The Psychic Reviews
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: positivethoughts on April 10, 2011, 08:20:17 PM
Ricky is AWESOME. He is very busy and not easy to get in with but he is amazing. Now we'll see if the timelines work out. I know it is scary to try a new psychic and a new service but he is worth it. He nailed the past and present with SM, knew SM had 2 boys, knew about what happened with his ex-wife. Major WOW factor. Will update with timeline info. Within 10 minutes I got a full SM reading.
I made Cjean call and she loved him too. :)
"I hate these manipulative women stealing whats ours! >:( "
i do too, but they probably feel thats the only way they can hold on to them without losing them to us....really sucks
Love Ricky. He knew the sex of the baby..I guess well see when its born..then he knew that she was planning this for some time and he said someone else would come in June like so many other cp`s and he knew I was talking to 2 guys and said one will be cut off in about 3 wks...which Im def considering bc its not going much of anywhere...then he said that he sees me taking a trip before June with w/ ppl which is crazy bc Im trying to go to Mexico the end of May!
I love Ricky. He will just flow with information - and you don't have to tell him much of anything. He is also really funny and nice. He has given me an exact date prediction for the end of the week, so I will let you know how that goes. Also, he never waivers in his predictions.
Yeah let us know. I have a pretty big prediction for over the next 3 weeks from him..We'll see.
Liz, did Ricky's prediction pan out for the end of the week?
I just got off the phone with him. I can't believe I actually got through. I kind of wish I hadn't. He sure didn't fill me with fluff. He said I won't hear from SM until June. He said a relationship isn't even on his radar right now because he's focused on work. He also predicted I'd meet a new guy and told me his name/lastname. We shall see.
Feeling very discouraged.
Sure interested in hearing from Liz to see if her (end-of-week) prediction came to pass from Ricky??
I was trying to get through to him since Thursday night & even set up a text alert. Even read with Stella Friday night (her review is under her name).
Just like someone here said, I was able to get through yesterday morning (when he wasn't scheduled to be on). He is so easy to talk to :) He started the conversation about sm "breaking through". His reading, including personality, circumstances & even timeframe predictions match CP readers and a local reader. He was like, look, I can't say that you'll hear from him in the next day or two, but I'm telling you, your relationship will take off in/after May. He didn't give exact dates & said he isn't comfortable with timeframes because that's a tough line given free will. I had a thorough (non-rushed) reading with him on sm, upcoming trips, work, moving, etc. We chatted for about 30 minutes. He's really into metaphysics (as am I). At the end he asked me about a dream & validated it. So, yeah, if you're looking for a "no-tools" reader to compare with CP readers, Ricky is your guy! He was totally in tune with my recent CP readings with Gina Rose, Abrielle, Maryanne Jacqueline and even my January reading with Danni) as well as my local reader who read me in Feb.
a union?
Nothing happened! I mean, we have been texting, but I didn't see my ex this weekend. Timeline is very tricky, I know, but nothing out of the ordinary or special has taken place during the 15th or 16th... maybe I should give it a couple days? I haven't called in the last week, and am holding off for now. Just going to wait to see what happens. I saw a local reader, and basically gave me a similar story, so I am just going to hold off. Not feeling entirely positive right now, but not feeling horrible, either.
I had another reading with Ricky and he seemed alittle "off" today. The reading was different from the first one - always a bummer and I was very surprised given his reputation. He even didn't sound the same. He still saw the same outcome but we didn't connect well and his timeframes and opinion of the situation was a lot different then from the first call. He was also asking a lot of questions. I'm going to stick with Amy from PS and my CP favorites. Amy has been consistent and very detailed. Just wanted to share.
PT...I noticed Ricky has been on for at least 7 hrs now...maybe that was the problem. His energy was probably just spent...
Agreed! Cannot imagine reading into other people's energy for SEVEN HOURS??? Yikes!!
This is why I'd rather make an appt at a particular time with a CP reader or set up text alert for PS readers so that you can call in when he/she logs on. I'm not a fan of reading with someone who has had several hours straight because I feel the connection isn't as strong.
