The Psychic Reviews
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: lostsoul209 on July 16, 2017, 07:06:59 PM
Anyone read with her? She said my poi is very attractive to me but not ready for a relationship will be later. I though I be happy that my poi and I are talking but now I want more I guess waiting is the hardest part.
I read with her long time ago and just recently a few days ago. Not sure how accurate she was just have to wait and see. She didn't give a timeline. Just described the person.
I read with her long time ago and just recently a few days ago. Not sure how accurate she was just have to wait and see. She didn't give a timeline. Just described the person.
so does she described the person right?
Yes to an extent but I need more time to pass to see if she is right
I read with daisychainviolet in August- she described an event that would happen in 2-3 months. It was pretty detailed and at the time seemed far fetched so I totally wrote it off. It happened today, to my surprise. Nothing life changing but enough to give me validation on something I had long been wondering about.
I had a reading with her in 2014 and I remember she said my boyfriend at the time were going to have a conversation about the tension that had been building up and she said it comes out of nowhere but it needed to happen and you leave knowing where you both stand. She said it might be hurtful but it'll clear the air. It happened the very next day and even though I had the reading with her the day before, I still wasn't expecting it when it happened. And it was a bit hurtful like she said but it really did give me a lot of information and we went our separate ways after that but for the better. So since it was exactly what she said, it caused me to believe everything else she said during that conversation.
But for some reason I didn't call her again or chat with her until last summer. I don't know why, considering she was accurate. But last summer I chatted about a new guy (new to her predictions at least) and I gave her just about no information and she knew everything. But I could tell it was from intuition because it was like her brain didn't understand what she was getting lol. So she would just tell me what she was getting and I would briefly explain what that meant. The POI and I are both engineers and we're working together on a project until middle of 2019 and then he has a set location he's being sent to and I get a choice of just about anywhere. She knew none of that but she had said something like "he's worried and unsure about the decision you'll make in 2 years. He doesn't know if this will continue beyond that 2 years for some reason" and I just explained to her the situation. I didn't necessarily know that he felt that way but the details of it are pretty specific to our situation and it makes a lot of sense too.
So then I don't contact her again until just yesterday lol. Again, not sure why not. But it was about the same POI but with a slightly different situation. And I hadn't told her before anything about the background of what I was chatting about this time. She nailed it again though. And this time, there was something that I wasn't sure if I should do or not do and she was so accurate that I took her advice and did it even though I was scared. It went well so far but we'll see if it blows up on me tomorrow lol. If it does, I'll let you all know but it would be the only thing she wouldn't have been accurate on. And I feel really good about it and there's no indication based off today that it won't go well. But that's what I have to say about her :)
I've read with her, and she picked up nuances that showed she had made a connection, but her predictions on the first reading were completely incorrect.. did not occur at all. Her predictions on the second reading changed totally.. I still rate her as a reader, as I think she does make a good connection.. maybe my case is complex..
I chatted with her but I think you should take my review with a grain of salt. She didn't pick up the situation that happened between me and my guy last week. So I told her about it to ask her specific questions on the event. She said something like what happened was silly and shallow reason. I didn't think it was shallow. So I ended the chat as I think she wasn't able to connect to the situation and I'm feeding her information.
Does she do general love readings or did you all ask her about a specific person?
I had a reading with her in 2014 and I remember she said my boyfriend at the time were going to have a conversation about the tension that had been building up and she said it comes out of nowhere but it needed to happen and you leave knowing where you both stand. She said it might be hurtful but it'll clear the air. It happened the very next day and even though I had the reading with her the day before, I still wasn't expecting it when it happened. And it was a bit hurtful like she said but it really did give me a lot of information and we went our separate ways after that but for the better. So since it was exactly what she said, it caused me to believe everything else she said during that conversation.
But for some reason I didn't call her again or chat with her until last summer. I don't know why, considering she was accurate. But last summer I chatted about a new guy (new to her predictions at least) and I gave her just about no information and she knew everything. But I could tell it was from intuition because it was like her brain didn't understand what she was getting lol. So she would just tell me what she was getting and I would briefly explain what that meant. The POI and I are both engineers and we're working together on a project until middle of 2019 and then he has a set location he's being sent to and I get a choice of just about anywhere. She knew none of that but she had said something like "he's worried and unsure about the decision you'll make in 2 years. He doesn't know if this will continue beyond that 2 years for some reason" and I just explained to her the situation. I didn't necessarily know that he felt that way but the details of it are pretty specific to our situation and it makes a lot of sense too.
