The Psychic Reviews
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: psychicaddict1 on September 28, 2017, 08:44:30 PM
I probably shouldn't because I'm selfish but I do want to share my experience with Rika.
I just want to say, EVERYONE connects differently. Just because we connected doesn't mean everyone will. But I have the upmost respect and love for her.
I called Rika back in February when things were getting pretty serious and heavy in my current relationship. She automatically connected, and told me things no one would know. Most importantly, she picked up my grandfather, who I was very very close with when he was alive. When someone says "who is an elder man that has passed" I get excited, but I don't get CONFIRMATIONS that he's there. But, she asked me this, "who is Bobo? Baba?" I would call my grandpa Baba. I knew it was him.
She referred to his orange trees at home, how my grandma had just gotten surgery and had a green quilt with flowers at the edge and butterflies around them. She asked me why he's calling me butterfly and I knew he was calling me by my Persian name Parisa, which means Butterfly. She referenced hockey and asked why my grandpa brought that up, and my boyfriend is a hockey player. On top of it, she nailed pretty much every fine detail of my life, from my mom's alcohol abuse problem, to our dad leaving us... etc.
I have been calling her probably once or twice a month since. Rika has become my friend, and we connect and talk like best friends. She has helped me so much in regards to my relationship. She taught me to stand up for myself, TALK about how I feel and be determined to make things work because boys are dumb (no offense) and don't know how to do ANYTHING. Rika helped me when times were ROUGH, like whenever he and I thought about separating, she assured me that he would never leave but I have to show him what I'm worth, and I did. Sometimes she'd yell at me to do it and hell, I did.
She never forced connections with my grandpa. If he was there, she'd ask for confirmation, if not, she would tell me he wasn't there. She connected to my boyfriend's side too, even mentioned his best friend to me by name, didn't even guess.
Our last call was last Sunday, and I just had some life questions. What was crazy was she asked me why I wanted chocolate milk and bacon so much. Funny story is all weekend I was craving the chocolate milk and sausages that were in my fridge but forgot to make them. When she does this, she confirms her reading, and mostly all her messages have come true.
I would give Rika a chance. I'm sure her queue is gonna be crazy now, but she has helped me like no other. I adore her.
If you have any questions, let me know!
See, I don't understand when something like this happens, why the reader doesn't voluntarily give your money back instead of constantly and stupidly fishing for answers plus blaming the caller.
I would have been roaringly pissed!
I never used Californiapsychics but don’t they have satisfaction guarantee? Psychicsource does. I even had a refund for $100+.
I'm sorry but she was terrible for me..the whole reading went like this...
Who is George? William? Bob?
I dont know anyone with those names...
Do you have a deceased uncle with an S name?
Do you have a friend with an S name? and M?
First middle and last name S, M or P?
Okay, open your heart don't think, I can't get through to you because you are thinking too much --> I wasn't thinking too much, I was in a calm place and actually in a good mood before i called her...btw, even if I was thinking too much, why the fuck would it matter she is the psychic she is connecting to the guides/angels/deceased loved ones, why would MY mental state have anything to do with HER connection? I have friends that don't believe in psychics at all, their minds are totally closed off in that regard and have had predictions happen so that is just a COP OUT they say when they cant connect. I am sorry but your JOB as a psychic is to connect and offer information, a person's mental state or whether or not they believe you should not have any effect on your connection.
Then she goes on to say:
What is the Washington DC connection with you? Or is that your dad?
Ok, did you just watch that film called Washington .....(can't remember the name she said but it had Washington in it"
*** Then she breathed for 10 seconds and blamed me again for having a chatty mind that she "cant get through to" (Mind you I even meditated before this reading lol)
Ok lets try this again....I am seeing a snowman, does this mean anything to you other than the fact that we are in Christmas?
Okay..what about real estate? Does anyone you know work in real estate?
Hmm...I am starting to think if you live near someone who has a very decorated house? ----> NO FUCKING SHIT ITS CHRISTMAS , and if you get something like "snowman" or "real estate", and you don't even know if that means 1) I live near someone with a decorated house or 2) I just played with a snowman or 3) I just watched a movie with snowmans in it 4) I work in real estate or 5) my dad works in real estate 6) I just moved 7) my cousin's uncles' friend's girlfriend works in real estate or 8 ) my cousin's uncle's grandma's friend's girlfirend's mom just purchased real estate...........SHOULD YOU REALLY BE READING AS A PSYCHIC?
$200 down the drain. That's what the whole reading was like for 20min.
Well I'm sorry she didn't work out for you! Some readers can connect and some can't.
Hello. I'm new to this website and have never commented, but I have to say that Rika worked for me. She connected with people who have passed on and no matter how hard I tried to keep my feelings neutral she saw what I was trying hard not to expose to her. She always remembers me which is rare among these readers. Like someone said, some will connect while others don't. It doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't psychic or bad. They're only human, not God.
Hello. I'm new to this website and have never commented, but I have to say that Rika worked for me. She connected with people who have passed on and no matter how hard I tried to keep my feelings neutral she saw what I was trying hard not to expose to her. She always remembers me which is rare among these readers. Like someone said, some will connect while others don't. It doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't psychic or bad. They're only human, not God.
