Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Card Reading & Divination

Reading tarot for yourself

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When you really from your heart seek God and his help he will know. If you pray because of heartbreak there is a difference. God is a jealous God. He will not share you with something else.

The bible says that 'seek ye the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you'. Meaning truly want God, want him more than your ex, let God know that you want only him and that you don't care if your ex comes back or not.

The problem is most of us are not ready for that. We want our ex period.

The flesh is a difficult thing to go against. Its hard to let go and that's where satan gains the upper hand with us.

Prayer is the key. I too know this but its hard.

I don't believe in the Biblical "God."


--- Quote from: Awesomeness on February 26, 2013, 03:35:33 AM ---I don't believe in the Biblical "God."

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okay no problem. You have a right to your own belief. If you don't mind me asking which 'God' did you say you prayed to about you ex?.


--- Quote from: Awesomeness on February 25, 2013, 11:57:08 PM ---I agree. I've never had a sign from a psychic come to fruition other than Raymond on psychicaccess telling me I'd smell my guy's cologne. And I did, several times, out of nowhere.

I have asked God for signs in regards to my guy. I even asked for signs to stop if they did not mean that he and I would reunite (the signs were very specific to him/us..not general AT ALL). And the signs continued.  :)  This was long before I ever spoke to a psychic. I'm new to the psychic addiction. lol

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hi I was talking about the above quote when you said that you had prayed to a god about your ex. I was wondering which god. Thanks.

"Universe," "Source," "God." All the same to me. Just easier to say God. Not quite sure how to put it into words, but I believe that you and I believe in the same entity. Just that you believe in the Biblical version/definition.

I don't believe that God wants to be worshiped. I believe he just wants to be appreciated. Gratitude is everything! That is the biggest difference, to me.

I believe in Law of Attraction, to a degree, and I believe that when we want something and it is given to us, it is given to us by a higher power, and I call it God or "the universe."


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