So then I don't contact her again until just yesterday lol. Again, not sure why not. But it was about the same POI but with a slightly different situation. And I hadn't told her before anything about the background of what I was chatting about this time. She nailed it again though. And this time, there was something that I wasn't sure if I should do or not do and she was so accurate that I took her advice and did it even though I was scared. It went well so far but we'll see if it blows up on me tomorrow lol. If it does, I'll let you all know but it would be the only thing she wouldn't have been accurate on. And I feel really good about it and there's no indication based off today that it won't go well. But that's what I have to say about her :)
How did things end up playing out when you took her advice?
How did things end up playing out when you took her advice?
So, the advice she gave me wasn't anything that would've made a huge difference unless it went badly. And it went just fine. Actually, I'm pretty happy I did it now that I think about it because there were a few things that have happened since then that I wasn't expecting and going out on a limb like she advised me ended up making a bigger difference than I thought. I didn't know it then but it was a time sensitive thing so I'm really glad I did it when I did.
Also, something else.. I was a bit upset during that reading because she said she DIDN'T see me attending a particular event with my POI and she even said he would go with a blind date or a friend type thing and that it wasn't a huge deal to him and he didn't even know that I would've gone if he'd asked. She was one of only a couple advisors that said he wouldn't take me and she was the only one who said he would go with someone else. I was hoping it was just something she was seeing wrong because she didn't put a lot of emphasis on it but that's exactly what happened. He went with a friend. And now I'm happy she told me what she did because her assessment of it then was that this friend was absolutely nothing to worry about. So I'm a *little* less jealous than I would've been lol.
But that being said, I think at the time of that reading, it had already been planned between them and I just didn't know about it so I would say that's more of a remote viewing type thing if that makes sense as opposed to a prediction. It was already happening or set in motion. Things like contact and stuff like that, I'm not sure about her accuracy on predictions. But, I don't think anyone has really been accurate on that type of stuff. Every once in a while someone will be spot on with a number or time frame but it always seems it's the advisors who were wrong about a lot of other things. So I don't ask much into the future for stuff like that anymore. I think a lot of people have come to that conclusion.
Wow, that’s pretty impressive! Thanks for the update. I’m glad things have worked out so well so far!!
How did things end up playing out when you took her advice?
So, the advice she gave me wasn't anything that would've made a huge difference unless it went badly. And it went just fine. Actually, I'm pretty happy I did it now that I think about it because there were a few things that have happened since then that I wasn't expecting and going out on a limb like she advised me ended up making a bigger difference than I thought. I didn't know it then but it was a time sensitive thing so I'm really glad I did it when I did.
Also, something else.. I was a bit upset during that reading because she said she DIDN'T see me attending a particular event with my POI and she even said he would go with a blind date or a friend type thing and that it wasn't a huge deal to him and he didn't even know that I would've gone if he'd asked. She was one of only a couple advisors that said he wouldn't take me and she was the only one who said he would go with someone else. I was hoping it was just something she was seeing wrong because she didn't put a lot of emphasis on it but that's exactly what happened. He went with a friend. And now I'm happy she told me what she did because her assessment of it then was that this friend was absolutely nothing to worry about. So I'm a *little* less jealous than I would've been lol.
But that being said, I think at the time of that reading, it had already been planned between them and I just didn't know about it so I would say that's more of a remote viewing type thing if that makes sense as opposed to a prediction. It was already happening or set in motion. Things like contact and stuff like that, I'm not sure about her accuracy on predictions. But, I don't think anyone has really been accurate on that type of stuff. Every once in a while someone will be spot on with a number or time frame but it always seems it's the advisors who were wrong about a lot of other things. So I don't ask much into the future for stuff like that anymore. I think a lot of people have come to that conclusion.
