Author Topic: Queen of Cups18  (Read 765223 times)

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2012, 05:42:54 PM »
Oh and she also said she was going to school.  Don't misunderstand me thought I did think she was very good :)


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2012, 11:58:04 PM »
She claims to have a raspy voice from pressure on her vocal chords but that condition is intermittent.  What gives you the idea that she is or is not old, from the quality of her voice?
I tried Queen of Cups yesterday for only 5 minutes and I was wondering on a few things.  First of all she had an accent but did not sound old.  2nd she was using cards.  She was very good but did not blow me away and did not totally answer my question although she picked up on something related to my question but you would never know it relates to it (in that I mean it's something totally out of the norm) so that was great.  Afterwards, I emailed her a thank you and asked a question concerning her listing and the call now button on all the listings and she replied that she takes care of her mom so at times she is at different numbers so to look for the listing that has the call now button lit.  I thought she was older?  Do you think maybe her daughter is using her listing because who I spoke to definitely did not sound older.

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2012, 12:11:38 AM »
She sounded younger from her voice I was surprised because I remember reading a post on here from someone saying (after someone else commented that she can be abrupt) that she was older that's all.  I'm 50 and readers think I'm 20 when I call for a reading they ask me if I'm out of school yet and it happens all the time so yes voice means nothing.  Just she sounded young which I dismissed but then she said she "takes care of her mom" and "goes to school so is sometimes at a different number when she's at school".  And I didn't remember anyone saying she read cards I thought she was known for no tools that's all.  No biggie just wondering.  She was good not amazing but my reading was short in all fairness I will probably try her again some time.  Lovely woman.  And accurate with something she told me she saw in the cards that is connected to what I asked about but you would not think something like this was. 


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2012, 12:40:15 AM »
hmm. Are the readers asking you if you are out of school yet during the reading, or before they start the reading?
She sounded younger from her voice I was surprised because I remember reading a post on here from someone saying (after someone else commented that she can be abrupt) that she was older that's all.  I'm 50 and readers think I'm 20 when I call for a reading they ask me if I'm out of school yet and it happens all the time so yes voice means nothing.  Just she sounded young which I dismissed but then she said she "takes care of her mom" and "goes to school so is sometimes at a different number when she's at school".  And I didn't remember anyone saying she read cards I thought she was known for no tools that's all.  No biggie just wondering.  She was good not amazing but my reading was short in all fairness I will probably try her again some time.  Lovely woman.  And accurate with something she told me she saw in the cards that is connected to what I asked about but you would not think something like this was.

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2012, 04:57:08 AM »
smee....none of this has anything to do with anything....I was just wondering and sharing and asking about her as I didn't realize she used cards.  Her profile says psychometry (she reads energy and can give you info on the path you're on) and I didn't look back but I believe most who read with her said she was no tools so I was just asking for some feedback from those who read with her regularly.  I thought she was good...and sometimes you can get tips from others that can help you get a better reading with someone that's all.

Offline Truth

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2012, 08:30:08 AM »
she has always used cards with me. she seems to pull information out of thin air though, that doesn't seem to correspond to a Tarot card, so she must be using other gifts. i'm not sure who would have said she doesn't use cards, though i will say - i can't hear her shuffle them, but she refers to them during the reading.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2012, 09:16:08 AM »
I guess with a handle like "Queen of Cups" I just assumed she used cards...I didn't even think to ask, haha! I heard her shuffling cards as well and she did refer to them but she nailed precise details that are not common right out of the gate for me and NO ONE else has nailed this detail exactly as she did so maybe she just uses them for focus and not entirely for divination? Just a thought. As far as her age, she didn't strike me as being particularly young or old, maybe my age (late 30's)? If she's taking care of her Mom then I'd imagine that is a situation someone a bit older would find themselves in. I'm going back to school myself and I would consider myself a bit old to be starting over again on a different or rather "upgraded" career path but I guess it depends on what you consider old(er). :)

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2012, 02:01:37 PM »
Thanks Truth and Diva that's exactly what I was looking for I appreciate the clarity :)  You're right Diva "Queen of Cups " duh I should have realized she uses cards.  Not that I have a problem with that some who are really good and use cards or have other gifts come up with scary accurate details with cards. I guess that's what threw me off I remember mention of the "off the cuff" type stuff some say she has come up with that was so accurate so when she mentioned some things and I realized she was using cards it just threw me off.  Thanks for the help have a great day. :)


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2013, 06:47:39 PM »
anyone try reading with her in the past few weeks? I read with her a couple of days ago...she was finally open to accepting new callers this time around. Every other time I called her, she would reject my call.

Anyway, I found her to be detailed ONLY in the things that she gets. If you ask her to clarify, she will say the same thing. You know how psychics say "oh, who is that person at work?" or "who is being standoffishish" without elaborating? I got a bit of I had to guess what she was referring to and how it exactly fit into my life.

Offline waiting4godot

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2013, 07:31:18 PM »
I read with her a few times. She can be scarily accurate with details - but sometimes she attributes them to the wrong person. I feel that she is best as an empath.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2013, 09:23:20 PM »
I read with her a few times. She can be scarily accurate with details - but sometimes she attributes them to the wrong person. I feel that she is best as an empath.
read with her. Found her very accurate but yes somethings she says is for someone else. So you keep those you feel is for you and throw away the rest. Lol

Offline Truth

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2013, 09:36:57 PM »
one time i read with her she said something that didn't make sense and related to another person. i mentioned this to her and she said.. oh.. i  hope you weren't thinking of the other person after you asked your question.

so, it sounds like you have to be really focused when speaking with her. not that you normally shouldn't be, but clearly it does mess up the energies with her specifically.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2013, 09:45:05 PM »
one time i read with her she said something that didn't make sense and related to another person. i mentioned this to her and she said.. oh.. i  hope you weren't thinking of the other person after you asked your question.

so, it sounds like you have to be really focused when speaking with her. not that you normally shouldn't be, but clearly it does mess up the energies with her specifically.

hmm, this leads me to believe that she is reading the clients mind then most of the time.

Offline waiting4godot

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2013, 10:05:53 PM »
Maybe, partially- But I am referring to  her telling me that I my ex's girlfriend would find out about a betrayal through
the phone. It actually happened that I was holding my ex's phone when in came a text message from the girlfriend and I realized that the 2 of them had gotten back together but I did not know.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2013, 10:22:47 PM »
Maybe, partially- But I am referring to  her telling me that I my ex's girlfriend would find out about a betrayal through
the phone. It actually happened that I was holding my ex's phone when in came a text message from the girlfriend and I realized that the 2 of them had gotten back together but I did not know.

sorry about that waiting. I've had a lot of readers confuse people in readings to.