You may want to call customer service and see if you can get a credit and read with him again. I've read through pages and pages of his reviews (there are 68 pages) and I would venture to say he's gotten 5 stars 99% of the time - those who have "docked" a star is because the timing was off.
I second the calling back to get a refund and try a reading when he hasn't been on the phones for hours. I think Ricky is fantastic - and I know these readers are human beings, and like any job, you begin to tire after hours and hours of doing the same thing.
shoe gal,
did the reviews say whether his pred panned out?
Oddly enough, many folks raved about his timing. When the star was off, I noticed it was over timing.
When I was talking with him, I mentioned readings I've had where the prediction didn't come to pass within the timing and he responded by saying that's why he's often reluctant to give (specific) timeframes because of free will and changes in energy.
Again, I've heard readers say, especially "no tools" readers that it's the overall outcome of the reading or the answer to your specific question that truly matters (the "if" is more important than the "when")!
well did his ifs happen in the reviews? lol...
yeah and tell that to the people thats waiting on the "when" lol ???
Believe me, I'm right there with you seeing I'm still awaiting ONE timeline prediction :)
His reviews were all about outcome and how precise he is. Other than the May prediction for me, which I cannot comment on until it happens, he was spot-on. His reading and Stella's were very similar to the ones I had on CP.
You guys are all so awesome. :) :) :)
My readings were 1 week apart.
The change was - 1st reading he spent the entire time saying what a great guy SM is, how happy he will make me, how we were meant to be together, etc etc etc, how I just need to get through April. May is going to be so much better, commitment 2nd week of May, I'll see SM 2 more times in April, communication will remain open, what a great guy SM is, how he is worth everything I've put up with, etc etc etc.. long term, marriage, the whole thing.
Yesterday, he sounded tired and said I will see SM once @ the end of April (fine with that - who cares) but what upset me was that he started saying how I'll never be a priority to SM, that he won't fulfill me, that he goes out on work functions and he doesn't date anyone but he has a great time and leaves me sitting home alone (I have no idea where that came from??), that he doesn't see a b/f, g/f situation until sometime in JUNE, that I should consider coming up with a date in my head to end things, that he will always use work as an excuse to not be able to fulfill me, he isn't interested in other women but work is his wife, etc.
Then I asked - what about engagement. Last reading you gave me info around that. So he paused for awhile then he said, I'm surprised but I'm seeing late September for engagement, marriage next year. Then he went into a speech about if I want to continue on like this, things will get better and move quickly but that as a woman I shouldn't put up with this. That I deserve more and better, but if I hang in there it will get better. He was all over the place. Almost like flip-flop during reading but negative during the entire thing.
Amy, Jacqueline, everyone has always said what a great guy he is. He is a great guy. But he got my head spinning. So, I have a friend that I read with who said he was reading my FEARS. ??? And yes, what he said are my fears and I went into the reading with him upset to begin with.
I don't know. But I was up until 3AM upset over it. My mistake was that I should have questioned his flip flops during the reading so he would have looked deeper, and I shouldn't have called again in the 1st place. I already had my reading from him. I've been anxious over this again and fell into old behavior. I felt like we were getting so close when I saw him, and then when I didn't hear from him for a week I went into panic mode and started dialing. I have a reading from William (end of February) and it says - there will be silence in April from April 8-18th. Last time I heard from him was April 8th. Amy also mentioned a small pullback in April. I knew it was coming.
I know Libra - I'm done calling. lol
I'm done calling too. I'm going back to my original plan of not calling any of them until I actually hear from SM.
I'm still in a funk over Ricky's reading. PT, he was totally off yesterday. I could feel it in the reading, but since I'd never read with him before I wasn't 100% sure he was off.
Also, Ricky's reading and Stella's reading were basically the exact opposite of each other.
kiki - fate that it happened to both of us on the same day my friend.
but then I wonder...if theyre picking up on our fears they may as well pick up on our dreams and what do we follow then? ??? so confusing.
