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@sunandmoon...(btw I love that name)....did any prediction with respect to your ex manifest at all in the 2.5 years?

I just went back to your earlier post, and it seems that if I am reading it correctly, you were given timeframes that came and passed over the 2.5 years, correct?  That is a little different than what I was saying.  I was referring to a situation where readers predict something will happen in a year or so, and to bear in mind that the outcome could be affected by free will of either or both parties.  If I am understanding your situation, that was not the case.  It was more along the lines of getting a short-term prediction that passed, and then being given revised timeframes. Is that correct?

--- Quote from: sunandmoon on September 03, 2012, 11:17:34 PM ---
--- Quote from: smee2 on September 03, 2012, 07:56:14 PM ---I think this is where the "dreaded free will" comes in and most good psychics will make sure to mention that.  My take on a reading is a forecast of probability given that the emotions and situation does not change.  Change can be anything - a new person, as in your case, impatience on the part of the querent, also in your case, or some opportunity that crosses the path of the subject of your query.  Which is why when psychics predict timeframes that are way out, in terms of many months or years, no matter what their predicted outcome might be, you have to take it with a grain of salt and remember that the more time that passes, the more influence free will might have on the situation.

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It's been 2.5 years. I think I was more than patient. Like I said, at some point you just have to say, it ain't happening. And again, if they were truly predicting the future - they would have seen this!

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The push backs of occurrences or time span increases, doesn't really answer the question does it?  If I'm tempted to cause a delay intentional or not, whether on my side or the other person in question, wouldn't this too be a prediction that could be seen?  Shouldn’t I be warned not to do such and such if I want the outcome to happen?  I want the outcome more than anything, why would I cause a sabotage?

I've heard readers say that too if you get too many readings, it will disrupt the outcome, and confuse the guides. Confuse them how?  Aren’t they on a higher plane of existence, so as to know more than I about a given situation?  How are they guiding me, if they continue to push the timing of events back and back and back? Then the next thing I know, I've waited over two years for an event to transpire.  I don't know. This sounds more like default verbiage inaccurate psychics tend to give.


--- Quote from: truelove on September 03, 2012, 11:28:19 PM ---@sunandmoon...(btw I love that name)....did any prediction with respect to your ex manifest at all in the 2.5 years?

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I had correct dates of contact here and there, that's about it

--- Quote from: smee2 on September 03, 2012, 11:44:23 PM ---I just went back to your earlier post, and it seems that if I am reading it correctly, you were given timeframes that came and passed over the 2.5 years, correct?  That is a little different than what I was saying.  I was referring to a situation where readers predict something will happen in a year or so, and to bear in mind that the outcome could be affected by free will of either or both parties.  If I am understanding your situation, that was not the case.  It was more along the lines of getting a short-term prediction that passed, and then being given revised timeframes. Is that correct?

--- End quote ---

I've had it all. Timeframes of days, weeks, months, and yes even 18 month timeframes.

Some were revised, some stood firm. None were correct.

BTW I have not had a reading in about a year. Final time frames were for this past spring. I will highly guess that if I were to call again (or if I never stopped), they'd continually be pushed out every 2-3 months as they always were. I was getting readings from June 2010 - Sept 2011

And what's the difference in a prediction being changed if it's short or long term? If you buy into the free-will camp (which it seems you do by the above quote), free will can change anything at anytime. It's not just for long term predictions.

That's horrible!!! Dates of contacts only, sigh.  It would be nice if the psychics could just be accurate and tell the truth.


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