The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Uli => Topic started by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 12, 2011, 04:42:06 PM

Title: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 12, 2011, 04:42:06 PM
Anyone....? I know her queue is ALWAYS full - but I am going to try to get on next week. Wondering what everyone's experiences are with her - and what makes her readings so much different or special than the others...
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Libra on April 12, 2011, 04:55:41 PM
I want to know the same thing about Uli, what makes her so special?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 12, 2011, 05:22:55 PM
That's amazing. That's why I don't understand how people think psychics are BS. How could you know those types of details if you weren't tapping into something bigger?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 25, 2011, 08:28:55 PM
I got into Uli's queue!!!!!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: optx888 on April 25, 2011, 08:41:37 PM
That's awesome!!!!

I so want to read with her...I'm so jealous lol...Good Luck and keep us posted...wishing you a great reading  ;)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 25, 2011, 09:06:34 PM
I will report back. I am so pumped! Yes, I'm a huge weirdo psychic junkie and proud of it.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tippyrose1 on April 25, 2011, 09:33:04 PM
Omg, I just saw jealous, that is so did you ever manage to do it??? Hope ur reading is right on...yes, please tell us all about it. Jackpot big time!!! So happy ffor you!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Libra on April 25, 2011, 09:46:15 PM
Tippyrose, xanax has the same effect as alcohol, so it is basically alcohol in a pill... ::) Im not encouraging anyone to abuse alcohol.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 25, 2011, 09:47:48 PM
I hit refresh a couple times when she was logged in, and then there was availability.

Hopefully she comes back online today or tomorrow so I can get this reading and let you all know what I think. This will be my last reading until things start to unfold.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Luckystar on April 25, 2011, 10:37:42 PM
Both Xanax (alprazolam) and alcohol are central nervous system depressants and they slow the activity of the brain. Its really not recommended that you drink alcohol while on Xanax because it can shut your vital organs down....i take xanax when i have anxiety at night but i do have to say that if im stressed out or i absolutely cannot sleep i will take half a xanax and make myself a small vodka drink. it does wonders to help you sleep.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Libra on April 25, 2011, 11:03:59 PM
Be careful CSK. There is a lot of beautiful guided meditations for sleep on Amazon.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 25, 2011, 11:37:31 PM
The universe willed it to happen for both of us! I cannot wait to speak with her. I am nervous, but I'm excited and I need it. I am done with readings until after my timelines pass. I will continue to develop my spirituality with my personal advisor, Rose, but I will not call anymore after my reading with Uli. I truly believe she will give me the clarity and peace of mind I have been searching for - regardless of what she says.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: positivethoughts on April 25, 2011, 11:48:30 PM
"I'm a huge weirdo psychic junkie and proud of it"

Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Libra on April 26, 2011, 01:47:58 AM
Cant wait to hear more about Uli, she intrigues me.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Kareena on April 26, 2011, 07:10:54 AM
She was unbelievable on the first reading, described the people I was going to meet very soon. I had no plans, she told me a lot about them. They turned out be musicians, it was totally a random event. She had me hooked after that. The future did not unfold as she claimed, but I have to be partly responsible, I was not sure if I wanted to be involved romantically. Same story with the next guy. She is pretty awesome. I read on another board somewhere she can be found on the internet, would love to know her real name etc
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tippyrose1 on April 26, 2011, 07:14:51 PM
Hi Kareena, this is Tippy....I just wanted to say that I read somewhere also that Uli reads somewhere else...and someone on one of those ripoff reports evidently knew where she read and it sounded as though this person was surprised...I think he/she said...I found Uli on another sight and was surprised she was there...but why didn't they mention where it was....I tried off and on for days trying to figure it out...never did....but makes sense because she is so limited on CP...

Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: optx888 on April 27, 2011, 03:08:09 AM
I am most positive that Uli is from NYC.  I am from NJ so if anyone knows of any other ways to read with her (i prefer in person) please let me know...I would really appreciate it..thanks!!!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Libra on April 27, 2011, 03:19:59 AM
Me, PT and you greengrlx are from NJ!!!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Luckystar on April 27, 2011, 04:21:54 AM
Uli does have her own website but she is not taking new clients right now
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: optx888 on April 27, 2011, 04:27:07 AM
If you know the website address...can you please email it to me?  Thanks a bunch :D
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: optx888 on April 27, 2011, 04:28:01 AM
Me, PT and you greengrlx are from NJ!!!

Awesome!!!!  Hello fellow Jersians LOL   ;D
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 28, 2011, 12:03:01 AM
Guy, I have been in Uli's queue since Monday - and I have been 1 for the entire day, and the person in front of me was on the phone with her for TWO AND A HALF HOURS. Haha, the universe is being very challenging re: this.

Question for those of you who have read with her before - does she log on when she isn't schedule? I am still #1, but she isn't on the schedule AT ALL for the next week.

Thanks for the information if you have it. She is one popular lady.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: positivethoughts on April 28, 2011, 12:11:23 AM
PLLiz - I do see her log on when not scheduled but you never know when. Good luck and can't wait to hear. I've never read with her
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tippyrose1 on April 28, 2011, 12:38:18 AM
Oh PLLiz....isn't your stomach just in knots when ur waiting for that person in front of you to finish...Two and a half's like a thousand dollars...must be nice. Well I hope ur reading is gonna be great for you. I still want to know what her other website is...good luck. Xo tippy.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 28, 2011, 12:53:51 AM
I was seriously shocked once I saw ANOTHER 2 hours added to the call. I don't think I have enough life going on to share for 3 hours, but to each his own. I hope the call helped whomever needed it. I am going to have to call and get an extension on my time waiting in queue. Hopefully she logs in and didn't like, leave for vacation or something. I can't not keep adding myself in when everyone who has read with her says such amazing things to say.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: optx888 on April 28, 2011, 01:09:28 AM
Liz,  That's happened to me...I was so so so excited to read with her and then the caller before me had a forever long amount of time with her...ugh...I had a feeling she was going to log off after that and she did.

I kept falling out of her que because it kept expiring.  I asked if they can add me back...and they said they couldn't  :'(  Hope they do it for you.  You shouldn't expire out of que if they are not scheduled.

My friend said she logs on when not on Fri, Sat, Sun...but it is sporatic.

My fingers are crossed that you will have her reading with Uli  8)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on April 28, 2011, 01:55:49 AM
They extended it for another 24 hours... so... Friday morning. I will keep my phone on me and hope for the best! It's all I can do!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Kareena on April 28, 2011, 05:26:09 AM
I have had that happen to me too, probably they have the funds deposited beforehand and then you can talk for four hours if you want. But if you are out of funds then you can add on ten minutes twice and then you are cut off. Of course you are cut off if the psychic has an appointment.

I don't know if it has happened with others,  I have noticed that sometimes when I am next in the queue, suddenly I am pushed back and there is another caller inserted, sometimes even two more clients are pushed in. It doesn't bother me much if the psychic stays logged on, but sometimes who are not online that often is really annoying. I have noticed that if you are on a call back for appointment and the connection does not go through, the customer service will try to accommodate you with in the queue, but I cannot honestly remember if they will push you ahead of other callers. At times I have had the customer service call psychics to log on back or be online for a special reading. I admit this is not with the top ones but those with average rates.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: optx888 on May 03, 2011, 01:16:38 AM
Wow!  I'm glad that you finally had a reading with Uli :D

Can I ask how much time you needed with her?  I keep checking in with her...but her que is always full :(

Did you have a callback or appointment?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on May 03, 2011, 01:19:24 AM
I was on the phone with her for 28 minutes, and I would have gone longer if I had more money. That's how informative and dead on I think she is. She picks up on things nobody else has.