I'm going to meet with my spiritual advisor (psychic who accesses the Akashic records) today at 4:30 PST. I have not seen her since I went on my CP and PS rampage. I will let you all know what the difference is with her predictions versus the sites. She does not sugarcoat AT ALL. I will let you all know what she says. She has always been "on it" for me - however, timelines have totally been early and late with her, as I have communicated before. I will also see if I can give you guys her contact information - if anyone is interested she only does 1 hour readings, and I believe you have to do the hour. She won't BS you, that's for sure. Sometimes I get so angry at what she is saying - but I know it's the truth.
I am also going to ask her about reading and psychic predictions versus what our issues are/what we want or fear in our hearts, and thinking those are predictions. I will also ask about timelines, and about what her thoughts are on the psychic hotlines.
PLLiz - thank you. That sounds great.
And everyone, don't go by me with Ricky. I have other stuff going on with SM that I don't think Ricky 'loved' once he saw it and I think it might have tainted his reading. Not an excuse because opinions shouldn't enter in but don't let my 1 experience change anything for you. Clearly he is very talented.
HA! So funny that you said that about Ricky bc Rose (my spiritual advisor) sees EVERYTHING with my ex and I, and definitely has a tainted opinion/bias when it comes to him. That's why I started with PS and then CP in the first place.
Well, of coarse I've been obsessing over the notes of both readings and if you take opinion out, they aren't that different except timing. When I put opinion in they are completely different readings. I talked to Jacqueline this AM and everything is good and nothing has changed. I don't know if Ricky had a bad day or what happened. I have my bad days all of the time. Time will tell.
Jacqueline has been my rock over the last 8 month's and she has amazed me. I'll go for month's not believing anything then BAM, something big happens that she predicted. Don't give up hope.
Okay guys, so I asked Rose about everything and she said that it is possible for people to pick up desire and intention and confuse it with what is really going on - but that she doesn't do that so she can't confirm. Wish I could be more help.
Cool. Please let me know. I wanted someone to access my akashic records. Also..what does she tell u as far as the akashic records?
She just tells me the possibilities for my future. We all have paths, she just seems to see all of them.
Cool. Does she see free will? How can we contact her? Has she said anything that gave u an aha moment
PrettyL I want to try her..whats her info?
You seem to be either too much impressed by Ricky or just want to correlate data submitted here with personal experience. Nice Job! 8)
Liz- Can you share her info?
Those of you who read with Ricky, how have his predictions been for you? He has awsome feedback, one of the highest rated on PS. I use to read with him quiet a bit, until I had a bad experience and he admitted that he was looking at his notes from another client and had gotten me confused, I kind of lost faith in him after that. Every now and then I will look up his profile to see what others have said about him and everyone continues to talk about how great he is, there were two or three postings a few weeks ago that mentioned how nice he was but that his predictions had never happened, but those two or three reviews total about 1% of his feedback . I know that PS posts all ratings good and bad, so it's not like negative comments are being deleted. I'm starting to think that it is something about me that causes all of these readers who are suppose to be "excellent" to give me false/incorrect readings? How can he and other five star rated readers be so dead on for everyone else and not for me? I'm starting to think that maybe I am the problem and not the psychic. I'm not a negative person, I wouldn't have spent the aount of money I have if I didn't beleive in psychics. I'm just really frustrated right now :-\
I read with him 3 times - nothing he said ever happened. ugh
I read with Ricky last week. He said that my ex and I would be talking again by next week, Sept. 11 or 12 and that the phone call would be out of impulse. He has never really been impulsive. He did tell me that a recent argument with my best friend would be resolved by today, and indeed it was we hung out today like nothing happened. What Ricky didn't pick up is that the day I spoke to him my ex actually called and I didn't answer my phone. I actually text and said I didn't want to talk. I'm wondering now if that will affect Ricky's prediction. I'm hesitant to call again, especially because I'm reading that he takes notes. Does any one recommend thay I call Ricky back?
