The Psychic Reviews

Relationship Psychology Discussions => The Vent => Topic started by: chrys on January 06, 2014, 09:31:36 PM

Title: Confusion
Post by: chrys on January 06, 2014, 09:31:36 PM
I have been on a total streak of calling and chatting and emailing psychics. I feel like I am going insane.  I have hoped around to CP, PS, Keen....  I call one and they tell me one thing that seems like they are trying to blow sunshine up my butt.  So then I call different line and they tell me the same things.  They are all telling me that he loves me and he will open up to me soon as to how he feels.  I keep thinking if he hasn't really opened up in over a year about feelings towards me why would he do so now.  I call others to get validation on what I have been told and it is a ugly circle.  I should be happy because they are all telling  me good things but things have been a little off  I feel that he is pulling back a little and not being as passionate or open with me and I am scared to lose him.  So this morning I had a little money left in my PS account and wanted to use it to try and rid me of the temptation of adding more money.  So I chatted with a newer psychic on there and she really scared the crap out of me.  She said she felt the strong bond was broke and he was going to stop seeing me and he was really scared about being caught was just not interested anymore.  This comes after a great night with him so I am sitting here all panicked wondering if she is right or the other readers that I have been reading with the last month are right.

Is it really so much to ask for the truth. 
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: BellaLife on January 06, 2014, 09:51:37 PM
@chrysraihl.....I feel for ya.....after the majority, then a wrench thrown in. It is tough, but a couple of things, do you have a local psychic that you can go to in person that does not charge a lot?.(personally I feel this helps versus someone online..and/or what do you really feel in your gut, heart and mind. I know it's hard right now but when you have some quite time maybe that might help you to think a little more clearly about the situation.  I went through this same thing so many times..... it sucked each and every time. 

I have been on a total streak of calling and chatting and emailing psychics. I feel like I am going insane.  I have hoped around to CP, PS, Keen....  I call one and they tell me one thing that seems like they are trying to blow sunshine up my butt.  So then I call different line and they tell me the same things.  They are all telling me that he loves me and he will open up to me soon as to how he feels.  I keep thinking if he hasn't really opened up in over a year about feelings towards me why would he do so now.  I call others to get validation on what I have been told and it is a ugly circle.  I should be happy because they are all telling  me good things but things have been a little off  I feel that he is pulling back a little and not being as passionate or open with me and I am scared to lose him.  So this morning I had a little money left in my PS account and wanted to use it to try and rid me of the temptation of adding more money.  So I chatted with a newer psychic on there and she really scared the crap out of me.  She said she felt the strong bond was broke and he was going to stop seeing me and he was really scared about being caught was just not interested anymore.  This comes after a great night with him so I am sitting here all panicked wondering if she is right or the other readers that I have been reading with the last month are right.

Is it really so much to ask for the truth.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: chrys on January 06, 2014, 10:28:51 PM
So many things the other people are telling me are happening so I don't know who to believe.  My intuition tells me that he really cares but may be scared but I don't feel that he wants to end it.  There is one local psychic here that does read nationally had any one had any experience with her.  I may try her on pay day.  Her name is Kathleen (Jillson) Johns.  I worry about reading locally because I live in a smaller town and don't want to risk exposing my life to a gossip or other mean people..
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: BellaLife on January 06, 2014, 10:46:42 PM
I can understand that! Some people love to gossip.  I have not heard of the Kathleen Johns. I have one that I go to in Pittsburgh, she was recommended to me by someone on this site. I think she is good, but my reading is future predictions.  She is much more reasonable at 50.00 per half hour that what I spend online.

