I have been watching this board for a long time and I created this account to make a comment about Anne. I have been reading with her for a little over a year now and, for me, she has been extremely accurate. Timing was not perfect but I usually received contact a few days prior to the time she predicted. For example, April 5th she told me POI would contact me in 2 (which I thought was BS because I've read this board and she tells several people that). He called me 6/3! Other times prior to that, she would say she got a 1 and he would call me in 4-5 days (guessing it was 1 week). So timing has been quite good for me. I was also literally calling her every 2-3 weeks and her outcomes never changed - she always saw reconciliation.
Also, yes she picks up on third parties. If you know the name of the third party, even better. I have asked her before how does POI feel about (3rd party name). She spent a good 2-3 minutes divulging on how he felt about this person and what's coming up for them. She discussed how he's holding a grudge against this person for various reasons (things that I know have happened), told me exactly why he was dealing with her, and that I shouldn't worry about this third party.
Anne also tells you what to do to make a relationship work. If she thinks it is a relationship that will go far, she advises you and tells you what you should do based on the traits of your POI that she sees. I asked her if my situation is one that is worth it and should I wait around. She said "honestly if this guy was not good for you I would tell you to move on. It's your life and I can't tell you what to do but what I will say is that he is going through a lot right now but that will change and he has really good intentions with you." She then further advised me on how to deal with him.
I've read with so many Keen advisors including Cookie and I have read with Yona. I stopped taking to everyone else and will only speak to Anne from now on. She is honestly the best!