Author Topic: Reading tarot for yourself  (Read 22656 times)


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2012, 03:16:29 PM »
First let me say I am not dismissing anyone with the question I am about to pose. I am asking this question out of curiosity. Why do evil spirits enter through the board only? All the psychic tools available - cards, crystals, runes etc, why pick just the board?

I couldn't put into words myself, so here is a link that breaks down the difference between the use of a tool such as the tarot ( and I believe other tools you mentioned here: crystals, runes, etc. falls into this category, although this article only mentions tarot). It explains how the Ouija is an 'open system' that users have no control, whereas others tools are 'closed systems':


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2012, 03:23:02 PM »
Hey Jordie,

Personally, I think all forms of divination are open doors for such spirits into your life.


Yea you're right. Man that thing is scary. Dont know about burning it, but once my brother and I made one out of paper and then tried to throw it away out the car window. We then immediately got into a car accident. Coincidence? I dunno.

But I can vouch for the fact that, it is so super real and super creepy.
Also, I'm not sure about the whole open system and closed etc. I think all forms are open doors for spirits.

I'll check out the article you provided too.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2012, 04:10:21 PM »
@tjoy12: I do suppose you may be right in that all forms of divination can be an open door, but its certain forms of divination that allow for 'light' as opposed to 'dark' spirits coming through, much of that determined by the user - some use 'in the light', for only good, while others do not. There is so much unknown about the spirit world.

Here is a story: A few years back - maybe about 5-6 years ago, I contacted a 'psychic', who was referred to me.  He refused to read for me. He said, and I still remember his exact words: "You don;t need my help", and he immediately hung up on me and I didn't know if we just somehow got disconnected or what. I tried calling back, and he blocked my number. It was only later that I found out he delved in black magic. I believe the reason he refused to read for me is because he knew that I am a Christian, faith-based in God, and nothing, nobody, is more powerful than God. Working 'in the light', for good, is always stronger than working in the dark. But yeah, he would not read for me, nor take my money, because in doing so, would have been detrimental to him (the psychic) in what he practiced because God trumps evil/dark works.

*This is just my experience & my opinion, people. No offense to anyone*

Hey Jordie,

Personally, I think all forms of divination are open doors for such spirits into your life.


Yea you're right. Man that thing is scary. Dont know about burning it, but once my brother and I made one out of paper and then tried to throw it away out the car window. We then immediately got into a car accident. Coincidence? I dunno.

But I can vouch for the fact that, it is so super real and super creepy.
Also, I'm not sure about the whole open system and closed etc. I think all forms are open doors for spirits.

I'll check out the article you provided too.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2012, 04:42:16 PM »
Yes, tarot cards are tools, they offer images to the unconscious. In fact, the best way to use tarot cards is for meditation and to work on the present and on the *potential* outcome. Divination is only one aspect of tarots. In their origins, they were just playing cards, used for games.

Spirits ... if you don't believe in them, they leave you alone! :)

First let me say I am not dismissing anyone with the question I am about to pose. I am asking this question out of curiosity. Why do evil spirits enter through the board only? All the psychic tools available - cards, crystals, runes etc, why pick just the board?

I couldn't put into words myself, so here is a link that breaks down the difference between the use of a tool such as the tarot ( and I believe other tools you mentioned here: crystals, runes, etc. falls into this category, although this article only mentions tarot). It explains how the Ouija is an 'open system' that users have no control, whereas others tools are 'closed systems':


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2012, 07:39:31 PM »

I read the article and it is really biased. Consider the author of that article and his personal beliefs. That is what you'll get.

This is not an attack, just an observation.  ;)

You're right, nothing is more powerful than God and honestly, my situation is beginning to turn around since I've gone back to God in prayer and trusting Him.
I knew from the word of God, that it is wrong to consult anything other than Him, but in a time of emotional pain, I consulted readers and was in bondage feeling constant anxiety...I think because deep down, i knew I was wrong.

God revealed the truth to me and I'm beginning to feel peace again because I'm trusting God again.

Please anyone dont take this as an attack, but if you've been going in circles with readings, I suggest going to God. He knows better than any reader.

I didn't take note of the author, but I think I liked how he/she explained the dangers of Ouija and how its a direct portal, and how it separates it from other divination tools.

I don't take your response as an attack, lol.