I had a call back. It took close to a week to get the call, and I had to call in every 48 hours and have them put me back in.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: sammiepoo on May 21, 2011, 05:09:32 AM
I dont know if I could get a phone reading with her, is she good with relationships or career that have read with her
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: positive on June 03, 2011, 01:55:28 PM
it is impossible to get in touch with her.... i am the next one in line and the appt was only for 30 mins.... the person added on 2 more hours... are you kidding me? now i drop out of the que.... this is crazy
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Luckystar on June 03, 2011, 04:31:19 PM
wow....she must be one of the few amazing ones, that sucks that we cant be on a waiting list of some sort.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: kiki155 on June 03, 2011, 04:42:06 PM
Here's a tip. If she goes on at say 3:00, she will sometimes log on a little before 3:00. So, if you time it right, you can talk to her for maybe 10 minutes before her 3:00 appointment. I was 5 minutes too late in figuring this out one day.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: positive on June 06, 2011, 06:44:45 PM
i was the next one in line but she had an appt before me...   the person add on 90 mins on their acct.  unbelievable....  i spoke with demi on sun.... she sound like a good one to use.... 
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: cocoapple on June 06, 2011, 07:02:14 PM
Oh my goodness 90mins?!!  That's A LOT of money!!!  I see it as today was just not meant to be getting a reading positive.  I know this happened to me too when i was waiting for London (whom i have crossed off my list of 'to call' psychics' and the lists gets longer  ;).

Hang in there!!  I would suggest you try Dawn. 
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Bridgee on June 09, 2011, 11:54:49 PM
Hi Positive:

What did you think of Demi?

Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: bluesgirl23 on June 10, 2011, 07:04:47 AM
I'm interested in hearing more about Demi as well.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: positive on June 10, 2011, 11:08:10 AM
I think she was ok,  she basically said the same as michelle and london... However, i felt like she was just agreeing with me and i was leading the conversation....  It was more like talking to a friend.... but it was a good reading.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: bjr181 on June 13, 2011, 03:14:07 AM
Has anyone read with Uli and had predictions come to fruition?  Only reason I ask is I would be curious if she is another Red or Gina Rose that is good with the past/present readings but what about the future.

I read with her at the end of March and just was hoping to see if whomever HAS read with her we could compare notes.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on June 13, 2011, 03:17:37 AM
I have read with Uli twice. All of her predictions are for the future, but I can say she nailed past and present. If you'd like to compare notes - PM me.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: cocoapple on June 23, 2011, 07:57:11 PM
 :'(  I was soooo soooooo close in getting a reading with her!!!  I'm next in line and she logged off 40mins early!  Aaaah....i'm been watching that queue like crazy!  I want to make Uli my last reading and see what the hype is all about!  Her appointment slots are never open but when i refresh the page several times it's booked!!  Does anyone know why?  Does she make her own appointments?

Demi's queue and appointments are booked to the max and i still don't understand why. 
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: cocoapple on June 26, 2011, 02:49:59 AM
*drum rolls plz*.......I finally got the read with ULI!!!!!  After 5 days of watching that queue....dropping out and strategically put myself back in at the right time~

I have to say, I really like how she carried herself as a reader.  I had 15mins with her and I only gave her my name.  She told me right off the bat about my career path and she was right on that and i confirmed that with her.  However, since i only had 15mins i asked if she could focus on my relationship with the Idiot.  I told her his name and she immediately said there's been a stand still since 7 weeks ago.  It HAS been 7 weeks to be exact since we broke up.  She told me not to dispair, there's return, redemption and senses depression and sadness around me.  August is what she gave me.  She didn't say what will happen in August precisely but just said he'll be returning and it'll be 'interesting'.  She described him in a lot more details than other readers have.  I don't say this often but i truly believe this woman is for real.  Now i understand why people are so obsessed with her. 

I have read with many many top level readers on CPs but far too many times they ask questions like, how long have you guys broke up, when was the last time you had contact etc. and from what we answer, they come up and the probable scenario that the ex will come back or not.  With Uli, you don't need any of that, she already knows and that's when i know she's for real. 

No offence to Jacqueline fans but at the same rate i prefer Uli.  She gave me much more details and not once did she said Idiot loves me, he'll call you in XX days, don't worry he'll fix this none of that stuff.  The call was positive, was focus on ME, and that i need time time heal myself and she doesn't feed me pretty words.  I do recommend them a read with her....even for just 15mins and you'll know the comparison.  You gotta watch her queue though when she comes online and after she takes a callback, right away there's a slot open and you can insert yourself there.  Just remember to put it at 48hrs and see.  You'll usually get to read with her after 4-5 days.   ;D
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: illumine on July 07, 2011, 04:35:24 PM
any predictions coming around? I want to read with her too! Of course she is booked till eternity. If any of you have anything that manifested, I'd love to hear.

Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: smsd on July 21, 2011, 02:18:01 AM
I finally read with Uli. I was only able to read with her for about 15 minutes because she had an appointment. I'm still curious as to how people get appointments with her because it never shows her having appointments available. I wonder if they are CP employees. Anyway, I wasn't able to ask all my questions because she started out telling me what she saw around me. She did pick up some details about me that other psychics never mentioned. The predictions are for the month of August, so I will write back and let you all know if anything comes to fruition. I put myself back in her queue, so hopefully I can reach her when she doesnt have an appointment and I can talk longer.

