Author Topic: soulmates???do they always end up together? and why is it such damn hard work!  (Read 22068 times)

Offline fm

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Haha Kira, your posts are sooo full of anger ! :P anyway, cool down, but seriously sometimes we do need to sit down and look objectively at the situation. And see what comes or any new things you have found out for yourself. Geez.

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if we didnt make pour own decisions then they wouldnt be our lessons


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I was told someone wasn't my SM (December hottie). In fact, I was told he was just looking for sex!! LOL I was also told an ex-boyfriend was basically an asshole (he really was). And my dear ex-husband, well, I don't waste my precious minutes on him.

Offline aef2929 P

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Whoa yes alot of anger here.

The soulmate is about life lessons certainly, and it's painful at times because it happens to make us access our own inner wisdom.  It also happens because during this time, we, and the soulmate are supposed to experience personal growth.

When there is separation we are supposed to be living in the NOW.  Focusing on ourselves.  Learning that we want life on our terms not on the terms others set for us.  This is the period of personal growth we are supposed to be experiencing.  Turn up the volume, the soul speaks in whispers.  Information sent through inner wisdom often comes in subtle way, through symbols, meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, repeated signs or references.  We want the big sign but the true soul signs come quietly like that.  During a time when there is separation or issues in the soulmate relationship it is to make us grow and go within ourselves and learn.  We're supposed to be learning to listen with our hearts not our ears. 
And yes live in the other people, go out, enjoy yourself.  It's all part of the experience. 

Sometimes, the soulmate doesn't do their job and they take a different path.  When that happens that is recognized and another soulmate is sent to come in. 

The five big soulmate lessons for us to learn is Passion, Purpose, Potential, Pacing (Patience!), and Problem Solving.  We are experiencing this relationship to learn at least 1 of these lessons. 

None of us should feel we have to apologize for our feelings.  This is your experience.  If we decide to jump off the path we can....we create our own reality.  It doesn't mean we have to be's ok to live our lives and move along....eventually they'll catch up!  And really it's not for us to interfere in our soulmates experience...they need to experience these other relationships to move forward also.  Sometimes you need to let go of an attachment to make the energy flow and move.

Each of us is individual and needs to experience this in our own way.  If we want to date other, date others, some may , some may not want to.  Both are ok.  As long as you are living in the now and going within yourself and keeping yourself in a position of self awareness, expressing yourself at your highest level, you're doing your spiritual work for're learning. 

Your personal resonance is created with every free will action you take and every decision you make.  It expresses your vibration of the consequences of your own free will choices.  Use your own free will wisely when assessing the best way to react to something and pay attention to the intention behind your reaction.  What do you want this reaction to resonate and and face yourself honestly.  It's not easy but always take the high road.  It's all part of us doing our part in this for ourselves! 

Grab a friend when you're mad and plot and plan and talk about all the things you want to do....write all over his/her facebook, send texts to his phone, call him/her tell him to go F themselves!....but then laugh and don't do it!  Remember any action we take has consequences and can change the energy of our desired outcome.

Besides that, this is their experience...including the new girlfriends, boyfriends, etc...we are not supposed to really be interfering with their experience.  They too are experiencing all this for a reason.

If you would be loved, love and be lovable -- Benjamin Franklin

Carefully plant a good seed, you will joyfully gather good fruit.  -- Buddha

Peace and Light.

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"Did she say when SM #2 is coming around?"

Ellen didn't know. Her and another local psychic i use both said this would be the one, and i would know very quickly that i would want to spend the rest of my life with him. She estimated a few months, and the other psychic said i would meet him in an "M" month... so it will be in March or May when i meet him according to her. They both have the same physical descriptions for him too. Funny how none of the CP psychics have seen this? I seriously think most of those readers play with probabilities and if they start to ask more than one question at a time hang up the phone. Eden and Jean were the only ones to say "I see you dating 3-4 guys before SM comes in" or "You are going to have lots of options this year, at least 4 guys maybe more" Eden said the first, Jean said the second. I am currently talking and hanging out with a few different guys at the moment.

Offline cj

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I'm not angry, I'm frustrated that people in a position to be a trusted consult for paying customers will treat their hearts so frivolously.  A medical doctor would be sued for this type of negligence.  I am frustrated that people buy the words written by others regarding exactly what a soul mate is and all the rules therein.  There's a lot of talking going on and a lot of supposed knowledge on a subject that in intangible.  To me this is only further exacerbating hopes which may be in vain and, more importantly, detrimental. 
You're right that everybody is living his/her own experience, and nobody needs to apologize for their feelings.  I certainly don't apologize for being honest and realistic and caring about people I don't even really know.  My input here is what it is and it's not a style that works for everyone, but if any one person engages in a new thought path that leads to resolution because I speak from my perspective, that's worth it to me.  There is no authority on this subject.  To think it's all been figured out is contrary to what spiritualism is.

