Author Topic: Queen of Cups18  (Read 773326 times)

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #900 on: May 28, 2019, 08:22:08 PM »
Thank you, mrrrh!! :)

I've only spoken to QoC once, and in my reading she was dead on with a third party. She picked up specific things about the third party and their dynamic that I can validate without talking to my POI because I know the third party, and we have mutual friends who have told me things she has mentioned. So I say you can take it to the bank

Just going to add to this to say that QoC was one of the only ones who accurately predicted a third party in a situation I was in. She saw it all - 3rd party coming into the picture, POI trying to make a decision, then POI deciding to live with 3rd party (before it happened)... and how that would impact my connection with POI as well.

As others have said, I don't believe she sees very far out but she has been very accurate for me in present and immediate future.

Whoa, Doubleoh, pretty impressive!  :o   May I ask what sorts of questions you were asking in order to get this information?  When I called her the other day (because my POI became cold and distant suddenly), I said "My POI is suddenly distant, why is he acting like this - has he lost interest in me, or is there another woman involved?".  I got a very short straightforward answer to the question (I have not been able to verify the answers with POI as of yet) and I did not follow up with any more questions.  Maybe I need to take a more general approach to my questions with her, or somehow continue the line of questioning?  I have only called her a few times, and I guess I tend to try to get my answers and hang up as quickly as possible because of the time-is-money factor on per minute sites lol - but maybe I am going about this all wrong....?

Offline miss_t

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #901 on: May 28, 2019, 09:16:27 PM »
Thanks Paulina and Wishes! What time is she usually on anyway?
Saw her Busy then tried to get in her queue, then she logged off.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #902 on: May 28, 2019, 10:48:36 PM »
Thank you, mrrrh!! :)

I've only spoken to QoC once, and in my reading she was dead on with a third party. She picked up specific things about the third party and their dynamic that I can validate without talking to my POI because I know the third party, and we have mutual friends who have told me things she has mentioned. So I say you can take it to the bank

Just going to add to this to say that QoC was one of the only ones who accurately predicted a third party in a situation I was in. She saw it all - 3rd party coming into the picture, POI trying to make a decision, then POI deciding to live with 3rd party (before it happened)... and how that would impact my connection with POI as well.

As others have said, I don't believe she sees very far out but she has been very accurate for me in present and immediate future.

Whoa, Doubleoh, pretty impressive!  :o   May I ask what sorts of questions you were asking in order to get this information?  When I called her the other day (because my POI became cold and distant suddenly), I said "My POI is suddenly distant, why is he acting like this - has he lost interest in me, or is there another woman involved?".  I got a very short straightforward answer to the question (I have not been able to verify the answers with POI as of yet) and I did not follow up with any more questions.  Maybe I need to take a more general approach to my questions with her, or somehow continue the line of questioning?  I have only called her a few times, and I guess I tend to try to get my answers and hang up as quickly as possible because of the time-is-money factor on per minute sites lol - but maybe I am going about this all wrong....?

It was a while ago so I don't remember exactly what I said but I did not ask about a 3rd party. i likely asked something quite general like: 'what do you see coming up for me and x' or 'do you see potential for x and i to get closer'.

Offline britbrat

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #903 on: May 28, 2019, 11:08:43 PM »
I'm not sure if it counts, but Anne once told me I would meet a married man who would want to date me. This happen, but he didn't have a ring on. The next time I saw him he had a ring. His response was everyone knows he has a wife. I think he assumed I would be okay with that. I never asked her about a third party but she picked up on that situation on her own.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #904 on: May 29, 2019, 12:10:56 AM »
I'm not sure if it counts, but Anne once told me I would meet a married man who would want to date me. This happen, but he didn't have a ring on. The next time I saw him he had a ring. His response was everyone knows he has a wife. I think he assumed I would be okay with that. I never asked her about a third party but she picked up on that situation on her own.

Wow! Yes this counts!

Offline knel27

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #905 on: May 29, 2019, 12:22:42 AM »
I called her and asked her about someone I work with who's married. when I asked if he's cheated on his wife not only did she say yes, but also 'more than once'. I wonder though how recent this cheating took place, since I know she only reads present and immediate future really well, does this mean she sees immediate past? I'm just trying to put together a timeline to see when and who he cheated with lol

Offline kumamon

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #906 on: May 29, 2019, 12:38:26 AM »
I called her and asked her about someone I work with who's married. when I asked if he's cheated on his wife not only did she say yes, but also 'more than once'. I wonder though how recent this cheating took place, since I know she only reads present and immediate future really well, does this mean she sees immediate past? I'm just trying to put together a timeline to see when and who he cheated with lol

So she only can read for how far? Three Months? Or longer?

So I should go back to read with her few mths after?

