Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True

Local Psychic Prediction that came true years later/Timing

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Oh hahah. Whoops!

Yes I agree, I just had this happen myself this past week! During a reading I had 5-6 years ago on my ex, my reader who was a local one said that she sees cirrhosis of the liver around him which I thought was odd so I discounted it. I never confirmed this or heard anything about it so I forgot about it. Fast forward to this week and I heard through the grapevine that he was recently diagnosed with this! Yes the timing is usually the problem and can be waaay off. I would love to hear if others have similar experiences or stories of predictions coming true a year, 3 or more down the road??

I had a psychic tell me that an ex-bff would say that they regret how things worked out between us and is going to say something along the lines of how they knew I was going to be successful or wished she was still in my inner circle, because I have become so successful.  During the reading, I knew there was no way in hell I ever wanted to see this woman again. She cheated so many people and lied about so many things, so I knew if I ever saw her I was crossing the street. The psychic specifically told me though that it wasn't going to happen for a very long time, maybe 10/20 years out.  All this came up in the reading.  It was nothing I asked about.  It hasn't happened yet, and I really don't know if it ever will since I've moved to a different state, and although I take good notes now, this is one thing I didn’t write down but remember like it was yesterday.  So my point is the inaccuracies readers say like a few months or use specifics like next week, next hour, etc. when they aren’t sure something is due to happen years away is irresponsible. 

If I ask, 'will my best friend call me' for example,  the answer could easily just be a yes, but instead oftentimes psychics give predictions, even when they aren't asked.  With timing being off the way it is (a lot, which readers know), then they are at fault for being wrong.  That’s the problem with predictions. A psychic would claim they were right even though it happened 10 years later.  It’s just so bogus.


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