I am glad things are turning around for you!! :) :) Like you, Ive also turned to psychics when in emotional pain. But not anymore.  I go to God-always did, but sometimes I just didn't want to wait for the answer. I still am tempted to call, though. Now - I pray, ask, believe, receive. I also ask for signs - validations, and I get them.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2012, 07:57:18 PM »
Why 'biased'? Because he's a tarot card reader? It means he knows his material. If I ask a question about quantum physics, a physicist is likely to answer me more correctly than a filmmaker. The article is not profoundly informative but it's correct. Yes, there's also the author's opinion. This doesn't make the article biased.


I read the article and it is really biased. Consider the author of that article and his personal beliefs. That is what you'll get.

This is not an attack, just an observation.  ;)

You're right, nothing is more powerful than God and honestly, my situation is beginning to turn around since I've gone back to God in prayer and trusting Him.
I knew from the word of God, that it is wrong to consult anything other than Him, but in a time of emotional pain, I consulted readers and was in bondage feeling constant anxiety...I think because deep down, i knew I was wrong.

God revealed the truth to me and I'm beginning to feel peace again because I'm trusting God again.

Please anyone dont take this as an attack, but if you've been going in circles with readings, I suggest going to God. He knows better than any reader.


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2012, 08:55:34 PM »

Yea exactly!
I just wanted to put it out there I'm not attacking, given recent events on the forum.

I know. For me too the temptation is there, but I start to remember the peace that God gives totally outweighs having 'inside" knowledge from a reader which it might not be correct anyway.


I think the mature response to this would be to say nothing as you have your opinion and I have mine.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2012, 10:22:58 PM »
I was answering based not on opinions but on my knowledge of tarot cards. I've been studying the history, meaning, etc. of tarots for 20 years. I've read hundreds of books on the topic, including historical documents and much more. Based on my knowledge, I judged the article not biased (although, as I said earlier, not so informative). I'm curious to know why you think it is biased instead. My response did not, and does not, want to be confrontational, I just provided my point of view on a topic I'm quite knowledgeable about.


Yea exactly!
I just wanted to put it out there I'm not attacking, given recent events on the forum.

I know. For me too the temptation is there, but I start to remember the peace that God gives totally outweighs having 'inside" knowledge from a reader which it might not be correct anyway.


I think the mature response to this would be to say nothing as you have your opinion and I have mine.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2012, 11:44:02 PM »
Oh......ok, I'm going to jump in here, and I hope to not regret it:

Tjoy: I don't believe Eleanor is being confrontational, I believe she's just asking how/why you came to your conclusion. That's all. And no offense intended, but nobody should have  to suppress their opinions, just because it differs.

Eleanor:  the term bias - perhaps tjoy meant that as the author not taking a neutral position.

Regardless, everyone has the right to their opinions, ideas, and beliefs and we on this forum should respect others' opinions, ideas, and beliefs. We may not agree with everyone's views, but I see nothing wrong with discussing the differences of others beliefs, so long as it does not degenerate into mud-slinging/bashing another for their views.



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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2013, 02:16:49 PM »
I believe that every form of these 'tools' including 'no tools' have the potential to let in good or evil spirits.

It all depends sometimes on who is doing it. Evil spirits cannot come through if you the reader do not allow them(if you are a kid or inexperienced you will not know the difference and the evil spirits will take advantage of your inexperience). it takes a God based,experienced reader to know the difference.

The bible says that the devil can come as an angel of light.most readers do this for money and are so unethical that they take anything that comes through during a reading as long as that thing is correct enough to wow their clients and keep them coming back.

Bad spirits play a game,ruin our lives and get us hooked. They will give us half truths, false info etc. We then get hooked, have fear, get anxiety attacks, spend more money and if we are not saved quickly enough get emotional problems and be ruined.

I believe there is a God and I believe there is a devil and each of these entities have their spirits good or bad.

Going to readers have done us more harm than the reason we went to them in the first we are addicts and have lost thousands.

We would get a bad reading and automatically get another reading to counteract that.when the devil senses that we are giving up he allows a prediction to come true which makes us hopeful again and continue with readers.

I am in the same shoes with everyone. So am not preaching am just seeing things for what they are.I haven't had a reading in a while but get the urges.

Broke down yesterday and tried to call a reader mentioned here and she had blocked me.I had never read with her before. I wasn't sad that she did that I was happy as I have been in prayer the past week and I saw it as God saving me.when I woke up this morning the feeling to call a reader had passed.

If you are reading this and you still have the power in you please stop calling readers, cancel you accounts in everything connected to readings including this forum as the forum can be tempting. Run away save yourself, go back to normal life where if a lover leaves you you have a good cry and go on with your life like normal people do.