My goal was to read with Uli before I put CP to rest. I have enough money to read with her one more time. After that, I'm done with CP, at least for awhile. I'll give it 6 months to a year to see which psychics were accurate and which were not. Uli said some of the same things other psychics have said, but I'm so jaded now. I dont believe anything until I see it. I'm tired of being let down every time a time frame comes and goes.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: illumine on July 21, 2011, 07:11:07 AM
smsd, did she wow you in any way? i would want to be amazed by her, considering how booked she is. what's her style of reading?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: smsd on July 21, 2011, 11:43:09 PM
I need another reading with her for 25-30 min in order to really give a solid opinion about Uli. I felt kind of rushed with my first reading for 15 minutes. I was unable to really ask everything because she started telling me what she saw. These are the things that caught my attention... She said I was going to start on a health kick, which I've been planning to start in the next week or 2. She mentioned the guy I liked before I said anything. She said he has a spanish name, which is true, his last name is spanish. However, she didn't pick up the fact that he is married, she said he would ask me out. She saw that I would be offered a job. I told her I had applied for a job within my company last week, but she said this job will be offered to me, not one that I applied for. Only time will tell if this is true. If this stuff happens as she says, I will be wowed, but until then, I'm not putting to much faith into it. I would say her reading was most in line with what Marin has stated.
These predictions are for August. I will give you all a report Sept 1 to let you all know if these predictions happen. If I started dating the guy I like in August, I will be most wowed by Yvonne, because she had said that back in December, while everyone was giving me January, then April, then June and July time frame.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: smsd on July 24, 2011, 04:37:05 AM
Its so frustrating. I'm in Uli's queue. I thought I was going to speak to her today, so I can finish asking my questions. Each appoinment added money, so they took the full 2 hours she was on today. Wow, these people are dropping $450 for one reading!
Title: Reading with Joseph
Post by: light on July 24, 2011, 05:19:10 AM
I had a reading with Joseph today on PS..and to be very honest I really like him.He was very accurate in describing the situation.As a matter of fact he mentioned something that only a real psychic could have known .He told me same stuff like any other reader I have read with however there was something very unique about him.OMG betty was horrible.She asked me 3 question and finally when I had a chance to ask her my question there was a complete silence for few seconds on her end..however she she's positive things for me too but her delivery style was very annoying..Thank God the call ended by itself in 4 minutes couldn't stand her no Please let me know if anyone here had a reading with Joseph.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: rainy16 on August 07, 2011, 01:28:48 AM
Guys...does anyone here know if Uli has her personal website? or for any other CP psychic? am thinking of ways to have a reading a save money too .... :P
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: littlepinkcat on August 12, 2011, 04:20:02 AM
After a very long time of trying I read with her and was really disappointed. She obviously was cold reading and ad libbings, it was the usual new age nonsense about Indian guides, psychic ability and other stuff pretty much every psychic says, I had to tell her info to try to get anything in return. I wish she had just been honest and ended the call instead of dragging it out. I had not read with CP in a long time and wanted to finally read with her before ending the account because I had heard so much about her, I wasted a lot of money in the process. I read with others who were varied degrees of bad in the meantime, Demi seems legit but so far the top rated picks have all been lousy. Do they give refunds for account balances? Also, is there anyone else on there who is worth it in case I have to use the money up?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: momo on August 12, 2011, 05:51:47 AM
Littlepinkcat- Darn! And I've been wanting to get in her queue for quite some time... Well, if you can't your money refunded and want make your last call to CP worth it I would suggest you try Eden. So far she has proven pretty accurate for me.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Inactive- PHN on August 12, 2011, 01:50:33 PM
Try joyce she is four dollars a minute and she is my favorite
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: smsd on August 12, 2011, 05:32:55 PM
I've had a second reading with Uli a couple of weeks ago... It was ok. I think some of the stuff she was saying didnt make sense. I liked the first reading better... Only time will tell if its true.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Glsferret on August 24, 2011, 05:59:15 PM
Been with CP for years and have read with Uli over a dozen times now. Just got lucky I guess getting her in the past before she blew up where you cannot ever get her now. Anyway the woman is God gifted when it comes to CURRENT & PAST!  Scary accurate like she is there when events occurred. However as good as she was in current and past, NONE of her predictions ever came to pass with me. Go figure?!  Example ... She described a guy I was seeing very briefly down to his "funny strut", facial expressions, eyes, etc...  Blown me away!  Described a light color car he drove, which was white and actually knew he was on "meds". SHE WAS THAT GOOD. Again none of her FUTURE seeings were on. Don't know the reasoning. But try her if you can ladies!!!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: aef2929 P on August 25, 2011, 02:25:47 AM
Uli is an absolute real psychic.  I agree she is scary accurate with past and current.  One time I was reading with her and she said he is driving right now on the highway in his it white?  Yes it was....she said is the interior beige?  I said yes it is...she said he's driving south....I had the password to his ez pass and he was going through the tolls south on the parkway toward atlantic city right at that moment.

As far as the future in June of 2009 she told me to exit my job because in March of the following year they were going to exit me...I thought it was absolutely March of 2010 I got laid off.  She definitely sees the future.  If you can get in her que on CP everyone should experience her at least once.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: haileyn on August 25, 2011, 05:24:38 AM
I had several readings with her as well when she was only $3.50/min, I remember calling her worried about my bf breaking up with me. She told me she doesn't see this as the break up but there was a big break up coming, true to her words it wasn't, the following month all hell broke loose and we broke up for 4 months. That's all I can remember from her readings though because she never told me any details that wowed me so never thought anything of it. I took about a year break from CP, when I came back she was booked out so haven't read with her in almost 2 years now.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: cocoapple on September 02, 2011, 07:26:18 PM
Sad to say (but not surprised) that her prediction for me didn't pass.  Not one bit.  She said in August it will be 'interesting' between ex and I.  I didn't know what that means so i asked her if he is coming around in August and she said yes...that's when things will move forward.  She didn't specify when in August but just plan old August....and needless to say we're in September so...

I had a feeling that it would be like this.  I guess i'm the most accurate lol.
*sigh....i want my monies back!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: loveblooms on September 03, 2011, 12:01:41 AM
cocoapple, I personally feel that Uli really see things and is accurate in describing a person and their behaviour, she does have psychic capability and as Glsferret said she is real good at past and present,  for sure. It is sad to know that Uli's reading didn't come to pass for you. If she see something for you, she might be correct it could be just time line.
I had a reading with Uli, last year in September (2010). My reading with her was not what I wanted to hear, I was depressed she told me; " I know you would be feeling bad I don't see this man (one I had enquired about) coming to you very soon, it won't be before Oct/Nov (2010), but I don't see you with this man next year that is 2011, I see you with someone else. Her prediction of him coming to me didn't pass, but definitely I was with a different guy early this year, some one from my past (a man who was in my life 3-4 years back although she didn't pick up on this) and not with him so far. She was very good in describing the whole situation but partially correct in her predictions. I have released, I have forgiven, I am moving on.
Keep moving on, and have faith, keep all your doors open (past and present), destiny has something good in store for us. Best wishes to all on this board.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: florida flower on November 15, 2011, 10:54:29 PM
Uli teaches somewhere and on her site she says she's a psychic and not a fortune teller. I read with Uli two years ago. She knew EVERYTHING going on in the present and EVERYTHING that happened in my past with regard to this guy.  She predicted things that I thought didn't happen. She said within six months but zilch. Anyway, it just HAPPENED! Two years later  he broke with that woman and text me.  So I called and spoke with her again. She told me she isn't a fortune teller she is a psychic which means, the future changes (time lines etc) and she predicts it based on the past and present which do not change. She said she is about 80 to 90% accurate with the future but that it does change so we can have free will and are never locked into a result. We have a choice to make it better.  We can pray and meditate to change our futures.  Nothing is in stone like the past and present.  WOW. So I thought she missed it but it happened she just had the time lines wrong. She gave me hope.
I can't wait to talk with her again although it will probably be another two years before I can get into her Q again.
There is no way this woman is not one of the most gifted psychics I have ever read with and I've read with a zillion.  I'm glad the future changes and she can't guarantee her predictions because some things I don't really want or need to have happen and if I can make it change I'm all for that! God bless you Uli. I need to stay strong and choose not to go back to him. I found peace knowing I can control at least some of my future. 
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: lightme on November 16, 2011, 07:09:46 PM
this is a good post, flower. Uli sounds ethical. i like her explanation, straight foward and makes sense and sounds honest. ok, so she is a real psychic, she sees the present and past, she "predicts" the future, that means she can't see the future. we know our past and present too, we can predict our own future too. i mean for eg, say i have a business that had been doing well in the past and present, so Uli would probably read that i will be rich. i just wonder would she be able to see a economic recession that would happen two years later that would affect my business. i mean, could psychics see the future, even just a bit?

