Author Topic: Reading tarot for yourself  (Read 22650 times)


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2013, 01:03:22 AM »
When you really from your heart seek God and his help he will know. If you pray because of heartbreak there is a difference. God is a jealous God. He will not share you with something else.

The bible says that 'seek ye the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you'. Meaning truly want God, want him more than your ex, let God know that you want only him and that you don't care if your ex comes back or not.

The problem is most of us are not ready for that. We want our ex period.

The flesh is a difficult thing to go against. Its hard to let go and that's where satan gains the upper hand with us.

Prayer is the key. I too know this but its hard.

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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2013, 03:35:33 AM »
I don't believe in the Biblical "God."


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2013, 03:43:40 AM »
I don't believe in the Biblical "God."
okay no problem. You have a right to your own belief. If you don't mind me asking which 'God' did you say you prayed to about you ex?.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2013, 05:18:36 AM »
I agree. I've never had a sign from a psychic come to fruition other than Raymond on psychicaccess telling me I'd smell my guy's cologne. And I did, several times, out of nowhere.

I have asked God for signs in regards to my guy. I even asked for signs to stop if they did not mean that he and I would reunite (the signs were very specific to him/us..not general AT ALL). And the signs continued.  :)  This was long before I ever spoke to a psychic. I'm new to the psychic addiction. lol
hi I was talking about the above quote when you said that you had prayed to a god about your ex. I was wondering which god. Thanks.

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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2013, 12:28:06 PM »
"Universe," "Source," "God." All the same to me. Just easier to say God. Not quite sure how to put it into words, but I believe that you and I believe in the same entity. Just that you believe in the Biblical version/definition.

I don't believe that God wants to be worshiped. I believe he just wants to be appreciated. Gratitude is everything! That is the biggest difference, to me.

I believe in Law of Attraction, to a degree, and I believe that when we want something and it is given to us, it is given to us by a higher power, and I call it God or "the universe."


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2013, 05:57:20 PM »
"Universe," "Source," "God." All the same to me. Just easier to say God. Not quite sure how to put it into words, but I believe that you and I believe in the same entity. Just that you believe in the Biblical version/definition.

I don't believe that God wants to be worshiped. I believe he just wants to be appreciated. Gratitude is everything! That is the biggest difference, to me.

I believe in Law of Attraction, to a degree, and I believe that when we want something and it is given to us, it is given to us by a higher power, and I call it God or "the universe."
okay. Thanks for replying. Jen


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2013, 05:58:02 PM »
I agree with this too - what jen80 said. I JUST went through something, still going through a serious condition in my life, and I broke down a called a trusted reader. It had been quite a while since I've had a reading. This reader was WRONG on EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of this issue I am dealing with! WRONG ON EVERYTHING! I could kick myself! For months I've been dealing with something horrible, and before anyone asks: not a relationship issue, not a career issue. Everything I was told in the readings was WRONG - I was led on the wrong paths for MONTHS. Not intentionally, but wrong nonetheless.

I was trusting in the reader's words, and tho I was and am doing lots of praying as well, I was putting too much faith in the reader, instead of where my faith rightfully belonged: with God. I threw out everything this reader said now - and last Friday I was finally put on the proper path - I noticed a difference in 2 days! The reader told me not to take this route that I am taking, but I was drawn to that route and did it! And I'm so glad i did!! I am getting better every single day! I am going to be doing something else within the next week, and I KNOW it will be successful, because I prayed & asked, and I have full faith it will happen - because I KNOW the Lord put me in GOOD HANDS - what's best for me. I will report back with my testimony on that.

I just wanted to put this on here, because I made a huge mistake, and was in worse condition because of relying on a psychic instead of putting in the Lord's hands. Never again will I make this mistake. I went against my better judgment, and got afraid, and that's what prompted me to make the calls.

I am with PrettyLittleLiz, tjoy, Jen80 and others not mentioned here - we all have the power, to make our lives better,  - relying on psychic's words can be dangerous and downright harmful, as I've learned for myself. If we just give ourselves a chance, and have some patience, and be strong in faith, things DO come together. Believe in YOURSELVES and whatever higher power you believe, to bring things together for you.

I put God number one and all else falls into place. I am living proof.

If anybody is offended by my post, I am not going to apologize for it. I will not deny my beliefs or my experiences. I wanted to tell this psychic story and hope it helps one or many.

Peace, well-wishes, and many blessings to ALL members on here.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2013, 06:11:40 PM »
I agree with this too - what jen80 said. I JUST went through something, still going through a serious condition in my life, and I broke down a called a trusted reader. It had been quite a while since I've had a reading. This reader was WRONG on EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of this issue I am dealing with! WRONG ON EVERYTHING! I could kick myself! For months I've been dealing with something horrible, and before anyone asks: not a relationship issue, not a career issue. Everything I was told in the readings was WRONG - I was led on the wrong paths for MONTHS. Not intentionally, but wrong nonetheless.

I was trusting in the reader's words, and tho I was and am doing lots of praying as well, I was putting too much faith in the reader, instead of where my faith rightfully belonged: with God. I threw out everything this reader said now - and last Friday I was finally put on the proper path - I noticed a difference in 2 days! The reader told me not to take this route that I am taking, but I was drawn to that route and did it! And I'm so glad i did!! I am getting better every single day! I am going to be doing something else within the next week, and I KNOW it will be successful, because I prayed & asked, and I have full faith it will happen - because I KNOW the Lord put me in GOOD HANDS - what's best for me. I will report back with my testimony on that.

I just wanted to put this on here, because I made a huge mistake, and was in worse condition because of relying on a psychic instead of putting in the Lord's hands. Never again will I make this mistake. I went against my better judgment, and got afraid, and that's what prompted me to make the calls.

I am with PrettyLittleLiz, tjoy, Jen80 and others not mentioned here - we all have the power, to make our lives better,  - relying on psychic's words can be dangerous and downright harmful, as I've learned for myself. If we just give ourselves a chance, and have some patience, and be strong in faith, things DO come together. Believe in YOURSELVES and whatever higher power you believe, to bring things together for you.

I put God number one and all else falls into place. I am living proof.

If anybody is offended by my post, I am not going to apologize for it. I will not deny my beliefs or my experiences. I wanted to tell this psychic story and hope it helps one or many.

Peace, well-wishes, and many blessings to ALL members on here.
oh my! Your post was so beautiful. It has encouraged me . Thank you for this.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2013, 07:16:33 PM »

I've had many, many readings in the past - when I was having my own 'psychic addiction' a couple years back, and of course, just about all were wrong, but it didn't really 'harm' me physically. Emotionally, yes.
This present episode, on this issue I'm dealing with, hurt me both physically AND emotionally.

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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2013, 09:12:45 PM »
Brilliant, all I can say is Brilliant!  Again, I'm saying to myself, "Why didn't I see this Topic before?".  Could have been that I wasn't meant to at the time?  Everything being said here resounds with me.  I'm working on putting God #1.  I think that in part I was afraid to acknowledge there was a hire power at work, EVEN in the readings I was getting but, a lot of what I went through actually SAVED my life, so it does feel guided in some way. 

I was trying to do the tarot for myself for a while and I constantly picked up on negative issues over and over and over and then I would go to psychics for help in deciphering what was going on.  It got really bad and then one of my trusted readers stopped reading for me.  I think at that point I had to say, wow, there IS a problem here.  I still got readings but, I went to other readers and that's when I realized that it was a problem, when I tried to add more money and I couldn't helped a lot too. 

I really appreciate the posts here from all of you.  More pieces of my personal puzzle have been put together and thats a true blessing for me today.  THANK YOU!

