Author Topic: Accurate psychics with different outcomes  (Read 19369 times)


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Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« on: October 21, 2012, 06:47:51 PM »
Just curious...

Have any of you read with 2(or more) psychics that are deemed highly accurate (from reading this forum, I'm going say for example aries intuition and cookie) and had differing outcomes? What do you do, or whom do you trust more?


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 11:20:43 PM »
Well, the obvious answer is "it depends". It depends upon the particular strengths of the highly accurate psychics, because some are strong with present and some are better at forecasting.

Personally, if I had read with only a handful of psychics (trusted) and all had individual skills that were strong in outcomes, and I received a differing outcome from one or two, I'd be concerned. On the other hand, if I read with a larger number of psychics, all trusted and all good with outcomes, and one or two returned a different outcome from the rest, I'd be less concerned.
Just curious...

Have any of you read with 2(or more) psychics that are deemed highly accurate (from reading this forum, I'm going say for example aries intuition and cookie) and had differing outcomes? What do you do, or whom do you trust more?

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2012, 12:07:41 AM »
@jordie, I have to say yes... sapphire21 and Abundant visions just seem to be very connected and aware of situations (my current situation in particular) and I feel for outcomes as well but I will not find that out for sure until the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. I do have to say they both gave me similar outcomes  with varying details, so when I put them togehter it is an intriguing scenario .  Of course I want them both to be right  :)
Also, I have to add Mystikka as well as being insightful about the present and in alignment with the predictions of sapphire21 and abundant visions.  I do have to say the three of them are quite in sync for the most part.

Is there any psychic that anyone knows of that is specifically known and gifted for predicting accurate outcomes?

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2012, 03:14:43 AM »
I have to be straight with you - most of the "highly gifted" psychics haven't worked well for me at all.  They'd get little things right, but they'd completely miss the big picture, or they'd completely miss that it would fall apart right after.  I now have only one psychic that I stick with (and only under duress), and she doesn't work for everyone.

The bottom line is it's a question of trial and error.  I've found that psychics who aren't consistently positive or consistently negative but are consistent in what they see are usually your best bet - you don't want someone constantly raising your hopes (because they're probably feeding you a fairytale based on the small good things they see to keep you coming back), nor do you want someone who's consistently negative (because then things become self-fulfilling prophecy; you start looking at the situation negatively and suddenly it all starts falling apart).  I know Kisha has worked for many (though not for me) and has that style, where you get either positive or negative, but even if you call her a month or two after her prediction her stance remains the same.  She's also one of the few who will tell you up front if she can't read for you or if she can't get enough information off of you for a really clear reading, but for almost everyone else I've encountered there's a tendency that if they can't read you, a lot of times they'll try to give you a reading anyway. 

Which goes back to trial and error.  If you're still getting readings, start keeping records of them.  Find the one psychic which has been most consistently on the mark for you, and stick with that one person.  Other people's experiences with psychics only matter insomuch as they can speak for whether or not the person is legit or not; they can't give you insight into how well you'll connect with that particular psychic.  (Also, I know this has come up in conversations before, but space your readings to get the best connection.)

Edit to add: And to answer the direct question you asked, yes, I've received conflicting readings from two psychics who seemed to both be working well for me.  When that happens, the best thing to do is to step away and let things unfold without psychics, because otherwise you're just going to drive yourself crazy.  Wait and see what happens, and then you'll get some insight into who's reading your situation the best.  Yes, it's annoying, because you want answers NOW (after all, isn't that why you're calling?), but if you're getting conflicting answers you're setting yourself up for a 50/50 chance of being completely disappointed and a much higher than 50/50 chance of giving yourself a dose of anxiety as you overanalyze everything, trying to figure out which one's right.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 03:18:56 AM by Somnus »


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2012, 09:40:22 AM »
hey all,

Thanks for the replies. I haven't really received conflicting responses, the outcomes is more or less the same, but the timings are a bit different, and the potential success of the outcome is a bit different as well. The two in question for me are Kisha and Barbara. Kisha has been correct on some things and then incorrect on other things, but she was battling to see significant events. Barbara gave me more of what's going on at the minute. Both outcomes were basically the same, but the timing is quite different.