i mean, isn't this what we are spending money on? we want a glimpse of the future. it is really fun to talk to the psychics, it was fun to see if the psychic could tell what had happened, to me it had become something like a guessing game call. i haven't been calling anymore, just want to say that please don't spend a fortune on these "psychics", is a waste of your hard earned money, they are just guessing, you can guess too, don't pay so much for someone else to guess for you. i think my bottomline is, don't get addicted .
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: loveblooms on February 01, 2012, 08:37:22 PM
Does Uli have any personal website, would like to know. Her rate is really high on CP now. Although I have controlled my psychic addiction a lot, but if I want to read anyone its Uli. Thanks
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: wishfulthinker on April 10, 2012, 01:26:58 PM
I got in Uli's queue!  I am not sure how that even happened.  I almost never go on CP anymore and on a whim went on there this morning.  Her queue wasn't full - I still had to sign on and add money and I still got in her queue.  The stars must be aligned right  :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: wishfulthinker on April 10, 2012, 07:58:03 PM
Darn it!  Now I have to wait until tomorrow for Uli's reading.  I am third in line.  I can't believe how long people stay on the phone with her.  It's insanity.
Has anybody had any of her predictions come through recently?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: guesswho on April 10, 2012, 10:38:22 PM
Yes.  Uli told me about a raise I would get that I didn't think I would since I was so new to the job and I got it when she said I would (she's usually not good with timing).  She has also correctly predicted things for me in the past.  She describes people so well and she's right about them.  I think she's really good and she's very honest.  Most things she told me has been proven to be true or has come to pass and she is so matter-of-fact about it.  I just don't think she's that great with timing and she doesn't give it often.  She also doesn't mind volunteering her opinion on someone.  Don't call her too close together though.  The readings become confusing, but that's with any reader I think.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: wishfulthinker on April 11, 2012, 02:43:23 AM
Thanks Guesswho....I am a bit anxious for some reason about this reading with her.  I'm glad to hear that you had a positive experience with her reading.  It sounds like she got quite a few things right for you. I don't really believe in accurate timing any longer.  I get so tired of being disappointed when things don't happen like it's been predicted.  I am really more interested in knowing where my friend's head is at right now. 
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: loveblooms on April 11, 2012, 02:55:47 AM
I have read with her only once in 2010. she has been 85 % accurate for me so far as I have mentioned earlier in my posts. She didn't give me any rosy picture, what she had predicted came to pass finally confirmed to me last month. I had read with 15 different psychics on CP that year. Things might not make sense at the moment but you can count on it. She is definitely a real deal, if you are looking for genuine psychics. Instead of reading with several psychics, read with Uli atleast you will get a better picture.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: HeavenlySkies on April 12, 2012, 07:58:40 PM
Hi Uli, has been the most accurate for me so far too (85%-90% correct...present and future).  I absolutely love her, she is a bit expensive but the amount of information and detail she provides in a short period...I believe is worth it.  She has been the only one so far on CP who's predictions have come to pass for me.  Just have to be really persistant with her queue.  Timing not so great though, but timing is normally hard to predict.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: wishfulthinker on April 12, 2012, 08:50:28 PM
I am still in Uli's queue.  I have been since Monday now.  I have literally planned my afternoon's around receiving this call.  Finally today it is my turn - she calls and the call gets dropped before she actually comes on.  I am beside myself.  >:( I called customer service and they put me first in line  again.  Problem is - that was her last call for the day and she isn't on the schedule again until next Monday.  So now I will have to call customer service again because you can only be in line for 48 hours.   
I'm glad to hear the positive feedback that she is worth it!!  If I EVER get to talk to her I will come on and let you guys know how it went.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: guesswho on April 12, 2012, 09:39:56 PM
@wishfulthinker  She comes on a lot unscheduled on weekends, especially in the evening, so you may get to speak with her sooner.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: wishfulthinker on April 13, 2012, 02:21:20 AM
@wishfulthinker  She comes on a lot unscheduled on weekends, especially in the evening, so you may get to speak with her sooner.
Thanks guesswho......I have to attend a funeral Sunday - it will be my luck that's when she decides to call. Since I'm first in line I will not have a warning that she is online.

Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: roxthefox on August 07, 2012, 05:43:49 PM
I had a reading with Uli about a month ago, and so far, one of her prediction that she made for this time frame, didn't come to pass. I didn't find anything special or mind blowing about her reading, but I may give her another try, based on the feedback here.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: obscure4 on November 17, 2012, 01:53:58 PM
I've spoken with Uli On Sept 28, 2010.. Later again in March 2011, and in Oct 2011.. The details she provided are *happening* now..

It's a 2-yr brief period that had to pass, but she is accurate in her prediction..

In short, if you are looking for *time* factor, she is not your gal..
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Furah2fun on November 17, 2012, 08:58:22 PM
@obscure, was this a relationship prediction? did anything manifest during the two years or just now?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: obscure4 on December 31, 2012, 08:43:16 PM
Here is a fresh perspective:

From my first reading with Uli, she had mentioned certain things which are now coming true..<Career>

Her timeline obscured by almost 1-year.. But this woman holds the truth..

Once again, if time-line is what you are looking for, just beware..

Her biggest prediction is about relationship..

That'll come true in January'2013..

..Simply astonishing <can't wait>
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: jen80 on January 26, 2013, 01:48:22 AM
Uli is the only real psychic on cp she has a gift.if you go on her page you will see a lot of my feedbacks there. Have read with her at least 10 times. She is not a hundred percent. She has days when she can't predict anything and times when she is on fire. The names she calls for me have been real not past things but future. She told me once that she is bad at timing so tends to give 6mths for almost everything to be on the safe side. If you get her when she is on fire you will get your money's worth if you get her on bad days its like flushing money down the toilet.leo comes a close second but he is really an empath and with empaths you can't really validate anything they say as they are saying the other persons 'feelings' who really knows.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: smsd on January 29, 2013, 05:46:12 AM
I'm suprised that you can reach her 10 times....I read with her once or twice for a few minutes...Its so hard getting her that I gave up and canceled my account with cp.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: jen80 on January 29, 2013, 03:36:04 PM
@smsd hi the second time I spoke with uli I asked her how I can get appointments with her and she told me to ask the supervisors and gave me some of their names.she gave me three names but I only remember two now. They are freddie and brenda. Ask the reps also. They will email uli with your name and if uli accepts the appointment they will call you and tell you the available times. If u go to uli's page the person that said she read with uli and spent 600 dollars or more at each reading was me. yes I was really in a bad place at one time and am surprised I have come out of my depression now, I never knew that I would come out. Now I haven't called uli for a month and don't even call readers much and have not as much desire. If I can come out of this anybody can. I take it one day at a time.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: unbeatable27 on December 24, 2013, 09:12:05 PM
I am trying to get in her line for 5 days now, but unsucessful so far.
Does anyone have her website? Can anyone pm me?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Bark angel on December 24, 2013, 10:01:05 PM
PM feature is not working.  If someone has her private website address, they would have to post it here because there is no private messaging on this forum right now.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Luckystar on December 24, 2013, 10:18:33 PM
She used to have a private website that provided an email adress to get in touch with her but it looks like it doesnt exist anymore.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Bark angel on December 24, 2013, 10:55:28 PM
I'm the internet queen for researching things.  Do you recall her real name or her full name?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tellmewhy on December 23, 2018, 04:44:12 PM
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on February 15, 2019, 09:35:39 PM
Any updates on Uli?  Is she accurate in predictions?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tellmewhy on February 15, 2019, 11:08:25 PM
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: bstalling on February 16, 2019, 12:04:22 AM
Ive had a hard time reaching her, but honestly, 15 bucks a minute is hard to justify unless I have a special promo that cuts that in half. I just dont think any psychic could ever be that good.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tellmewhy on February 16, 2019, 03:49:32 AM
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: journalmuse on February 16, 2019, 04:42:41 AM
I agree! I just had to try her for all it’s worth, I won’t pay that if I was struggling financially for sure, sometimes you just wanna know lol.
I pan on trying Mattie to see you is better, I will only do 10 minutes, i only tried uli again because her first reading happened.

Ive had a hard time reaching her, but honestly, 15 bucks a minute is hard to justify unless I have a special promo that cuts that in half. I just dont think any psychic could ever be that good.

Uli was terrible for me. Totally wrong from the jump.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on February 16, 2019, 08:19:16 AM
I agree! I just had to try her for all it’s worth, I won’t pay that if I was struggling financially for sure, sometimes you just wanna know lol.
I pan on trying Mattie to see you is better, I will only do 10 minutes, i only tried uli again because her first reading happened.

