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: TulipsAndSunflowers on June 17, 2024, 08:23:41 PM
Thank you both. I tried him in the end (before I saw your messages) and he was negative about main POI  and positive about a job prediction .. will update.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 01, 2024, 10:05:02 PM
His predictions were quite negative when I read with him, but they might end up being realistic  ::)
He basically said that my POI has feelings and attraction but will not be reaching out, isn't looking to commit, is too inconsistent and the trip he promised me will never happen. 
Gave a timeframe of 3-4 weeks for people from new job reaching out (got a male energy that would be reaching out), this is still ongoing, will update later this month.
Said I would be meeting two more men by end of the year, initials J and A, who will both be significant.
I felt like he didnt say much in the nearly 30 mins, but he was nice and sounded confident (although I didnt like it when he said 'my accuracy rate is 99%'  ::) )  - also -  given that my POI didnt even bother reaching out on my birthday, Vincent might have been right when he said he didn't see any contact ...
I just hope that at least this job will happen, so that I can change countries and environment for a little while...  ::) :P
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 19, 2024, 06:18:01 PM
Update on his career prediction: gave 3-4 weeks for a male to reach out, it has now been five weeks - no one has reached out. Might just take longer than he said, but it has already been two months.  :D
(POI hasn't reached out either, so SO FAR, he has been correct on this :D)
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: sugarsky on July 19, 2024, 08:14:58 PM
Update on his career prediction: gave 3-4 weeks for a male to reach out, it has now been five weeks - no one has reached out. Might just take longer than he said, but it has already been two months.  :D
(POI hasn't reached out either, so SO FAR, he has been correct on this :D)

Has anyone been correct on career for you yet?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 19, 2024, 09:31:10 PM
Potentially, yes. I still have to wait and see and will then update on individual threads. (some readers predicted no one would ever respond or offer the job - whilst others said it would take around two months, so this is still pending, as it has literally just been two months, so I will give it 1-2 more weeks before updating and looking elsewhere:)
I have to say that Vincent said that I am not someone who can be bossed around and will always be self employed rather than employed - which is definitely true (and I didn't tell him I was self employed, he got that on his own along with the fact that I am not an employee material).
So- I am currently self employed and only wanted to go abroad temporarily to change environment and work for someone short term ...
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on August 03, 2024, 08:59:45 PM
Vincent is too expensive now. His readings are too conflicting for me. Maybe I drink too much wine before hand…lol
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: TulipsAndSunflowers on August 17, 2024, 10:06:25 PM
So - he was wrong on the job prediction- said I would hear from someone in 3 to 4 weeks, which never happened.
BUT he was likely one of the few that were right about POI .. He said POI had feelings but was scared of them and scared to commit and that he would ghost me and just not reach out again .... I was ghosted nearly three months ago and it still is a bit of a shock ... didnt want to believe Vincent, especially since I had been in touch with POI not long before this reading and we had made solid plans to travel and meet up ...  but Vincent insisted he didn't see communication. Also the fact about me being self employed and not an 'employee' type - he got that right as well and I hadn't said anything to him about my career. I didn't get that much more info out of him and it was a long  (20+ mins) reading.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: usermejay on September 12, 2024, 04:42:04 AM
First time I read with him I’d say 2 years ago
He was so sure that he predicted something that turned out to be right
At that time,I was so sad and would refuse to believe about what he said about my poi
I thought he only gives negative outcome lol
But it was so accurate and turned out to be true all along

I just had a reading with him again, will see how his prediction goes
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: xXNikkiXx on October 10, 2024, 05:17:31 AM
I guess I just couldn't connect with him because he has predicted several things for me over the years and NONE of them ever came to pass. Not one single thing. I gave him another shot a few days ago but I'm not getting my hopes up. He has great reviews and lots of people swear by him so I guess he just isn't for me.
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Rav2202 on October 10, 2024, 04:14:30 PM
I guess I just couldn't connect with him because he has predicted several things for me over the years and NONE of them ever came to pass. Not one single thing. I gave him another shot a few days ago but I'm not getting my hopes up. He has great reviews and lots of people swear by him so I guess he just isn't for me.

Yeah, he told me my POI wasn't coming back and so far, he's the only one to be right on that but told me I would meet a guy and described where and initials and that did not happen and it's been over a maybe the POI prediction was a lucky guess?
Title: Re: Vincent
Post by: Jenjen on November 14, 2024, 08:20:12 PM
I agree with nicks I. Precisely no, too expensive