I must say some of the things barbara said resonate quite strongly. There was something she said  about 'family and money' which I won't go into and she didn't know what it mean, but I think I know what it means actually.

Basically this is why I was wondering. Both these psychics are quite reputable according to this forum, and while I've been able to validate kisha's predictions as correct or incorrect, I am not yet sure about Barbara because I can't validate hers for now.

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2012, 04:18:46 PM »
As many of you well know, in the past few years I have consulted with many psychics about two "love" related situations.  I had several high rated psychics give differing outcomes.  I'll list the correct and incorrect readers, only listing those who are mentioned regularly on the forum, as there were many others who were completely wrong.

Situation 1 "J"

The following psychics were correct for the outcome: Kisha, LadyP, Aurora, LadyAshley, Esme Spenser, Dawn (CP), Ailleen (PPN)

Cookie was 100% incorrect.  When I first called about C in November, she even brought up J again and insisted he would be back.  In January, she brought up J on her own once again and told me I would have to chose between he and C. 

Situation 2 "C"

The following psychics were correct on outcome: LadyAshley, QueenofCups18, MagicalSandra (spot on with every detail and outcome), shootingstar11, Wizardmask, Esme Spenser, Dawn (CP), and Ailleen (PPN). 

The following were wrong: Gaylene, NorthStarJulie, Barbara (she said his ex would fake a pregnancy and he and I would get married), Cookie, and LadyP

The first time I called Kisha about C, she said it would be temporary.  Her prediction then changed, and when we split up, she did see a reconciliation.  She always had reservations, but she said he'd be back and that didn't happen.  She was correct, then changed her prediction and was wrong.  Similarly, Aurora did the same thing.  In our first reading about C, she told me that I would be miserable for all of spring and summer.  She said he'd get back with the ex (the only psychic who saw this before it happened), and she told me that would cause many issues, and he probably wouldn't come back to me because he'd be embarassed.  I continued calling her, and she changed to a much more positive prediction which was incorrect. 

I had a quick crush on someone a couple months ago.  Kisha, LadyAshley, and LadyP were correct about him and the outcome.  Gaylene was way wrong.  Besides this guy, I also called about someone who was showing interest in me but wasn't following through.  Gaylene said I would for sure have sex with him in September.  Nope.  That didn't happen either. 

For me, the following readers have had a high accuracy rate: LadyAshley, Esme Spenser, and Kisha.  I only spoke with Magical Sandra once, but she was 100% correct, andI would definitely speak with her again if I needed to get a reading.  I would put QueenofCups18 in that same category.  While Dawn and Ailleen were correct for me on two outcomes, I am not sure I can recommend them because I don't know if they are simply negative readers.  Ailleen did provide me with much more information than Dawn ever has though. 


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 05:05:15 PM »
It's all so confusing because one person says Psychic A is always correct, Psychic B is always incorrect and Psychic C is sometimes correct. And then the next person says something different. It makes me wonder would I be happier not asking any questions and just going with the flow without knowing something? I think the worst is the disappointment of something  that was predicted not happening. Also, why would a psychic change their outcome? Are there too many small influences when it comes to relationships that complicate things and make it too hard to give a fully accurate reading? Maybe the better questions are the ones without the complications, like jobs for instance.

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2012, 06:03:54 PM »
Hi jdd,

Good question.  Personally, I think there are far too many factors to look at.  When I first asked Kisha about C, for example, she knew he had recently gotten out of a long term relationship that was heading towards marriage and that he had been deceived.  This was indeed the case.  At that time, she said that because of that experience, he would not be ready for a serious relationship with me and our connection would only be temporary.

We started seeing each other and everything was awesome.  I fell for him completely.  I called Kisha again, and she said she saw the OPPORTUNITY for a long term relationship, BUT even with that said it would be "on and off" and the only way we would be happy together would be if he got counseling for his issues. 