Ive had a hard time reaching her, but honestly, 15 bucks a minute is hard to justify unless I have a special promo that cuts that in half. I just dont think any psychic could ever be that good.

Between the two, I was more impressed with Mattie.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: flora0250 on April 28, 2019, 11:25:01 AM
Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: MidwesternSun on May 10, 2019, 11:36:16 PM
Any recent updates for Uli?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: diamondcanadian on July 04, 2019, 07:15:21 PM
Any recent updates for Uli?

I will report back and let you know. Had some credit when redownloaded so I’ll take one for the team
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: diamondcanadian on July 05, 2019, 02:18:18 PM
Reading through this thread I’m a little discouraged.

:( anyone?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Sparkle002 on July 05, 2019, 02:50:54 PM
Reading through this thread I’m a little discouraged.

:( anyone?

Never read with her but I’ve heard that she is awesome at past and present but predictively not so good
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: candiednut on July 05, 2019, 03:59:10 PM
Not a single thing predicted happened. This was 3 years ago. Sorry :(
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: diamondcanadian on July 05, 2019, 04:33:39 PM
Not a single thing predicted happened. This was 3 years ago. Sorry :(

That’s disheartening:(

I was hoping that because she was the same as cookie Yona and Mattie it would come true :(
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on July 05, 2019, 09:35:38 PM
Uli has been spot on for me.  Everything she says happens for me.  I asked her about a guy I had liked and he was suppose to be at this party I went to, everyone said yes we would connect and Uli said no and she didn't feel the energy strong.  Only she was right.  She also said I would have a misunderstanding with someone that evening and yep, that same evening it happened.  She also told me POI2 would reach out to me in 2-3 days and sure enough we spoke after 3 weeks of no contact.  Uli for me right up there with Mattie.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on July 06, 2019, 12:26:45 AM
Uli has been spot on for me.  Everything she says happens for me.  I asked her about a guy I had liked and he was suppose to be at this party I went to, everyone said yes we would connect and Uli said no and she didn't feel the energy strong.  Only she was right.  She also said I would have a misunderstanding with someone that evening and yep, that same evening it happened.  She also told me POI2 would reach out to me in 2-3 days and sure enough we spoke after 3 weeks of no contact.  Uli for me right up there with Mattie.

I’m hoping she’s right for me then. I mean she picked up on the same stuff.
She also said that he was travelling twice And then he’ll change.

Thats a good sign!  Her and Mattie are right up there for me.  I have had multiple things happen as Uli has said so I trust her.
I know for a fact he will be travelling twice. So there’s hope :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Jeninmd2 on August 26, 2019, 10:03:24 PM
I've been trying to get in Uli's queue for the longest time now, but no dice lol...when I see her online I refresh the app frequently but I swear her queue never budges!!  I called customer service to try to ask what else I could do and they didn't have too much in the way of suggestions either.... is there some secret to getting a reading with her that I haven't figured out yet??  I may end up having to use the money I loaded into CP for a reading with her on someone else....or maybe I'm doing something wrong....🤔
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: maggs30 on August 26, 2019, 10:09:39 PM
I've been trying to get in Uli's queue for the longest time now, but no dice lol...when I see her online I refresh the app frequently but I swear her queue never budges!!  I called customer service to try to ask what else I could do and they didn't have too much in the way of suggestions either.... is there some secret to getting a reading with her that I haven't figured out yet??  I may end up having to use the money I loaded into CP for a reading with her on someone else....or maybe I'm doing something wrong....🤔

Did they say they couldn't even make an appointment for you with her? The only down side to that is needing a minimum of 20 minutes in funds.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tellmewhy on August 26, 2019, 10:10:14 PM
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Jeninmd2 on August 26, 2019, 10:25:21 PM
Thanks, maggs and tellmewhy!!  Yes, sorry, forgot to mention that they did say I could make an appointment but yes needed to pay for 20 minutes up front - I declined at the time, wasn't ready to take that $300 plunge (gulp!) since I have never read with her and didn't know how well we would connect....was hoping I could do a quick 10 min as a test run....but It's looking like I should probably reconsider the appointment option if I definitely want to get a reading w/ her.

Thanks again for such quick feedback!! :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: tellmewhy on August 26, 2019, 10:37:01 PM
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Jeninmd2 on August 26, 2019, 11:24:31 PM
if you don't connect in less than 5 min, cancel and call customer service for a refund  but I can assure you that 10min won't be enough, I spoke to her 2x, liked her a lot and predictions happened but I feel like I did not get enough info for what I paid for to be satisfied with her call, I will need a min of 40 min to an hour and I'm not willing to pay that kind of money to no one.

Thanks, maggs and tellmewhy!!  Yes, sorry, forgot to mention that they did say I could make an appointment but yes needed to pay for 20 minutes up front - I declined at the time, wasn't ready to take that $300 plunge (gulp!) since I have never read with her and didn't know how well we would connect....was hoping I could do a quick 10 min as a test run....but It's looking like I should probably reconsider the appointment option if I definitely want to get a reading w/ her.

Thanks again for such quick feedback!! :)

Got it - good info - thank you!!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on October 09, 2019, 04:17:59 AM
Bump on this thread, I've been curious to maybe do 15 mins w the option to extend the call in case she ends up rockin my world lol. tellmewhy and calibabe, would you consider sharing a bit more with me here or via PM? I need to get back to you tellmewhy anyways and will do so tomorrow :) xo
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on October 18, 2019, 05:05:14 PM
Welp, I read with Uli this morning and I have to say. Knocked it outta the dang park!! Absolutely phenomenal. Predictions are pending but boy... she really connected well with me and my POI. Tons of details which is what I look for in a reader. While her skills don't list "medium" I felt like she definitely had some of those capabilities. I'm excited for the future. Not all roses and fairytales--realistic, straightforward, and lovely.

Any thoughts? :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on October 25, 2019, 07:58:17 PM
I am too a big Uli fan, shes been amazing for me.  I just can't get into her queue for months at a time.  Its always full!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on October 26, 2019, 12:15:00 AM
I am too a big Uli fan, shes been amazing for me.  I just can't get into her queue for months at a time.  Its always full!

Hey cali, I inboxed you back but am also curious about your prediction turn out with Uli. How's her timing? I've read mixed reviews and to be honest I don't care about timing nearly as much as final outcome. I found her to be realistic. She told me my relationship is parked right now and she's right lol ;)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on October 29, 2019, 12:02:33 AM
Her timing is not good.

