Author Topic: Dave  (Read 15680 times)

Offline jb27

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Re: Dave
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2011, 08:32:42 PM »
HAHAH ok sarcastic, Thats the word i was looking for but just couldnt find it haha.....cjean i didnt realize you had nuts to cut.....lmao

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Dave
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2011, 11:07:45 PM »
I thought you were funny I was laughing when I read your posts.
Well Sherie is good.  I like her.  She gave me a good reading and she told me something that is very similar to what another reader who I was in person told me.  She told me that he is still in love with me.  But he holds back because he has committment issues.  So I ask then why does he tell me he has a GF.  She said the Girl in his life is more like a sister/brother love....they rarely see each other and she clings to him hoping for something serious.  Sherie said she is the pushy one but she's not the one.  She saud I was the one in his life. And he is going to try to talk to me when he sees me.  She said that there is a friend of the GF who is talking about me  but he doesnt believe anything she is saying.  She told me that something was going to happne when I return to work and he is going to end it with her.  He is tired of the B.s. she is creating at work (her and her friend).  I have not returnedto work yet so I will have to report back and see if she was right.

Amellia was right the last time I read with her....she said I was going to be fed up in january and she was right, however, she told me he is not meant to be in my life.  But I never told her ablout the guy I was seeing who's energy may have still been around me so some of these readers might be picking up on that asshole bc he is def a loser...he continoulsy lied to me for the ten months we were seeing each other.  Liiieeeddd!!!!   so maybe that is who some of them were seeing around me.   
But I know this other guy is my SM because he keeps coming back.  Really!  when I guy does not have feelings for a girl why come back....if they can be with whomever they want....I know he still has feelings for me.  I can be diffucult myself ...I stay away...i never call him...he is always the one to call me first.  But I did tell him last month how I felt for him.  I poured my heart out and never got a response.  I think these bitches at work are telling him I have a BF and he is the kind of guy who doesnt like to look stupid so he rather have some mousy looking girl on his arm then to just have a sitdown with me. 

Offline cj

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Re: Dave
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2011, 07:57:46 AM »
thx beachgirl...I tend to think Im funny as well  ;)

Sherie is ok..never read w/ amelia...but Phoebe did pick up on the energies of two guys diff..she described one as the other (personality wise... so I can def dig what your saying

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Dave
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2011, 08:35:37 PM »
No one has really answered my question about Dave.  Well Im going to read with him when I get my tax return....I really want to know why he is so expensive.  I want to see how he unites lost loves


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Re: Dave
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2011, 11:44:53 PM »
I read with Dave a couple of times and I really liked him...what I like is he tells you what he sees/feels but doesn't give timelines and he even says he doesn't like to.  When I read with him the second time, I told him my name and that asked him my question and he said "why didn't you tell me we spoke before" (it was like 1 month prior) so I feel he does sense things.  I think he is good at telling you long range but not specific dates.  He is a good empath.

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Dave
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2011, 01:11:08 AM »

But did he tell you how to reunite with your lost love...does he help you with that because he is supposed to be good with that.


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Re: Dave
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2011, 01:50:16 AM »
To be honest, he didn't but I didn't ask...he said that he will be re-connecting with me and it could happen at anytime.  He did re-connect but it was after I sent an email saying hey how's it going.  We haven't lost the re-connection since.  He was really good at describing his feelings and why he does the things he does.  I'm sure if you asked him how to reunite, he would tell you.  He's very genuine and honest.

Offline cj

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Re: Dave
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2011, 02:47:38 AM »
beach girl you're so cute....your like "um...but is he good? will he reunite us with our sm" lol... I feel the same way you feel... *helpless and hopeless. :(


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Re: Dave
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2011, 07:19:18 PM »
I think we are all psychic junkies after reading some of your posts lol

Offline Jjj

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Re: Dave
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2016, 01:38:20 AM »
I really like dave. Been reading with him a few times the last 2 years. I dont read with him often because he is expensive and im not throwing money down the drain for readings (have so much more to spend money on)

Dave is a psychic that sees WAY into the future. Everytime he has read with me its been the same for the future with me and my ex. I read with dave when me and her were together and apart. He remained the same with it all. He does not give timeframes if he can not see them. He will give you a time of the month if he can at least feel that (first quarter, second quarter, of the year)

Some of his smaller predictions have been good. Of course the bigger and important ones have yet to be seen. Me throwing the towel in on readings Dave is one i will continue to read with every few months. Alot of his reviews have people who said his predictions didnt come through till a few years later..... i saw one woman who talked to Dave 8 years ago and everything he predicted with her and her husband has happend ( even the child he saw her having) he even saw them temporarily seperating.

Offline jadedflower

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Re: Dave
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2016, 02:00:43 AM »
I was really looking forward to speaking with Dave, but unfortunately, he gave me really generic answers and didn't offer much insight. :/ He said he felt that my ex will contact me during the holidays (but he wasn't sure if it was Halloween or this upcoming Christmas season).

Hopefully, it'll come true, lol.

Offline Jjj

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Re: Dave
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2016, 02:58:48 AM »
I was really looking forward to speaking with Dave, but unfortunately, he gave me really generic answers and didn't offer much insight. :/ He said he felt that my ex will contact me during the holidays (but he wasn't sure if it was Halloween or this upcoming Christmas season).

Hopefully, it'll come true, lol.

Did he read any cards on you?

Offline jadedflower

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Re: Dave
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2016, 06:43:00 AM »
I was really looking forward to speaking with Dave, but unfortunately, he gave me really generic answers and didn't offer much insight. :/ He said he felt that my ex will contact me during the holidays (but he wasn't sure if it was Halloween or this upcoming Christmas season).

Hopefully, it'll come true, lol.

Did he read any cards on you?

No...? I'm not entirely sure. He said that he saw roses and lilies, meaning that there will be multiple instances of intimacy between us in the future. He also said he saw purple and blue ores - purple meaning creativity and blue meaning happiness.

Did he read cards for you?

Offline Jjj

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Re: Dave
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2016, 08:06:17 PM »
Yes he does pretty much all the time.
He reads auras to so that might represent the colors that he saw when reading with you.

Offline Theycallmepatient

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Re: Dave
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2019, 11:43:13 PM »
I’ve read with Dave for almost two years, he’s the only psychic I’ve spoken to who has told me how POI feels and then it’s been validated word for word days, weeks, or months later. His reading has remained consistent, there’s a lot going on, and many people influencing our situation; but Dave maintains his outcome. He’s also told me things about our connection long before they actually manifested between us. For example, during my very first reading with him, he told me that this guy and I were best friends and partners in crime. At the time, we’d only been talking a month and he had ghosted me for three weeks. Well, 6 months later, we are best friends and call each other partners in crime 🤷‍♀️. We do literally everything together, but there’s still a disconnect.   Essentially, small things have happened, and he’s told me things about POI’s feelings/ hopes that I didn’t believe that were later verified. They call me patient, so I guess I will see.