We were seeing each other, and due to the nature of his work, he was told that he would have to go on deployment (he is not in the military, but we do work for a government contractor) for 6 months.  I called Kisha to tell her and I specifically asked her if I could tell him that I would wait for him.  She said her guides gave her a concrete "no" and told me not to tell him I would wait.  Well, strong willed me, I told him I would wait and that's when it all fell apart.  It freaked him out, and he decided that he had hopped into things with me too fast and that he needed to be single. That was that. 

I have to admit that I did not take Kisha's warning, and I also held on to the predictions I liked and did not listen to the predictions objectively.  She did tell me about the opportunity to reconcile and always warned me about his volatile nature.  I did not heed those warnings at all. 

It's all so confusing because one person says Psychic A is always correct, Psychic B is always incorrect and Psychic C is sometimes correct. And then the next person says something different. It makes me wonder would I be happier not asking any questions and just going with the flow without knowing something? I think the worst is the disappointment of something  that was predicted not happening. Also, why would a psychic change their outcome? Are there too many small influences when it comes to relationships that complicate things and make it too hard to give a fully accurate reading? Maybe the better questions are the ones without the complications, like jobs for instance.

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2012, 06:15:15 PM »
Oh, and sometimes they're just plain wrong.  I absolutely love Gaylene, and she has been really good for me when I need timeframes, but she insisted that I would date this guy I had a crush on.  I asked her time and time again if he had a gf.  She kept saying there was no one else.    Kisha told me he was hiding something, and we would never date.  I was sooooo hoping Gaylene would be right and Kisha would be wrong, but I found something out a few months into our flirtation.  He has a fiance!!!!  He never told me about her.  Nothing!  While Gaylene was always right about when we would hang out and stuff, she never saw this and always insisted we'd be dating by the end of summer.  Um, no. 

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2012, 06:36:39 PM »
@jdd2003: I came to realize no one is accurate all the time. I you read posts on this forum which I am sure you did, you will see that one reader is always working for some one o the point that person can get very diffencive when the smallest comment is made about that reader and you can see that after that point the whole threa becomes like if that reader is nice or not or professional or unhealthy or so on. So I came to conclude that it is all try and learn thing which is NOT a good thing. I can not emphasis enough on that myself. I did call over 150 of them and at this point I really regret it. So I would suggest to be careful about what you read here. People are just sharing their own experiences that does not necessarily mean ye same exact thin will apply to you. I read with cookie for example , she blew me away , she even told me I need to clean my house becuase it looks very messy ;) she told me while you have a closet for things then why that so and so is there in te hallway! You see it is scary when someone can see exactly how your house looks like, but does this mean she is going to be right with her predictions, not necessarily but I really hopeeeeeee soooooooo.
There are two other highly recommended readers that I am not going to name them here to avoid some people getting too excited who I also tea with them. One was very accurate even told some stuff that no one else so far said and was very upfront. Like when I asked why did this person do me wrong the immidiate response was I see you done something which cause this. And told me what that thing could be. Cookie for example told me the same thing but did not tell me what I could have done. The other reader who again Apparantely is working more than 100% of time for som people changed te story twice while reading for me on different occasions. So make it short it all depends on who people connect too and the fact that we have o understand no one can see the future 100% accurately. What I eventually decided to do was to wait to see if any of the predictions will come to pass then I might keep calling one or two advisers now on. But be careful while you are going through "trying phase" because the debt is way easier to aqure than to pay off


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2012, 07:55:02 PM »
I have to agree with most of what Somnus writes here, but with one additional point.  If you are getting conflicting outcomes from trusted and well-respected advisors, chances are one is right and the other isn't.  That means the chances of one being right are 50/50.  Well, without a psychic consultation, guess what? - Your chances are 50/50 that the situation will turn out the way you wish - so you're no better off than if you had not consulted a psychic in the first place, are you?
I have to be straight with you - most of the "highly gifted" psychics haven't worked well for me at all.  They'd get little things right, but they'd completely miss the big picture, or they'd completely miss that it would fall apart right after.  I now have only one psychic that I stick with (and only under duress), and she doesn't work for everyone.