How is she with predictions? It seems her top talent is mediumship
Hello. I'm new to this website and have never commented, but I have to say that Rika worked for me. She connected with people who have passed on and no matter how hard I tried to keep my feelings neutral she saw what I was trying hard not to expose to her. She always remembers me which is rare among these readers. Like someone said, some will connect while others don't. It doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't psychic or bad. They're only human, not God.
I am glad to know you connected with her. If she wasn't connecting to me why didn't she just hang up and direct me to customer service instead of continuing to "try again" and embarrass herself while wasting my money? I even told her that maybe we weren't connecting and I should try someone else, and she kept saying "just let me try one more thing". She did get like 2 details correct out of the 40 or so details that she threw out, but should I really count that considering how wrong she was with everything else? She was also SO confident with her predictions like she kept saying "they are guaranteeing you this is gonna happen by this month"..again should I trust her considering how wrong she was with everything else?
It was my fault too I should've hung up early, but I guess I had hope that she would connect "eventually" and the time just passed by. She could be a great psychic and medium, but why would you waste someone's time and money like that if you couldn't connect?
Candiednut.....nicely put....she did that to me as well. Sadly over priced, if she felt she was not connecting ...then own it! Do not put it on the caller, she told me my mind was cluttered also...told me to breath with my!...she also swore a lot..the f word. Not very professional in my opinion.
Hello. The predications she made are a couple of years away, but the mediumship was amazing. She described certain people in my life without me telling her a thing.
I think she is someone who either really hits the ball out of the park for you or doesn't connect with you at all, with not much middle ground at all.
I read with her. She’s gifted for sure and can pick up on the situation as an empath however her predictions did not come to pass not even short term (then again in my case predictions never come to pass). She’s definitely a medium! One thing that’s really annoying is how she makes you take like 100 deep breaths and keeps saying to clear your head and heart over and over again....
Read with her, she seemed rushed. Terrible reading, overall. Just no connection at all, however she didn't try to keep me on the phone so at least there's that.
Uhh probably the most confusing and weirdest read ever.. she was rambling and nothing she said hit the ball with me... she is trying to make these weird connections and nothing she really said made sense.. not present or future wise.. totally wasted money .. uhh
saw a pregnant women, oh he has pregnant woman around him, no its you, he wants you to have his baby, ,,, then after knowing my age.. oh its the kids you already have... and so on and on with all areas
I dont reccomend
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
she could have been seeing another guy and thought it was him. also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
She gave me an absolutely terrible read on relationship stuff, but none of it had to do with any of her mediumship abilities so I can't really speak to that part, but her relationship reading was awful for me. Just way off. To her credit though she was very to the point no wasted time so at least it didn’t take long to just be done with the call.
also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
I was not aware of this. I figured the person who passed would know more than anyone, but then too, if they are wrong, it's the reader's fault. Because it certainly isn't like I can hear them.
Interpretation mishaps happen a lot with readers. Lots!
also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
I was not aware of this. I figured the person who passed would know more than anyone, but then too, if they are wrong, it's the reader's fault. Because it certainly isn't like I can hear them.
Interpretation mishaps happen a lot with readers. Lots!
Yeah, I had 2 experiences regarding this. Its like they love us and can see a bit more than the living, but only in the context of how they related to us when they were living. Unless they intentionally look us up and our life in heaven, their insight is off/wrong as well as their predictions. At least spiritual guides have a duty to at least steer us on the right path, so they are better...but even they can fall short. All of this is given if your psychic isnt talking to a demon or something lol
also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
I was not aware of this. I figured the person who passed would know more than anyone, but then too, if they are wrong, it's the reader's fault. Because it certainly isn't like I can hear them.
Interpretation mishaps happen a lot with readers. Lots!
Yeah, I had 2 experiences regarding this. Its like they love us and can see a bit more than the living, but only in the context of how they related to us when they were living. Unless they intentionally look us up and our life in heaven, their insight is off/wrong as well as their predictions. At least spiritual guides have a duty to at least steer us on the right path, so they are better...but even they can fall short. All of this is given if your psychic isnt talking to a demon or something lol
Agreed. I've had psychics that made predictions from my dead grandpa that didn't happen. And she said he was "looking after me and helping me". So I really don't know...were they really tuning into my grandpa? THey got the details right (how he died and stuff) but who the f knows.
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
she could have been seeing another guy and thought it was him. also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
LMAO “dead people can be wrong” that made me crack up.
I feel like she was so good with mediumship and with the past/ present. But the things she predicted never happened at all. My POI at the time never returned, and even in the last readinf i had wth her, she kindof got frustrated with me and was like “just contact him fuck it” but quickly switched to “i know hes going to this weekend. And if he doesnt, you should break it off and stop expecting him ti come back, which i can help you with with another reading”
Like damn.. okay.
Its so odd how some readers get THE MOST specific details about future events that never happen. Like why lol. Are you seeing me in an alternate reality?
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
she could have been seeing another guy and thought it was him. also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
LMAO “dead people can be wrong” that made me crack up.