She was correct on how one relationship would pan out and totally wrong on how another would pan out.  Frustrating I know, so 50/50.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on October 30, 2019, 03:44:13 AM
Thanks @cali :)

Has anyone had Uli tell them they had psychic abilities, specifically psychic healing? In my one and only reading she said my POI gets a lot of psychic healing from me and that's part of the reason why he comes back. Makes sense.. I'm an empath w a strong gut (I've never worked at developing my skills) but I never really thought that it could heal others.. especially from 4,000 miles away lol. I'm just surprised that she told me this but am grateful for her insight. Just wondering if anyone else has had Uli tell them this :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Cranberry88 on October 30, 2019, 02:41:58 PM
Thanks @cali :)

Has anyone had Uli tell them they had psychic abilities, specifically psychic healing? In my one and only reading she said my POI gets a lot of psychic healing from me and that's part of the reason why he comes back. Makes sense.. I'm an empath w a strong gut (I've never worked at developing my skills) but I never really thought that it could heal others.. especially from 4,000 miles away lol. I'm just surprised that she told me this but am grateful for her insight. Just wondering if anyone else has had Uli tell them this :)

Yes she did for me, she told me "POI sees you as a psychic or healing soul, very exotic kind of thing"
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: journalmuse on October 30, 2019, 02:44:09 PM
Her reading was awful for me. She started off on a wrong track about why I was calling and it just got worse from there.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on October 30, 2019, 04:43:16 PM
Thanks @cali :)

Has anyone had Uli tell them they had psychic abilities, specifically psychic healing? In my one and only reading she said my POI gets a lot of psychic healing from me and that's part of the reason why he comes back. Makes sense.. I'm an empath w a strong gut (I've never worked at developing my skills) but I never really thought that it could heal others.. especially from 4,000 miles away lol. I'm just surprised that she told me this but am grateful for her insight. Just wondering if anyone else has had Uli tell them this :)

Yes she did for me, she told me "POI sees you as a psychic or healing soul, very exotic kind of thing"

Sweeeet, make sense to me considering my interests and craft practice :) Glad she was able to recognize the light within you too! I am sorry that she didn't connect with you @journal. As we all know, sometimes even the heavy hitters don't connect with everyone!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on October 30, 2019, 08:55:16 PM
Thanks @cali :)

Has anyone had Uli tell them they had psychic abilities, specifically psychic healing? In my one and only reading she said my POI gets a lot of psychic healing from me and that's part of the reason why he comes back. Makes sense.. I'm an empath w a strong gut (I've never worked at developing my skills) but I never really thought that it could heal others.. especially from 4,000 miles away lol. I'm just surprised that she told me this but am grateful for her insight. Just wondering if anyone else has had Uli tell them this :)

Yes she did for me, she told me "POI sees you as a psychic or healing soul, very exotic kind of thing"

She also told me I was psychic/empathic and needed to recharge at the ocean.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on October 31, 2019, 05:05:34 PM
Thanks @cali :)

Has anyone had Uli tell them they had psychic abilities, specifically psychic healing? In my one and only reading she said my POI gets a lot of psychic healing from me and that's part of the reason why he comes back. Makes sense.. I'm an empath w a strong gut (I've never worked at developing my skills) but I never really thought that it could heal others.. especially from 4,000 miles away lol. I'm just surprised that she told me this but am grateful for her insight. Just wondering if anyone else has had Uli tell them this :)

Yes she did for me, she told me "POI sees you as a psychic or healing soul, very exotic kind of thing"

She also told me I was psychic/empathic and needed to recharge at the ocean.

Very neat--do you happen to live anywhere near an ocean or even a sound area (i.e. LI Sound)? I know several women who have been through traumatic experiences in their lives who often go to the ocean to "recharge" and heal, as it were. I'm an earth child lol so I usually find my solace in the dirt, leaves, and forests.

Has anyone read with Uli recently or would like to contribute any predictions coming to fruition etc? Happy Halloween!👻
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on December 04, 2019, 08:48:52 PM
*bump* on this thread. Any interesting updates? For me, Uli saw something as a past event that actually happened later on that day when I read w her and then even more about a month later (the big blowout a couple weeks ago when I found out my POI had a weird relationship going on on the back burner and now his fake engagement lol).

She knew about the third party and saw her as a "mother figure, or maybe he's married." I dismissed the married or serious aspect of it but now it makes sense. My POI has "committed" to a woman seven years his senior who is definitely like a mother figure for him without the deep-love romantic aspect (she financially supports him, it's a utilitarian relationship). Well, Uli was pretty much right about that one. She saw a lot of deception going on, and I know my ex POI is certainly that lol!

Her prediction for the Christian holidays coming up doesn't look like it will pan out, however--she saw very uplifting news coming my way and he would get in touch with me about it. Even if he did reach out over Christmas, I wouldn't know as he is set to my Spam Box. Perhaps her March one will happen, but I seriously doubt I will ever see this person again even though she saw it happening during the first half of 2020. She immediately picked up the negativity and where it was coming from but saw it being "positive ultimately." Well, I don't even want my POI back now so not quite sure about how positive it could be unless she saw me being alone and living my life for me as positive, which I certainly do :)

Anyways, just curious what others have experienced lately! Thanks.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: RNCMS on December 12, 2019, 04:31:30 PM
I am so excited that I got into her queue.  Now that I am, I'm feeling nervous.  I'm terrified I'm going to miss her call. I've been trying for months get into her line. 🤢
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: calibabe on December 13, 2019, 06:38:03 PM
Just make an alert to when you need to renew your place.  If you happen to miss it, call and ask to be placed in at the end of her line again.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: RNCMS on December 14, 2019, 12:27:28 AM
I did just that and was able to have my reading today. It was just as amazing as I anticipated.  Now the wait.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: ishaprakash on December 20, 2019, 03:15:13 PM
can someone give me her direct her rate $15/hr???
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Cranberry88 on February 07, 2020, 12:54:45 PM
Any updates?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PurpleRain on February 07, 2020, 01:04:33 PM
She got alot right on the way but her final outcome was incorrect.

Update: Uli still sees things happening as she first predicted. I will update on the final outcome later in the year. If she is indeed correct, it'll be the shock of a lifetime.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on March 21, 2020, 10:26:11 PM
I’m sitting pretty in her queue. Her schedule isn’t posted. Anyone have any clue about her recent scheduling/call time habits?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: sexyp on March 21, 2020, 11:24:12 PM
I’m sitting pretty in her queue. Her schedule isn’t posted. Anyone have any clue about her recent scheduling/call time habits?

 i would like to know too because she logs on but her queue does not move. she was online today but the queue didn't even move
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on March 22, 2020, 12:27:55 AM
I’m sitting pretty in her queue. Her schedule isn’t posted. Anyone have any clue about her recent scheduling/call time habits?

 i would like to know too because she logs on but her queue does not move. she was online today but the queue didn't even move

Exactly! She logged on twice today and it hasn’t budged. Doesn’t she know we are going nuts in isolation over here? 😂😂😂
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on March 22, 2020, 05:42:01 PM
I’m sitting pretty in her queue. Her schedule isn’t posted. Anyone have any clue about her recent scheduling/call time habits?

 i would like to know too because she logs on but her queue does not move. she was online today but the queue didn't even move

Looks like she spoke to two people this morning! She’s offline again, but the queue has moved.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on March 30, 2020, 11:03:34 PM
Just in case anyone is curious, I have been in Uli’s queue for over a week and have been in the first position for 4 days. She has only been logging on for 2 seconds and logging off each day. Not taking anyone from the queue. I call them and they say they have no notes 🙄
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on March 31, 2020, 04:37:07 AM
Just in case anyone is curious, I have been in Uli’s queue for over a week and have been in the first position for 4 days. She has only been logging on for 2 seconds and logging off each day. Not taking anyone from the queue. I call them and they say they have no notes 🙄
She could be sick or if she has kids she could be preoccupied with them with schools being closed. This virus has turned everyone's lives upside down myself included having to unexpectedly homeschool 3 kids has been very time consuming for me.

Is this not typical for her? I have actually been thinking that too and hoping she’s healthy. They did say she took a few VIP appts, so fingers crossed she’s doing great. Sending you love and strength! It’s really hard with kids being out of school and parents suddenly having to be teachers!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on April 04, 2020, 04:05:20 PM
I finalllllly read with Uli. Ended up going 23 minutes which I was surprised by because I usually keep calls under 10. She had so much info to share and it just kept coming!

Curious if Uli has ever given any of you negative predictions? She definitely doesn’t sugarcoat her delivery or thoughts, but overall my predictions are very positive in terms of career and love (except for seeing difficulty in my future pregnancy and family planning journey). Have you guys also found her accurate as far as timing goes?

