Author Topic: Queen of Cups18  (Read 765851 times)

Offline britbrat

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #165 on: October 11, 2016, 09:14:14 PM »
I have had positive and negative from QOC18 and she seemed to be pretty accurate each time and this was about the same person. I just assumed she was reading the most recent energy. I think she is better with short term predictions at least for me I noticed. She has been flat out wrong also and she gets impatient if you don't understand something.

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #166 on: October 11, 2016, 11:53:22 PM »
She gave me all positive news, both for current and future outcomes. I admit she wasnt all sunshine and rainbows on the phone; she didnt waste time with small talk and was just straightforward. (she actually sort of yelled at me too, because at the time of our call a storm had seriously blown in out of nowhere and I had actually asked her to repeat herself because it started raining so hard I couldnt hear her (i was parked in my car at the time). She told me to call back later because it wasnt safe to be on the phone during a storm and she'd send me minutes. I told her I wasnt all that worried and that I didnt want to risk missing her later on as I'd been waiting for this call. She continued with the call from there.

But yea, all good news on my end.

Offline glamgal

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #167 on: October 28, 2016, 01:37:07 PM »
So, far nothing she said for me has happened. She gave out some time frames (for contact) that didn't work out and some feelings things that I can't verify but I think could be true. She picked up on a personality trait of mine that was true.

She said he wouldn't commit to me and would separate in 2 years. I can't really verify this yet. She said I would accomplish more money around a 4...we will see. This reading was in July so, 4 months (assuming she didn't mean four years) is coming up.

Overall, I was not impressed and would contact her again. Thats just me.


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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #168 on: October 28, 2016, 07:36:49 PM »
See hasn't worked for me either 😕

Offline copperhead

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #169 on: October 28, 2016, 10:26:49 PM »
So, far nothing she said for me has happened. She gave out some time frames (for contact) that didn't work out and some feelings things that I can't verify but I think could be true. She picked up on a personality trait of mine that was true.

She said he wouldn't commit to me and would separate in 2 years. I can't really verify this yet. She said I would accomplish more money around a 4...we will see. This reading was in July so, 4 months (assuming she didn't mean four years) is coming up.

Overall, I was not impressed and would contact her again. Thats just me.

I tried her for the first time a few weeks ago, what she said about my ex seemed right and also the the possible outcome (that we won't get back together) is very probable (and honestly, I'm no longer sure I want him in my life). When I asked if he and the girl he was dating  would get back together (they broke up just a few weeks before), she said they'll stay friends but not back together. Three days later they did. I email QueenOfCups telling her that, and she never replied. I won't call her back (at least it was a very short conversation).

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #170 on: October 31, 2016, 05:36:15 PM »
So, far nothing she said for me has happened. She gave out some time frames (for contact) that didn't work out and some feelings things that I can't verify but I think could be true. She picked up on a personality trait of mine that was true.

She said he wouldn't commit to me and would separate in 2 years. I can't really verify this yet. She said I would accomplish more money around a 4...we will see. This reading was in July so, 4 months (assuming she didn't mean four years) is coming up.

Overall, I was not impressed and would contact her again. Thats just me.

I wasn't impressed either.  I think she's only good for present, seems very negative on predictions ....

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #171 on: October 31, 2016, 07:37:33 PM »
She had been correct at giving me past info but nothing she predicted happened not even small predictions and some times she was flat out wrong.. so wrong that it was comical

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #172 on: October 31, 2016, 07:40:26 PM »
I'm too lazy to go back through the thread. Who were the posters that liked her? Did they have good outcomes from her? Are they still active on the board?

Offline AustralieNs

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #173 on: November 26, 2016, 03:22:31 AM »
So I spoke to her three days ago
And then again today
When I hit the call button it said right above it "last contact 3 days ago"
It was ****definitely**** "Queen of Cups18"
Same faint accent
But this second one was MUCH younger. Entirely different tone and quality and tamber of voice - not like maybe she was a little hoarse three days before - but an entirely different person.
Both times the person playing "Queen of Cups18" did not introduce herself by name
Anyone ever wonder if there is a reason for this?

The older one seemed to really connect
The younger one did not but both gave the same prediction
We'll see

I just wanted to echo what IVe heard previously in this thread about Qoc18 being two people. Until tonight I truly believed that people were mistakenly contacting "Queen of cups" and "the Queen of cups", but no, I can confirm: two calls to qoc18 and two different people!!

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #174 on: December 03, 2016, 05:58:51 PM »
I spoke with Anne too.She has a slight accent..wasn't accurate for me didn't impress me .so I will pass

Offline Dannika

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #175 on: December 03, 2016, 09:33:08 PM »
Sorry to hear you guys feel like you didn't connect with her, she has consistently been spot on for me.

Offline esthere2017

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #176 on: December 04, 2016, 03:58:03 AM »
I haven't read through everyone's comments but I just wanted to share that I had an extremely negative experience with her. I called her semi regularly for about a year. She's ok - not amazing and definitely not who you call if you want a deeper understanding of a situation - but she was to the point and quick so I kept calling. One day though she gave me a really obvious surface answer to my question and I said 'I know...'. I was about to elaborate and rephrase my question when she cut me off and started yelling at me ' you think you know better than me huh, GET OFF MY PHONE, GET OFF MY PHONE" then hung up. I was completely shocked so I called back and in a really calm manner tried to explain myself and she just kept yelling at me  "GET OFF MY PHONE, GET OFF MY PHONE"  and on and on. She is completely unhinged.It was truly upsetting on several levels.

Offline esthere2017

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #177 on: December 04, 2016, 03:59:33 AM »
So I spoke to her three days ago
And then again today
When I hit the call button it said right above it "last contact 3 days ago"
It was ****definitely**** "Queen of Cups18"
Same faint accent
But this second one was MUCH younger. Entirely different tone and quality and tamber of voice - not like maybe she was a little hoarse three days before - but an entirely different person.
Both times the person playing "Queen of Cups18" did not introduce herself by name
Anyone ever wonder if there is a reason for this?

The older one seemed to really connect
The younger one did not but both gave the same prediction
We'll see

I just wanted to echo what IVe heard previously in this thread about Qoc18 being two people. Until tonight I truly believed that people were mistakenly contacting "Queen of cups" and "the Queen of cups", but no, I can confirm: two calls to qoc18 and two different people!!

Yes!! I have not experienced this but I have heard of other people who have. This is so unethical!!

Offline glamgal

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #178 on: December 04, 2016, 04:53:05 AM »
The person I spoke too was soft spoken and kind. I think she had a slight accent. Needless too say, I think I may have been duped as well.

Offline dagnytaggert27

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #179 on: December 04, 2016, 11:36:01 PM »
Hello all, I am new here :). I recently had a call with QOC18, (6 days ago) and she told me someone would contact me in 3?
She is usually so good with all her predictions, she could read all my exes so well and warned be about some of them but the other night I instigated the conversation and so clearly I messed it up because now I am being iced out  :'(

I want to know more, I am afraid of calling QOC18 again in case she yells at me or even worse if she just says the same thing again. Do you recommend I try Sincerity? I am at ropes end here, I just want some answers...

It's so weird because I feel as though she keeps saying the same thing about this person (Called her maybe once a month for the past 4 months) yet this person doesn't seem to show any interest...