I feel like she was so good with mediumship and with the past/ present. But the things she predicted never happened at all. My POI at the time never returned, and even in the last readinf i had wth her, she kindof got frustrated with me and was like “just contact him fuck it” but quickly switched to “i know hes going to this weekend. And if he doesnt, you should break it off and stop expecting him ti come back, which i can help you with with another reading”
Like damn.. okay.
Its so odd how some readers get THE MOST specific details about future events that never happen. Like why lol. Are you seeing me in an alternate reality?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I honestly believe most of the so-called dead people are demons. Demons will give you a little truth and the final outcome will be a lie, they like to play with human beings
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
she could have been seeing another guy and thought it was him. also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
LMAO “dead people can be wrong” that made me crack up.
I feel like she was so good with mediumship and with the past/ present. But the things she predicted never happened at all. My POI at the time never returned, and even in the last readinf i had wth her, she kindof got frustrated with me and was like “just contact him fuck it” but quickly switched to “i know hes going to this weekend. And if he doesnt, you should break it off and stop expecting him ti come back, which i can help you with with another reading”
Like damn.. okay.
Its so odd how some readers get THE MOST specific details about future events that never happen. Like why lol. Are you seeing me in an alternate reality?
I honestly believe most of the so-called dead people are demons. Demons will give you a little truth and the final outcome will be a lie, they like to play with human beings
she's interesting. she got A LOT of details about my POI relatives that had passed, the age he was when they passed, etc.. and even said his deceased mother told her i was the one. she made a lot of predictions about someone who at the time i was hoping would come back, about us being married and being super confident in that timeline. the color of dress id be wearing and the name of his fav restaurant we'd be at when he told me he loved me. needless to say, its been 9 months and i never heard back from that guy not once lol. so none of that happened. I wonder why if she's so good with those who have passed and so accurate, she would tell me the dead mom said I'm gonna marry her son... weird. seems HIGHLY unlikely and almost laughable because the dudes a jerk and were very incompatible. anyone else had success with her medium skills for those who've passed, but wrong about love relationship outcomes? specifically if a dead relative has "confirmed your relationship"?
she could have been seeing another guy and thought it was him. also, dead people can be short sighted and careful about their advice, they are not like guides--and even they can be wrong.
LMAO “dead people can be wrong” that made me crack up.
I feel like she was so good with mediumship and with the past/ present. But the things she predicted never happened at all. My POI at the time never returned, and even in the last readinf i had wth her, she kindof got frustrated with me and was like “just contact him fuck it” but quickly switched to “i know hes going to this weekend. And if he doesnt, you should break it off and stop expecting him ti come back, which i can help you with with another reading”
Like damn.. okay.
Its so odd how some readers get THE MOST specific details about future events that never happen. Like why lol. Are you seeing me in an alternate reality?
WOW thats funny but also really scary because i low-key believe that too. get outta here demons
I had a reading with Rika, and like most of the posts on this thread it was pretty similar...she threw a lot of names and details, none really stuck.
She got my job right, sort of I mean she said medicine and teaching and I am a therapist and a like one person here said, she got 2 details out of the 40 she mentioned lol.
Said reconciliation with POI after April. I don't think I can bank on that. Got the reason right why POI is staying away.
Said I will have 2 other guys that I could potentially marry. I got this from other mediums before. Mentioned the name "Mike" and I got this from another psychic a few years ago. I don't know anyone named Mike, except a good guy friend of mine who I have no intention of dating and neither does he, he is in a relationship.
Said I will have twins, another thing that another psychic told me many years ago.
And then at the end she said my grandfather is there, didn't get accurate details about him, I was never really close to either of my grandfathers who passed away.
So I am a tad confused I thought she was accurate on a few things, got the birthday month of me and POI right. Got my job right. I just don't understand those messages that I can't verify and I was told by other psychics too in previous years...could meet 2 potential life partners, will have twins. And she also asked if I have kids already. Nope, I don't.
I think she does have a gift, and I think she works hard to try to connect, but it is hit or miss. Which I totally understand, it's hard to connect on a call. I was also super nervous about the reading so that may not have helped.
She's a reader that either connects with you or doesn't. If she doesn't, get off the phone. If she does, pay attention to everything she says.
Something she told me last summer came through but not in the way I expected. When the first thing fell through, I told her and she insisted and at the time it was still happening. Four months later it did, but from a completely unexpected place. Like out of thin air.
She's a reader that either connects with you or doesn't. If she doesn't, get off the phone. If she does, pay attention to everything she says.
Something she told me last summer came through but not in the way I expected. When the first thing fell through, I told her and she insisted and at the time it was still happening. Four months later it did, but from a completely unexpected place. Like out of thin air.
Thank you for this. I don't know if she connected with me, because she did get some things right but also threw a lot of names and info that wasn't anything I could validate.
I guess I will wait and see for some of her predictions.
So I spoke with Rika On Friday about getting back together with my ex. She mentioned something about If someone was planing a house white she saw white paint which I didn't have a clue what she could be talking about and then she said something about realestate. Well my ex mother just bought a house here and there house is white. And my ex help her find a home
I had a great reading with her this morning. I don’t want to divulge details but she immediately connected to a relative that passed recently and knew certain things she told me she couldn’t have known without a gift because I didn’t even say anything and she was like okay I have this person here and he’s telling me this and this and this and by the way this and wow a lot of information coming through at once.
