Author Topic: Queen of Cups18  (Read 765221 times)

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2013, 10:59:27 PM »
hmm, this leads me to believe that she is reading the clients mind then most of the time.

I thought the very same thing, lol!

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2013, 11:28:01 PM »
Maybe, partially- But I am referring to  her telling me that I my ex's girlfriend would find out about a betrayal through
the phone. It actually happened that I was holding my ex's phone when in came a text message from the girlfriend and I realized that the 2 of them had gotten back together but I did not know.

sorry about that waiting. I've had a lot of readers confuse people in readings to.

Me too. Very accurate descriptions, just flipflopped with "that other guy." lol

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2013, 03:01:27 AM »
reading the mind - yeah, i think this about most readers.   :o
but i guess it's the same thing if you call and you are in an emotional tizzy. the reading is never really accurate. i don't know how these psychics pick up information, so i couldn't say if they are reading your mind, your emotions, your intention, or what.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2013, 07:09:36 PM »
Is it my imagination or did queen of cups change her price from $3.99 to $4.99?


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2013, 04:42:10 PM »
Queen of cups and aries intuition are two of the best for me when it comes to contact. I mean like their numbers hit about 98-100 percent of the time.
One thing about anne is that sometimes she is reading another party but attributing it to you.but when it comes to contact she is pretty good.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #50 on: April 08, 2013, 07:39:45 AM »
I think with ann if Ýou read with her too often about the same topic then you start getting the mixup of reading someone else.
Imo if you want a good reading on a particular subject space it out. Example once a mth or so.
Anne is very good.she can be curt but I find it cute and always laugh when she does that and that calms her down and she becomes  friendly.I don't think she means to be curt I think she gets in that zone and if you interrupt her during that time it breaks her concentration.also if u keep asking her the same question in the same reading is a recipe for disaster, she doesn't like that.
Anyway just wanted to clarify my other post.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2013, 12:42:10 PM »
Have u guys noticed how anne says 'it says'?. Who or what is 'it'?.(There's a spirit picture of a guy on her page, maybe that's the 'it')

Also when I read with her she said something about my ex being afraid of embarassment of something. Trust me noone has picked this up and it was something that I know but just kept and never said. You guys know that I like it when the readers say things I have never said to any reader, on any forum,chat,email,pm etc.

Am tempted to put anne on the same level with my number one reader kisha.the problem am having with anne though is that the date to meet a new relationship keeps changing spring,summer,fall, winter, on the moon, the sun, jupiter, pluto,in the water,in my living room, in my kitchen etc. Am guessing new relationship is not her strong suit for me at least.she has been very accurate in other areas.

Anne is fighting hard with her accuracy to be with my number one reader.

I like anne she is good at what she does.

But with all readers am not putting all my eggs in their baskets anymore.whatever they tell me I will take with not a pinch of salt but a bag of salt, and go out and do what I want to do and if at the end of the day I look back and see that they were correct with their outcome then YAH!! If not I still did what I want and tried to help myself.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2013, 11:47:55 PM »
There is another person listed as queen of cups. The one I know is queen of cups 18 (anne).


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2013, 12:21:35 AM »
Anne was correct about contact date. She gave a '2' and it came 2days later.

She was also correct that a woman would contact me for a job opportunity.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #54 on: July 11, 2013, 03:16:38 AM »
Hi everyone,

Long time, no post!  I hope all is well with everyone. 

My last post was an update in which I listed a couple of readers who had gotten some stuff right.  Queen of Cups18 was on that list, and I just realized she was right about something else. Disclaimer:  This is pretty minor and is also completely dependent on my "free will".  Anyways, at the end of last year, I had a reading with Anne and told her that I had decided to sign up for both Match and eHarmony for online dating.  In that phone call, she stated that I wouldn't have any luck with online dating, and she didn't even see me going on any dates within anyone from either site.  Well, a couple of weeks ago I cancelled my Match membership and today I cancelled my eHarmony subscription.  Although I was speaking with one guy from eHarmony and we were slated to meet, I went with my gut and cancelled on him.  Other than him, I didn't really speak with anyone else, and I did not go on any dates.  I would say Anne was correct.