That's hard to say, I have found that most psychics are good with reading the past and present but with the future its always difficult. I've read different article and blogs that say the future is never 100% correct because everyone has free will and those actions cannot be predicted. I have read with Ricky several times and do believe he is a psychic, but I would not count on his future predictions. If you really want another reading with him I would suggest you call him and tell him what happened with the text message and see if he can give you a reading on what your ex is feeling now after receiving that text message.
I called Ricky many times since mid 2010. He suggested I needed to contact SM because otherwise nothing would happen; he said that once I did we'd reconnect within a short time and be in relationship again. I called him one last time before SM's b-day in Sept. He (and others) assured me that she was still single and that she'd be excited to go out and celebrate. I guess by now you know what's coming..........she had met someone in summer. Now, how's that Ricky (Therese, Crystal, Janax, Paige, Pixie, Melea, John, Agnes, Narnia...and more) all missed such a critical fact? Of course I was sad when I got the psychic are this people if they can't see the present and recent past?
Not a single thing Ricky predicted happened for me either.
Hi positivethoughts2, sorry to hear that. In my case even the very present was WRONG. And when I called back he said he didn't believe she had a new person.
I have also been reading with Ricky for over almost a year. He has been right on for me. He picks up things that I have verified about my SM. He has been right on about feelings and actions that happen with my situation. I was lookig for a new job and he said he saw 10/18 having something to do with the job I would get. On 10/18 I was emailed a job that posted that day online. I applied, interviewed, and was offered the job today. I have found him amazingly right with so many things in my life. Timing is sometimes off....but I don't ask about that anymore. A while back, I was SURE my relationship with someone in my life was over.... it seemed definate. I called my favorites on PS freaking out and crying...Over a couple days time, Ricky , Therese, Moira, Janax, and Susannah reassured me (against the odds) that it was not. They explained to me what was going on and they WERE ALL RIGHT!!! It was not over and has gotten closer since that time. I have a few that I really trust and I look forward to all the wonderful things in my life....
Wow - kellyv72 - Wonderful story! I'm so glad it worked/works for you.
Do you have any suggestions as what may have gone so wrong in my case?
I read with Ricky twice. He picks up the POI quickly no question and describes him very accurately. He can pick up the circumstances and situation no problem. 1st week of June 2017, he said that I will see pictures of a girl in social media with my POI. He stressed many times that I shouldn't worry. He is misrepresenting his relationship with this person. 3 weeks after, i saw the girl on social media, but i am 100% sure that she is not his type. I think he was hanging out with her because he is bored. But what kept my composure is Ricky's advise which i kept telling over and over my head.
Back in July.. Ricky said I will get a job in august but not in the department I applied for. In august.. I applied for a position that Is not my expertise (because there was no opening in the department I want) and while I was interviewing, the boss found out that 2 guys from the department of my expertise just resigned that day and offered me a job right on the spot for a different job that I applied for.
Back in august.. Ricky said that my ex POI is not taking this girl he sees seriously and that they will separate around September. He cut off things with her very early October.
Back in my psychics addict day I always wanted to read with him but can't afford it, I will always buy per pay credit card and change my phone number so I always get the $30 for 30 min deal. Right now it seem that he can be read for $1 an min. So he had lost his premium stat.
Back in my psychics addict day I always wanted to read with him but can't afford it, I will always buy per pay credit card and change my phone number so I always get the $30 for 30 min deal. Right now it seem that he can be read for $1 an min. So he had lost his premium stat.
Does it not cost you to change your phone number? I think it’s about $30 right?
Back in my psychics addict day I always wanted to read with him but can't afford it, I will always buy per pay credit card and change my phone number so I always get the $30 for 30 min deal. Right now it seem that he can be read for $1 an min. So he had lost his premium stat.
Does it not cost you to change your phone number? I think it’s about $30 right?
There is a website where it $7 a month, the first month was free you can Virtually change your phone number anytime you wanted it was like a virtual phone number a second phone number on your phones and I read with every psychics on psychics source for $1 an min or there is a promo that someone post here you can get cheap then that like .59 an min. I also think google phoned can give you an virtual phone number that will work on your phones you can change it 3 or 4 times then after that they will charged you.
