Author Topic: Online/Phone readings vs in person  (Read 3231 times)


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Online/Phone readings vs in person
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:15:38 PM »
Hi All,

Just posting an opinion here, so feel free to add your two cents.

About three months ago I was a bit of a mess over a situation. I was calling keen a lot and spending far too much money. Before a friend and I went on holiday we had readings with a lady we found here where we live. My reading didn't give me any concrete answers, but she said some things about me in the current state that are so true! They are things she couldn't have known just by looking at me. My friend's reading though was incredibly spot on, down to her description of a man in my friend's life and his purpose in her life. There was something she said to both of us about being very creative and unhappiness stemming from the fact we both have desk jobs that aren't exactly what we love to do, and that without the creative part of our lives we suffer from deep unhappiness and depression. This is in fact very true of both  of us and we grew up together in tons of dance and music classes.

I was really impressed with this woman and if nothing else, I went on holiday and massively turned my life around. I am so much happier now than I was then. I can say for certain that a reading with anyone on keen has never left me in this state, all it does is give me the need to call over and over and over. And to be honest, not very much of what anyone has said has actually happened...small things, but not the bigger, more important things.

I am now considering another reading with a very well-known psychic/tarot reader. Apparently she has been on t.v. quite a lot. We were meant to originally get our readings with her, but she became ill and we both really wanted to do this before we went on holiday so we could use our hols for a fresh start. I just spoke to my friend, which is what triggered this post. Basically she said to me, do you really want a phone reading? I have to agree with her. It's better in person. How can you tell someone about things when you are not physically in that person's presence? How can you read someone if you don't see them, are in their aura etc? The more I think about it, the more I think keen is full of fraudsters. I just posted about speaking to a 'psychic' who basically told me one thing two days ago and now is telling me something very, very different. I don't think I want to believe that someone who hasn't seen me and is on another continent to me can really tell me what is going on in such minute detail. I think a good psychic/reader can tell you more things about yourself and generally where things are going and  what choices you have, but I think anyone who tells you in depth how someone is feeling, and what hour they will call you, is probably a bit of a fraudster.

This is just my opinion. I am not even sure I am expressing it properly. In a nutshell, the woman who we read with told me things about me that were very accurate and believe me, by looking at me, you'd think the opposite. This tells me she can read it quite well. More importantly, I moved forward, I felt better, I improved my life, I knew what was out ther.This is invaluable to me and to be honest it cost a lot less than the money I spend on keen for a 10 minute call that does nothing for me but make me anxious. I think this is ultimately the purpose of allow you to improve yourself, your soul, your life, and to move forward.

Offline toknow

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Re: Online/Phone readings vs in person
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 04:08:29 AM »
Years and years ago, my first few readings were in person readings with local readers. I will say they tend to be more broad in scope. When you sit down with someone for 30-60 minutes they tend to cover a lot of ground in a lot of areas.  A very good psychic who is really 'on' at the time of your appointment will usually answer any questions you went in with before you even  ask them.  They do tend to give more of a 'life guidance' type reading. 
I think psychic phone lines have pretty much evolved to do quick answers to lost love questions and I believe that 80-90% are frauds that are taking advantage of desperate people with such questions.  But some of the most mind-blowing accurate predictions I have ever received from a psychic have been on phone readings with very real psychic women that  I have been lucky enough to find.  I may have started to call about love, but once I found them and stuck with them, my readings became more general and more 'life guidance' type in scope.  I think the more you read with anyone if they're for real, the more accurate they become for you.   
I also think that there are some real psychics on Keen who get really tired of just the 'is he going to call and when'  questions and would love to give more of the 'life guidance' type readings. 


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Re: Online/Phone readings vs in person
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2012, 11:02:28 AM »
Hey toknow

I completely agree with you. But I think these readings do more for you than the phone ones. If you've found people who are dead accurate, that's amazing. I haven't. But I have found the in person readings to be more empowering. I find that the life guidance actually empowers me to keep going and pick my path more confidently. I find the phone readings more confusing and often just fraudulent.