I rarely call readers anymore (although I do break down every now and then), but I have found that they are best with the stuff they just "get".  Anne has been this way for me.  I am sure she won't work for everyone, but when she is on, she is on.  She isn't perfect, but the stuff she has been able to get on her own has been spot on.  Interestingly enough, I would say the same about Jenny Alton, even though I have expressed dislike for her before.  She may not be a great predictor, but she has told me things that had recently happened or has provided me with details I can most certainly confirm. 

I think it's important to reel in our expectations of readings.  We will not get a clear picture of the future.  Honestly, I don't think we're really supposed to know.  We may get some insight, and it's best to go in with that mindset.  If not, we become entirely dependent on needing to know.  But come on.  We don't really need to know.  It stops us from living.  We are all too familiar with that debilitating feeling.

Now that I am less dependent on readings, I honestly feel alive.  Am I still single?  Yup.  But I am ok.  It's not going to kill me.  When it happens, it happens. If it doesn't happen, it's ok because I am busy with work, school, and my children.

This week I had a super stressful issue arise with the father of my children.  I was dying to call every reader to see what they had to say.  I did break down and called one and then realized it was pointless.  Eventually I'll see how it all plays out.  It'll happen the way it's meant to happen no matter what any reader says.  I think that's what we have to remain focused on.

Anyways, with all that said, I will say that Anne is one of the few readers I trust.  Now that I can be more objective I would say that I would be willing to consult with Ness21, Aries Intuition, LadyPersephone, and Jenny Alton in the future.  None of them is perfect and they all have been wrong in one way or another.  Even though that's the case, they also have managed to impress me with details and predictions they could not have merely guessed.  I'm ok with taking those odds if I get the itch for a reading sometime.

I wish all the best to everyone here and want you all to know that in one way or another you've all contributed to my growth in the past couple of years.  I lost a lot of money on readers, but I guess I had to go through that in order to learn what I have.  I don't hate psychics and I do think there is something to this gift.  We just have to find a balance and remember to continue living our lives. 

Offline Synergy

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2013, 02:35:08 AM »
Something significant happened today, and Anne predicted it. I also read with LadyP and Hatter recently and they did not predict this significant event.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2013, 03:29:26 AM »
Something significant happened today, and Anne predicted it. I also read with LadyP and Hatter recently and they did not predict this significant event.

..well, arn't you going to share the nature of your prediction? Was it good or bad?

Offline Synergy

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2013, 03:36:25 AM »
It's complicated and over sharing on this site has gotten me in trouble in the past. I will say that it was a random prediction. She knew I work with the person I asked about without me saying so, and she knew someone at work would find out about something. This would lead to the end of a friendship. This happened today. She did predict something else which leads me to believe we may get over this, but this is a significant prediction because she knew the details on her own and predicted this random event.

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2013, 03:39:07 AM »
Thanks for updating. I'm going to give her a try. Luckily, I tried her sometime last year and left good feedback. She should take my call, yes?

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2013, 04:06:27 AM »
Has anyone else been blocked my this reader for no reason?  I have read with her a total of 2 times in 2 years and both were good readings.  I went to get in her queue today only to see I am blocked.

This is only the second psychic to block me in the 10 years I have been getting readings, but it's really starting to piss me off.  It frustrates me these readers will take my money the first few times but won't allow me to ever follow up in the future.  As someone who gives readings  locally, if I don't want to read for someone because I know I won't connect to them and don't want to waste their time- I come right out and tell them politely.  If 'inability to connect anymore' to a particular client is the reason why online readers are blocking certain clients ( other than abusive, nasty client reasons ) then I think it's their responsibility to tell their once paying customers that.  A lot of people who call psychics are already dealing with some kind of rejection in their life, the last thing they need is the psychic they have been paying to do that as well without the courteosy of a reasonable explanation.

*shakes head*

Oh well. 

Hello again everyone, I hope you are well, and after all these years things have come to pass. But they didn't start happening until I cut back to getting readings only every couple months and started putting my own intuitive powers to work.  Manifestation is key, my friends.