In fact during the reading she told me you need to take a deep breath and stop holding your breath and the tension in your jaw. I can feel my mouth is just so dry. And yep. Exactly precisely what I was doing without my even realizing it. I was literally holding my breath, tension in my jaw, and dry mouth. It was crazy! She gave me lots of info and broke through a lot for me in terms of my giving my power and karma over to other people instead of owning it. So I know my marching orders! Loved my reading with her. Very uplifting and hoping her predictions come to pass.
Has anyone called Rika and immediately upon starting the call and introducing herself she says, "The answer is yes! The question you are about to ask about a relationship is yes. [She] is coming back soon... you just need to be patient."
Maybe not about a relationship, but perhaps about career? I thought it was a rather 'unique' way to start a call...
Has anyone called Rika and immediately upon starting the call and introducing herself she says, "The answer is yes! The question you are about to ask about a relationship is yes. [She] is coming back soon... you just need to be patient."
Maybe not about a relationship, but perhaps about career? I thought it was a rather 'unique' way to start a call...
I haven't had that happen, no.
Has anyone called Rika and immediately upon starting the call and introducing herself she says, "The answer is yes! The question you are about to ask about a relationship is yes. [She] is coming back soon... you just need to be patient."
Maybe not about a relationship, but perhaps about career? I thought it was a rather 'unique' way to start a call...
was she at least right about what you were calling about?
I've no idea... predictions are pending. I did call about a POI from a prior relationship... and, truth be told, I would have liked to discuss career. But then again, I would be willing to bet that 99% of callers are phoning in about relationships or careers.
She did say that I would be very busy with my career for at least the next two weeks... I don't know about next week, but this week has been exceptionally busy.
I am honestly not sure how to rate the call... she kept telling me to relax and kept throwing out letters, trying to get names that start with those letters. I would love (beyond all the tears I've cried) for her relationship prediction (positive) to come true, but at this point... I can't help but feel that my ex coming back to me is just a fairy tale.
I can't tell you if she is right because predictions are happening. Also there wasn't something set in stone, she said this could happen or this could happen...and far out. So yeah...I don't know.
Has anyone called Rika and immediately upon starting the call and introducing herself she says, "The answer is yes! The question you are about to ask about a relationship is yes. [She] is coming back soon... you just need to be patient."
Maybe not about a relationship, but perhaps about career? I thought it was a rather 'unique' way to start a call...
Not exactly, but something similar. My first call to her, she blurted a name before she said anything else. I told her it was my father. She said he had been with her for a while (I was in line) and since he wouldn't go away she couldn't tell who he was there for. She had been asking everyone about him.
Thanks for sharing njlady.
If I may, was Rika correct on her reading? Did her predictions pan out? I hope I'm not being nosy... just looking for confirmation for my own reading, if that makes sense.
Thanks for sharing njlady.
If I may, was Rika correct on her reading? Did her predictions pan out? I hope I'm not being nosy... just looking for confirmation for my own reading, if that makes sense.
Short version edited for clarity: Basically my drug addicted sister (DAS) stole money that I was going to give her anyway and changed the beneficiary of our siblings life insurance policy from me to her and collected on it. There were a bunch of other things that went down at the same time, but those are the two easiest to explain. For a lot of personal reasons, I decided to let it, and her, go. After a lifetime of throwing down money to take care of her and she does this to me, I'm done.
I fly back home and part of me is in disbelief that she pulled the insurance thing off. I call Rika. I wanted to make sure that older sibling didn't change this herself and that this was DAS's doing. Rika confirms it. She tells me I'm getting a check, but I don't see how. A month goes by and I find out DAS got the check because she is spending like a drunken sailor. I call Rika back and tell her that DAS got all the money, she is blowing it, gave her dealer several thousand in one week alone and there is no way I am going to see a penny of that money.
Rika gets our older sibling again and older sibling insists that I am getting a check from somewhere, she is making it happen and to sit tight. I knew Rika wasn't me because she had our older siblings attitude and personality down, even the way she used to speak to me. It was all there, not just wishful thinking. I tell Rika that there is nowhere I am going to suddenly get a check from besides earning it myself, but she insists that my older sibling has told her she has this covered and to wait.
A few months later I get a call from the executor of the estate of another uncle who had died the year before. I had doted on this uncle like a daughter but for whatever reason, he left all his money to my 3 cousins. For clarity, DAS is not one of them, we have different fathers. Anyway, the executor was calling to tell me that he had put off distributing the estate because he had been thinking about this for a while and had made a decision that was contrary to what my uncle had directed him to do, but one that he felt was the right thing to do. He said that since I had been the one who was so devoted to my uncle that it was only fair to do a 4 way split and that he was mailing me a check.
Well, although Rika got personalities right, it appears from your story that you got a check from your Uncle, not the older sibling the way Rika stated it would happen.
Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but did Rika mix up the energies perhaps? You getting a check was correct, but not the way it was described by Rika.
Well, although Rika got personalities right, it appears from your story that you got a check from your Uncle, not the older sibling the way Rika stated it would happen.
Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but did Rika mix up the energies perhaps? You getting a check was correct, but not the way it was described by Rika.
Yeah, this happens a lot mixing up the who/what, but seeing an outcome. I think Rika has potential, but she reminds me of a more flightly/annoying Lisa Dianne. If she is packed with other callers, she can't differentiate which message is for the current caller. I have a feeling if I could get a session with her alone in person, without any distractions, she would perform much better.
Well, although Rika got personalities right, it appears from your story that you got a check from your Uncle, not the older sibling the way Rika stated it would happen.
Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but did Rika mix up the energies perhaps? You getting a check was correct, but not the way it was described by Rika.
No. Rika never said I was getting a check from my older sibling.
I first thought it would have something to do with my deceased older sibling, but didn't really see how because my DAS changed the life insurance paperwork, stole checks from our siblings accounts that I was a signatory on and cleaned them out, etc. She's an addict. They will suck the paint off the walls if it will get them a nickel. I typed up War & Peace last night but deleted most of it this morning. Rika only said I was getting "a check".
When it was clear that DAS had received the insurance proceeds, was on a drug binge and was blowing through cash at an insane rate, I called Rika again and she connected with my older sibling who insisted that "I am getting a check from somewhere, she is making it happen and to sit tight" and that they "had this covered and to wait". I had no idea from where because I'm the one who earns the $$$. There is no one sitting around looking to hand me money. But I pretty much believed Rika because I knew she had connected with my older sibling, so went about my business as usual and decided to wait and see what would happen.
A few months later I got the call from another relative, who was the administrator of my uncle's estate, telling me he had held off on distributing the proceeds of my uncle's estate and had decided to change the distribution of the estate to include me, and then sent me a check.
I really believe my deceased sibling influenced his decision and made this happen for me. It went down just the way Rika said. Not from where I originally thought it would come from, and I didn't see how it was going to happen, but it did.
Okay. That's great how everything played out. I just wasn't clear on the check part.
Thanks for clarifying njlady.
I actually called Rika again earlier today, and I am somewhat torn...
At first, it didn't seem like she fully remembered me from a few days ago but started on the reading anyways... she did seem to remember our previous reading after a few minutes. During this call, she firmly indicated that my ex would return and by September we would be engaged. Three days ago, she confidently (and I mean, with a ton of confidence) said, "She is coming back in April (next month). Just be patient. Don't count the days... just work on yourself and know that she loves you, misses you, and she is realizing that she made a mistake. Part of what is taking her so long to reach out to you is that she is afraid you will reject her return. If you can prove that you learned how to be brave (I was somewhat anxious in my desire to get married... I wanted, and want, to marry her) and that you are willing to listen more intently to her fears/worries regarding the pressures of getting married, she will take the relationship back with open arms and with tears in her eyes. Wait for her to contact you."
This phone call, I mean, Rika was almost screaming in the phone - "Stop worrying! Buck up, be confident knowing that she will return and by September she will want to be engaged!" She was cursing with excitement - the swearing didn't bother me, I only mention to illustrate her conviction. She, still very excited, kept saying, "By November you two will be married." Now, my ex had previously indicated (I didn't tell Rika) that she had always dreamed of being married in the fall - specifically October/November time frame. Also, Rika indicated that something major would be happening in June... she asked me if there was a holiday or celebration either of our families celebrated in mid/mid-late June, to which I replied, "My ex's birthday."
What threw me for a loop, however (besides the sudden getting back together and very near engagement), is that... if I remember correctly... she indicated that we would celebrate the marriage/engagement on a boat. I don't know anyone in either family that owns a massive boat for a celebration - I suppose it is possible to go on a cruise? None of us live anywhere near a lake or ocean. Rika almost mentioned a few things about my ex's dad and said, "He thought of you as a 'Forever Man' for his daughter... he already regarded you as a son-in-law. He prays every day that [my ex] goes back to you because he doubts she will find anyone like you." I can't confirm that that is exactly how he felt about me, but we did have a pleasant relationship of mutual trust and respect.
I wish I had recorded the phone call... I don't want this to be a false "fairy tale" reading. But it almost sounds too good to be true.
Thanks for clarifying njlady.
I actually called Rika again earlier today, and I am somewhat torn...
I wouldn't call repeatedly or start reader hopping. It will heighten your anxiety and screw with your head. Major development and you want to check in, ok, but don't step on the hamster wheel.
It sounds counterintuitive that when you are losing something that you desperately want that you should walk away, put it out of your mind and give it space to do whatever it needs to do, but like Rika said - put it out of your mind and don't count the days. Don't hang on to April with a death grip. Work on yourself while you are by yourself. You don't want that phone to ring and instead of working on yourself and being ready all you did was spend $14,000 to call 186 psychics.
If you really feel in your heart, without desperation or excuses, that this woman loves you and the only thing holding her back is something that you have the power to change, then do it with conviction. Do you feel your relationship working out is a fairy tale? Everyone knows, deep down inside, if they are in love or in obsession even if they don't want to admit it.