So many things the other people are telling me are happening so I don't know who to believe.  My intuition tells me that he really cares but may be scared but I don't feel that he wants to end it.  There is one local psychic here that does read nationally had any one had any experience with her.  I may try her on pay day.  Her name is Kathleen (Jillson) Johns.  I worry about reading locally because I live in a smaller town and don't want to risk exposing my life to a gossip or other mean people..
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: allbitenobark on January 07, 2014, 04:28:11 AM
After two years of getting readings on my ex and literally witnessing in real life the exact opposite of what I was being told, even by my trusted go to psychics, my best advice to you is to stop getting readings. Take a break. Relax. Breathe. Then ask this man outright where the two of you stand. No excuses, no "we're both married" bs, but where the TWO OF YOU stand. You have a wonderful opportunity here to get to the truth of your situation because you both are still involved. I know your situation is particularly complicated and it breaks my heart that these so called psychics are complicating it more. Good luck to you. :)
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: Zee on January 07, 2014, 05:51:09 AM
I have to agree and I ache for you because you don't know where you stand, nor where the two of you are going. If he is the only one that can help you get to any type of conclusions, then he is the ONLY one you should ask (no matter how much it may hurt). Psychics are good for some things...the little stuff - not matters of the heart.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: chrys on January 07, 2014, 05:52:38 PM
You are all right.  I guess since all of my reading no matter who they were with were so positive.  They keep telling me that he will open up to me around the 16th of January.  They have been right about everything else.  They told me that even though it would be more difficult for him to see me he would find a way.  They have been dead on with every point of contact so I was really hoping that everything would work out of the best and it may.  It just seems like after so many positive readings to have one negative one kind of puts me into a panic and I really worry about losing him.  I never thought about loving him but the more they told me he loved me the more I allowed my feelings to enter into what we have.  I know that he is just as lonely and sad in  his marriage as I am.  It just seemed that we fill a gap for each other.  I am not expecting him to profess his undying love or to leave his marriage because of me.  Just like I am not going to leave mine because of him.   When I leave and the reason will not be another man.  It will be because I have been in a sad and lonely marriage for 8 years.  I would expect no less from him.  I call psychics because I am worried about losing him because for the last year I have not been lonely and I have someone who makes me feel desirable and like I am important to someone.  I have spoken to some really accurate people as far as contact and feeling go.  I just think that I maybe cluttered up my chat read with my own insecurities and by reading to many times in one day.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: allbitenobark on January 07, 2014, 08:56:48 PM
When your stressed out and panicky it can cause you to get in your own way while getting a reading, lol, I hope that makes sense. Take a break from it and in the meantime you should share some reviews for the psychics that have made correct (or incorrect) predictions for you. That'll keep ya busy!! Haha! :)

A lot of psychics are already on here, so do a search and add to their thread but if they're new (to the forum) just start a new topic. I'm looking forward to reading who has been working for you!

Hang in there, hon, and we'll always lend you an ear when you need it.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 07, 2014, 11:10:21 PM
 I never thought about loving him but the more they told me he loved me the more I allowed my feelings to enter into what we have.
i have to react to this. i read this sentence and having experience with psychics (over 2 years) and seeing how it all started with me - do you not see what is happening? exact same happened to me. i was guarded until i started with psychic readings. psychics were telling me how much he loved me, how he would find a way to see me etc...i will tell you one thing - NONE of their predictions happened for me. i would get 10 positive readings then one negative reading after which i had to get another 10 positive readings to make me feel better.
please stop getting readings and i have to agree with decibel diva - ask him. why should you spend money to ask strangers a question who don't know you or him? instead ask him directly and you will see what he says. you should be prepared for both - yes and no scenarios.
2 years ago i did same mistake, instead of asking him directly i asked psychics. guess what, after one year of predictions not happening i asked him directly...and answer was i would but i can't leave my girl....imagine how i felt, so much wasted money, time, if i asked straight i would be on my way to healing. yet even after he told me i sought out psychics asking about what he told me - i still did not believe him because psychics were saying something else.

i don't want to upset you i know how you feel but you will be more upset and depressed if you keep hanging and waiting for him for another 1-2 years discovering that predictions are not happening and in fact quite opposite seems to be going on. if he says no to the two of you then you know, you can mourn, have some alone time and start moving on and healing. i'd hate to see others going through same pain i did just because i was afraid to ask my guy where we were heading and i was scared to hear NO from him. this caused me 2 years of major me it's not worth it. i wish you best of luck, hope you can update how your situation turned out but remember whatever happens it will be the best for you in the long run - you might not see it now or in a few months time but you will understand later why things happen as they happen - good luck :)
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sweet2 on January 08, 2014, 04:48:33 PM

Good luck to all
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: chrys on January 21, 2014, 04:51:29 PM
I have decided just to let things ride in my fling with my friend.  It may not be for everyone but I am happier with him in my life even with the limited time we get to spend together.  I feel that I have wasted so much money calling since this fling started trying to figure out where it was going than to accept it for what it is and enjoy it while it lasts.  I am going to be happy that I have someone who makes me feel wanted and beautiful even if it is just for a few hours once a week.  This is something that I don't get at home and every women needs to feel desired.  I have not called a psychic in 6 days.  I can't say that I will not panic and call again but I was calling or chatting 3 to 4 times a day at at least $50 a pop.  I don't make that kind of money.  I have to try to limit myself so I am in a position financially to take care of myself when I make the move away from my husband.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: divine wishes on January 21, 2014, 05:30:13 PM
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 21, 2014, 09:14:57 PM
chrysraihl please protect your feelings if you decided to go this route. trust me i am in same situation and it's dragged for over 2 years now! during this time i have never been so low and i understand you girl i totally do! i cannot imagine not being around him even though is for a few hours but on the other hand if i could turn back time i would avoid him like hell when he first asked me to hang out - only because the pain i had gone through (and i still do) is worse then my worse nightmare.

