Author Topic: Sue2121  (Read 14995 times)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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« on: September 28, 2012, 01:43:17 PM »
Hey Yall !!!

Just wondering if anyone has read with Sue2121 and what your experience with her was.

Hope everyone is doing well.  I have been away for a while, I started to read the forum to catch up, but I must say the negative tone stopped me. 

Jordie, hang in there...I know you would not attack anyone, you have been a huge support and contributor to this forum.

Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!  Or to the veterans here, Freaky Friday! LOL

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 09:27:25 PM »
Welcome back kth!!!  Was wondering where you were, hope you were able to have some fun while you were gone.

All good here, thanks for that.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 09:09:24 PM »
I know this is an old tread but last year I read with sue and she informed me that before I can move forward with R, my ex of 9 years would pop up with with some sought of apology, Well I felt that was BS since I told this man to kiss my ass goodbye that he is like a ghost to me. Anyway recently my ex who we haven't spoken for about three years has been endorsing my qualification on Linkedin. He has never done so. He did this on two different occasions. I have no desire to ever talk to him. I told him to keep the money he owed me $5000 and to  Kiss everything goodbye. I told him to erase me from his memory and as far as I am concern , he is dead. I could have taken legal action but money is just money period. In some instance Sue was right but I do not see myself talking to him. I have nothing to say. Sorry for venting, I hate injustice and when someone steals from you or hurt you the way he did, there is no going back.I believe bad Karma is catching up to his sorry ass. He deserves everything he sowed
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 09:57:03 PM by tellmewhy »


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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2016, 02:31:05 PM »
holy crap she is really expensive I will try her out when I get an offer from keen.She sounds like she is good.

Fluttershy I am so sorry your guy flaked on you I know how that feels. Please try to get out today and hang with friends.When he comes around you deserve an apology and a reason why he flaked.I hope your feeling a little bit better this moring.

Offline sharon

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2016, 04:06:27 PM »
I recently tried this advisor... I went on a horrible binge. Basically me and my partner had plans to see each other and he flaked! That bastard flaked! I've been so heartbroken. I binged for three days straight cried my heart out. And now... Well suffering in my bank account the consequences. This morning I woke up with a reminder in my alarm "what do I want most from the universe?" "-justice, an apology..." These are not new themes in my life; similar too from another ex. The need to be heard and felt and honored... And I know that no one can give me those things, it may be an unanswered unrequited useless quest. Just let it go. Well, I'm at a point where I want to cut out this guy completely, walk away. I have to cry my heart out because the vengeful part of me wants to just trash and make him hurt. But I am always reminded of this saying "revenge is a poor mans grief". I am so angry at myself, and know I have to forgive myself. His actions are not my definitive self worth- it's him. But I do blame myself. And if I forgive myself am stupid enough to do it again?

Well ... Any way Sue2121 said if I walk away now he would change faster. But that contact will come. He flaked on me for no good reason really, he just wanted to have fun and hang out with friend. But that he will have a change of heart and grow up... Slowly. End of summer is another crucial period between us. We're not over. But I felt this wasn't positive read, he is going to this again. However, I was blown away that she picked up our age difference, that this guy comes from a broken home, and another personality trait.

Her negative comments do worry me "will block after one-two readings"

I am so sorry. I know exactly how that feels because my ex did this with me as well. He lives in a different country. He came to where I live asked me out. Texted me that he cannot wait to see me, he had many meetings that day but kept sending me lovely messages. At 8pm he wrote that he is kind of death and needs to sleep. His best mate posted on Instagram that they are in a bar right now  ??? I called that bar and asked if he is the bar, described him. He was there. They both were there sitting and drinking and laughing, having a good time  :'( I was really heart broken and called so many psychics and suffered also financially. He left the country next day without even saying bye. 6 months later gratulated my birthday. Even though I still miss him and think of him, I did not gratulated his birthday. So thats was it with us. All the psychics were wrong with me because he did not really try to write to me and explain the situation. I hope you have a better ending.

tired of it all

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2016, 05:57:35 PM »
holy crap she is really expensive I will try her out when I get an offer from keen.She sounds like she is good.