You can start saying "God is blessing the loving direct verbal communication between ______ and me" and sending her your love once every night before you go to sleep, then twice, then three times etc. as time goes on. Don't embelish it, act desperate or start puking up your emotional guts to her; just that one sentence, send your love, redirect your thoughts and go to sleep. People you have or have had a loving connection with can feel that on some level. There is nothing that will stop someone who truly loves you and wants to be with you from contacting you. Fear can make them hesitate but fear of losing you will always overcome that.
There isn't any reader who can guarantee anything 100%. Readers can guide you. She gave you the past, the now, what the problem is, what needs to be fixed and potential/probable outcome if you do. Do what you need to do and don't stare at the calendar. Don't let fear mount and negativity get you as days go by. You don't have a dysfunctional situation that is doomed to begin with, just a problem that can be dealt with.
Don't let your left brain take you off track with things like the boat and picking apart details that don't make sense right now. Maybe someone in the family is retiring and has always dreamed of owning a boat and is going to buy one. Maybe a new fake boat club is opening up in your town. There is a bar here where you pay the fee, they put you in a Soviet uniform, stick you in a sub zero freezer, lock the door behind you and you down vodka shots. Doesn't mean I'm in Kiev. Or maybe the boat won't figure in at all. Don't get all hung up on it.
Had she come across as a fairy tale reader to anyone? She told me me and my POI would get married and told me a bunch of very positive things I have had a hard time believing but she was really adamant about it and there were some things she hit very accurately it seems, and she has a lot of great feedback. I’m not sure if I believe her or not! But I would like to!
Had she come across as a fairy tale reader to anyone? She told me me and my POI would get married and told me a bunch of very positive things I have had a hard time believing but she was really adamant about it and there were some things she hit very accurately it seems, and she has a lot of great feedback. I’m not sure if I believe her or not! But I would like to!
Not a fairy tale reader at all. I'm fact she told me my POI is not the right fit and things wouldn't work with him unless I let him lead fully.
How is Rika when it comes to the timings of predictions?
How is Rika when it comes to the timings of predictions?
Did not work for me. Her predictions from April never happened. She also advised me that as soon as I did this and that (Law of Attraction type of advice / actions), such and such would happen. This in my opinion allows a reader to put it back on the caller as to why something did or didn’t happen... although I really did like my reading with her - she was great at picking up present and past - but nope. Nothing panned out.
Rika has been hit and miss with me. She did tell me a certain day would be significant in my life months ago and she was correct to the exact day but I’ve had many reading with her where her predictions didn’t pan out.
Predicted contact on July 16th. Did not pass.
Yeah, Rika told me May 12th....
Read with Rika. Reading was positive. But she was so fast and passionate and misunderstood my question and became frustrated and mildly insulting. Was an odd experience. It was like listening to someone argue with themselves. Her passion makes her not really listen. Also I think there’s a risk she may have low opinion on women. I asked a very simple question and she thought I was so complicated and self sabotaging, she jumped to conclusion I was a bubble brain. I’m a gentle soft person. If you can argue with me, you could literally argue with a puppy. We then spent a few minutes clarifying and I felt it was uncool I needed to straighten her out. Still confused about the experience. She may be at risk of being a smidge of a bully - but doing so in the name of “tough love”. Odd one. Her job is to read, not pick on someone cause she didn’t LISTEN to one’s question. In the end she said “I just don’t know what you want”, I replied and said “if you took the time to listen”, I could tell you. She went “oh, ok”. A messy experience indeed.
I found her to be rude and judgemental. I would never read with her again.
She was terrible for me.
Not for me. Wrong and not even close with a touch of life coach.
Bump on this reader as she seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. I've never tried her and am curious as to any movement any of you have had with her (or no movement) etc. I'm open to hearing anything! xo
Shes not someone you get straight answers from, so have low expectations on that. Her best gift seems to be wont be able to call and get direct and sane answers to your questions tho. Shes not one really in control of what she need a more down to earth reader for that.
I couldn’t agree wth this more. She picks up people and it’s quite amazing, but I think she makes assumptions when making her “predictions.”
Has anyone called Rika and immediately upon starting the call and introducing herself she says, "The answer is yes! The question you are about to ask about a relationship is yes. [She] is coming back soon... you just need to be patient."
Maybe not about a relationship, but perhaps about career? I thought it was a rather 'unique' way to start a call...
I saw she was on discount today so decided to try her for my first call. Her excitement is great and I have to say that the first thing out of her mouth was "Yes, the answer to your question is yes!" Although she didn't specify in what area of my life lol. Will keep you posted xo
She was a nope for me. A lil too life coach-y like you can make anything you want happen.
She was a nope for me. A lil too life coach-y like you can make anything you want happen.
Lmaooo I can see that.. I was just gonna give her a shot and she actually got some scarily good accurate info correct in 13 mins. Predictions pending, I too got that possible "fairytale" feel but maybe it's her energy. Did she feed any of you fairytales?
Oh ya--- my life should have worked out about a year ago :) I do hope she works for you. I just checked - I called her 4 times, so it is also possible I overread.
Oh lawwwwwd! I hear ya, princess. I just gave her a wild shot in the dark. I’m gonna stick w my offsite empath and Effie for current and short term stuff. Waiting to read w Yona in six weeks—curious about that too! Hugs xx
Gooood luck!! And - Rika could totally work for you! You never know how the connection process works!!