The bottom line is it's a question of trial and error.  I've found that psychics who aren't consistently positive or consistently negative but are consistent in what they see are usually your best bet - you don't want someone constantly raising your hopes (because they're probably feeding you a fairytale based on the small good things they see to keep you coming back), nor do you want someone who's consistently negative (because then things become self-fulfilling prophecy; you start looking at the situation negatively and suddenly it all starts falling apart).  I know Kisha has worked for many (though not for me) and has that style, where you get either positive or negative, but even if you call her a month or two after her prediction her stance remains the same.  She's also one of the few who will tell you up front if she can't read for you or if she can't get enough information off of you for a really clear reading, but for almost everyone else I've encountered there's a tendency that if they can't read you, a lot of times they'll try to give you a reading anyway. 

Which goes back to trial and error.  If you're still getting readings, start keeping records of them.  Find the one psychic which has been most consistently on the mark for you, and stick with that one person.  Other people's experiences with psychics only matter insomuch as they can speak for whether or not the person is legit or not; they can't give you insight into how well you'll connect with that particular psychic.  (Also, I know this has come up in conversations before, but space your readings to get the best connection.)

Edit to add: And to answer the direct question you asked, yes, I've received conflicting readings from two psychics who seemed to both be working well for me.  When that happens, the best thing to do is to step away and let things unfold without psychics, because otherwise you're just going to drive yourself crazy.  Wait and see what happens, and then you'll get some insight into who's reading your situation the best.  Yes, it's annoying, because you want answers NOW (after all, isn't that why you're calling?), but if you're getting conflicting answers you're setting yourself up for a 50/50 chance of being completely disappointed and a much higher than 50/50 chance of giving yourself a dose of anxiety as you overanalyze everything, trying to figure out which one's right.


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2012, 07:57:07 PM »
In my humble opinion, timing means nothing.  Outcome is everything. So, if I were classifying your readings, I'd be inclined to say they are not conflicting.
hey all,

Thanks for the replies. I haven't really received conflicting responses, the outcomes is more or less the same, but the timings are a bit different, and the potential success of the outcome is a bit different as well. The two in question for me are Kisha and Barbara. Kisha has been correct on some things and then incorrect on other things, but she was battling to see significant events. Barbara gave me more of what's going on at the minute. Both outcomes were basically the same, but the timing is quite different.

I must say some of the things barbara said resonate quite strongly. There was something she said  about 'family and money' which I won't go into and she didn't know what it mean, but I think I know what it means actually.

Basically this is why I was wondering. Both these psychics are quite reputable according to this forum, and while I've been able to validate kisha's predictions as correct or incorrect, I am not yet sure about Barbara because I can't validate hers for now.


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2012, 08:44:12 PM »
This is turning into a really interesting discussion. I actually wrote a longer response but my 3G couldn't connect any more for some reason so will post it tmm morning. I do agree with you smee, the outcome isn't conflicting but the timings are. Will post what I wrote in the morning as
I can't type it out on my phone now and it's late here.

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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2012, 08:45:30 PM »
I think that is one of the best approaches to ye reading to just tea for the time being and maybe see if there will be anything coming up for the near future and of course clean up the house before calling cookie  ;D


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Re: Accurate psychics with different outcomes
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2012, 09:33:10 PM »
Your situation with "C" is a bit confusing, but as I read your entire thread, it seems that Kisha wasn't really wrong was she?  She said it would be a difficult union, and that because of past hurt, he required counseling.  She did not recommend you tell him that you would wait for him, because she sensed this would not be compatible with his current state of mind, that is, without counseling to correct emotional hurts from the past.  You claim you did not heed that warning..... so if he did not return as Kisha had claimed he would, why do you consider that an incorrect outcome?  Had you heeded her warning...could it not have turned out entirely differently?

Situation 2 "C"

The first time I called Kisha about C, she said it would be temporary.  Her prediction then changed, and when we split up, she did see a reconciliation.  She always had reservations, but she said he'd be back and that didn't happen.  She was correct, then changed her prediction and was wrong.  Similarly, Aurora did the same thing.  In our first reading about C, she told me that I would be miserable for all of spring and summer.  She said he'd get back with the ex (the only psychic who saw this before it happened), and she told me that would cause many issues, and he probably wouldn't come back to me because he'd be embarassed.  I continued calling her, and she changed to a much more positive prediction which was incorrect. 