Yesssss they don’t do predictions well
Any updates on this reader?
I use to read with her. Nothing came to pass and the last reading she was not accurate in what she saw
I haven't seen her on in a long time but I read with her a few times in the past and I really liked her. She saw things in the present and some things in the near future (1 or 2 days later) that happened to me that I had no way of influencing. The reading was for something that was currently going on so I didn't ask for much in the way of predictions, except maybe if it would work out overall. So I can't attest to her abilities as a future predictor as much but the near future was spot on.
I haven't seen her on in a long time but I read with her a few times in the past and I really liked her. She saw things in the present and some things in the near future (1 or 2 days later) that happened to me that I had no way of influencing. The reading was for something that was currently going on so I didn't ask for much in the way of predictions, except maybe if it would work out overall. So I can't attest to her abilities as a future predictor as much but the near future was spot on.
That’s great that she was at least right about near future. Was she correct about how it would work out overall?
I haven't seen her on in a long time but I read with her a few times in the past and I really liked her. She saw things in the present and some things in the near future (1 or 2 days later) that happened to me that I had no way of influencing. The reading was for something that was currently going on so I didn't ask for much in the way of predictions, except maybe if it would work out overall. So I can't attest to her abilities as a future predictor as much but the near future was spot on.
That’s great that she was at least right about near future. Was she correct about how it would work out overall?
I think she would've been but it ended up being something I changed my mind about anyway so it never got to play out. She basically just didn't see it falling apart on me which was true but only because I walked away from it. The near future thing was actually a good thing and it happened out of the blue. Even though she predicted it, it still shocked me when it happened. I've been wanting to call her again because that was like, 5 years ago and I'd really like to know what's going on currently lol. Did she quit Keen? I just haven't seen her around.
I haven't seen her on in a long time but I read with her a few times in the past and I really liked her. She saw things in the present and some things in the near future (1 or 2 days later) that happened to me that I had no way of influencing. The reading was for something that was currently going on so I didn't ask for much in the way of predictions, except maybe if it would work out overall. So I can't attest to her abilities as a future predictor as much but the near future was spot on.
That’s great that she was at least right about near future. Was she correct about how it would work out overall?
I think she would've been but it ended up being something I changed my mind about anyway so it never got to play out. She basically just didn't see it falling apart on me which was true but only because I walked away from it. The near future thing was actually a good thing and it happened out of the blue. Even though she predicted it, it still shocked me when it happened. I've been wanting to call her again because that was like, 5 years ago and I'd really like to know what's going on currently lol. Did she quit Keen? I just haven't seen her around.
She was on last night which made me wonder about her. I had her saved because of some of the reviews I saw on here.
Total bs reader for me. First time I called her I asked her what she saw for this poi and I and she says “I see him wanting long term and commitment” lol and those are the two things he wanted the opposite of. He was getting out of a Teribble marriage at that time and he realized that marriage was not for him. Lol! I hung up in less than a minute.
Ha! Good thing that happened so quickly in the call so you didn’t waste any more money.
Ha ha true. Back in the day I would stick Around for the whole reading and still wonder if there is some truth in it. I’d want to believe them:))
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had a reading with her recently?
I had a reading with her today which really impressed me.
It was about a POI and a girl I believe he is seeing.
She picked up straight away that this girl had just come out of a relationship (which was true) and many other points that impressed me.
I can’t say if her predictions come true or not though, as this is my second reading with he but she still seeings communication happening between me and my POI.
We will see!
So full of crap its not even funny..she was so wrong and when i gave her a bad review she emailed and cursed me
Recently read with her over chat and she picked up the overall situation and specifics accurately. Didn’t specifically give any predictions - but I was impressed with her read on the situation. Any other experiences from others?
Someone had a reading with her recently ? Or predictions have passed ?
I’ve read with her before and looking back at my notes, she was scary accurate on the person and the current situation. However, none of her predictions came to pass
I read with her years ago, said the ex would be back, etc etc…even gave me a time frame of “2”. He never came back. And that reading was in 2017.
I'm sorry you went through that.
I read with her years ago, said the ex would be back, etc etc…even gave me a time frame of “2”. He never came back. And that reading was in 2017.