I love Yona! I hope you do, too!
Gooood luck!! And - Rika could totally work for you! You never know how the connection process works!!
I love Yona! I hope you do, too!
Thank you, princess! She was so bubbly and picked up some stuff verbatim that my POI has said so at least some of what she got was on. Ofc the hardest part for any psychic is the dang future lol. Would you mind PMing me your experiences w Yona? Apologies if I’m asking you to repeat yourself xo
Hi all,
I went back and listened to my "test" reading with Rika the other night (she was on sale for 30% off for me so I said alright). Loved her energy but was a bit thrown by it at first. She saw me meditating and doing "new age" stuff and just really "thinking" too much throughout our call and as soon as I let go when she told me to and relaxed is when some neat channeling happened.
I wanted to ask if any of you have had her say that the information she is giving you is "psychic" as in, "this is a piece of psychic information to let you know that I'm connected." This was at the beginning of our call within the first 2 minutes. The information was indeed correct and was related to why I was calling. I can't speak to predictions yet (they seem fanciful) but she was pretty dang good at remote viewing the past and present and also at channeling for me. Thanks!
P.S. a name she kept getting related to me has not stuck yet, but Mattie also gave me this same name last summer.. just food for thought!
First Rika reading and unfortunately my last. This is the one reading in a while where I felt... almost scammed? She was throwing out so many names and possible connections that didn’t land. She gave me one future prediction, one closer prediction that is pretty much impossible. I would say if you don’t have a ton of money to spend with her (I had 11 minutes), then she’s probably not worth it for predictions. Reading what everyone has written here makes me feel like her channeling is pretty good, however.
I wanted to ask if any of you have had her say that the information she is giving you is "psychic" as in, "this is a piece of psychic information to let you know that I'm connected." This was at the beginning of our call within the first 2 minutes. The information was indeed correct and was related to why I was calling.
Absolutely, yes. I'm less than a year older than a sibling and we have rhyming names. She got my siblings name right when she said the names e.g. Burt & Curt but she says Burt & Lurt. She got our hair color right too. Redheads. My sister looked like a walking carrot when we were kids. I think she also thought we were twins. We're not, but we were born in the same year so close enough.
Any updates on her?
The weirdest reading ever. I was so stunned by how weird it was that I started laughing. She did make one predictions and a really small one and that is it. I am still confused about her way of reading.
Update: predictions did not come to pass. Also, she cussed me out during our call .
Update: predictions did not come to pass. Also, she cussed me out during our call .
I told you she was rude!! My gosh are her and scarlett the same person. Idk how they are still allowed to read on there.
Lmao. Now that you bring Scarlet. I read with her too and I asked about POI and she said he doesn’t think about you and doesn’t want you. He wants a girl who has a child. I was like I have a child and she said no not you, I would have told of it is you, it is not you!!! And she said it in such a terrible way.
Update: predictions did not come to pass. Also, she cussed me out during our call .
I told you she was rude!! My gosh are her and scarlett the same person. Idk how they are still allowed to read on there.
Lmao. Now that you bring Scarlet. I read with her too and I asked about POI and she said he doesn’t think about you and doesn’t want you. He wants a girl who has a child. I was like I have a child and she said no not you, I would have told of it is you, it is not you!!! And she said it in such a terrible way.
Read with her tonight and holy crap what an angry lady! She right away started off the call talking to me about real estate so I told her I had a specific question in mind and wasn't looking for a general reading and she got mad.. uhm.. for 10.00$/min I will ask about whatever I want??? There was tension throughout the whole call after that and she said so many disrespectful things to me I couldn't believe it. Not to mention she was so so so wrong I was ashamed for spending my money on a reading like that
Anyone new recent Rika experiences? Thoughts on this reader?
I had a reading with her in April or May, and it was...weird. Very nice lady, and she says a name right off the bat and said he was deceased. Well, the name she gave me was my POI's name...definitely still alive. Also, he has a very common name. She seemed very fairytale to me. She described a wedding of ours, by the water, tropical. I mean, anything is possible, but POI and I aren't even speaking so who knows. Also, I've never wanted to get married. If I ever had to for some reason, it would be in a courthouse.
I'd have to go back and review the reading but I remember just being really confused. Not a lot was resonating but she kept going on and on and I'm that coward who can never hang up or abruptly end a reading.
Oh my goodness, thanks for sharing you two.
Reporting back... Her predictions did not happen.
Somewhere between 2 and 3 years ago Rika told me, promised me actually, that I was going to be married by x date. The past year or so I thought about what she said a couple of times and sort of brushed it aside because it didn't look too likely but I have a never say never attitude.
Guess what ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Somewhere between 2 and 3 years ago Rika told me, promised me actually, that I was going to be married by x date. The past year or so I thought about what she said a couple of times and sort of brushed it aside because it didn't look too likely but I have a never say never attitude.
Guess what ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Congrats! So she got the marriage and date right?
Rika was good but all over the place, I think mediumship always like that
I think hit or miss. So far my last reading with her was okay.. and okay with timing... "hit or miss"
Has anyone read with her recently? I would like to know your experience if I can. She seems to know and connect with me very well. I do have a contact prediction coming up around my friend's bday (scary when she the exact date and month).
