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I'm not in support of the theory that spirit guides punish us for asking too many questions. I believe that there can be feasible reasons for delays. One is the way timing is predicted. The second is that there may be lessons to be learned before an event is to be realized, and one or both parties are not learning whatever thay are to learn quickly enough for the timeframes to be met.
In terms of timing, my experience is that readers are given numbers most often. The interpretation of those numbers is very loose. A "2" can be February, or 2 weeks, 2 daya, 2 months from now. Or in 2 day, 2 weeks, or 2 months - or on the 2nd of the month or any day in the month with a 2 init. You get what I mean. We are really at the readers mercy to be able to decipher what it is.
I recall a reading with Dr. Ginny a few weeks back. The timelines she gave for my outcome were so way off all of my other readings, that I was alarmed. I decided to ask her what message she received. She said, "I was given a 10" and "month"...and so she justified with me how she interpretted that as the "outcome" would occur in 10 months. I still wasn't convinced that this was the only interpretation, so I said to her "Well couldn't your message also indicate October?" (that was in line with all of my other readings, by the way). Her answer was , "No, I got a 10 and then the word month". Well, I am in no position to question Dr. Ginny, in fact, she comes well recommended by some, but at the end of the call, I simply couldn't accept that her message was interpretted in the only way it could have been. Of course I did not mention it to Ginny. I simply ended the call and thanked her.
In my mind, if a spirit guide give a "10" and "month" it is quite feasible that is could be the 10th month, or October. However, Dr. Ginny and I differ on that.
--- Quote from: Zee on September 03, 2012, 11:53:59 PM ---The push backs of occurrences or time span increases, doesn't really answer the question does it? If I'm tempted to cause a delay intentional or not, whether on my side or the other person in question, wouldn't this too be a prediction that could be seen? Shouldn’t I be warned not to do such and such if I want the outcome to happen? I want the outcome more than anything, why would I cause a sabotage?
I've heard readers say that too if you get too many readings, it will disrupt the outcome, and confuse the guides. Confuse them how? Aren’t they on a higher plane of existence, so as to know more than I about a given situation? How are they guiding me, if they continue to push the timing of events back and back and back? Then the next thing I know, I've waited over two years for an event to transpire. I don't know. This sounds more like default verbiage inaccurate psychics tend to give.
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--- Quote ---I'm not in support of the theory that spirit guides punish us for asking too many questions. I believe that there can be feasible reasons for delays. One is the way timing is predicted. The second is that there may be lessons to be learned before an event is to be realized, and one or both parties are not learning whatever thay are to learn quickly enough for the timeframes to be met.
In terms of timing, my experience is that readers are given numbers most often. The interpretation of those numbers is very loose. A "2" can be February, or 2 weeks, 2 daya, 2 months from now. Or in 2 day, 2 weeks, or 2 months - or on the 2nd of the month or any day in the month with a 2 init. You get what I mean. We are really at the readers mercy to be able to decipher what it is.
I recall a reading with Dr. Ginny a few weeks back. The timelines she gave for my outcome were so way off all of my other readings, that I was alarmed. I decided to ask her what message she received. She said, "I was given a 10" and "month"...and so she justified with me how she interpretted that as the "outcome" would occur in 10 months. I still wasn't convinced that this was the only interpretation, so I said to her "Well couldn't your message also indicate October?" (that was in line with all of my other readings, by the way). Her answer was , "No, I got a 10 and then the word month". Well, I am in no position to question Dr. Ginny, in fact, she comes well recommended by some, but at the end of the call, I simply couldn't accept that her message was interpretted in the only way it could have been. Of course I did not mention it to Ginny. I simply ended the call and thanked her.
In my mind, if a spirit guide give a "10" and "month" it is quite feasible that is could be the 10th month, or October. However, Dr. Ginny and I differ on that.
