I made another call..Huuuge mistake..From the first reading to this one(3rd og 4th))the initial uplifting info and predictions are slipping further and further away..First he had deep feelings for me,and would tell me so in a month,was in a dicorce,and it looked good for both of us..Then it became more and more negative..He wouldnt contact for a long time(correct on that),and i had misunderstood his signals..(?? really?Hurrah!)
Today she sees him with a dark haired woman,and in addition flirting with another.He will not contact me in a long time,and when he does it will only be a short message...
All other readers had been in line with his intrest for me,and him wanting contact.So this was a shock to my system,and a huge disappointment.
I have to bear with Ashleys unbearable atttitude,she talks to you like you are a total idiot.I have kept her for the only reason that she was accurate in some things in the beginning.
I do hope i can post here again,and tell that she was wrong,and i will never call her again.
What a downer..-