Google voice, sideline, there are many cheap or free or free trial apps for phone number changes.
Back in my psychics addict day I always wanted to read with him but can't afford it, I will always buy per pay credit card and change my phone number so I always get the $30 for 30 min deal. Right now it seem that he can be read for $1 an min. So he had lost his premium stat.
Ricky, has not lost his premium stat.
Back in my psychics addict day I always wanted to read with him but can't afford it, I will always buy per pay credit card and change my phone number so I always get the $30 for 30 min deal. Right now it seem that he can be read for $1 an min. So he had lost his premium stat.
Ricky, has not lost his premium stat.
Well he can be read now for $1 a min if you used there promo. There promo don't work on there top psychics.
I see what you’re saying but I don’t know how the promo works. Because you can’t use $1 on some non premium psychics too.
Hi, I ve got promo yesterday, I can speak with Ricky and Moira and all the other premium psychics for $2/pm.
Hi, Ive got a phone call from Ricky at 3 am... I was way too sleepy to answer the phone call. But I realized this morning that I was kind of thrown out from the queue? Vincent had call me but even though I could not answer I was still in the queue. Why did Ricky do that? Now I am back in the queue. :o
I've got a mail from PS. It says rejecting a Return Call removes you from your Advisor's Return Call line.
I didn't reject anything, I wasn't even touching my phone.
Finally I got a call from Ricky tonight/this morning and it said he is not available... than I got a mail saying I am out of queue again because I rejected the call?!
Something is seriously off >:(
Ricky told me he will contact you in 1 week so he did after 2 weeks of silence. He said he will contact you and be there for you on your important days and he did.
Hi everyone,
I spoke to Ricky yesterday for the first time and talked to him about contact from someone I had been involved with. Yesterday he said contact would be anywhere from mid November and 12/20 but our call disconnected so I put myself back in the que. today I talked to him but he said that he should come back in first week of November. Im a bit confused as the timelines are a bit different. Has anyone had that happen? Does he change his timelines like that?
Thank you!
From what I know about timing with psychics is that any number of factors can change the timing of things, so it's difficult to pinpoint. Now, I had a call with Ricky and he was so specific to the point of saying I would be going to Cancun. No plans.
I have not had any lucky getting through the q line...maybe soon day. He is very expensive! Maybe the universe is saving me
Read with Ricky last year.
I called multiple times because of how good his reviews were. A year later and absolutely nothing happened. He attempted to promote Terese and his sister which oddly they both said the exact same thing he said. (He mentioned that Terese and him are friends but I thought nothing of it back then). I even told my mom to call him. Same thing happened to her but the only difference is the second time she called he completely changed his reading. Either way her reading a year later also turned out to be completely false. I absolutely had my heart set on Ricky as he was one of the first PS readers I tried but I hate that PS doesn’t allow negative reviews to be posted. All the positive reviews made me feel as though I’m the only one who’s reading wasn’t accurate and it had to be me. I’m not sure if Ricky fed me a fairytale or he just couldn’t connect and didn’t tell me but either way I’d prefer honesty. Ricky was the reader who I wanted everything to become true…Lol I definitely would’ve kept paying even if he told me the bad truth.
Ok now this is the person I should absolutely avoid. First they are expensive second those reviews not sure what to say of that. Probably preying on vulnerable bc I was one. Not once but twice he fed me fairy tale him and therese in ps nothing came to pass...kept saying everything will work out etc. I wpukd stay away from reading with him and therese in ps and most of them actually. Do not recommend ps at all
Ok now this is the person I should absolutely avoid. First they are expensive second those reviews not sure what to say of that. Probably preying on vulnerable bc I was one. Not once but twice he fed me fairy tale him and therese in ps nothing came to pass...kept saying everything will work out etc. I wpukd stay away from reading with him and therese in ps and most of them actually. Do not recommend ps at all
None of his or Therese's predictions have ever happened for me either. I try to stick with Constance, Amy, or Celeste. They've been the most accurate for me.
Predictions never happen longer spend this kind of monies