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Yes, I completely agree on the interpretation and have read twice with Dr. G. Some of her predictions did not happen and some are coming up for Nov/Dec. I have my doubts about the upcoming ones only because the previous ones didn't pan out. I'm disappointed in her (thread aptly titled) in the way she wasn't open minded about the 10 month interpretation for you. I can totally see both sides. I don't understand why she naturally assumed she was right without question and that is the way it is period. It really doesn't make sense, especially knowing the difficulty of pinpointing time. Couldn't it also have been the 10 day of the month your reading was in?
I also completely agreed (the way timing is predicted). Psychics often know they are wrong about predictions so I don't understand why they aren't taking better measures to assess how they can be better at their jobs. If you are wrong at something, wouldn't you want to work more diligently to try and correct your mistake(s) so that others have a much better experience? I’m only saying.
There are many experts in the field of whatever, but it doesn’t mean they are never wrong and it certainly doesn’t mean that they have all the answers. Practice doesn’t make perfect…it makes permanence.
I'm not a sole proponent of free will cause delays, but I suppose it can. It has to be something really unexpected, though, otherwise I agree that the psychic should have/could have detected the potential at the time of the reading.
However, the longer timeframe between reading and predicted outcome, the greater the opportunity that something really unforeseen and unexpected can occur. That is not to say, that in a short time frame the same is not possible, but it is less probable and probability is what is at issue with all psychic predictions, I think.
--- Quote from: sunandmoon on September 04, 2012, 12:00:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: truelove on September 03, 2012, 11:28:19 PM ---@sunandmoon...(btw I love that name)....did any prediction with respect to your ex manifest at all in the 2.5 years?
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I had correct dates of contact here and there, that's about it
--- Quote from: smee2 on September 03, 2012, 11:44:23 PM ---I just went back to your earlier post, and it seems that if I am reading it correctly, you were given timeframes that came and passed over the 2.5 years, correct? That is a little different than what I was saying. I was referring to a situation where readers predict something will happen in a year or so, and to bear in mind that the outcome could be affected by free will of either or both parties. If I am understanding your situation, that was not the case. It was more along the lines of getting a short-term prediction that passed, and then being given revised timeframes. Is that correct?
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I've had it all. Timeframes of days, weeks, months, and yes even 18 month timeframes.
Some were revised, some stood firm. None were correct.
BTW I have not had a reading in about a year. Final time frames were for this past spring. I will highly guess that if I were to call again (or if I never stopped), they'd continually be pushed out every 2-3 months as they always were. I was getting readings from June 2010 - Sept 2011
And what's the difference in a prediction being changed if it's short or long term? If you buy into the free-will camp (which it seems you do by the above quote), free will can change anything at anytime. It's not just for long term predictions.
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:) Way to go sunandmoon!!!
Weird but I also started to get readings in (June 2010 to my last reading in January 4th 2012). Same thing happened my Ex and I never reconnected as a couple. I also think the same way...if I were to be calling again time frames would be pushed away...I am more calm now that I don't expect things to happen...
--- Quote from: luckymom on September 04, 2012, 02:43:51 AM --- :) Way to go sunandmoon!!!
Weird but I also started to get readings in (June 2010 to my last reading in January 4th 2012). Same thing happened my Ex and I never reconnected as a couple. I also think the same way...if I were to be calling again time frames would be pushed away...I am more calm now that I don't expect things to happen...
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You are coming up on your one year mark as well - congrats!
I started to calm down a lot by summer of 2011. Readings didn't change, he talked to me less, I got better.
I am finally getting my finances under control so as much as I am sometimes tempted to call for entertainment purposes only, I refrain - what's the point? I believe whatever is going to happen will, and I've seen that future predictions really don't come true.
What really helped me was after I joined here and saw so many of the same stories with timelines and the way reconciliation dates seem to go in patterns. Right now most seem to be getting Sept/Oct predictions. I had already stopped talking to those that did pure astrology for that reason.
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