every psychic i read with first year told me he would break up with his girl and come to me. every single one and i read with like at least 60 of them that year! nothing happened only my self esteem and happiness was gone waiting for him to make a move. i don't know your circumstances if he has a gf or a wife but if you do happen to be the "other woman" like i was  then please enjoy BUT protect your feelings and make sure that you have other things to do (like hobbies or anything else) because when you put yourself in a situation when spending time with him is the only time you enjoy and nothing else can make you happy and he is only thing on your mind it can really make you depressed - i don't wanna be negative i really don't i'm only speaking from my own experience. i'm in a situation where i have to see this guy on a daily basis and cannot be with him...i am finding it very difficult to move on and i know i have to move on. the pain is really worse pain i'd gone through and i only pray that one day i will be able to enjoy life like i used to..

so enjoy it but meet other people, make sure you have some friends/family around.

i again have to agree with decibel diva. he is the only person who can give you answers, no psychic is going to be totally correct and many will be correct with your current or past. 70percent of psychics i read with were spot on about my current and past situation - none of their predictions came true - sadly...otherwise i'd be married by now living my happily after fairytale...
wish you good luck and lots of strength..
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: chrys on January 21, 2014, 10:19:14 PM
I am really working on protecting my feelings. I have a great group of friends (including him) that I spend time with. I have never been interested in breaking up his marriage or hurting anyone.  I just really enjoy the break from reality I get when I am with him.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: Zee on January 22, 2014, 01:00:46 AM
chrysraihl please protect your feelings if you decided to go this route. trust me i am in same situation and it's dragged for over 2 years now! during this time i have never been so low and i understand you girl i totally do! i cannot imagine not being around him even though is for a few hours but on the other hand if i could turn back time i would avoid him like hell when he first asked me to hang out - only because the pain i had gone through (and i still do) is worse then my worse nightmare.

I'm sure many of us can relate on some level and people have always said: you can't help who you fall in love with, but this is so not true. I met a married guy once in one of my classes and we use to email each other daily and I couldn't wait for work, just to email him and I couldn't wait for class, just to see him.

I started down this road knowing full well he was married with two kids.  He was so funny in his emails and sometimes we'd call each during office hours and at some point, I felt we should be together. 

I believed he felt the same and was waiting on me to make the first move, but looking back if I had, he would have just used it for his justification later on. At some point: the more I thought about being second, the more I thought about how my present situation would not have changed and that I wasn't ready to be the cause of someone else's breakup - I told him point blank not to text, email, or call me.  I told him I liked him and knew he liked me, but I didn't like (us) enough to even sacrifice what I really want and if I started to get deep into him, it would block who I was truly suppose to meet. I refused to go down that road.

Now granted, two weeks before this, I was totally like I'm in it to win it, but I finally decided that it wasn't what I wanted and I discovered I could have walk away from this much sooner.  If the dots aren't in a row for the person you want, you can always step back, take a break and assess the situation.  That's what I did and I'm much happier because of it, although I lost a possibly good friend in the process.

This was long before I even considered getting a read from psychics and knowing as much as I do about readers now, they probably would have pushed me down the wrong path anyway.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 22, 2014, 11:23:56 AM
I would do anything now for being able to walk away like you did zee...anything! sadly how do you step back if you work with the person? in same office? wanting to move on but his presence constantly reminds you of what we could have had, what I don't and can't have - granted feelings are on both sides but he is not available...I wish I walked away from the situation a year ago...but I decided to hang on because all readers told me so - I found it was the biggest mistake I have ever done because I know the journey of me moving on will be much longer then it would have been a year ago...:(:(:(
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: Bark angel on January 22, 2014, 12:58:52 PM
Did you hang on just because readers told you something would materialize, or was it because there was a little voice inside you that agreed with or hoped that what the readers were telling you would happen would indeed happen?  I think there is a distinction to be made here.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 22, 2014, 01:32:17 PM
bark angel I waited because of both:
1. readers were saying he will break up with his gf and his heart is with me but doesn't wanna hurt the other girl but is not in love with her
2. I felt from his actions he does love me and he does struggle to make decision, at the beginning I felt there could be something and he showed signs that he was gonna leave her. but now something happened (the girl did something) that would make it very hard for him to leave (wish there was pm function as I don't wanna go into too much details) but now I feel like there is no chance of us being together but I'm stuck now as I have to work with him. (I cannot leave my job, serious reason why I can't)

so yes to me I feel like I wasted over 2 years waiting for this guy...
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 22, 2014, 01:37:21 PM
this is why my advise was not to put yourself in a situation where you are waiting for years for that one guy. from what I read and heard it's not very often that the guy leaves his current gf for the other woman. I might be wrong I don't know but if I could do it all over again I'd be running as far away from my guy as possible just to avoid the pain..
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: Zee on January 22, 2014, 05:03:15 PM
Did you hang on just because readers told you something would materialize, or was it because there was a little voice inside you that agreed with or hoped that what the readers were telling you would happen would indeed happen?  I think there is a distinction to be made here.

