I have wondered about this..You can get a reading,with lets say a very positive outcome in love and marriage.The type that resonnates within a deeper part of you.
I got one that told me i would get married with the man in my heart.I called twice about that within a short timeframe,and the outcome was solid and consistant.
I called the reader back,cause she was correct about other things.I started to call her on a regular basis,about small and larger everyday questions.She was really good,but the outcome with the man seemed to fade in each reading.We were not a couple at time,and the distance between us remained.I even fell a little in love with another guy,and forgot her mainprediction,althoug never forgot the man.
Over a year have passed since the original prediction,and she have seen other men,read other men for me,but i am not given much more about the one i asked about.She tells there may be contact,but nothing certain about the outcome.
I realized i wasnt ready for him before,and that i had lessons to learn anyway.But i cant forget the first 2 predictions i got..or wheter they are still valid or not.
Perhaps the middle scenarioes dosent come up.From point A to B,theres a lot of things unknown,valleys and hills,but the outcome is still meant to be and will happen at last anyway.(??)
Any thoghts about this?