The Psychic Reviews
Relationship Psychology Discussions => My Story => Topic started by: Lovefash67 on September 13, 2016, 06:52:04 PM
So I had a phone reading with Sherri Lynn today and she was on point . I asked her about my ex and she said that he is upset with me before things ended and that I would have to be the one to swallow my pride and reach out said that say first my ex will be cold but will warm up. She said some of things he said to me he didn't mean and other he did.
Well it going to be my ex bday next week. Luckily for me his bday is 5 days before mine so I can't wait till he text me for my bday in order to see if i should text him for his bday.
Do you guys think I should send a happy bday text?
Nope, only if he does it first.
Nope, only if he does it first.
I agree...
Thanks guys ! Your right.
Yeah I don't feel like I was wrong for cutting him off he had a chance to start over with me and instead he decided to not put any effort and go hot and cold .
Thanks guys ! Your right.
Yeah I don't feel like I was wrong for cutting him off he had a chance to start over with me and instead he decided to not put any effort and go hot and cold .
Exactly and the more you reach out the more he will think he can get away with. I truly think walking away is the only option to "wake them up" and if it doesn't work, screw em lol.
Yeah I guess I'm scared that if I walk away and don't come back he won't come back . My fear plays with my actions or knowing what's right
Yeah I guess I'm scared that if I walk away and don't come back he won't come back . My fear plays with my actions or knowing what's right
If he doesn't come back, someone better will come along....just have faith
Your right, thank you bluebelle!!!!!
Ditto, bluebelle! I just think eventually he'll come to his senses, men usually do! He will contact you just matter of time.
aww thanks Leo!!!!