Offline miss_t

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #907 on: May 29, 2019, 01:07:20 AM »
I called her and she was fast! I think it was only 5 minutes lmao. She’s an empath so I called not to get predictions but to be able to get into my poi’s head as of the moment coz he’s acting weird. I didn’t give her any hint and just asked her a general question on what’s coming up with me and poi. She picked up right away what’s happening between us, why he is kind of withdrawn right now. She didn’t pick up on any 3rd party. I asked just to make sure, she said none. He has friends but no one sticks out as to whom he’d feel interested in.

She gave me a prediction that is in line with Kisha. They said that he’ll make himself more present/available to me. Anne said this will be next month. She didn’t give me numbers. Just that it will be next month so it’s June. I remember Kisha gave me a “6” which can be June or next 6 months for things to feel solid between us. I hope it’s June. lol

How is Anne with timing? I know her numbers seems to be mostly a miss.. but how about when she give the exact month? Is she ever correct with that?

Offline NeSSi

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #908 on: May 31, 2019, 01:55:58 AM »
I called her and she was fast! I think it was only 5 minutes lmao. She’s an empath so I called not to get predictions but to be able to get into my poi’s head as of the moment coz he’s acting weird. I didn’t give her any hint and just asked her a general question on what’s coming up with me and poi. She picked up right away what’s happening between us, why he is kind of withdrawn right now. She didn’t pick up on any 3rd party. I asked just to make sure, she said none. He has friends but no one sticks out as to whom he’d feel interested in.

She gave me a prediction that is in line with Kisha. They said that he’ll make himself more present/available to me. Anne said this will be next month. She didn’t give me numbers. Just that it will be next month so it’s June. I remember Kisha gave me a “6” which can be June or next 6 months for things to feel solid between us. I hope it’s June. lol

How is Anne with timing? I know her numbers seems to be mostly a miss.. but how about when she give the exact month? Is she ever correct with that?

In my last reading with her back in February she predicted my POI would contact me in a 6 and said it could be 6 days or 6 weeks but most likely the connection would happen at the end of March. It's almost June and hasn't happened at all! Right with the current events/feelings but wrong with timing...

Offline Musicfunlove

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #909 on: May 31, 2019, 03:07:33 AM »
First time poster here, although I’ve been lurking for awhile ;)
I’d like to introduce myself by saying that I’ve embarrassingly probably spoken to all advisors on CP *hangs head in shame* over the last 7 years or so. I’ll be posting soon on that board soon also.

I do have to say that I had my first two readings with Qoc and I liked her for a few reasons: you can tell she’s not trying to extend the calls or give any fairytales (in fact, she knew that I was off work dealing with this situation and she told me to “go back to work or else you’ll end up wasting a lot of money on here” lol).

She 100% nailed my POIs quirks and the headspace he’s in. Kinda gave me the kick in the a** I need to move forward. She used all the words he’s used to describe me.

I won’t count on contact as this thread has advised. Which is disappointing. But it was really great to speak to someone who could give me more insight into the POI.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #910 on: June 05, 2019, 08:34:11 PM »
Typically any time I've called her she gives me a snapshot into what he's feeling, and why he's feeling that way, but this time she gave an actual prediction of timing. She said that within a 13, which she interprets as a 4 that something will happen. That we'll take that next step. Has anybody else ever had an actual timing prediction from her before? I didn't ask for it, she just provided it.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #911 on: June 06, 2019, 06:28:21 AM »
Typically any time I've called her she gives me a snapshot into what he's feeling, and why he's feeling that way, but this time she gave an actual prediction of timing. She said that within a 13, which she interprets as a 4 that something will happen. That we'll take that next step. Has anybody else ever had an actual timing prediction from her before? I didn't ask for it, she just provided it.

I had and it did not happen.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #912 on: June 06, 2019, 10:57:46 PM »
Her timing had been bang on for me...until this last month. Maybe I was reading too much with her? Or my Mr. Predictable suddenly became unpredictable...but she is right on for the present. Which I like, but are feelings are so changeable so what is the point?

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #913 on: June 07, 2019, 02:13:35 AM »
I know Anne is right for the immediate right now, but idk why she contradicts herself.

She literally said he doesn’t want me then ended the call by saying don’t take him back. is that even an option?

Sorry, lol, had to get that off my chest.

Offline lp1111

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #914 on: June 07, 2019, 02:23:55 AM »
I know Anne is right for the immediate right now, but idk why she contradicts herself.

She literally said he doesn’t want me then ended the call by saying don’t take him back. is that even an option?

Sorry, lol, had to get that off my chest.

Maybe she means he doesn’t want something serious with you, but it’s likely he’ll come back around when he’s bored or lonely and for that reason you should not allow it? Just a thought. I’m sorry, guys suck sometimes.

