Author Topic: Queen of Cups18  (Read 773449 times)

Offline flora0250

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1005 on: July 28, 2019, 02:17:08 AM »
I decided to try her again recently and she told me she was picking up on the guy I was heartbroken about because I was bringing that energy into the reading. Whereas before she had said we wouldn’t be in touch again this time she said she saw friendship. But she kept saying I was bringing the energy into the reading so that would be what she would pick up on.

So my my question is - if I’m bringing my sense of sadness (since I’m already convinced she’s going to tell me again how I won’t hear from him and forget about him etc) - yes she’s right I totally can’t help the energy I’m bringing into it.... so does that then effect her reading? Like make it so that she’s possibly picking up on future predictions based off of my energy which is default sad with her because of the last reading?!?!?  Lol 😂.

I don’t know. So okay if she’s good with present then she seemed to think my POI and I could possibly be friends again. Which honestly I wouldn’t be unhappy about at all. But I’m just confused on the impact of my energy on what she tells me as predictions.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1006 on: July 31, 2019, 05:39:33 PM »
But what's the point of reading with someone who is so inconsistent? I guess I'm just looking for a reader who will be able to give me a deeper reading/the bigger picture rather than a right this second kind of thing. I personally don't see a point in that..

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1007 on: July 31, 2019, 06:28:57 PM »
She's not a big picture outcome reader. She is not the one you read with if you want predictions. Occasionally she may get a prediction right in the very short term (like days), but she's an in the moment empath. She's good if you want to know if there's a 3rd party in the picture or someone's mood/feelings that day. She's great if you want to confront someone, but want to know their feelings on the issue before you call them.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1008 on: July 31, 2019, 07:35:46 PM »
Totally agree. She once told me she saw a move on someone I was asking about. I thought no way. Sure enough they'd moved.

Offline Daisy573

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1009 on: July 31, 2019, 07:43:59 PM »
I think it's great that she is so good in the "now".  If I am in the middle of a confusing situation and I want someone to decipher whats going on now, she's a great one to call.  I guess for me, most time that actually is why I call.  I rarely call for long term predictions.  It's usually to clear up confusion as to something that is occurring right now or if I want short term predictions like how a situation will play out.  I've never really received accurate long term predictions from anyone to be honest and also I dont even like them.  I dont like to know everything and like somethings to just play out/unfold. Usually if I ask for predictions it is no more than a 2 to 3 weeks out...this is for any psychic though, not just QoC

Offline Wanderlust619

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1010 on: August 01, 2019, 02:24:06 AM »
She's not a big picture outcome reader. She is not the one you read with if you want predictions. Occasionally she may get a prediction right in the very short term (like days), but she's an in the moment empath. She's good if you want to know if there's a 3rd party in the picture or someone's mood/feelings that day. She's great if you want to confront someone, but want to know their feelings on the issue before you call them.

Agreed. I've gotten mixed reads with her but they were likely current feelings which can flip floppy. Always caught 3rd parties.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1011 on: August 01, 2019, 04:36:44 AM »
I agree.. For example last week she told me my POI and his girl are temporary. This week she told me they are going to get married? As others have mentioned, she is only good if you want to know what is going on right this second. Not worth it to me personally so i'm going to save myself the heartache and stop calling.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1012 on: August 01, 2019, 09:28:23 AM »
I agree.. For example last week she told me my POI and his girl are temporary. This week she told me they are going to get married? As others have mentioned, she is only good if you want to know what is going on right this second. Not worth it to me personally so i'm going to save myself the heartache and stop calling.

That is surely a bit of an extreme change within one week?!

Offline Daisy573

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1013 on: August 01, 2019, 03:51:09 PM »
that seems a bit extreme for a week to me too.  Maybe she was just wrong.  Nobody is 100% accurate after all

Offline Cc2019

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1014 on: August 02, 2019, 01:30:14 AM »
I agree.. For example last week she told me my POI and his girl are temporary. This week she told me they are going to get married? As others have mentioned, she is only good if you want to know what is going on right this second. Not worth it to me personally so i'm going to save myself the heartache and stop calling.

Personally I would take what QOC says as far as long term predictions go with a grain of salt. She has been pretty drastic in her readings with me form week to week as well and I remember thinking either maybe she’s really wrong or maybe my POI is bipolar lolll.

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1015 on: August 02, 2019, 04:41:33 AM »
I agree.. For example last week she told me my POI and his girl are temporary. This week she told me they are going to get married? As others have mentioned, she is only good if you want to know what is going on right this second. Not worth it to me personally so i'm going to save myself the heartache and stop calling.

Maybe they are temporary but in the honeymoon phase

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1016 on: August 02, 2019, 07:34:52 PM »
I agree.. For example last week she told me my POI and his girl are temporary. This week she told me they are going to get married? As others have mentioned, she is only good if you want to know what is going on right this second. Not worth it to me personally so i'm going to save myself the heartache and stop calling.

yeesh! that's bad.  Maybe she's not so reliable after all.  that's too much a drastic switch....

Offline Daisy573

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1017 on: August 02, 2019, 11:25:49 PM »
@Cc2019 hahhaa!

Luckily she has been pretty consistent for me in reading the person and situation each time I have spoken to her but if she drastically changed things from week to week I would just assume that she is reading something wrong.  I would not think that someone really fluctuates with their feelings that much.

Offline Girly1998

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1018 on: August 02, 2019, 11:46:37 PM »
@Cc2019 hahhaa!

Luckily she has been pretty consistent for me in reading the person and situation each time I have spoken to her but if she drastically changed things from week to week I would just assume that she is reading something wrong.  I would not think that someone really fluctuates with their feelings that much.

I wonder if they just read the energy at that specific moment. I swear if my ex got readings on me it would fluctuate that much. If he read me yesterday they’d tell him surely I’d message him, I love him blah blah. If they read me a couple days ago maybe not so much.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Queen of Cups18
« Reply #1019 on: August 03, 2019, 02:40:08 AM »
I agree with you entirely about the energy! I think she’s fantastic about the current dynamics and inter workings of how the other person feels. Before I truly understood how she operated/performed as an empath I would get really confused and bent out of shape. My guy, not unlike many others I suppose, is complicated and went through a hell of a moody phase, so when she would give me extremes between he’s scared he loves you wants to be with you vs he’s trying not to hurt you he doesn’t want involved he wants to be single blah blah I would take it to heart so deeply. I’ve found her to be the most useful when you’ve recently argued and knew a subsequent conversation was to take place, knowing how they feel and what they think helps you prepare for how you want to navigate the situation. Prediction wise, nothing she’s said ever really manifested. She even yelled at me one time and went off the rails about how he’s never going to want me, he wants this other girl, blah blah, well she was DEAD wrong because literally two weeks later we got back together and we’ve been together for over a year and a half.. lol.. not to discredit her value, but def. dont take stock in her longterm vision!

@Cc2019 hahhaa!

Luckily she has been pretty consistent for me in reading the person and situation each time I have spoken to her but if she drastically changed things from week to week I would just assume that she is reading something wrong.  I would not think that someone really fluctuates with their feelings that much.

I wonder if they just read the energy at that specific moment. I swear if my ex got readings on me it would fluctuate that much. If he read me yesterday they’d tell him surely I’d message him, I love him blah blah. If they read me a couple days ago maybe not so much.