Would love to hear from those of you who have read with her. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Fairydust123 on April 04, 2020, 04:48:56 PM
What is she on? Would you chose her or yona or beverly ann , kisha or cookie.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: spiritualbinger on April 04, 2020, 07:07:45 PM
What is she on? Would you chose her or yona or beverly ann , kisha or cookie.

She’s on California Psychics.

Yona and Cookie have been correct for me with predictions and outcomes.

Kisha has been extremely off on all predictions, but nailed the present.

I need to wait on Uli’s predictions before I can confidently recommend her. I haven’t read with Beverly Ann! Will keep you updated.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Fairydust123 on April 04, 2020, 07:11:51 PM
Thank you ♡♡
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: LAW1974 on April 04, 2020, 07:18:04 PM
Just in case anyone is curious, I have been in Uli’s queue for over a week and have been in the first position for 4 days. She has only been logging on for 2 seconds and logging off each day. Not taking anyone from the queue. I call them and they say they have no notes 🙄
She could be sick or if she has kids she could be preoccupied with them with schools being closed. This virus has turned everyone's lives upside down myself included having to unexpectedly homeschool 3 kids has been very time consuming for me.
What are VIP appts?
Is this not typical for her? I have actually been thinking that too and hoping she’s healthy. They did say she took a few VIP appts, so fingers crossed she’s doing great. Sending you love and strength! It’s really hard with kids being out of school and parents suddenly having to be teachers!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Carmendiaz on April 16, 2020, 12:10:39 AM
Does Uli have a private site? Or dors she only read on CP?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PurpleRain on April 21, 2020, 03:18:25 PM
I think she has a secret site, but she won't read for you if she's ever read for you on CP. I read on here that she grills you to find out how you found her site. Lol
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Carmendiaz on April 21, 2020, 03:46:05 PM
I have not read with her on CP... who has the link to the secret site?  :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: sexyp on April 21, 2020, 03:57:36 PM
please inbox me too if anyone knows the site

I have not read with her on CP... who has the link to the secret site?  :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: LillyPad99 on April 23, 2020, 05:23:00 PM
Somehow...someway, I got back into her queue today. No, I did NOT mean for that to rhyme. I wanted her to be my last read for the 2020 year as I like to get my readings at the beginning of the year, but it was IMPOSSIBLE. Of course, once I got into her queue, I was kicked out and called CP. they refused to put me back in line since the queue was already full 🙄 She went from 8 in her queue to 4 in the span of 2-3min, so I hopped in. I just want to use the last of my funds in there. Here’s hoping there are no screw ups!

She’s best for general or specific questions? I’m curious about my career :)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: LillyPad99 on May 03, 2020, 04:08:22 PM
Okay so I FINALLY had my reading with Uli yesterday. Not entirely sure what to make of it. Towards the middle of the reading, it seemed she hit on a few things and was able to confirm a bit of the present. The beginning of the reading was a bit odd as she, apparently, tuned into someone who passed (that I cannot confirm at ALL). We shall see for predictions. I don’t hold anyone to timing. She got a 4 for one thing and a 5 for the other, I’ll update if anything pans out (or doesn’t) 😐
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PurpleRain on September 04, 2020, 01:50:01 AM
Another hit from uli..her and cookie both saw the same thing. However they have different outcomes on the situation. I'll update when things play out
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: embibems on September 04, 2020, 07:18:57 PM
Literally nothing she said ever happened for me but she read the past and immediate present correctly. Sweet but would not call again.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: sexyp on September 04, 2020, 07:26:05 PM
Literally nothing she said ever happened for me but she read the past and immediate present correctly. Sweet but would not call again.

same  :(
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PurpleRain on September 08, 2020, 04:49:20 PM
That's good news because I hope shes wrong on this one, but it seems she may be correct once again.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: PurpleRain on January 07, 2021, 02:00:08 AM
She is correct.
She predicted a pregnancy last March
Said the birth would be early this year and she got the gender correct too.

This is her 2nd VERY specific prediction that has happened within a given timeframe.

Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on November 19, 2021, 07:57:57 PM
Does anyone have her personal site? If so can you PM me...
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Gemini38 on November 20, 2021, 12:20:31 AM
I just got into Uli’s que. I will update.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: LAW1974 on November 20, 2021, 01:58:39 PM
Does anyone have her personal site? If so can you PM me...

I would like it too
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: newone1 on November 28, 2021, 08:59:45 PM
I would like it to please.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: sexyp on November 29, 2021, 08:24:07 PM
Me too please
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on November 30, 2021, 01:04:12 AM
Did you get to read with her?

I just got into Uli’s que. I will update.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Luckystar on December 07, 2021, 02:49:48 AM
I don't think she has a personal site anymore. I've never read with her personally but i have listened to a friend's reading with her and she definitely has a gift. For me, I hate CP and she's too expensive and too in demand but she has a gift.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Aaron0326 on November 10, 2023, 09:01:52 PM
Bumping the thread here.  I got onto CP for the first time in years and managed to get into Uli's que. Somehow ended up getting the call from her an hour later.

Beginning of the reading was general.  She said a few things that didn't make any sense and weren't applicable to me.  Switched gears and asked her about the particular topic/person I was calling about.  She didnt really say anything helpful or very insightful about my POI.  She did however use a handful of adjectives to describe POI that were eerily specific and which caught me off guard.  Maybe it was just a coincidence though bc the rest of the reading seemed to be a flop.

A little disappointed. 
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: KawalaKutie on November 11, 2023, 08:51:26 AM
Bumping the thread here.  I got onto CP for the first time in years and managed to get into Uli's que. Somehow ended up getting the call from her an hour later.

Beginning of the reading was general.  She said a few things that didn't make any sense and weren't applicable to me.  Switched gears and asked her about the particular topic/person I was calling about.  She didnt really say anything helpful or very insightful about my POI.  She did however use a handful of adjectives to describe POI that were eerily specific and which caught me off guard.  Maybe it was just a coincidence though bc the rest of the reading seemed to be a flop.

A little disappointed.

Hello, could it be that she was having one of her off days? Have you also previously read with her as well, did she work then?
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Aaron0326 on November 12, 2023, 06:35:57 PM
This was my first time reading with her.  I am not totally discounting her because she did use a few adjectives that were uniquely specific to the person I called about. Words I used in actual conversation with my POI. Not earth shattering but it did raise my eyebrows.  In the last few seconds she also mentioned that I had been thinking about getting back into meditating and encouraged me to act on it - true.  All of the above could very easily work their way into any reading however so I am not convinced either way. The bulk of the reading was either very general or did not make any sense.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: sexyp on December 26, 2023, 08:11:31 PM
Listened to my friend's reading with Uli and just wanted to ask if she is good? /Also does she throw out places like Cookie does which end up being cold reads.  Cookie would say something like place with a C like California,  Chicago etc and basically guess a bunch of places. In my friend's reading, Uli mentioned Asia. Just curious is this an ism she has which is like Cookie?  I do not want to try to get a reading with her again of this is how she now does readings. (I read with her before and nothing panned out but she was good for current)
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Beans9224 on August 29, 2024, 02:39:26 AM
I really loved my reading with Uli. She has been the only psychic to ever explain her readings. She explained to me how she receives the messages and how it’s up to the psychic to interpret what she sees. It made so much sense for my reading. I called her about my POI I was in no contact with and none of the reading made sense to me. I reconnected with my POI after months, and when he explained the details of the last few months, all the details Uli saw were accurate. She also accurately predicted we would spend his birthday together bc she saw a celebration and knew it was for him. It’s just a matter of hearing the visions and connecting the dots to your own situation. I also did this when another energy came into the reading and I was able to determine it was my friends mom that just passed, she had come through in several readings at that time, but I had no clue her name until I was reminded of it by my friend.I know when we call we want clarity, but sometimes we have to do our part in connecting the dots with the messages we receive.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: appleeyes75 on August 29, 2024, 03:51:02 AM
Hi beans

