Author Topic: Kallista  (Read 7181 times)

Offline oben

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« on: September 22, 2012, 04:02:58 AM »
Has anyone read with her? I did couple of times and liked her, not that her any of predictions came to pass but for some reason felt a connection.

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: Kallista
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 05:24:17 AM »
I'm not sure how you can feel a connection if nothing happens that was "predicted".

I did read with her when I was in the midst of my psychic addiction, which I later figured out was just my inability to deal with the loss of a relationship.
I think she gave an accurate prediction. Or maybe it was one of the "he's not ready now but will be in 2 years" predictions. Either way it wasn't a positive "yes he loves you and he's coming back right now" things.

I'm sure if you do a search in the box at the top right of the page you will find information on her.

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Re: Kallista
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 05:06:45 PM »
I totally agree with you on the fact that calling psychics is just because of inability to deal with the reality (at least for me)
I am not calling them as I used to, I am only waiting for cookie as I read a lot about her, so in my plan she is the last one, but as far as feeling a connection, for sure it would be great to have a prediction come to pass and feel connected that way, but given that usually does not happen immediately (if any predication is going to come to pass), I usually feel connected if they can pick up the situation, maybe more of the empath side of a psychic, for example if I am calling with a general question (ı usually do my best to not give much info, all i say is i have a crush on so and so and ask if they see anything) and the psychic says we are deeply in love and are happy together and the reality is we have not have a connection for five months, then there is no connection, but if the psychic says I see some issues and describes my situation, then I can feel a connection, the predication can be good or bad (which most of the time the bad ones happen as they are not what we are looking for ;) )

I actually looked her up before posting initially but could not find more about her, so I wondered if other people have any experience with her

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: Kallista
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 05:42:48 PM »
Yea I did a search for her name too just now. I was sure that there had been something written about her because I thought I'd commented on that but it seems there was nothing. Weird.

This board is so full of people that have had this "connection" you describe - me included- and the person was ultimately wrong. Nina on CP is an excellent example of this. I called her on a whim one Saturday night. She had literally 2 minutes before an appointment and was free and I got through. All I said was "I'm sorry I know you don't have a lot of time right now but I REALLY needed to speak with you."
Without even my name or ANY info from me, she told me my situation detail for detail. I mean every.little.thing. In those 2/3 minutes she gave me a better current situation read than anyone I'd read with before (I'd read with EVERY reader on CP at that time).

Then we got disconnected because it was time for her appointment. Immediately I got in her queue and got to speak to her the following Monday and had a 20 minute call with her.
It was mind blowing. I read with her for the following 6 months maybe. Each time she described exact details. Ultimately she was wrong about us being together.

I clung to my notes like my life depended on it. Believe me, I've been where you are. I've also read with Cookie, who I have said before gave me scary accurate details. For me she was the same type of reader as Nina was. I wouldn't call her again because ultimately what she told me was of no use to me.

On the other hand, I read with a psychic in my home country last year. I've seen her twice when I've been home. The last time I got upset with her. She kept asking me about a certain situation I was in and I said NO, I wasn't there. SHe asked me 3 times. I thought what the heck is wrong with this woman?!
I have never done what she asked about, nor would I ever contemplate it. What do you know, 6 months later and up to today I am in the very situation she asked about. At the time I discounted the parts of her reading I didn't like and chalked it up to no connection. She was totally right though.
So I think it all depends on the frame of mind you're in and the reason you're getting the readings.

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Re: Kallista
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2012, 06:21:33 PM »
You are right, it really depends on different things and situations, what I came personally to conclude on psychics and this psychic phase of my life is that people might have abilities to see what has already happened, but it is really very hard (if not impossible) to see the future, maybe they can see some stuff on the near future but vaguely (this is my personal idea, not that I am claiming anything)
One psychic I taped to - I think it was Berlin - told me I will receive a call and so and so, and when I asked what my reaction to the call would be she said she was not able to see it. I was like then how can you see the call but not my reaction and she said because I am readying other person's mind which already is thinking about the call so is sending energy out, and am picking up on that energy, but you, were not thinking about this so there is no energy movement for me to read...
When she told me this, all of the sudden I realized that it was actually these psychics who kept the hope up in me, I mean before starting to call the psychics, I - like anyone else I believe- had hopes deep inside that he will be back and will heal the wounds he opened, I just could not believe what he did and put me through. So I was looking for a closure, but although I was strongly hoping for him to come back, deep inside I knew that would not happen. Till I called psychics, maybe one of the biggest mistake of my life so far, when they started to tell me he will be back, he is sorry, he was scared confused insecure etc, all the things I was hoping to hear, then I started to think this is going to happen... And when I would call a psychic who would say something different, then I would immidiately call another one to undo it.
Also I would ask two test questions, which I should have asked those at the beginning not t the end to not waste this much money. And when they would get the answers wrong, then I would call and call hoping to find someone who would tell me things i Liked and know the answer to my test questions.

Anyway, I think we all come to realize sooner or later that we should try to find the healing inside ourselves than hoping it from psychics.