Author Topic: Intellectual and Spiritual Beliefs Regarding Psychic Abilities  (Read 4842 times)

Offline melancholia

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Intellectual and Spiritual Beliefs Regarding Psychic Abilities
« on: December 30, 2013, 03:07:17 PM »
Hi everyone.

I've been doing a lot of thinking this past week since closing my accounts, and a lot of research into psychics and all the different points of view, and I think it could be nice to have one space to discuss or debate on the topic of psychics and even on the ethics of consulting psychics. 

A few weeks (maybe even a few months??) back, someone posted a link to John Paul Jackson's video discussing what he felt was the Bible's take on psychics (which can be found here:  I had it saved in my bookmarks but couldn't for the life of me find the original topic, so it's probably more than a month old.  I remember it stirring up quite the discussion, and I think that's good.   

I think it could be nice to have one, consolidated space to share these articles as well.  For instance, I grew up Catholic but really don't identify much with the Church anymore and kind of consider myself an agnostic these days because I'm not really sure what to believe.  I'm still feeling that out.  But this article, in my opinion, presents an interesting argument against consulting with commercial psychics:  It doesn't discount the probability of psychic abilities existing, but it does discuss how they could hypothetically be abused.

I would love to see other articles and videos with other points of view shared, and healthy, non-judgmental discussions rising from that (the key there being non-judgmental, where everyone respects each other's beliefs or lack thereof and simply participates in the discussion with an open mind).  And I mean that from both points of view - I would love to see articles from other faiths that support the idea of consulting an oracle, medium, shaman, or something similar as a valid or even necessary part of life.

Does anyone else agree with this?  I just think it would be cool, and for those of us trying to ween ourselves off of readings, it might actually help by taking our minds off of getting readings and instead examining what's going on behind the scenes.  It's been helping me tremendously with that, anyway.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 03:10:49 PM by Somnus »