If you are already an addict stay with the forum here you will read about lots of psychic failures which will give you strenght to not call readers as you will see that with thousands spent you get almost nothing in return.

I am so much better than I was even a month ago from reading this forum which I do daily. It has given me strength and with prayer added I will be okay soon. Hope I get a job soon to try to rebuild financially.

Forgive my rambling but to get back on takes a reader filled with good spirits to prevent bad spirits from using them as a is actually the bad spirits using the readers as 'TOOLS' not the other way around.

How would you know a reader that has some sort of good in them?. A reader that does not take advantage of you for money, a reader that does not lie to keep you coming back. A reader that does not tell everyone almost the same things hoping it will stick to someone( compare notes guys), a reader that will not let ýou call all the time, a reader that does not deliberately talk slowly for the time to run out, a reader that does not cold read by asking questions and changing( a good reader should just ask you what you wanted and go from there).some readers even say that they are prophets but the bible says 'by their fruits you shall know them'. A reader that talks about spells or doing things for you to make your ex come back. A reader that wants to cleanse your negativity. A reader that tells you will power (when God gives a prediction it can change with prayer not because the other person decided not to,only God can change a prediction unless he didn't give the prediction in the first place, go to the bible and read about king hezekiah who was given a prediction that he would die by a prophet of God but the king cried and prayed and God heard his prayer and sent back the prophet to tell the king that God had changed his mind).

I remember when kisha told me that my prediction had changed and I was angry and sad but I realize now that I was praying a lot during that time that God should save me and God answered my prayers by changing that prediction( thank you kisha for telling me the truth and helping) as the man was not good for me.

If you are given a bad prediction pray and fast and beg God and God will save you.

Better yet stop getting readings and just pray to God.

I wish I can take my own advice.

Maybe one day I will......


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2013, 03:03:25 PM »
Couldn't have said it better myself.
This is the truth!

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2013, 06:40:46 PM »

I read the article and it is really biased. Consider the author of that article and his personal beliefs. That is what you'll get.

This is not an attack, just an observation.  ;)

You're right, nothing is more powerful than God and honestly, my situation is beginning to turn around since I've gone back to God in prayer and trusting Him.
I knew from the word of God, that it is wrong to consult anything other than Him, but in a time of emotional pain, I consulted readers and was in bondage feeling constant anxiety...I think because deep down, i knew I was wrong.

God revealed the truth to me and I'm beginning to feel peace again because I'm trusting God again.

Please anyone dont take this as an attack, but if you've been going in circles with readings, I suggest going to God. He knows better than any reader.

I didn't take note of the author, but I think I liked how he/she explained the dangers of Ouija and how its a direct portal, and how it separates it from other divination tools.

I don't take your response as an attack, lol.

I am glad things are turning around for you!! :) :) Like you, Ive also turned to psychics when in emotional pain. But not anymore.  I go to God-always did, but sometimes I just didn't want to wait for the answer. I still am tempted to call, though. Now - I pray, ask, believe, receive. I also ask for signs - validations, and I get them.

Have you ever gotten those signs and then nothing came of it?


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2013, 07:26:39 PM »
@Awesomeness: Something ALWAYS comes out of prayer, and the validations - maybe not exactly how I expect, but something always does come of it - what is best for me. So, answer to your question: Most def. YES. :) :)


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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2013, 11:30:14 PM »
Prayer always works. We as human beings are just too impatient.

Sometimes we may ask for something but don't get it because God knows that what we asked for is not good for us.

Prayer signs that don't come to fruition are so much better than psychic signs that don't come to fruition.

God will never lie, keep you in a cycle, steal your money, tell you your guy loves you so much but reality shows that he got married to someone else and have started a family with the one he loves. God will not tell you to put your life on hold because he will surely come back to you.

God's signs are so much more real even when he is silent than a reader.

Being addicted to God is also better than being addicted to readers.

God's gifts are free, he never charges. When you pay someone for anything you stand the risk of being conned.

I will take God's sign not coming to fruition than readers sign not coming to fruition anyday.

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Reading tarot for yourself
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2013, 11:57:08 PM »
I agree. I've never had a sign from a psychic come to fruition other than Raymond on psychicaccess telling me I'd smell my guy's cologne. And I did, several times, out of nowhere.

I have asked God for signs in regards to my guy. I even asked for signs to stop if they did not mean that he and I would reunite (the signs were very specific to him/us..not general AT ALL). And the signs continued.  :)  This was long before I ever spoke to a psychic. I'm new to the psychic addiction. lol