It sounds like you are saying the same thing here.  Whether she was told or whether she wanted it kind of merges into the same thought, doesn't it?

Work romances are hard. I've done it. But Only Once and the hardest part is after the breakup, the stares, the whispering.  It taught me to avoid relationships at work altogether.

And although it's seems true "it's not very often that the guy leaves his current gf for the other woman." It does happen. I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up, but I know of at least two situations where the man left his wife for the other woman. I don't know all the particulars, but out of one of the two mentioned, I even said he would never leave the wife, but he did. It was many, many, many years afterwards though.

My only concern for sagitira is that she may have been influenced by what a reader saw (some possible outcome) instead of making her own decisions.  It's difficult not to do. I know.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 22, 2014, 09:43:13 PM
yes i'm sure i was influenced by what readers saw. honestly cause i wanted to leave him long time ago. i stayed because of false hopes. you know the thing is i never wanted relationship with work colleague and he wasn't my colleague at the beginning. only later :( sadly...

wish someone had a recipe how to get over someone who you have to see daily, guess time is the best healer here..
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: BellaLife on January 22, 2014, 09:59:59 PM
@sagitira.... My last relationship was with a co-worker, who was with his live in gf, and when he started working where I am at now he used to complain how unhappy he was.  Well we started talking, then flirting and somewhat eventually dating, she found out and they broke up and he moved out. Although we were dating, something was not right in my gut, I knew he was still into her and seeing her. Well I finally could not stand it anymore, and dodged all his calls. When at work I played the friendly phony part, like hey good morning, how are you (inside my heart was hurting) but all be damned I refused to let him see it.

So many psychics said no way are they getting back together, but a few outright told me they would get back together and get married. They did get engaged, we did not get back together, he is still a rat. I think they still have the problems they did before. But who cares!

CP/Leslie: Said forget him they are talking marriage....I was like no way...he said he is soooo over her...he is a liar.
he cheated on her 2 other times during their many years of living together.

CP/Reba: Same prediction as Leslie!

Too many psychics to list said that he is over her and will be with me. Thank goodness they were wrong!
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 22, 2014, 10:22:59 PM
thank you for your post it really helped me. i admire  you for being able to be nice to him at work even though insight you must have hurt. oh gosh i'm sorry you had to go through this. maybe i need to get that strength to do same and try to control myself and not let him see i am hurt. worst part is i have noone i can talk to about this so at home i think too much...

wow..sadly for some reason i am not able to create account on cp (i'm not in usa) not sure if it would work. those are the readers i wanted to try who are not afraid to give negative prediction. i only came across a couple who did this for me.

just wondering how much longer till i am over this jerk...

thank you for your comments.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: BellaLife on January 22, 2014, 10:41:11 PM're welcome! I know it hurts, and I wish you the best, I feel for you..... :)  I had a couple of family members who I complained to, (useless) because I guess I complained to much because they basically got tired of me complaining, (they offered no comfort or advice)  and I got tired of calling psychics and wasting my hard earned money calling about his sorry he was probably spending his on her. Guess my self esteem kicked in.....looking back I wish I did not spend all that money calling about him.

Maybe if I can offer some advise, try and go whats in your gut, your feeling. Because if something is not feeling right in a good way in your, then it probably is not.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 23, 2014, 12:27:24 PM
will do bella, thank you for feedback and advise. I'm trying my best now :)
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: Calypso 13 on January 23, 2014, 03:50:30 PM
Check out

there are a lot of good articles including being the other woman. This site has helped me tremendously in multiple dating situations.

My ex had finally come around again in the right way, admitting his issues and it's the epitome of emotionally unavailable. He then left again after 2 months because of the same...and I'm officially done now. :)
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 23, 2014, 04:49:06 PM
calypso thank you I wanted to pm you but can't :( yes baggagereclaim is what helped me a lot. I was down and it really opened my eyes. I'm reading through it daily but wanted to talk to you about something you posted. is there a way to email you?
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: Calypso 13 on January 23, 2014, 07:00:50 PM
Yea it's a good site.

I don't feel comfortable posting my email address, but if you are ok with posting yours, I'll shoot you an email.
Title: Re: Confusion
Post by: sagitira on January 23, 2014, 08:02:47 PM
calypso, that's great, i just created a dummy email address if you can email me that would be great, it's
thank you :)