Uli was wrong for me in the outcome. Basic generic reading some hits on currect final outcome wrong. Also, I m bit skeptical on your posts 🤔 you seem to write posts on how cp psychic is amazing are you paid by cp psichics to write reviews. they are horrible, they make you buy most credit right away not minute to minute amd you end up spending a lot just to find out they were all wrong eventually.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Beans9224 on August 29, 2024, 04:19:44 AM
Apple eyes - believe me, I’ve had many many bad readings on CP, and other platforms like Keen and Psychic Source as well. I’ve tried store front psychics as well. I’ve unfortunately had the most positive hits on CP that I deleted all my other accounts except for this one. I don’t even want to admit the thousands I’ve spent just for a few good readings. I’ve had several negative readings on this site, including Demi, Stevie, Kinter, Abrielle, Abby, Ladonna, Blu and the list goes on and on. I’ve had my own bad experiences with their pay structure and even wrote a horrible horrible review on trust pilot about CP in general. However, what keeps me going back are the psychics that have nailed an exact date prediction (Luciana, kikiyo, Donna, and Pilar),from the moment my prediction came to fruition on that exact date, it completely sucked me in and I cannot break free of this addiction. The more predictions that come to fruition like little ones I received from Uli it just gets worse and worse. So no, I’m not paid by CP psychics I’m just a sucker who has had some positive hits with an addiction 🤷‍♀️
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: appleeyes75 on August 29, 2024, 04:30:46 AM
Hi beans ...ok I get it in this case. I have spend 1000s of dollars myself and I have read with them all the names you listed amd none worked for me besides few minor predictions which I look back amd think it's not worth it. hope you can get help and not spend more $$ I don't go to cp anymore I find they make you buy whole credit just to connect with psychics that's not psychic at all. My predictions ate pending still so can't validate predictions. I have yet to find anyone amazing in all platform keen ps and in cp.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Beans9224 on August 29, 2024, 04:48:00 AM
Apple eyes- honestly I think most of the predictions are just their best guess based on the energy, anyway. It’s almost a good thing you’ve only had little hits here and there…. I know we want the big predictions to pass but when they do it draws you in more to keep finding out more and then wind up spending thousands… or at least that’s how it is in my case 🤦‍♀️. I don’t understand how so many people get contact predictions that come to pass bc no reader has ever been able to predict this for me. I think my exact date prediction was just a huge life changing event and the readers were able to pick up on that clear message from spirit. I get little hits here and there but the rest I’m just sitting here twiddling my thumbs like ok when are the rest of these little things going to happen?! I’m running out of psychics to try on there and I ran out of psychics on keen and psychic source so I think my addiction will end soon 😆
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: flora0250 on December 22, 2024, 02:23:00 AM
Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: jackY on December 22, 2024, 03:13:06 AM
OUCH. That had to be rough.

Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: flora0250 on December 22, 2024, 05:33:06 AM

Yes - definitely. But also was coming back to look at predictions for her overall. Because this time, I’ve read with her now 3 times. The first two she was so right on. The first conversation I didn’t really have much to go on for validations but I just kind of took what she said made note of things and then realized later she was right about her predictions.

The second recent call she got a TON of validations right / remote viewing / present info type stuff. And told me that my current POI things would move slow with but she thought I would stick it out with him even though there was someone new coming in as an option. And she was really positive overall about my POI and us being in touch again and things moving forward.

Well now I just had a reading with her that was SO all over the place and really just felt like a cold read. Because it started by asking me leading questions - I don’t want to say the details but I answered her because you know I overall trust the woman. But none of what she was spitting out really made sense or I could validate. Finally she was like okay did you have a question? So I asked about my POI and her reading was completely different. Saying that she didn’t see any reconnection at first. But then when I pointed out her other reading she basically back tracked saying well you might hear from him in a few months but you’ll have someone new that’s better for you.

(BTW I swear if one more reader feeds me that I’m going to lose it.)

I told her okay. Great. Well if some Mr amazing shows up and the universe puts him in my path I’m all open to it. And basically she was like yeah well I mean it’s up to you what you want to do but I don’t think this guy is the best match for you.


So that’s what made me go back and look up her reviews again and here I find my own review where she made this really definitive prediction that was completely off in the other direction.

So I love her but I would say she’s a definite hit or miss with me. And there’s no way to be sure which will be which so it’s really more frustrating than helpful.

But I may continue to call her for a read on the present / remote view kind of thing because at least on the other calls she was right about that. And she did make some predictions that did happen on the other calls. But the flip flopping this time and the completely wrong prediction from 2019…. Sigh. I gotta honor those to be what happened also so I can’t really put her on my “I can take her predictions to the bank” list. I was hoping I could but nope.

OUCH. That had to be rough.

Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Beans9224 on December 22, 2024, 05:55:28 PM

Yes - definitely. But also was coming back to look at predictions for her overall. Because this time, I’ve read with her now 3 times. The first two she was so right on. The first conversation I didn’t really have much to go on for validations but I just kind of took what she said made note of things and then realized later she was right about her predictions.

The second recent call she got a TON of validations right / remote viewing / present info type stuff. And told me that my current POI things would move slow with but she thought I would stick it out with him even though there was someone new coming in as an option. And she was really positive overall about my POI and us being in touch again and things moving forward.

Well now I just had a reading with her that was SO all over the place and really just felt like a cold read. Because it started by asking me leading questions - I don’t want to say the details but I answered her because you know I overall trust the woman. But none of what she was spitting out really made sense or I could validate. Finally she was like okay did you have a question? So I asked about my POI and her reading was completely different. Saying that she didn’t see any reconnection at first. But then when I pointed out her other reading she basically back tracked saying well you might hear from him in a few months but you’ll have someone new that’s better for you.

(BTW I swear if one more reader feeds me that I’m going to lose it.)

I told her okay. Great. Well if some Mr amazing shows up and the universe puts him in my path I’m all open to it. And basically she was like yeah well I mean it’s up to you what you want to do but I don’t think this guy is the best match for you.


So that’s what made me go back and look up her reviews again and here I find my own review where she made this really definitive prediction that was completely off in the other direction.

So I love her but I would say she’s a definite hit or miss with me. And there’s no way to be sure which will be which so it’s really more frustrating than helpful.

But I may continue to call her for a read on the present / remote view kind of thing because at least on the other calls she was right about that. And she did make some predictions that did happen on the other calls. But the flip flopping this time and the completely wrong prediction from 2019…. Sigh. I gotta honor those to be what happened also so I can’t really put her on my “I can take her predictions to the bank” list. I was hoping I could but nope.

OUCH. That had to be rough.

Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.

That’s rough, sorry to hear! I feel Uli is really great with remote viewing the present, her details were extraordinary, and pretty good with very short term predictions. I never got any outcomes from her though. What I like about her is she is an ethical reader and is honest if she doesn’t see something and is mindful of the amount of money you are paying for the reading.
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: Ivy on December 31, 2024, 01:40:19 AM
I read with her 2 weeks ago - I got NO info!
Title: Re: Uli Readings
Post by: jackY on December 31, 2024, 01:53:46 AM
Oh, wow. Thank you for sharing your experience.

I read with her 2 weeks ago - I got NO info!