Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Card Reading & Divination

Reading tarot for yourself

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Hi guys, has anyone ever read tarot cards for themselves? A friend of mine recently bought me a set. I have done a few readings for myself. they seem eerily accurate, but at the same time almost too good to be true. Am I too biased to read for myself? I am about to throw them out the window, not sure they are helping...

Hi truelove....yes I have and do. I seem to pull most of the same cards as my locals when they read me. I do the celtic cross spread, or draw 7 cards/but it fun and interesting too.....good luck!

yeah, i do. i think that is one of the ways it's recommended to use Tarot. at least from my studies and knowledge. that is, to use it for self guidance and growing. i think using it as a predictive tool on yourself is difficult because you can maybe skew the positive or negative meaning of the cards sometimes.

my advice. if you are doing this for yourself, make it a practice to WRITE DOWN the question and make it very clear. do a spread that is very straight-forward. that way, there will be no mistaking the answer. if you don't write it down, at least make sure you are really focused on the specific question. i think, with tarot, that is where some of the confusion can come in. you ask "what does he think of me" and you get stuff like - he thinks you are intelligent and grounded. you get upset and think - what! so he doesn't LOVE me? well, you didn't really ask that question. re-work the question to something like - what are his romantic or sexual feelings towards me, if any. try not to re-word what you asked once you see the cards.


Can I ask you, how is it that the Tarot has power to answer questions.  That always boggles my mind.  Can you explain???

@ Estrellita....I know this question was for truth....I would like to know as well, even if anyone on this board would like to share their opinions. I have heard that psychics use them as a tool. That is all I know!


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