I don't know...what sounds good about her? 

tired of it all

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2016, 06:44:39 PM »
FlutterShy I'm so sorry he did that.  Please don't binge anymore.  The times I have binged it has never helped (unless I got a that was reading SO bad it made me laugh) and I just ended up wishing I had that money back. 

Sharon that was very disrespectful of him to do that. 

If you really want to cut someone off and move on sometimes it just doesn't help to get any more readings about them.  It depends whether there is a specific question you need answered or something you need to know to be able to move on.  But odds are they will probably keep telling you things that keep your hopes up for it to change, and keep you thinking about that person.  It feeds the situation more energy and keeps it alive. 

Offline sharon

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2016, 07:40:22 PM »
This is true. But there is a part of me that needs answers to be able to let go of it all. The truth is I will not get the answers... not from psychics, not from them (men) personally either.

tired of it all

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2016, 08:47:36 PM »
I'm not big on quoting the bible but I do believe what this one verse says...ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you. 

I've had so many things happen that I thought I would never understand but I kept seeking and eventually the answers do come.  They just don't always come the way I would want or expect them to. 

Sometimes the answers have come through a reading but I had to be ready to hear it first.  Not like a didn't-want-to-hear-the-truth kind of thing, more like there were pieces I had to understand first on my own before it would all come together and make sense to me.  Looking back there might have been readers who told me those things earlier on but at the time it didn't make sense, or else they distorted the message with other nonsense that didn't fit. 

tired of it all

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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2016, 02:57:45 AM »
Fluttershy my heart goes out to you.  No I think ultimatums pretty much never work in anyone's favor but if you feel that strongly about it sometimes there's no going back.  I just don't know what else to say other than I have been there and it hurts but it will get better. 


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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2016, 12:40:50 AM »
Fluttershy and lanlinyu ddid you guys like your reading from sue?Im thinking of reading with her


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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2016, 12:39:35 AM »
thats the worst when you read with someone and they make you feel worst about the situation and they are totally wrong and expensive.


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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2016, 12:03:07 AM »
I spoke to sue2121 she said my ex us the type of guy that has commitment issues things have to go at his pace if it goes any faster he backs off which is true. She picked up that my ex grew in a household with domestic violence. My ex dad beats up on his mother . Which really bothered my ex there was a point that he hated his dad. She that there's s girl around him who he is talking to its no concrete but she is there . Said we will be back together but the problems most likely will still be there unless he works on his issues she said he will either contact in two days or weeks. I think it's weeks. What's really crazy is she asked me if I know a jasmine , I actually just met a jasmine three days ago she said not to trust her and not to give her a lot of info
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 12:05:54 AM by allibai3 »


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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2016, 12:22:09 AM »
@langlingyu I would say probably 7-8 minutes smh lol


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Re: Sue2121
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2016, 12:24:35 AM »
I spoke to sue2121 she said my ex us the type of guy that has commitment issues things have to go at his pace if it goes any faster he backs off which is true. She picked up that my ex grew in a household with domestic violence. My ex dad beats up on his mother . Which really bothered my ex there was a point that he hated his dad. She that there's s girl around him who he is talking to its no concrete but she is there . Said we will be back together but the problems most likely will still be there unless he works on his issues she said he will either contact in two days or weeks. I think it's weeks. What's really crazy is she asked me if I know a jasmine , I actually just met a jasmine three days ago she said not to trust her and not to give her a lot of info

actually dear I remember SIN also picked up a girl around your ex.  Or I remembered it wrong.  It was like in June.

Holy crap I'm glad you remembered I forgot ! Yes she did she said that she is in to him but he's not into her and she said he is going to or needs to shut her out or like cut her off something like that