Offline aef2929 P

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I agree Kira...

This subject is does not have a physical's what is in each person's individual heart.  It's for each of us to have our own experience and go within ourselves and decide how we want it to go.  Not to experience this on others terms...on our own terms.  I agree.

I don't feel that this is further exacerbating hopes.  We are all supposed to have hope for's about what each individual wants.  And I don't feel anyone thinks it's all been figured out.  For me I feel it has been about me figuring myself out and my own path in this.


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So it sounds like you agree with some of what I'm saying, so do you not feel miffed by psychics who tell a person this is their one and only soul mate or there aren't any others out there and stuff like that?  I think that's horrible and obviously they shouldn't be doing this work.

Offline cj

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well God is all for the love so I def dont think we have only one sm, but hey people stay married to people and they're not just bc a person has one sm in this lifetime doesnt mean thats the end of the road for them and they will never be happy.

It just means that their soul has only made a contract with one person in this lifetime..its not the psychics who did that..our souls did..they're just the messengers.

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I totally agree with you aef..we do need hope in our lives...and we need to experience those choices we've made no matter how detrimental bc thats how we live and learn..this is what were here for on this planet after all.

Offline aef2929 P

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I feel that you are supposed to take from a reading what resonates with you and throw the rest out! 

I feel that reading with a psychic is our own choice in this experience.  We are doing it to gain insight.  I believe some are out there that need work on their presentation and they shouldn't be doing this type of work where people are coming to then and are vulnerable and need to be handled with care...and some don't do that.  Some can be rude.

I don't feel any good psychic would tell someone that this person is their one and only soulmate.  We all have multiple soulmates...are we on their path in this lifetime...maybe....maybe not.  Our vibration and our energy we put out there is what creates our reality.  I do believe we made some or at least 1 contract with someone before we came down I am not saying a love contract per may be a contract of care for that person...seeing them through an illness etc...A Sacred Contract.  There are also Soul Contracts I believe. 

But no, do we get "punished" and have to be with no one if the soulmate can't get it together?  I don't believe that....someone else will come in our path even if not a soulmate.  Most marriages and loving relationships between 2 people are not soulmates...or love soulmates..heart soulmates they call it.  Soulmate relationships are work...they are hard...until that work is getting done then they are dynamite!

I also believe with a reading it goes by current energy and as long as that person continues on that energy path then what is seen at that time is pretty accurate.  But I believe every action has a reaction and we change our own paths at times.  Freewill right?  We are revising the script.  We create our own reality by our actions....good and bad.  The law of Karma, consequences, they're unavoidable when we make an action.  That's why I feel to examine your will result in an outcome you may not really want. 

It's all in our choices...even with the readings...our choice.  WE are accountable for's our experience.

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In any case, to me, SM is just only a label. Ultimately, it is reality and time speaks for itself. In this case, we have to make the choice of how we want to live our lives, SM or not, this lover or that lover, if you guys feel happy being with them, and if they are worth your time and love, good for you, if not you can choose to wait or move on. Ultimately, it is true that we are responsible for our decisions and the life we live.


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Just to clarify on my end - I asked they psychics if they saw anyone else in my near future - they didn't. With the current energy they felt like SM is the person I am going to end up with. They also didn't see a another *love* SM relationship in my near future. That doesn't mean it isn't out there. I have full faith in God that I am going to end up with someone awesome and be happy when the time is right. It's what I want and pray for. Abrielle said the same thing that aef said. If the soul mate doesn't work out, another will be sent. Abrielle took a look to see if she saw another SM on the horizon and she didn't. Doesn't mean another relationship isn't out there. Ellen basically said the same thing.

I could start dating someone else next weekend. I actually tried to reconnect with the December guy recently but it didn't work out. Dating someone and the SM connection are 2 completely different things. I can't even compare the two. I had major lust and infatuation for December guy but that is quite different from the SM 'pull'.

Honestly, December guy was much easier to deal with then the SM nonsense. But my heart and soul is with SM and for now, I want to leave it there. I'm willing to take the chance that this may or may not workout for what I think could be an awesome life changing relationship. A few days after I broke up with SM, December guy came flying into my life. I know he was sent in to help get me through. Based on what I've seen and learned through my recent journey, I have faith. Spiritual faith, destiny faith, faith in the goodness of others and faith in myself.

We spoke again last night for 2 minutes. Things are moving very slowly - like a snail - but there is movement after months of being stagnant. I have learned such patience from this. I don't know how much more patience I can learn at this point. We are communicating - hooray!!!

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Hey all,

Just wanted to stop and and say hi to everyone, been super busy latelyand haven't had much time to post. I don't really have anything to update though either lol I'll try and post a lil more later when I'm not on my phone!!

PT- I'm so glad you guys are communicating again. You have a wonderful attitude towards everything and that only ensures a great outcome. I know what you say about patience haha!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Back soon!!