Newbie, yet I have spent upward of 10gs on this site. Don’t judge please! I have spoken with her twice in the last several months. She has a gift that’s for certain, super fast talker and knows past and present. I haven’t had any predictions come thru yet they are still months out. She had contact from poi kinda right but it wasn’t at all as she expected. My poi was rotten and angry and mean not sweet and pleasant. I have a very very long list of whom I called and will gladly share fairytale readers and people with gifts. She has a gift just unsure of the future at this point. Hope this helps some
Don't worry! I probably have spent just as much as well. Would you mind PMing me the list with gifts or how has worked for you in terms of predictions/connection?
I had a reading with Rika regarding my POI. Been alot of arguing and we are taking space. Rika said there is something about 10:30 and 2-4 PM. My POI broke contact at 10:30 and the following day we texted back and forth for forty minutes between 2-4PM, which to be honest was part of my control but I was debating how long to hold out on messaging. No news about the final outcome however, too soon.
I just had a reading with Rika that is very promising, she connected well to my Poi as mentioning his last initial in which I was shocked because most reader will go in without fully grasping POI's energy. But I will say she connected very well and do feel as though she is not fairytale reader at all. She has given glimpse of hope if any. She is the only person I have talked with on CP.
If any suggestions on others, will be more than gladly to look into them. :)
She didn't work for me. Reading was all over the place. I wouldn't trust. Cp most of the psychics are fake but so is keen. Cp more because you have to add big $$ bal to start with to get reading and they are all equally worse. Mattie is somewhat ok but depends if you connect with her usually it's only first time and rest is she tries too hard.
She didn't work for me. Reading was all over the place. I wouldn't trust. Cp most of the psychics are fake but so is keen. Cp more because you have to add big $$ bal to start with to get reading and they are all equally worse. Mattie is somewhat ok but depends if you connect with her usually it's only first time and rest is she tries too hard.
I wouldn't be that harsh on her. I haven't read with her much - but she does connect, is very psychic, and can hit things right on. I find that sometimes she tends to run with something she gets and embellish it somewhat. But overall she's been OK for me. Biggest issue is getting into the right meditative state so she can read the energy around you. She's one of those readers that cannot read when you're thinking about the question you're asking about.. You need to be distracted and calm..
Hi I.m just sharing my experiences in a hope that I can save you some money. I have been there done that. I know that I was given lot of false hope based on few thing they pick up. You can dm me I can recommend some who has worked for me... they picked up on details well..though prediction pending.. Goodluck either way.
I do agree, not every psychic will be for all, and we have to remember it is for "entertaining purposes" so let's not expect what we want to hear based on other people success.
For Rika, I spoke with her yesterday and she told me that POI would reach out the next day, and I did not believe her at all, and to my surprise indeed he did reach out me and explained why he was not able to communicate just as Rita mentioned. Super grateful with this forum cause it has weeded out a lot of unwanted fake psychics and really select the best ones.
I have read with Luna as well, she is a little bit talkative and I will give her grace as she focused on past, present and future with whatever situation you may be facing. She really tunes into your situation and no BS fairytale.
I read with Rika back in June and she was pretty accurate for me. She was one of the first readers I called on CP. She listed a few names to start and none I could relate to but she did follow up and say these names could relate to my geographic region (which they did).
Then she listed my deceased grandfathers initials on my dad’s side accurately.
I asked about contact from my ex and she said communications before August 4 and gave me an affirmation. I had quite a few psychic readings on other sites in which all the psychics said contact by June, so I was bummed to hear I’d have to wait until August. Without me saying anything, she said “something big is happening in June, did other psychics tell you contact in June?” That was accurate, and while she didn’t necessarily change her August prediction, she felt something big happening is June, which I received a major job offer toward the end of June. She was also accurate about contact and began to hear from POI by August.
Every time I re-read my conversation with her, I am surprised by many things. I spoke with Rika a little over a year ago. She was very accurate about many things she mentioned, even though our conversation was brief. She said she saw a baby coming into my family which was was true but she thought I was pregnant and said my person of interest (POI) would return. While her timeframes didn’t pan out, she did say, “I get angry at him coming back; it makes me mad.” She also mentioned that my POI was talking to someone with the name Maria or Margarita, and asked if he had any family members with an “M” in their name. At the time, I couldn’t relate to this, but two months later, I caught my POI with a new partner whose name started with “M,” and he did come back eight months later.
I think sometimes they try to show you they are so accurate, they mess up the important information they receive.
Does Rika usually tell people their energy is very high? I've been flat and down pretty much all year so I thought that was interesting.
I spoke with Rika 8/5/24. She predicted contact from poi b/w 8/16/24 - 8/29/24. Still nothing.
I first read with Rika in 2022 and asked her about a poi that ghosted me. I was shocked she picked up my English/ nick name because I have other name on my CA profile. She kept saying flower and who this flower is. She was one of the first readers I read on CA. She picked up other random things about my relatives and my surroundings. However, none of her predictions came true. I do think she has a gift but I wouldn't rely on her for predictions. She also gives too much "advice" which takes up so much time. Dang, im paying $15 per min, I need her to give me info, not advice.